public String AsXml() { XmlOptions opt = (new XmlOptions()).setSavePrettyPrint(); opt.setSaveSuggestedPrefixes(Utilities.SuggestedNamespaces()); opt.setSaveNamespacesFirst(); opt.setSaveAggressiveNamespaces(); opt.setUseDefaultNamespace(); DescribeSRSResponseDocument document = completeResponse(); ArrayList errorList = new ArrayList(); opt.setErrorListener(errorList); boolean isValid = document.validate(opt); // If the XML isn't valid, loop through the listener's contents, // printing contained messages. if (!isValid) { for (int i = 0; i < errorList.size(); i++) { XmlError error = (XmlError) errorList.get(i); System.out.println("\n"); System.out.println("Message: " + error.getMessage() + "\n"); System.out.println( "Location of invalid XML: " + error.getCursorLocation().xmlText() + "\n"); } } return document.xmlText(opt); }
private byte[] generateXml( Integer demographicNo, Integer rourkeFdid, Integer nddsFdid, Integer report18mFdid) { HashMap<String, String> suggestedPrefixes = new HashMap<String, String>(); suggestedPrefixes.put("", "xsi"); XmlOptions opts = new XmlOptions(); opts.setSaveSuggestedPrefixes(suggestedPrefixes); opts.setSavePrettyPrint(); opts.setSaveNoXmlDecl(); opts.setUseDefaultNamespace(); opts.setSaveNamespacesFirst(); ByteArrayOutputStream os = null; PrintWriter pw = null; boolean xmlCreated = false; BORN18MFormToXML xml = new BORN18MFormToXML(demographicNo); try { os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); pw = new PrintWriter(os, true); pw.println("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"); xmlCreated = xml.addXmlToStream(pw, opts, rourkeFdid, nddsFdid, report18mFdid); pw.close(); if (xmlCreated) return os.toByteArray(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Unable to add record", e); } return null; }
public final String modelToXmlString() { TiersInformationsType object = (TiersInformationsType) this.modelToXml(); XmlOptions opts = new XmlOptions(); opts.setSavePrettyPrint(); opts.setSavePrettyPrintIndent(4); opts.setUseDefaultNamespace(); opts.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); return object.xmlText(opts); }
@Override public final String modelToXmlString() { TechnicalInterventionRequestDocument object = this.modelToXml(); XmlOptions opts = new XmlOptions(); opts.setSavePrettyPrint(); opts.setSavePrettyPrintIndent(4); opts.setUseDefaultNamespace(); opts.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); return object.xmlText(opts); }
/** * Generate the ExceptionReport as an XML string. * * @return the ExceptionReport as an XML string */ public String getXMLExceptionReport() { Map<String, String> suggestedPrefixes = new HashMap<String, String>(); suggestedPrefixes.put("", "ows"); XmlOptions opts = new XmlOptions(); opts.setSavePrettyPrint(); opts.setSaveSuggestedPrefixes(suggestedPrefixes); opts.setSaveNamespacesFirst(); opts.setSaveAggressiveNamespaces(); opts.setUseDefaultNamespace(); return exceptionReportDoc.xmlText(opts); }
private void createConfigFile( String issuer, String nameQualifier, String ksType, String ksFile, String ksPassword, String privKeyAlias, String privKeyPassword, String certAlias) throws IOException { String SSO_CONFIG_FILE = "/WEB-INF/guanxi_idp/config/idp.xml"; String KEYSTORE_KEY_TYPE = "dsa"; IdpDocument idpDoc = null; try { idpDoc = IdpDocument.Factory.parse(new File(servletContext.getRealPath(SSO_CONFIG_FILE))); } catch (XmlException xe) { logger.error("Can't create config file", xe); return; } IdpDocument.Idp idp = idpDoc.getIdp(); idp.getServiceProviderArray(0).setIdentity("exampleIdentity"); idp.getServiceProviderArray(0).setCreds("exampleCreds"); idp.getServiceProviderArray(0).setName("REPLACE_WITH_PROVIDER_ID_OF_SERVICE_PROVIDER"); idp.getIdentityArray(0).setName("exampleIdentity"); idp.getIdentityArray(0).setNameQualifier(nameQualifier); idp.getIdentityArray(0).setIssuer(issuer); idp.getCredsArray(0).setName("exampleCreds"); idp.getCredsArray(0).setKeystoreType("jks"); idp.getCredsArray(0).setKeyType(ksType); idp.getCredsArray(0).setKeystoreFile(ksFile); idp.getCredsArray(0).setKeystorePassword(ksPassword); idp.getCredsArray(0).setPrivateKeyAlias(privKeyAlias); idp.getCredsArray(0).setPrivateKeyPassword(privKeyPassword); idp.getCredsArray(0).setCertificateAlias(certAlias); idp.getCredsArray(0).setKeyType(KEYSTORE_KEY_TYPE); XmlOptions xmlOptions = new XmlOptions(); xmlOptions.setSavePrettyPrint(); xmlOptions.setSavePrettyPrintIndent(2); xmlOptions.setUseDefaultNamespace(); File(servletContext.getRealPath(SSO_CONFIG_FILE)), xmlOptions); servletContext.setAttribute(Guanxi.CONTEXT_ATTR_IDP_CONFIG_DOC, idpDoc); servletContext.setAttribute(Guanxi.CONTEXT_ATTR_IDP_CONFIG, idpDoc.getIdp()); }
@Test public void validFullResponse() { XmlOptions opt = (new XmlOptions()).setSavePrettyPrint(); opt.setSaveSuggestedPrefixes(Utilities.SuggestedNamespaces()); opt.setSaveNamespacesFirst(); opt.setSaveAggressiveNamespaces(); opt.setUseDefaultNamespace(); XmlObject co = completeResponse(); ArrayList errorList = new ArrayList(); boolean validXml = Utilities.validateXml(opt, co, errorList); assertTrue(errorList.toString(), validXml); }
@Override public void process(ProcessletInputs in, ProcessletOutputs out, ProcessletExecutionInfo info) throws ProcessletException { try { // validate against allowed values in process definition file URL processDefinitionUrl = this.getClass().getResource("/" + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ".xml"); // get validated data inputs or default values DataInputHandler dataInputHandler = new DataInputHandler(new File(processDefinitionUrl.toURI())); String srsName = dataInputHandler.getValidatedStringValue(in, "srsName"); String filter = dataInputHandler.getValidatedStringValue(in, "filter"); double x = DataInputHandler.getDoubleInputValue(in, "x"); double y = DataInputHandler.getDoubleInputValue(in, "y"); double z = DataInputHandler.getDoubleInputValue(in, "z"); LOG.debug( String.format( "DataInputs: srsName: %s, poi: (%f, %f, %f), filter: %s", srsName, x, y, z, filter)); responseValues = new ResponseValues(); responseValues.clientSrsName = srsName; // transform non-AGEA coordinates to AGEA if (!srsName.equals("Mouse_AGEA_1.0")) { ABAServiceVO vo = getTransformPOI(srsName, x, y, z); if (vo.getTransformationXMLResponseString().startsWith("Error:")) { throw new OWSException( "Transformation Coordinates Error: ", vo.getTransformationXMLResponseString()); } x = Double.parseDouble(vo.getTransformedCoordinateX()); y = Double.parseDouble(vo.getTransformedCoordinateY()); z = Double.parseDouble(vo.getTransformedCoordinateZ()); } LOG.debug("X from Transformation Method: " + x); LOG.debug("Y from Transformation Method: " + y); LOG.debug("Z from Transformation Method: " + z); String srsFromClient = srsName; Point3d poiFromClient = new Point3d(x, y, z); // get plane; defaults to sagittal ImageSeriesPlane desiredPlane = filter.equals("maptype:coronal") ? ImageSeriesPlane.CORONAL : ImageSeriesPlane.SAGITTAL; // 1. get strong gene(s) at POI List<ABAGene> strongGenes = ABAUtil.retrieveStrongGenesAtAGEAPOI(x, y, z, NBR_STRONG_GENES); // make sure we have something if (strongGenes.size() == 0) { throw new OWSException( "No 'strong genes' found at " + "coordinates, hence no images to return.", ControllerException.NO_APPLICABLE_CODE); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); for (ABAGene gene : strongGenes) { buf.append(gene.getGenesymbol()).append(", "); } LOG.debug("Strong genes: {}", buf.toString()); } // 2. get image series'es for strong genes and desired plane List<ImageSeries> imageSerieses = new ArrayList<ImageSeries>(); for (ABAGene gene : strongGenes) { ImageSeries imageSeries = retrieveImagesSeriesForGene(gene.getGenesymbol(), desiredPlane); if (imageSeries != null) { imageSerieses.add(imageSeries); } } // make sure we have something if (imageSerieses.size() == 0) { throw new OWSException( "No image series found for 'strong " + "genes' and desired plane, hence no images to " + "return.", ControllerException.NO_APPLICABLE_CODE); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); for (ImageSeries is : imageSerieses) { buf.append(is.imageSeriesId).append(':'); buf.append(is.imageSeriesPlane).append(", "); } LOG.debug("Image Serieses id:plane: {}", buf.toString()); } Point3d poiForProximity = new Point3d(poiFromClient); // divide POI coords by 100 Point3d poi100 = new Point3d(); poi100.scale(0.01, poiForProximity); LOG.debug("POI for closest position (srs, xyz): {}, {}", srsFromClient, poi100.toString()); // 3. get ......... for each image series for (ImageSeries imageSeries : imageSerieses) { // begin to add values to image Image image = new Image(imageSeries.imageSeriesId); // get atlas map // find closest point, get other values including position // add more (atlas map) values to image getClosestPosition(imageSeries, poi100, image); LOG.debug("Position: {}", image.abaImagePosition); // get best image id in image series based on position // add more (image elements) values to image // match position to find image in series, get imageid // /image-series/images/image/position // /image-series/images/image/imageid retrieveImageForPosition(imageSeries.imageSeriesId, image.abaImagePosition, image); LOG.debug("Image id: {}", image.imageId); // zoom level not applicable // image.zoomLevel = zoomLevel; // assemble aba view image uri image.imageURI = assembleImageURI(image.downloadImagePath, HI_RES, MIME); image.thumbnailurl = assembleImageURI(image.downloadImagePath, THUMB, MIME); LOG.debug("Image URI: {}", image.imageURI.toString()); responseValues.images.add(image); } // for // ImagesResponseDocument 'is a' org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject // 'is a' org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlTokenSource ImagesResponseDocument document = completeResponse(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { XmlOptions opt = (new XmlOptions()).setSavePrettyPrint(); opt.setSaveSuggestedPrefixes(Utilities.SuggestedNamespaces()); opt.setSaveNamespacesFirst(); opt.setSaveAggressiveNamespaces(); opt.setUseDefaultNamespace(); LOG.debug("Xml:\n{}", document.xmlText(opt)); } // 4. Send it // get reader on document XMLStreamReader reader = document.newXMLStreamReader(); // get ComplexOutput object from ProcessletOutput... ComplexOutput complexOutput = (ComplexOutput) out.getParameter("Get2DImagesByPOIOutput"); LOG.debug("Setting complex output (requested=" + complexOutput.isRequested() + ")"); // ComplexOutput objects can be huge so stream it XMLStreamWriter writer = complexOutput.getXMLStreamWriter(); XMLAdapter.writeElement(writer, reader); // transform any exceptions into ProcessletException wrapping // OWSException } catch (MissingParameterException e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new ProcessletException(new OWSException(e)); } catch (InvalidParameterValueException e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new ProcessletException(new OWSException(e)); } catch (InvalidDataInputValueException e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new ProcessletException(e); // is already OWSException } catch (OWSException e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new ProcessletException(e); // is already OWSException } catch (Throwable e) { String message = "Unexpected exception occurred: " + e.getMessage(); LOG.error(message, e); throw new ProcessletException( new OWSException(message, e, ControllerException.NO_APPLICABLE_CODE)); } }
public ReginfoHandler() { _xmlOptions = new XmlOptions(); _xmlOptions.setUseDefaultNamespace(); _xmlOptions.setSavePrettyPrint(); }