@Override public boolean playerInteract(PlayerInteractEvent event) { Action action = event.getAction(); Player player = event.getPlayer(); SuperNPlayer snplayer = SuperNManager.get(player); Material itemMaterial = event.getMaterial(); if (action.equals(Action.LEFT_CLICK_AIR) || action.equals(Action.LEFT_CLICK_BLOCK)) { if (itemMaterial.equals(Material.BOWL)) { remoteDonations(player); return true; } } return false; }
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL) public void kitSelector(PlayerInteractEvent evt) { Action a = evt.getAction(); if (a.equals(Action.LEFT_CLICK_AIR) || a.equals(Action.LEFT_CLICK_BLOCK)) { return; } ItemStack i = evt.getPlayer().getItemInHand(); if (i.getType() == Material.AIR) { return; } if (!i.hasItemMeta()) { return; } String im = i.getItemMeta().getDisplayName(); String sel = InvUtil.getMasteryItem().getItemMeta().getDisplayName(); if (im == null || sel == null) { return; } if (!im.equals(sel)) { // Make sure the item they're holding is the kit item. return; } Player p = evt.getPlayer(); if (Room.PLAYERS.containsKey(p)) { // If the player is in a game and has the perk selector. if (Room.ROOMS.get(Room.PLAYERS.get(p)).isGameInProgress()) { p.getInventory().removeItem(i); // Remove it } else { p.sendMessage(ChatUtil.basicErrorMsg("You cannot change masteries while in queue.")); } return; } MasteryMenu.menu.open(p); p.playSound(p.getLocation(), Sound.ITEM_BREAK, 1.0F, 0.3F); }
private Object cycle(Object[] types, int ordinal, Action direction) { if (direction.equals(Action.LEFT_CLICK_BLOCK)) { ordinal++; if (ordinal == types.length) { ordinal = 0; } } else { ordinal--; if (ordinal < 0) { ordinal = types.length - 1; } } return types[ordinal]; }
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.LOWEST) public void onPlayerInteract(PlayerInteractEvent event) { if (PConfManager.getPValBoolean(event.getPlayer(), "jailed")) event.setCancelled(true); Action act = event.getAction(); if (act.equals(Action.PHYSICAL)) return; ItemStack id = event.getItem(); if (id == null) return; int idn = id.getTypeId(); if (idn == 0) return; List<String> cmds = PConfManager.getPValStringList(event.getPlayer(), "assign." + idn); if (cmds == null) return; for (String s : cmds) { if (s.toLowerCase().trim().startsWith("c:")) event.getPlayer().chat(s.trim().substring(2)); else event.getPlayer().performCommand(s.trim()); } }
// Event @EventHandler public void pInteract(PlayerInteractEvent event) { // Store player, action, block, world, location Player player = event.getPlayer(); Action action = event.getAction(); Block block = event.getClickedBlock(); World world; try { world = block.getWorld(); } catch (NullPointerException npe) { return; } Location loc = block.getLocation(); // Keep players from clicking the points if (action.equals(Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK) || action.equals(Action.LEFT_CLICK_BLOCK)) { // Check if its a gold or iron plate if (block.getType().equals(Material.GOLD_PLATE) || block.getType().equals(Material.IRON_PLATE)) { // Check if this blocks coords match coords in the file File file = new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + "/worldData/" + world.getName() + ".yml"); FileConfiguration config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(file); for (String key : config.getConfigurationSection("").getKeys(false)) { Point pointInfo = new Point(plugin, world, key); Location keyLoc = pointInfo.getLocation(); if (keyLoc.equals(loc)) { // Make sure it exists if (pointInfo.getExists()) { event.setCancelled(true); return; } } } } // Else player stepped on it } else if (action.equals(Action.PHYSICAL)) { PlayerInfo pInfo = new PlayerInfo(player, plugin); // Check if iron or gold // Gold if (block.getType().equals(Material.GOLD_PLATE)) { // See if the coords match the Start or Finish for this world // ***** Start ***** Point pointInfo = new Point(plugin, world, "Start"); if (pointInfo.getLocation().equals(loc)) { if (pointInfo.getExists()) { // Check if the player has a cooldown if (!pInfo.getHasStartCD()) { // Check for finish point Point point = new Point(plugin, world, "Finish"); if (point.getExists()) { pInfo.setStartTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); pInfo.setLastCP("null"); pInfo.setHasStartCD(true); pInfo.setHasFinishCD(false); // Check if started if (pInfo.getHasStarted()) { player.sendMessage( ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "[iParkour]" + ChatColor.GOLD + " Your time has been reset! Good luck!"); } else { pInfo.setHasStarted(true); player.sendMessage( ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "[iParkour]" + ChatColor.GOLD + " The timer has started! Good luck!"); } // Finish doesn't exist } else { player.sendMessage( ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "[iParkour]" + ChatColor.RED + " There has to be a Finish point before you can start!"); pInfo.setHasStartCD(true); } } } // Else do nothing // ***** Finish ***** } else { pointInfo = new Point(plugin, world, "Finish"); if (pointInfo.getLocation().equals(loc)) { // Check if exists if (pointInfo.getExists()) { // Check for Start Point point = new Point(plugin, world, "Start"); if (point.getExists()) { // Check if the player has started if (pInfo.getHasStarted()) { // Check for finish cooldown if (!pInfo.getHasFinishCD()) { Long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); pInfo.checkForRecord(endTime); pInfo.setHasStarted(false); pInfo.setHasStartCD(false); pInfo.setHasFinishCD(true); pInfo.setLastCP("null"); } } else { if (!pInfo.getHasFinishCD()) { pInfo.setHasFinishCD(true); player.sendMessage( ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "[iParkour] " + ChatColor.GOLD + "You have to start at the beginning!"); } } // Start doesn't exist } else { player.sendMessage( ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "[iParkour]" + ChatColor.RED + " There has to be a Start point before you can finish!"); pInfo.setHasStartCD(true); } } // Else do nothing } } // Iron } else if (block.getType().equals(Material.IRON_PLATE)) { File file = new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + "/worldData/" + world.getName() + ".yml"); FileConfiguration config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(file); for (String key : config.getConfigurationSection("").getKeys(false)) { // If start or finish ignore it if (!key.equals("Start") && !key.equals("Finish")) { Point pointInfo = new Point(plugin, world, key); if (loc.equals(pointInfo.getLocation()) && pointInfo.getExists()) { // Check if player has started if (pInfo.getHasStarted()) { // Check for new checkpoint String lastCP = pInfo.getLastCP(); if (lastCP.equals("null") || !lastCP.equals(key)) { pInfo.setLastCP(key); player.sendMessage( ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "[iParkour] " + ChatColor.GOLD + "You have reached a Checkpoint! Use the command " + ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "/iparkour checkpoint" + ChatColor.GOLD + " to return here!"); return; } } return; } } } } } }