コード例 #1
 private void loadExtensions(
     Wallet wallet, WalletExtension[] extensionsList, Protos.Wallet walletProto)
     throws UnreadableWalletException {
   final Map<String, WalletExtension> extensions = new HashMap<String, WalletExtension>();
   for (WalletExtension e : extensionsList) extensions.put(e.getWalletExtensionID(), e);
   // The Wallet object, if subclassed, might have added some extensions to itself already. In that
   // case, don't
   // expect them to be passed in, just fetch them here and don't re-add.
   for (Protos.Extension extProto : walletProto.getExtensionList()) {
     String id = extProto.getId();
     WalletExtension extension = extensions.get(id);
     if (extension == null) {
       if (extProto.getMandatory()) {
         if (requireMandatoryExtensions)
           throw new UnreadableWalletException("Unknown mandatory extension in wallet: " + id);
         else log.error("Unknown extension in wallet {}, ignoring", id);
     } else {
       log.info("Loading wallet extension {}", id);
       try {
         extension.deserializeWalletExtension(wallet, extProto.getData().toByteArray());
       } catch (Exception e) {
         if (extProto.getMandatory() && requireMandatoryExtensions)
           throw new UnreadableWalletException(
               "Could not parse mandatory extension in wallet: " + id);
         else log.error("Error whilst reading extension {}, ignoring", id, e);