@EventHandler public static void onPing(ServerListPingEvent event) { if (ServerMode.mode.contains("Online")) { event.setMotd( ChatColor.GRAY + "" + ChatColor.STRIKETHROUGH + "----------[" + ChatColor.RED + "Rusty" + ChatColor.GRAY + "Craft" + ChatColor.GRAY + ChatColor.STRIKETHROUGH + "]----------" + "\n" + ChatColor.GREEN + "Were Online, come join us!"); } if (ServerMode.mode.contains("Maintenance")) { event.setMotd( ChatColor.GRAY + "" + ChatColor.STRIKETHROUGH + "----------[" + ChatColor.RED + "Rusty" + ChatColor.GRAY + "Craft" + ChatColor.GRAY + ChatColor.STRIKETHROUGH + "]----------" + "\n" + ChatColor.RED + "Maintencance Mode, try again later."); } }
@EventHandler public void onServerPing(ServerListPingEvent event) { if (plugin.getConfigMan().randomIconEnabled()) { try { event.setServerIcon(Bukkit.loadServerIcon(plugin.getConfigMan().getServerIcon())); } catch (Exception ex) { plugin.getLogger().warning("An error occurred applying a server icon!"); plugin.getLogger().warning(ex.getLocalizedMessage()); } } if (plugin.getConfigMan().randomMOTDEnabled()) { event.setMotd(plugin.getConfigMan().getServerMOTD()); } }
@EventHandler public void onPingServList(ServerListPingEvent e) { if (this.pl.aguardando) { // e.setMotd("§a§l» §b§o§lCooler - HG §a§l « §6§oAguardando os jogadores \n§a§o Entre em nosso // site: (Em breve)"); e.setMotd("§a[Entrar]"); } if (this.pl.comecando) { int millis = this.pl.startingCounter * 1000; SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("m:ss"); String time = df.format(Integer.valueOf(millis)); // e.setMotd("§a§l» §b§o§lCooler - HG §a§l « §6§oPartida inicia em: " + time + "\n§a§oEntre em // nosso site: (Em breve)"); e.setMotd("§a[Entrar]"); } if ((this.pl.invencibilidade) && (Join.getOnlinePlayers() == 0)) { // e.setMotd("§a§l» §b§o§lCooler - HG §a§l « §c§oServidor vai reiniciar \n§a§o Entre em nosso // site: (Em breve)"); Bukkit.getServer().shutdown(); e.setMotd("§c[Reiniciando]"); } if ((this.pl.comecou) && (Join.getOnlinePlayers() == 0)) { // e.setMotd("§a§l» §b§o§lCooler - HG §a§l « §c§oServidor vai reiniciar \n§a§o Entre em nosso // site: (Em breve)"); Bukkit.getServer().shutdown(); e.setMotd("§c[Reiniciando]"); } if (this.pl.invencibilidade) { int millis = this.pl.invicCounter * 1000; SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("m:ss"); String time = df.format(Integer.valueOf(millis)); // e.setMotd("§a§l» §b§o§lCooler - HG §a§l « §6§oInvencibilidade acaba em: " + time + "\n§a§o // Entre em nosso site: (Em breve)"); e.setMaxPlayers(Integer.valueOf(this.pl.vivos.size())); e.setMotd("§5[Em Jogo]"); } if (this.pl.comecou) { int millis = this.pl.partidaCounter * 1000; SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("m:ss"); String time = df.format(Integer.valueOf(millis)); // e.setMotd("§a§l §b§o§lCooler - HG §a§l « §c§oJogo em progresso: " + time + "\n§a§o Entre em // nosso site: (Em breve)"); e.setMaxPlayers(Integer.valueOf(this.pl.vivos.size())); e.setMotd("§5[Em Jogo]"); } if (this.pl.acabou) { // e.setMotd("§a§l» §b§o§lCooler - HG §a§l « §c§oServidor vai reiniciar \n§a§o Entre em nosso // site: (Em breve)"); e.setMaxPlayers(Integer.valueOf(this.pl.vivos.size())); e.setMotd("§c[Reiniciando]"); } if ((this.pl.acabou) && (Join.getOnlinePlayers() == 0)) { // e.setMotd("§a§l» §b§o§lCooler - HG §a§l « §c§oServidor vai reiniciar \n§a§o Entre em // nosso site: (Em breve)"); Bukkit.getServer().shutdown(); e.setMotd("§c[Reiniciando]"); } }
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGH) public void onPingEvent(ServerListPingEvent event) { if (plugin.status.equals(Main.etat.INGAME)) { event.setMotd(ChatColor.RED + "En jeux"); } if (plugin.status.equals(Main.etat.WAITING)) { event.setMotd(ChatColor.GREEN + "Disponible - Attente"); } if (plugin.status.equals(Main.etat.TIMER)) { event.setMotd(ChatColor.YELLOW + "Début :" + this.plugin.timeleft); } event.setMaxPlayers(plugin.getConfig().getInt("game.maxPlayerByTeam") * plugin.Team.size()); }
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST) public void onServerPing(ServerListPingEvent event) { final String ip = event.getAddress().getHostAddress(); if (TFM_BanManager.isIpBanned(ip)) { event.setMotd(ChatColor.RED + TFM_Util.getPlayerFromIp(ip) + ", you are banned."); return; } if (TFM_ConfigEntry.ADMIN_ONLY_MODE.getBoolean()) { event.setMotd(ChatColor.RED + "KrazyOP is currently closed."); return; } if (TFM_ConfigEntry.TRAINING_SESSION.getBoolean()) { event.setMotd(ChatColor.RED + "KrazyOP is currently in a training session."); return; } if (Bukkit.hasWhitelist()) { event.setMotd(ChatColor.RED + "Whitelist is currently enabled."); return; } if (Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers().size() >= Bukkit.getMaxPlayers()) { event.setMotd(ChatColor.RED + "KrazyOP is currently full."); return; } // Colorful MOTD String message = String.format( "Welcome to " + TFM_Util.randomChatColor() + TFM_ConfigEntry.SERVER_NAME.getString() + TFM_Util.randomChatColor() + "%s" + TFM_Util.randomChatColor() + "!" + TFM_Util.randomChatColor() + " - Fun, Free and Easy! \nRunning on Spigot for Minecraft 1.8.7!", TFM_Util.getPlayerFromIp(ip)); final StringBuilder motd = new StringBuilder(); for (String word : message.split(" ")) { motd.append(TFM_Util.randomChatColor()).append(word).append(" "); } event.setMotd(motd.toString()); }
// Check ServerListPingEvent for the purpose of auto-updating the ServerMOTD. @EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL, ignoreCancelled = true) public void onServerPing(ServerListPingEvent event) { event.setMotd(MessageManager.getServerMOTDMessage()); }
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL) public void onServerListPing(final ServerListPingEvent event) { final String message = this.trimMessage(this.messageList.getMOTD()); event.setMotd(message); }