コード例 #1
  * Get the systemid of the appropriate stylesheet based on its name and styledir. If no styledir
  * is defined it will load it as a java resource in the xsl child package, otherwise it will get
  * it from the given directory.
  * @return system ID of the stylesheet.
  * @throws IOException thrown if the requested stylesheet does not exist.
 protected String getStylesheetSystemId() throws IOException {
   String xslname = "junit-frames.xsl";
   if (NOFRAMES.equals(format)) {
     xslname = "junit-noframes.xsl";
   if (styleDir == null) {
     URL url = getClass().getResource("xsl/" + xslname);
     if (url == null) {
       throw new FileNotFoundException("Could not find jar resource " + xslname);
     return url.toExternalForm();
   File file = new File(styleDir, xslname);
   if (!file.exists()) {
     throw new FileNotFoundException("Could not find file '" + file + "'");
   return JAXPUtils.getSystemId(file);
コード例 #2
   * Parses the project file, configuring the project as it goes.
   * @param project the current project
   * @param source the xml source
   * @param handler the root handler to use (contains the current context)
   * @exception BuildException if the configuration is invalid or cannot be read
  public void parse(Project project, Object source, RootHandler handler) throws BuildException {

    AntXMLContext context = handler.context;

    File buildFile = null;
    URL url = null;
    String buildFileName = null;

    if (source instanceof File) {
      buildFile = (File) source;
    } else if (source instanceof URL) {
      url = (URL) source;
    } else if (source instanceof Resource) {
      FileProvider fp = (FileProvider) ((Resource) source).as(FileProvider.class);
      if (fp != null) {
        buildFile = fp.getFile();
      } else {
        URLProvider up = (URLProvider) ((Resource) source).as(URLProvider.class);
        if (up != null) {
          url = up.getURL();
    if (buildFile != null) {
      buildFile = FILE_UTILS.normalize(buildFile.getAbsolutePath());
      buildFileName = buildFile.toString();
    } else if (url != null) {
      try {
        context.setBuildFile((File) null);
      } catch (java.net.MalformedURLException ex) {
        throw new BuildException(ex);
      buildFileName = url.toString();
    } else {
      throw new BuildException(
          "Source " + source.getClass().getName() + " not supported by this plugin");
    InputStream inputStream = null;
    InputSource inputSource = null;
    ZipFile zf = null;

    try {
      /** SAX 2 style parser used to parse the given file. */
      XMLReader parser = JAXPUtils.getNamespaceXMLReader();

      String uri = null;
      if (buildFile != null) {
        uri = FILE_UTILS.toURI(buildFile.getAbsolutePath());
        inputStream = new FileInputStream(buildFile);
      } else {
        uri = url.toString();
        int pling = -1;
        if (uri.startsWith("jar:file") && (pling = uri.indexOf("!/")) > -1) {
          zf = new ZipFile(org.apache.tools.ant.launch.Locator.fromJarURI(uri), "UTF-8");
          inputStream = zf.getInputStream(zf.getEntry(uri.substring(pling + 1)));
        } else {
          inputStream = url.openStream();

      inputSource = new InputSource(inputStream);
      if (uri != null) {
          "parsing buildfile "
              + buildFileName
              + " with URI = "
              + uri
              + (zf != null ? " from a zip file" : ""),

      DefaultHandler hb = handler;

    } catch (SAXParseException exc) {
      Location location =
          new Location(exc.getSystemId(), exc.getLineNumber(), exc.getColumnNumber());

      Throwable t = exc.getException();
      if (t instanceof BuildException) {
        BuildException be = (BuildException) t;
        if (be.getLocation() == Location.UNKNOWN_LOCATION) {
        throw be;
      throw new BuildException(exc.getMessage(), t == null ? exc : t, location);
    } catch (SAXException exc) {
      Throwable t = exc.getException();
      if (t instanceof BuildException) {
        throw (BuildException) t;
      throw new BuildException(exc.getMessage(), t == null ? exc : t);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException exc) {
      throw new BuildException(exc);
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException exc) {
      throw new BuildException("Encoding of project file " + buildFileName + " is invalid.", exc);
    } catch (IOException exc) {
      throw new BuildException(
          "Error reading project file " + buildFileName + ": " + exc.getMessage(), exc);
    } finally {