コード例 #1
   * Gets the follower count of a following specified by the given following id and following type.
   * @param followingId the given following id
   * @param followingType the given following type
   * @return count
  public long getFollowerCount(final String followingId, final int followingType) {
    final List<Filter> filters = new ArrayList<Filter>();
    filters.add(new PropertyFilter(Follow.FOLLOWING_ID, FilterOperator.EQUAL, followingId));
    filters.add(new PropertyFilter(Follow.FOLLOWING_TYPE, FilterOperator.EQUAL, followingType));

    final Query query =
        new Query().setFilter(new CompositeFilter(CompositeFilterOperator.AND, filters));

    try {
      return followRepository.count(query);
    } catch (final RepositoryException e) {
      LOGGER.log(Level.ERROR, "Counts follower count error", e);

      return 0;