コード例 #1
 @Test(dataProvider = "GetOverlapping")
 public void testGetOverlapping(final GenomeLocSortedSet intervals, final GenomeLoc region) {
   final List<GenomeLoc> expectedOverlapping = intervals.getOverlappingFullSearch(region);
   final List<GenomeLoc> actualOverlapping = intervals.getOverlapping(region);
   Assert.assertEquals(actualOverlapping, expectedOverlapping);
       "GenomeLocSortedSet.overlaps didn't return expected result");
コード例 #2
  public T traverse(
      final ActiveRegionWalker<M, T> walker, final LocusShardDataProvider dataProvider, T sum) {
    logger.debug(String.format("TraverseActiveRegion.traverse: Shard is %s", dataProvider));

    final LocusView locusView = getLocusView(walker, dataProvider);
    final GenomeLocSortedSet initialIntervals = engine.getIntervals();

    final LocusReferenceView referenceView = new LocusReferenceView(walker, dataProvider);
    final int activeRegionExtension =
    final int maxRegionSize =

    if (locusView
        .hasNext()) { // trivial optimization to avoid unnecessary processing when there's nothing
                      // here at all
      int minStart = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
      ActivityProfile profile =
          new ActivityProfile(engine.getGenomeLocParser(), walker.hasPresetActiveRegions());

      ReferenceOrderedView referenceOrderedDataView =
          getReferenceOrderedView(walker, dataProvider, locusView);

      // We keep processing while the next reference location is within the interval
      GenomeLoc prevLoc = null;
      while (locusView.hasNext()) {
        final AlignmentContext locus = locusView.next();
        GenomeLoc location = locus.getLocation();

        if (prevLoc != null) {
          // fill in the active / inactive labels from the stop of the previous location to the
          // start of this location
          // TODO refactor to separate function
          for (int iii = prevLoc.getStop() + 1; iii < location.getStart(); iii++) {
            final GenomeLoc fakeLoc =
                engine.getGenomeLocParser().createGenomeLoc(prevLoc.getContig(), iii, iii);
            if (initialIntervals == null || initialIntervals.overlaps(fakeLoc)) {
                  new ActivityProfileResult(
                              && walker.presetActiveRegions.overlaps(fakeLoc)
                          ? 1.0
                          : 0.0));


        // create reference context. Note that if we have a pileup of "extended events", the context
        // will
        // hold the (longest) stretch of deleted reference bases (if deletions are present in the
        // pileup).
        final ReferenceContext refContext = referenceView.getReferenceContext(location);

        // Iterate forward to get all reference ordered data covering this location
        final RefMetaDataTracker tracker =
                locus.getLocation(), refContext);

        // Call the walkers isActive function for this locus and add them to the list to be
        // integrated later
        if (initialIntervals == null || initialIntervals.overlaps(location)) {
          profile.add(location, walkerActiveProb(walker, tracker, refContext, locus, location));

        // Grab all the previously unseen reads from this pileup and add them to the massive read
        // list
        for (final PileupElement p : locus.getBasePileup()) {
          final GATKSAMRecord read = p.getRead();
          if (!myReads.contains(read)) {

          // If this is the last pileup for this shard calculate the minimum alignment start so that
          // we know
          // which active regions in the work queue are now safe to process
          minStart = Math.min(minStart, read.getAlignmentStart());

        prevLoc = location;



      // Take the individual isActive calls and integrate them into contiguous active regions and
      // add these blocks of work to the work queue
      // band-pass filter the list of isActive probabilities and turn into active regions
      final ActivityProfile bandPassFiltered = profile.bandPassFilter();
      final List<ActiveRegion> activeRegions =
          bandPassFiltered.createActiveRegions(activeRegionExtension, maxRegionSize);

      // add active regions to queue of regions to process
      // first check if can merge active regions over shard boundaries
      if (!activeRegions.isEmpty()) {
        if (!workQueue.isEmpty()) {
          final ActiveRegion last = workQueue.getLast();
          final ActiveRegion first = activeRegions.get(0);
          if (last.isActive == first.isActive
              && last.getLocation().contiguousP(first.getLocation())
              && last.getLocation().size() + first.getLocation().size() <= maxRegionSize) {
                new ActiveRegion(

          "Integrated "
              + profile.size()
              + " isActive calls into "
              + activeRegions.size()
              + " regions.");

      // now go and process all of the active regions
      sum = processActiveRegions(walker, sum, minStart, dataProvider.getLocus().getContig());

    return sum;
コード例 #3
  public void overlap() {
    for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
      final int start = i * 10;
      mSortedSet.add(genomeLocParser.createGenomeLoc(contigOneName, start, start + 1));

    // test matches in and around interval
    assertFalse(mSortedSet.overlaps(genomeLocParser.createGenomeLoc(contigOneName, 9, 9)));
    assertTrue(mSortedSet.overlaps(genomeLocParser.createGenomeLoc(contigOneName, 10, 10)));
    assertTrue(mSortedSet.overlaps(genomeLocParser.createGenomeLoc(contigOneName, 11, 11)));
    assertFalse(mSortedSet.overlaps(genomeLocParser.createGenomeLoc(contigOneName, 12, 12)));

    // test matches spanning intervals
    assertTrue(mSortedSet.overlaps(genomeLocParser.createGenomeLoc(contigOneName, 14, 20)));
    assertTrue(mSortedSet.overlaps(genomeLocParser.createGenomeLoc(contigOneName, 11, 15)));
    assertTrue(mSortedSet.overlaps(genomeLocParser.createGenomeLoc(contigOneName, 30, 40)));
    assertTrue(mSortedSet.overlaps(genomeLocParser.createGenomeLoc(contigOneName, 51, 53)));

    // test miss
    assertFalse(mSortedSet.overlaps(genomeLocParser.createGenomeLoc(contigOneName, 12, 19)));

    // test exact match after miss
    assertTrue(mSortedSet.overlaps(genomeLocParser.createGenomeLoc(contigOneName, 40, 41)));

    // test matches at beginning of intervals
    assertFalse(mSortedSet.overlaps(genomeLocParser.createGenomeLoc(contigOneName, 5, 6)));
    assertTrue(mSortedSet.overlaps(genomeLocParser.createGenomeLoc(contigOneName, 0, 10)));

    // test matches at end of intervals
    assertFalse(mSortedSet.overlaps(genomeLocParser.createGenomeLoc(contigOneName, 52, 53)));
    assertTrue(mSortedSet.overlaps(genomeLocParser.createGenomeLoc(contigOneName, 51, 53)));
    assertFalse(mSortedSet.overlaps(genomeLocParser.createGenomeLoc(contigOneName, 52, 53)));