/** * Sets the output text. * * @param out cached output */ public void setText(final ArrayOutput out) { final byte[] buf = out.buffer(); final int size = (int) out.size(); final byte[] chop = token(DOTS); if (out.finished() && size >= chop.length) { System.arraycopy(chop, 0, buf, size - chop.length, chop.length); } text.setText(buf, size); header.setText((out.finished() ? CHOPPED : "") + RESULT); home.setEnabled(gui.context.data() != null); }
/** * Serializes the specified nodes. * * @param n nodes to display */ private void setText(final DBNodes n) { if (visible()) { try { final ArrayOutput ao = new ArrayOutput(); ao.setLimit(gui.gopts.get(GUIOptions.MAXTEXT)); if (n != null) n.serialize(Serializer.get(ao)); setText(ao); cmd = null; ns = ao.finished() ? n : null; } catch (final IOException ex) { Util.debug(ex); } } else { home.setEnabled(gui.context.data() != null); } }
/** * Default constructor. * * @param man view manager */ public TextView(final ViewNotifier man) { super(TEXTVIEW, man); border(5).layout(new BorderLayout(0, 5)); header = new BaseXHeader(RESULT); home = BaseXButton.command(GUIMenuCmd.C_HOME, gui); home.setEnabled(false); text = new TextPanel(false, gui); text.setSyntax(new SyntaxXML()); search = new SearchEditor(gui, text); final AbstractButton save = BaseXButton.get("c_save", SAVE, false, gui); final AbstractButton find = search.button(FIND); final BaseXBack buttons = new BaseXBack(false); buttons.layout(new TableLayout(1, 3, 1, 0)).border(0, 0, 4, 0); buttons.add(save); buttons.add(home); buttons.add(find); final BaseXBack b = new BaseXBack(false).layout(new BorderLayout()); b.add(buttons, BorderLayout.WEST); b.add(header, BorderLayout.EAST); add(b, BorderLayout.NORTH); add(search, BorderLayout.CENTER); save.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { save(); } }); refreshLayout(); }
@Override public void refresh(final GUI gui, final AbstractButton b) { b.setEnabled(gui.context.data() != null && !gui.context.root()); }
@Override public void refresh(final GUI gui, final AbstractButton b) { b.setEnabled(!data || gui.context.data() != null); }
@Override public void refresh(final GUI gui, final AbstractButton b) { final String tt = gui.notify.query(false); b.setEnabled(tt != null); b.setToolTipText(tt != null && tt.isEmpty() ? C_GOFORWARD.help : tt); }
@Override public void refresh(final GUI gui, final AbstractButton b) { b.setEnabled( !gui.gprop.is(GUIProp.FILTERRT) && gui.context.data() != null && !gui.context.root()); }
@Override public void refresh(final GUI gui, final AbstractButton b) { b.setEnabled(updatable(gui.context.marked, Data.DOC)); }
@Override public void refresh(final GUI gui, final AbstractButton b) { final Nodes marked = gui.context.marked; b.setEnabled(marked != null && marked.size() != 0); }
@Override public void refresh(final GUI gui, final AbstractButton b) { b.setEnabled(updatable(gui.context.marked, Data.ATTR, Data.PI, Data.COMM, Data.TEXT)); }
@Override public void refresh(final GUI gui, final AbstractButton b) { // disallow deletion of empty node set or root node b.setEnabled(updatable(gui.context.marked)); }
@Override public void refresh(final GUI gui, final AbstractButton b) { final Context ctx = gui.context; // disallow copy of empty node set or root node b.setEnabled(updatable(ctx.marked, Data.DOC) && ctx.copied != null); }
@Override public void refresh(final GUI gui, final AbstractButton b) { // disallow copy of empty node set or root node final Nodes marked = gui.context.marked; b.setEnabled(marked != null && marked.size() != 0); }
@Override public void refresh(final GUI gui, final AbstractButton b) { b.setEnabled(gui.editor != null && gui.editor.modified()); }