コード例 #1
   * Returns list of mapped files, that should be transformed. Files can by specified via attributes
   * (srcFile, srcDir) or resources (FileSet, FileList, DirSet, etc). Mapped file represents input
   * and output file for transformation.
   * @return list of mapped files
  public List<MappedFile> getMappedFiles() {

    // one src file
    if (getSrcFile() != null) {

    if (getSrcDir() != null) {

    Iterator element = resources.iterator();
    while (element.hasNext()) {
      ResourceCollection rc = (ResourceCollection) element.next();
      if (rc instanceof FileSet && rc.isFilesystemOnly()) {
        FileSet fs = (FileSet) rc;
        File fromDir = fs.getDir(getProject());

        DirectoryScanner ds;
        try {
          ds = fs.getDirectoryScanner(getProject());
        } catch (BuildException ex) {
          log("Could not scan directory " + fromDir, ex, Project.MSG_ERR);

        for (String f : ds.getIncludedFiles()) {
          addMappedFile(new File(fromDir + System.getProperty("file.separator") + f), fromDir);
      } else {
        if (!rc.isFilesystemOnly()) {
          log("Only filesystem resources are supported", Project.MSG_WARN);
        Iterator rcIt = rc.iterator();
        while (rcIt.hasNext()) {
          Resource r = (Resource) rcIt.next();
          if (!r.isExists()) {
            log("Could not find resource " + r.toLongString(), Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

          if (r instanceof FileResource) {
            FileResource fr = (FileResource) r;
            addMappedFile(fr.getFile(), fr.getBaseDir());
          } else {
                "Only file resources are supported (" + r.getClass().getSimpleName() + " found)",

    return mappedFiles;
コード例 #2
ファイル: ResourceUtils.java プロジェクト: jbudynk/starjava
  * Compare the content of two Resources. A nonexistent Resource's content is "less than" that of
  * an existing Resource; a directory-type Resource's content is "less than" that of a file-type
  * Resource.
  * @param r1 the Resource whose content is to be compared.
  * @param r2 the other Resource whose content is to be compared.
  * @param text true if the content is to be treated as text and differences in kind of line break
  *     are to be ignored.
  * @return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the first argument is less than,
  *     equal to, or greater than the second.
  * @throws IOException if the Resources cannot be read.
  * @since Ant 1.7
 public static int compareContent(Resource r1, Resource r2, boolean text) throws IOException {
   if (r1.equals(r2)) {
     return 0;
   boolean e1 = r1.isExists();
   boolean e2 = r2.isExists();
   if (!(e1 || e2)) {
     return 0;
   if (e1 != e2) {
     return e1 ? 1 : -1;
   boolean d1 = r1.isDirectory();
   boolean d2 = r2.isDirectory();
   if (d1 && d2) {
     return 0;
   if (d1 || d2) {
     return d1 ? -1 : 1;
   return text ? textCompare(r1, r2) : binaryCompare(r1, r2);
コード例 #3
ファイル: ResourceUtils.java プロジェクト: jbudynk/starjava
  * Compares the contents of two Resources.
  * @param r1 the Resource whose content is to be compared.
  * @param r2 the other Resource whose content is to be compared.
  * @param text true if the content is to be treated as text and differences in kind of line break
  *     are to be ignored.
  * @return true if the content of the Resources is the same.
  * @throws IOException if the Resources cannot be read.
  * @since Ant 1.7
 public static boolean contentEquals(Resource r1, Resource r2, boolean text) throws IOException {
   if (r1.isExists() != r2.isExists()) {
     return false;
   if (!r1.isExists()) {
     // two not existing files are equal
     return true;
   // should the following two be switched?  If r1 and r2 refer to the same file,
   // isn't their content equal regardless of whether that file is a directory?
   if (r1.isDirectory() || r2.isDirectory()) {
     // don't want to compare directory contents for now
     return false;
   if (r1.equals(r2)) {
     return true;
   if (!text && r1.getSize() != r2.getSize()) {
     return false;
   return compareContent(r1, r2, text) == 0;
コード例 #4
   * load Ant properties from the source file or resource
   * @exception BuildException if something goes wrong with the build
  public final void execute() throws BuildException {
    // validation
    if (src == null) {
      throw new BuildException("A source resource is required.");
    if (!src.isExists()) {
      if (src instanceof JavaResource) {
        // dreaded backwards compatibility
        log("Unable to find resource " + src, Project.MSG_WARN);
      throw new BuildException("Source resource does not exist: " + src);
    BufferedInputStream bis = null;
    Reader instream = null;
    ByteArrayInputStream tis = null;

    try {
      bis = new BufferedInputStream(src.getInputStream());
      if (encoding == null) {
        instream = new InputStreamReader(bis);
      } else {
        instream = new InputStreamReader(bis, encoding);
      ChainReaderHelper crh = new ChainReaderHelper();
      instream = crh.getAssembledReader();

      String text = crh.readFully(instream);

      if (text != null && text.length() != 0) {
        if (!text.endsWith("\n")) {
          text = text + "\n";
        tis = new ByteArrayInputStream(text.getBytes("ISO8859_1"));
        final Properties props = new Properties();

        Property propertyTask = new Property();
    } catch (final IOException ioe) {
      throw new BuildException("Unable to load file: " + ioe, ioe, getLocation());
    } finally {
コード例 #5
   * Index the fileset.
   * @exception IOException if Lucene I/O exception TODO: refactor!!!!!
  private void indexDocs() throws IOException {
    Date start = new Date();

    boolean create = overwrite;
    // If the index directory doesn't exist,
    // create it and force create mode
    if (indexDir.mkdirs() && !overwrite) {
      create = true;

    FSDirectory dir = FSDirectory.open(indexDir);
    try {
      Searcher searcher = null;
      boolean checkLastModified = false;
      if (!create) {
        try {
          searcher = new IndexSearcher(dir, true);
          checkLastModified = true;
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
          log("IOException: " + ioe.getMessage());
          // Empty - ignore, which indicates to index all
          // documents

      log("checkLastModified = " + checkLastModified, Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

      IndexWriterConfig conf =
          new IndexWriterConfig(Version.LUCENE_CURRENT, analyzer)
              .setOpenMode(create ? OpenMode.CREATE : OpenMode.APPEND);
      LogMergePolicy lmp = (LogMergePolicy) conf.getMergePolicy();
      IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(dir, conf);
      int totalFiles = 0;
      int totalIndexed = 0;
      int totalIgnored = 0;
      try {

        for (int i = 0; i < rcs.size(); i++) {
          ResourceCollection rc = rcs.elementAt(i);
          if (rc.isFilesystemOnly()) {
            Iterator resources = rc.iterator();
            while (resources.hasNext()) {
              Resource r = (Resource) resources.next();
              if (!r.isExists() || !(r instanceof FileResource)) {


              File file = ((FileResource) r).getFile();

              if (!file.exists() || !file.canRead()) {
                throw new BuildException(
                    "File \"" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "\" does not exist or is not readable.");

              boolean indexIt = true;

              if (checkLastModified) {
                Term pathTerm = new Term("path", file.getPath());
                TermQuery query = new TermQuery(pathTerm);
                ScoreDoc[] hits = searcher.search(query, null, 1).scoreDocs;

                // if document is found, compare the
                // indexed last modified time with the
                // current file
                // - don't index if up to date
                if (hits.length > 0) {
                  Document doc = searcher.doc(hits[0].doc);
                  String indexModified = doc.get("modified").trim();
                  if (indexModified != null) {
                    long lastModified = 0;
                    try {
                      lastModified = DateTools.stringToTime(indexModified);
                    } catch (ParseException e) {
                      // if modified time is not parsable, skip
                    if (lastModified == file.lastModified()) {
                      // TODO: remove existing document
                      indexIt = false;

              if (indexIt) {
                try {
                  log("Indexing " + file.getPath(), Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
                  Document doc = handler.getDocument(file);

                  if (doc == null) {
                  } else {
                    // Add the path of the file as a field named "path".  Use a Keyword field, so
                    // that the index stores the path, and so that the path is searchable
                        new Field(
                            "path", file.getPath(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

                    // Add the last modified date of the file a field named "modified".  Use a
                    // Keyword field, so that it's searchable, but so that no attempt is made
                    // to tokenize the field into words.
                        new Field(
                                file.lastModified(), DateTools.Resolution.MILLISECOND),

                } catch (DocumentHandlerException e) {
                  throw new BuildException(e);
            // for j
          // if (fs != null)
        // for i

      // try
      finally {
        // always make sure everything gets closed,
        // no matter how we exit.
        if (searcher != null) {

      Date end = new Date();

              + " out of "
              + totalFiles
              + " indexed ("
              + totalIgnored
              + " ignored) in "
              + (end.getTime() - start.getTime())
              + " milliseconds");
    } finally {
コード例 #6
ファイル: ResourceUtils.java プロジェクト: jbudynk/starjava
   * Convenience method to copy content from one Resource to another specifying whether token
   * filtering must be used, whether filter chains must be used, whether newer destination files may
   * be overwritten and whether the last modified time of <code>dest</code> file should be made
   * equal to the last modified time of <code>source</code>.
   * @param source the Resource to copy from. Must not be <code>null</code>.
   * @param dest the Resource to copy to. Must not be <code>null</code>.
   * @param filters the collection of filters to apply to this copy.
   * @param filterChains filterChains to apply during the copy.
   * @param overwrite Whether or not the destination Resource should be overwritten if it already
   *     exists.
   * @param preserveLastModified Whether or not the last modified time of the destination Resource
   *     should be set to that of the source.
   * @param inputEncoding the encoding used to read the files.
   * @param outputEncoding the encoding used to write the files.
   * @param project the project instance.
   * @throws IOException if the copying fails.
   * @since Ant 1.7
  public static void copyResource(
      Resource source,
      Resource dest,
      FilterSetCollection filters,
      Vector filterChains,
      boolean overwrite,
      boolean preserveLastModified,
      String inputEncoding,
      String outputEncoding,
      Project project)
      throws IOException {
    if (!overwrite) {
      long slm = source.getLastModified();
      if (dest.isExists() && slm != 0 && dest.getLastModified() > slm) {
    final boolean filterSetsAvailable = (filters != null && filters.hasFilters());
    final boolean filterChainsAvailable = (filterChains != null && filterChains.size() > 0);
    if (filterSetsAvailable) {
      BufferedReader in = null;
      BufferedWriter out = null;
      try {
        InputStreamReader isr = null;
        if (inputEncoding == null) {
          isr = new InputStreamReader(source.getInputStream());
        } else {
          isr = new InputStreamReader(source.getInputStream(), inputEncoding);
        in = new BufferedReader(isr);
        OutputStreamWriter osw = null;
        if (outputEncoding == null) {
          osw = new OutputStreamWriter(dest.getOutputStream());
        } else {
          osw = new OutputStreamWriter(dest.getOutputStream(), outputEncoding);
        out = new BufferedWriter(osw);
        if (filterChainsAvailable) {
          ChainReaderHelper crh = new ChainReaderHelper();
          Reader rdr = crh.getAssembledReader();
          in = new BufferedReader(rdr);
        LineTokenizer lineTokenizer = new LineTokenizer();
        String newline = null;
        String line = lineTokenizer.getToken(in);
        while (line != null) {
          if (line.length() == 0) {
            // this should not happen, because the lines are
            // returned with the end of line delimiter
          } else {
            newline = filters.replaceTokens(line);
          line = lineTokenizer.getToken(in);
      } finally {
    } else if (filterChainsAvailable
        || (inputEncoding != null && !inputEncoding.equals(outputEncoding))
        || (inputEncoding == null && outputEncoding != null)) {
      BufferedReader in = null;
      BufferedWriter out = null;
      try {
        InputStreamReader isr = null;
        if (inputEncoding == null) {
          isr = new InputStreamReader(source.getInputStream());
        } else {
          isr = new InputStreamReader(source.getInputStream(), inputEncoding);
        in = new BufferedReader(isr);
        OutputStreamWriter osw = null;
        if (outputEncoding == null) {
          osw = new OutputStreamWriter(dest.getOutputStream());
        } else {
          osw = new OutputStreamWriter(dest.getOutputStream(), outputEncoding);
        out = new BufferedWriter(osw);
        if (filterChainsAvailable) {
          ChainReaderHelper crh = new ChainReaderHelper();
          Reader rdr = crh.getAssembledReader();
          in = new BufferedReader(rdr);
        char[] buffer = new char[FileUtils.BUF_SIZE];
        while (true) {
          int nRead = in.read(buffer, 0, buffer.length);
          if (nRead == -1) {
          out.write(buffer, 0, nRead);
      } finally {
    } else {
      InputStream in = null;
      OutputStream out = null;
      try {
        in = source.getInputStream();
        out = dest.getOutputStream();

        byte[] buffer = new byte[FileUtils.BUF_SIZE];
        int count = 0;
        do {
          out.write(buffer, 0, count);
          count = in.read(buffer, 0, buffer.length);
        } while (count != -1);
      } finally {
    if (preserveLastModified && dest instanceof Touchable) {
      setLastModified((Touchable) dest, source.getLastModified());
コード例 #7
ファイル: ResourceUtils.java プロジェクト: jbudynk/starjava
   * Tells which sources should be reprocessed based on the last modification date of targets.
   * @param logTo where to send (more or less) interesting output.
   * @param source ResourceCollection.
   * @param mapper filename mapper indicating how to find the target Resources.
   * @param targets object able to map a relative path as a Resource.
   * @param granularity The number of milliseconds leeway to give before deciding a target is out of
   *     date.
   * @return ResourceCollection.
   * @since Ant 1.7
  public static ResourceCollection selectOutOfDateSources(
      ProjectComponent logTo,
      ResourceCollection source,
      FileNameMapper mapper,
      ResourceFactory targets,
      long granularity) {
    if (source.size() == 0) {
      logTo.log("No sources found.", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
      return Resources.NONE;
    source = Union.getInstance(source);
    logFuture(logTo, source, granularity);

    Union result = new Union();
    for (Iterator iter = source.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
      Resource sr = (Resource) iter.next();
      String srName = sr.getName();
      srName = srName == null ? srName : srName.replace('/', File.separatorChar);

      String[] targetnames = null;
      try {
        targetnames = mapper.mapFileName(srName);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        logTo.log("Caught " + e + " mapping resource " + sr, Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
      if (targetnames == null || targetnames.length == 0) {
        logTo.log(sr + " skipped - don\'t know how to handle it", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
      Union targetColl = new Union();
      for (int i = 0; i < targetnames.length; i++) {
        targetColl.add(targets.getResource(targetnames[i].replace(File.separatorChar, '/')));
      // find the out-of-date targets:
      Restrict r = new Restrict();
          new And(
              new ResourceSelector[] {
                new Or(new ResourceSelector[] {NOT_EXISTS, new Outdated(sr, granularity)})
      if (r.size() > 0) {
        Resource t = (Resource) (r.iterator().next());
                + " added as "
                + t.getName()
                + (t.isExists() ? " is outdated." : " doesn\'t exist."),
      // log uptodateness of all targets:
              + " omitted as "
              + targetColl.toString()
              + (targetColl.size() == 1 ? " is" : " are ")
              + " up to date.",
    return result;