/** * @see * org.argouml.cognitive.ToDoListListener#toDoItemsChanged(org.argouml.cognitive.ToDoListEvent) */ public void toDoItemsChanged(ToDoListEvent tde) { LOG.debug("toDoItemsChanged"); Vector items = tde.getToDoItems(); int nItems = items.size(); Object[] path = new Object[2]; path[0] = Designer.theDesigner().getToDoList(); Vector goals = Designer.theDesigner().getGoals(); Enumeration elems = goals.elements(); while (elems.hasMoreElements()) { Goal g = (Goal) elems.nextElement(); path[1] = g; int nMatchingItems = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nItems; i++) { ToDoItem item = (ToDoItem) items.elementAt(i); if (!item.supports(g)) continue; nMatchingItems++; } if (nMatchingItems == 0) continue; int[] childIndices = new int[nMatchingItems]; Object[] children = new Object[nMatchingItems]; nMatchingItems = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nItems; i++) { ToDoItem item = (ToDoItem) items.elementAt(i); if (!item.supports(g)) continue; childIndices[nMatchingItems] = getIndexOfChild(g, item); children[nMatchingItems] = item; nMatchingItems++; } fireTreeNodesChanged(this, path, childIndices, children); } }
/* * @see org.argouml.cognitive.ToDoListListener#toDoItemsAdded(org.argouml.cognitive.ToDoListEvent) */ public void toDoItemsAdded(ToDoListEvent tde) { LOG.debug("toDoItemAdded"); Object[] path = new Object[2]; path[0] = Designer.theDesigner().getToDoList(); for (Goal g : Designer.theDesigner().getGoalList()) { path[1] = g; int nMatchingItems = 0; for (ToDoItem item : tde.getToDoItemList()) { if (!item.supports(g)) { continue; } nMatchingItems++; } if (nMatchingItems == 0) { continue; } int[] childIndices = new int[nMatchingItems]; Object[] children = new Object[nMatchingItems]; nMatchingItems = 0; // TODO: This shouldn't require two passes through the list - tfm for (ToDoItem item : tde.getToDoItemList()) { if (!item.supports(g)) { continue; } childIndices[nMatchingItems] = getIndexOfChild(g, item); children[nMatchingItems] = item; nMatchingItems++; } fireTreeNodesInserted(this, path, childIndices, children); } }
/* * @see org.argouml.cognitive.ToDoListListener#toDoItemsChanged(org.argouml.cognitive.ToDoListEvent) */ public void toDoItemsChanged(ToDoListEvent tde) { LOG.debug("toDoItemsChanged"); Object[] path = new Object[2]; path[0] = Designer.theDesigner().getToDoList(); for (Goal g : Designer.theDesigner().getGoalList()) { path[1] = g; int nMatchingItems = 0; for (ToDoItem item : tde.getToDoItemList()) { if (!item.supports(g)) { continue; } nMatchingItems++; } if (nMatchingItems == 0) continue; int[] childIndices = new int[nMatchingItems]; Object[] children = new Object[nMatchingItems]; nMatchingItems = 0; for (ToDoItem item : tde.getToDoItemList()) { if (!item.supports(g)) { continue; } childIndices[nMatchingItems] = getIndexOfChild(g, item); children[nMatchingItems] = item; nMatchingItems++; } fireTreeNodesChanged(this, path, childIndices, children); } }
/** @see java.lang.Runnable#run() */ public void run() { Designer dsgr = Designer.theDesigner(); org.argouml.uml.cognitive.critics.Init.init(); org.argouml.uml.cognitive.checklist.Init.init(); Project p = ProjectManager.getManager().getCurrentProject(); // set the icon for this poster dsgr.setClarifier(ResourceLoaderWrapper.lookupIconResource("PostItD0")); dsgr.setDesignerName(Configuration.getString(Argo.KEY_USER_FULLNAME)); Configuration.addListener(Argo.KEY_USER_FULLNAME, dsgr); // MVW dsgr.spawnCritiquer(p); dsgr.setChildGenerator(new ChildGenUML()); java.util.Enumeration models = (p.getUserDefinedModels()).elements(); while (models.hasMoreElements()) { Object o = models.nextElement(); Model.getPump().addModelEventListener(dsgr, o); } LOG.info("spawned critiquing thread"); dsgr.getDecisionModel().startConsidering(UMLDecision.CLASS_SELECTION); dsgr.getDecisionModel().startConsidering(UMLDecision.BEHAVIOR); dsgr.getDecisionModel().startConsidering(UMLDecision.NAMING); dsgr.getDecisionModel().startConsidering(UMLDecision.STORAGE); dsgr.getDecisionModel().startConsidering(UMLDecision.INHERITANCE); dsgr.getDecisionModel().startConsidering(UMLDecision.CONTAINMENT); dsgr.getDecisionModel().startConsidering(UMLDecision.PLANNED_EXTENSIONS); dsgr.getDecisionModel().startConsidering(UMLDecision.STATE_MACHINES); dsgr.getDecisionModel().startConsidering(UMLDecision.PATTERNS); dsgr.getDecisionModel().startConsidering(UMLDecision.RELATIONSHIPS); dsgr.getDecisionModel().startConsidering(UMLDecision.INSTANCIATION); dsgr.getDecisionModel().startConsidering(UMLDecision.MODULARITY); dsgr.getDecisionModel().startConsidering(UMLDecision.EXPECTED_USAGE); dsgr.getDecisionModel().startConsidering(UMLDecision.METHODS); dsgr.getDecisionModel().startConsidering(UMLDecision.CODE_GEN); dsgr.getDecisionModel().startConsidering(UMLDecision.STEREOTYPES); Designer.setUserWorking(true); }
private void doAdd() { Designer designer = Designer.theDesigner(); String headline = headLineTextField.getText(); int priority = ToDoItem.HIGH_PRIORITY; switch (priorityComboBox.getSelectedIndex()) { case 0: priority = ToDoItem.HIGH_PRIORITY; break; case 1: priority = ToDoItem.MED_PRIORITY; break; case 2: priority = ToDoItem.LOW_PRIORITY; break; } String desc = descriptionTextArea.getText(); String moreInfoURL = moreinfoTextField.getText(); ListSet newOffenders = new ListSet(); for (int i = 0; i < offenderList.getModel().getSize(); i++) { newOffenders.add(offenderList.getModel().getElementAt(i)); } ToDoItem item = new UMLToDoItem(designer, headline, priority, desc, moreInfoURL, newOffenders); designer.getToDoList().addElement(item); // ? inform() Designer.firePropertyChange(Designer.MODEL_TODOITEM_ADDED, null, item); }
/** @see java.awt.event.ActionListener#actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent) */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { if (OsUtil.isWin32()) { ToDoItem target = (ToDoItem) getRememberedTarget(); Poster p = target.getPoster(); String to = p.getExpertEmail(); String subject = target.getHeadline().trim(); /* The replaceAll function is only supported in Java 1.4 and up. * Once we stop supporting Java 1.3, * we can reintroduce this clean solution! * subject = subject.replaceAll("\\s", "%20"); */ int i; while ((i = subject.indexOf(" ")) >= 0) { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(subject); subject = s.replace(i, i + 1, "%20").toString(); } Designer dsgr = Designer.theDesigner(); try { // MVW: This works under MSWindows only, I guess. Runtime.getRuntime() .exec("cmd /c start mailto:" + to + "?subject=" + subject + "&body=" + dsgr); } catch (Exception ex) { /*ignore for now*/ } } else { EmailExpertDialog dialog = new EmailExpertDialog(); dialog.setTarget(getRememberedTarget()); dialog.setVisible(true); } }
/* * @see org.argouml.cognitive.ToDoListListener#toDoItemsRemoved(org.argouml.cognitive.ToDoListEvent) */ public void toDoItemsRemoved(ToDoListEvent tde) { LOG.debug("toDoItemAdded"); Object[] path = new Object[2]; path[0] = Designer.theDesigner().getToDoList(); for (Goal g : Designer.theDesigner().getGoalList()) { LOG.debug("toDoItemRemoved updating decision node!"); boolean anyInGoal = false; for (ToDoItem item : tde.getToDoItemList()) { if (item.supports(g)) anyInGoal = true; } if (!anyInGoal) continue; path[1] = g; // fireTreeNodesChanged(this, path, childIndices, children); fireTreeStructureChanged(path); } }
/** @see org.tigris.gef.ui.PopupGenerator#getPopUpActions(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) */ public Vector getPopUpActions(MouseEvent me) { Vector popUpActions = super.getPopUpActions(me); // TODO: Remove this line after 0.20. // This is a hack that removes the ordering menu according to issue 3645 popUpActions.remove(0); // popupAddOffset should be equal to the number of items added here: popUpActions.addElement(new JSeparator()); popupAddOffset = 1; if (removeFromDiagram) { popUpActions.addElement(ProjectBrowser.getInstance().getRemoveFromDiagramAction()); popupAddOffset++; } popUpActions.addElement(new ActionDeleteModelElements()); popupAddOffset++; /* Check if multiple items are selected: */ boolean ms = TargetManager.getInstance().getTargets().size() > 1; if (!ms) { // #if defined(COGNITIVE) // @#$LPS-COGNITIVE:GranularityType:Statement // @#$LPS-COGNITIVE:Localization:NestedStatement ToDoList list = Designer.theDesigner().getToDoList(); Vector items = (Vector) list.elementsForOffender(getOwner()).clone(); if (items != null && items.size() > 0) { ArgoJMenu critiques = new ArgoJMenu("menu.popup.critiques"); ToDoItem itemUnderMouse = hitClarifier(me.getX(), me.getY()); if (itemUnderMouse != null) { critiques.add(new ActionGoToCritique(itemUnderMouse)); critiques.addSeparator(); } int size = items.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { ToDoItem item = (ToDoItem) items.elementAt(i); if (item == itemUnderMouse) continue; critiques.add(new ActionGoToCritique(item)); } popUpActions.insertElementAt(new JSeparator(), 0); popUpActions.insertElementAt(critiques, 0); } } // #endif // Add stereotypes submenu Action[] stereoActions = getApplyStereotypeActions(); if (stereoActions != null) { popUpActions.insertElementAt(new JSeparator(), 0); ArgoJMenu stereotypes = new ArgoJMenu("menu.popup.apply-stereotypes"); for (int i = 0; i < stereoActions.length; ++i) { stereotypes.addCheckItem(stereoActions[i]); } popUpActions.insertElementAt(stereotypes, 0); } return popUpActions; }
/** * Internal method. * * @param e the element */ protected void handleTodoItemEnd(XMLElement e) { ToDoItem item; Designer dsgr; /* This is expected to be safe, don't add a try block here */ dsgr = Designer.theDesigner(); item = new ToDoItem(dsgr, headline, priority, description, moreinfourl, new ListSet()); dsgr.getToDoList().addElement(item); // cat.debug("Added ToDoItem: " + _headline); }
/** @see java.awt.event.ActionListener#actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent) */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { super.actionPerformed(ae); // stop/start creating more critics Designer d = Designer.theDesigner(); boolean b = d.getAutoCritique(); d.setAutoCritique(!b); // stop/start cleaning up invalid TodoItems. ToDoList.getInstance().setPaused(!ToDoList.getInstance().isPaused()); }
/** * Internal method. * * @param e the element */ protected void handleIssueEnd(XMLElement e) { Designer dsgr; ResolvedCritic item; if (critic == null) { return; } item = new ResolvedCritic(critic, offenders); dsgr = Designer.theDesigner(); dsgr.getToDoList().addResolvedCritic(item); }
/** * @see * org.argouml.cognitive.ToDoListListener#toDoItemsRemoved(org.argouml.cognitive.ToDoListEvent) */ public void toDoItemsRemoved(ToDoListEvent tde) { LOG.debug("toDoItemAdded"); Vector items = tde.getToDoItems(); int nItems = items.size(); Object[] path = new Object[2]; path[0] = Designer.theDesigner().getToDoList(); Vector goals = Designer.theDesigner().getGoals(); Enumeration elems = goals.elements(); while (elems.hasMoreElements()) { Goal g = (Goal) elems.nextElement(); LOG.debug("toDoItemRemoved updating decision node!"); boolean anyInGoal = false; for (int i = 0; i < nItems; i++) { ToDoItem item = (ToDoItem) items.elementAt(i); if (item.supports(g)) anyInGoal = true; } if (!anyInGoal) continue; path[1] = g; // fireTreeNodesChanged(this, path, childIndices, children); fireTreeStructureChanged(path); } }
/** * The user clicked on the clarifier. * * @param x the x of the point clicked * @param y the y of the point clicked * @return the todo item clicked */ public ToDoItem hitClarifier(int x, int y) { int iconPos = 25, xOff = -4, yOff = -4; Point p = new Point(); ToDoList list = Designer.theDesigner().getToDoList(); Vector items = list.elementsForOffender(getOwner()); int size = items.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { ToDoItem item = (ToDoItem) items.elementAt(i); Icon icon = item.getClarifier(); stuffPointAlongPerimeter(iconPos, p); int width = icon.getIconWidth(); int height = icon.getIconHeight(); if (y >= p.y + yOff && y <= p.y + height + yOff && x >= p.x + xOff && x <= p.x + width + xOff) return item; iconPos += width; } for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { ToDoItem item = (ToDoItem) items.elementAt(i); Icon icon = item.getClarifier(); if (icon instanceof Clarifier) { ((Clarifier) icon).setFig(this); ((Clarifier) icon).setToDoItem(item); if (((Clarifier) icon).hit(x, y)) return item; } } items = list.elementsForOffender(this); size = items.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { ToDoItem item = (ToDoItem) items.elementAt(i); Icon icon = item.getClarifier(); stuffPointAlongPerimeter(iconPos, p); int width = icon.getIconWidth(); int height = icon.getIconHeight(); if (y >= p.y + yOff && y <= p.y + height + yOff && x >= p.x + xOff && x <= p.x + width + xOff) return item; iconPos += width; } for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { ToDoItem item = (ToDoItem) items.elementAt(i); Icon icon = item.getClarifier(); if (icon instanceof Clarifier) { ((Clarifier) icon).setFig(this); ((Clarifier) icon).setToDoItem(item); if (((Clarifier) icon).hit(x, y)) return item; } } return null; }
/* * @see javax.swing.tree.TreeModel#getChildCount(java.lang.Object) */ public int getChildCount(Object parent) { if (parent instanceof ToDoList) { return getGoalList().size(); } if (parent instanceof Goal) { Goal g = (Goal) parent; int count = 0; List<ToDoItem> itemList = Designer.theDesigner().getToDoList().getToDoItemList(); synchronized (itemList) { for (ToDoItem item : itemList) { if (item.getPoster().supports(g)) { count++; } } } return count; } return 0; }
/* * @see javax.swing.tree.TreeModel#getChild(java.lang.Object, int) */ public Object getChild(Object parent, int index) { if (parent instanceof ToDoList) { return getGoalList().get(index); } if (parent instanceof Goal) { Goal g = (Goal) parent; List<ToDoItem> itemList = Designer.theDesigner().getToDoList().getToDoItemList(); synchronized (itemList) { for (ToDoItem item : itemList) { if (item.getPoster().supports(g)) { if (index == 0) { return item; } index--; } } } } throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("getChild shouldnt get here " + "GoListToGoalsToItems"); }
/* * @see javax.swing.tree.TreeModel#getIndexOfChild( * java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) */ public int getIndexOfChild(Object parent, Object child) { if (parent instanceof ToDoList) { return getGoalList().indexOf(child); } if (parent instanceof Goal) { // instead of making a new list, decrement index, return when // found and index == 0 List<ToDoItem> candidates = new ArrayList<ToDoItem>(); Goal g = (Goal) parent; List<ToDoItem> itemList = Designer.theDesigner().getToDoList().getToDoItemList(); synchronized (itemList) { for (ToDoItem item : itemList) { if (item.getPoster().supports(g)) { candidates.add(item); } } } return candidates.indexOf(child); } return -1; }
/** @param g the <code>Graphics</code> object */ protected void paintClarifiers(Graphics g) { // #if defined(COGNITIVE) // @#$LPS-COGNITIVE:GranularityType:MethodBody // @#$LPS-COGNITIVE:Localization:EntireMethod int iconPos = 25, gap = 1, xOff = -4, yOff = -4; Point p = new Point(); ToDoList list = Designer.theDesigner().getToDoList(); Vector items = list.elementsForOffender(getOwner()); int size = items.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { ToDoItem item = (ToDoItem) items.elementAt(i); Icon icon = item.getClarifier(); if (icon instanceof Clarifier) { ((Clarifier) icon).setFig(this); ((Clarifier) icon).setToDoItem(item); } if (icon != null) { stuffPointAlongPerimeter(iconPos, p); icon.paintIcon(null, g, p.x + xOff, p.y + yOff); iconPos += icon.getIconWidth() + gap; } } items = list.elementsForOffender(this); size = items.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { ToDoItem item = (ToDoItem) items.elementAt(i); Icon icon = item.getClarifier(); if (icon instanceof Clarifier) { ((Clarifier) icon).setFig(this); ((Clarifier) icon).setToDoItem(item); } if (icon != null) { stuffPointAlongPerimeter(iconPos, p); icon.paintIcon(null, g, p.x + xOff, p.y + yOff); iconPos += icon.getIconWidth() + gap; } } // #endif }
/** The constructor. */ public ActionAutoCritique() { super(Translator.localize("action.toggle-auto-critique"), null); // Set the tooltip string: putValue(Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION, Translator.localize("action.toggle-auto-critique")); putValue("SELECTED", Boolean.valueOf(Designer.theDesigner().getAutoCritique())); }
/** @return the goals */ public List<Goal> getGoalList() { return Designer.theDesigner().getGoalModel().getGoalList(); }