コード例 #1
  private static void launchActivity(String message, String payload) {
    TiApplication appContext = TiApplication.getInstance();

    // We need to get the class name for the main application activity. That isn't a problem if
    // we were started from the home screen of the device. However, if we were started as part
    // of the Push Service startup then the main activity may not have been started yet. So, we
    // make use of the PackageManager to provide the information that we need to start the main
    // activity.
    PackageManager pm = appContext.getPackageManager();
    Intent launch = pm.getLaunchIntentForPackage(appContext.getPackageName());

    // We still need to set the category and flags before we try to start the activity

    // Set the extras to the message and payload so that they are picked up on relaunch of the
    // activity
    launch.putExtra("message", message);
    launch.putExtra("payload", payload);
