@Test public final void testCtasWithMultipleUnions() throws Exception { ResultSet res = executeFile("CtasWithMultipleUnions.sql"); res.close(); ResultSet res2 = executeQuery(); String actual = resultSetToString(res2); res2.close(); String expected = "c_custkey,c_nationkey\n" + "-------------------------------\n" + "1,15\n" + "2,13\n" + "3,1\n" + "4,4\n" + "5,3\n" + "1,15\n" + "2,13\n" + "3,1\n" + "4,4\n" + "5,3\n"; assertEquals(expected, actual); TableDesc desc = client.getTableDesc(CatalogUtil.normalizeIdentifier(res2.getMetaData().getTableName(1))); assertNotNull(desc); }
@Test public final void testIsJoinQual() { FieldEval f1 = new FieldEval("part.p_partkey", CatalogUtil.newSimpleDataType(Type.INT4)); FieldEval f2 = new FieldEval("partsupp.ps_partkey", CatalogUtil.newSimpleDataType(Type.INT4)); BinaryEval[] joinQuals = new BinaryEval[5]; int idx = 0; joinQuals[idx++] = new BinaryEval(EvalType.EQUAL, f1, f2); joinQuals[idx++] = new BinaryEval(EvalType.LEQ, f1, f2); joinQuals[idx++] = new BinaryEval(EvalType.LTH, f1, f2); joinQuals[idx++] = new BinaryEval(EvalType.GEQ, f1, f2); joinQuals[idx] = new BinaryEval(EvalType.GTH, f1, f2); for (int i = 0; i < idx; i++) { assertTrue(PlannerUtil.isJoinQual(joinQuals[idx])); } BinaryEval[] wrongJoinQuals = new BinaryEval[5]; idx = 0; wrongJoinQuals[idx++] = new BinaryEval(EvalType.OR, f1, f2); wrongJoinQuals[idx++] = new BinaryEval(EvalType.PLUS, f1, f2); wrongJoinQuals[idx++] = new BinaryEval(EvalType.LIKE, f1, f2); ConstEval f3 = new ConstEval(DatumFactory.createInt4(1)); wrongJoinQuals[idx] = new BinaryEval(EvalType.EQUAL, f1, f3); for (int i = 0; i < idx; i++) { assertFalse(PlannerUtil.isJoinQual(wrongJoinQuals[idx])); } }
private List<String> executeDDL( String ddlFileName, @Nullable String dataFileName, boolean isLocalTable, @Nullable String[] args) throws Exception { Path ddlFilePath = new Path(currentQueryPath, ddlFileName); FileSystem fs = ddlFilePath.getFileSystem(conf); assertTrue(ddlFilePath + " existence check", fs.exists(ddlFilePath)); String template = FileUtil.readTextFile(new File(ddlFilePath.toUri())); String dataFilePath = null; if (dataFileName != null) { dataFilePath = getDataSetFile(dataFileName).toString(); } String compiled = compileTemplate(template, dataFilePath, args); List<ParsedResult> parsedResults = SimpleParser.parseScript(compiled); List<String> createdTableNames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (ParsedResult parsedResult : parsedResults) { // parse a statement Expr expr = sqlParser.parse(parsedResult.getStatement()); assertNotNull(ddlFilePath + " cannot be parsed", expr); if (expr.getType() == OpType.CreateTable) { CreateTable createTable = (CreateTable) expr; String tableName = createTable.getTableName(); assertTrue("Table creation is failed.", client.updateQuery(parsedResult.getStatement())); TableDesc createdTable = client.getTableDesc(tableName); String createdTableName = createdTable.getName(); assertTrue( "table '" + createdTableName + "' creation check", client.existTable(createdTableName)); if (isLocalTable) { createdTableGlobalSet.add(createdTableName); createdTableNames.add(tableName); } } else if (expr.getType() == OpType.DropTable) { DropTable dropTable = (DropTable) expr; String tableName = dropTable.getTableName(); assertTrue( "table '" + tableName + "' existence check", client.existTable(CatalogUtil.buildFQName(currentDatabase, tableName))); assertTrue("table drop is failed.", client.updateQuery(parsedResult.getStatement())); assertFalse( "table '" + tableName + "' dropped check", client.existTable(CatalogUtil.buildFQName(currentDatabase, tableName))); if (isLocalTable) { createdTableGlobalSet.remove(tableName); } } else { assertTrue(ddlFilePath + " is not a Create or Drop Table statement", false); } } return createdTableNames; }
public void upgradeBaseSchema(Connection conn, int currentVersion) { if (!isLoaded()) { throw new TajoInternalError("Database schema files are not loaded."); } final List<SchemaPatch> candidatePatches = new ArrayList<>(); Statement stmt; for (SchemaPatch patch : this.catalogStore.getPatches()) { if (currentVersion >= patch.getPriorVersion()) { candidatePatches.add(patch); } } Collections.sort(candidatePatches); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new TajoInternalError(e); } for (SchemaPatch patch : candidatePatches) { for (DatabaseObject object : patch.getObjects()) { try { stmt.executeUpdate(object.getSql()); LOG.info(object.getName() + " " + object.getType() + " was created or altered."); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new TajoInternalError(e); } } } CatalogUtil.closeQuietly(stmt); }
@Test public void testSkippingHeaderWithText() throws IOException { TableMeta meta = CatalogUtil.newTableMeta("TEXT"); meta.putOption(StorageConstants.TEXT_SKIP_HEADER_LINE, "1"); meta.putOption(StorageConstants.TEXT_DELIMITER, ","); FileFragment fragment = getFileFragment("testSkip.txt"); Scanner scanner = TablespaceManager.getLocalFs().getScanner(meta, schema, fragment); scanner.init(); int lines = 0; try { while (true) { Tuple tuple = scanner.next(); if (tuple != null) { assertEquals(17 + lines, tuple.getInt2(2)); lines++; } else break; } } finally { assertEquals(6, lines); scanner.close(); } }
private boolean checkExistenceByQuery( PreparedStatement pstmt, BaseSchema baseSchema, String... params) throws SQLException { int paramIdx = 1; boolean result = false; if (baseSchema.getSchemaName() != null && !baseSchema.getSchemaName().isEmpty()) { pstmt.setString(paramIdx++, baseSchema.getSchemaName().toUpperCase()); } for (; paramIdx <= pstmt.getParameterMetaData().getParameterCount(); paramIdx++) { pstmt.setString(paramIdx, params[paramIdx - 1].toUpperCase()); } ResultSet rs = null; try { rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); while (rs.next()) { if (rs.getString(1).toUpperCase().equals(params[params.length - 1].toUpperCase())) { result = true; break; } } } finally { CatalogUtil.closeQuietly(rs); } return result; }
private List<Tuple> fetchSystemTable(TableDesc tableDesc, Schema inSchema) { List<Tuple> tuples = null; String tableName = CatalogUtil.extractSimpleName(tableDesc.getName()); if ("tablespace".equalsIgnoreCase(tableName)) { tuples = getTablespaces(inSchema); } else if ("databases".equalsIgnoreCase(tableName)) { tuples = getDatabases(inSchema); } else if ("tables".equalsIgnoreCase(tableName)) { tuples = getTables(inSchema); } else if ("columns".equalsIgnoreCase(tableName)) { tuples = getColumns(inSchema); } else if ("indexes".equalsIgnoreCase(tableName)) { tuples = getIndexes(inSchema); } else if ("table_options".equalsIgnoreCase(tableName)) { tuples = getAllTableOptions(inSchema); } else if ("table_stats".equalsIgnoreCase(tableName)) { tuples = getAllTableStats(inSchema); } else if ("partitions".equalsIgnoreCase(tableName)) { tuples = getAllPartitions(inSchema); } else if ("cluster".equalsIgnoreCase(tableName)) { tuples = getClusterInfo(inSchema); } else if ("session".equalsIgnoreCase(tableName)) { tuples = getSessionInfo(inSchema); } return tuples; }
@BeforeClass public static void setUp() throws Exception { util = new TajoTestingCluster(); util.startCatalogCluster(); catalog = util.getMiniCatalogCluster().getCatalog(); Schema schema = new Schema(); schema.addColumn("name", Type.TEXT); schema.addColumn("empId", CatalogUtil.newSimpleDataType(Type.INT4)); schema.addColumn("deptName", Type.TEXT); Schema schema2 = new Schema(); schema2.addColumn("deptName", Type.TEXT); schema2.addColumn("manager", Type.TEXT); Schema schema3 = new Schema(); schema3.addColumn("deptName", Type.TEXT); schema3.addColumn("score", CatalogUtil.newSimpleDataType(Type.INT4)); TableMeta meta = CatalogUtil.newTableMeta(StoreType.CSV); TableDesc people = new TableDesc("employee", schema, meta, CommonTestingUtil.getTestDir()); catalog.addTable(people); TableDesc student = new TableDesc( "dept", schema2, StoreType.CSV, new Options(), CommonTestingUtil.getTestDir()); catalog.addTable(student); TableDesc score = new TableDesc( "score", schema3, StoreType.CSV, new Options(), CommonTestingUtil.getTestDir()); catalog.addTable(score); FunctionDesc funcDesc = new FunctionDesc( "sumtest", SumInt.class, FunctionType.AGGREGATION, CatalogUtil.newSimpleDataType(Type.INT4), CatalogUtil.newSimpleDataTypeArray(Type.INT4)); catalog.createFunction(funcDesc); analyzer = new SQLAnalyzer(); planner = new LogicalPlanner(catalog); }
public ResultSet getQueryResult(QueryId queryId) throws ServiceException, IOException { if (queryId.equals(QueryIdFactory.NULL_QUERY_ID)) { return createNullResultSet(queryId); } GetQueryResultResponse response = getResultResponse(queryId); TableDesc tableDesc = CatalogUtil.newTableDesc(response.getTableDesc()); conf.setVar(ConfVars.USERNAME, response.getTajoUserName()); return new TajoResultSet(this, queryId, conf, tableDesc); }
private void checkIndexExistence( final QueryContext queryContext, final CreateIndexNode createIndexNode) throws DuplicateIndexException { String databaseName, simpleIndexName, qualifiedIndexName; if (CatalogUtil.isFQTableName(createIndexNode.getIndexName())) { String[] splits = CatalogUtil.splitFQTableName(createIndexNode.getIndexName()); databaseName = splits[0]; simpleIndexName = splits[1]; qualifiedIndexName = createIndexNode.getIndexName(); } else { databaseName = queryContext.getCurrentDatabase(); simpleIndexName = createIndexNode.getIndexName(); qualifiedIndexName = CatalogUtil.buildFQName(databaseName, simpleIndexName); } if (catalog.existIndexByName(databaseName, simpleIndexName)) { throw new DuplicateIndexException(qualifiedIndexName); } }
@Test public final void testComparatorsFromJoinQual() { Schema outerSchema = new Schema(); outerSchema.addColumn("employee.id1", CatalogUtil.newSimpleDataType(Type.INT4)); outerSchema.addColumn("employee.id2", CatalogUtil.newSimpleDataType(Type.INT4)); Schema innerSchema = new Schema(); innerSchema.addColumn("people.fid1", CatalogUtil.newSimpleDataType(Type.INT4)); innerSchema.addColumn("people.fid2", CatalogUtil.newSimpleDataType(Type.INT4)); FieldEval f1 = new FieldEval("employee.id1", CatalogUtil.newSimpleDataType(Type.INT4)); FieldEval f2 = new FieldEval("people.fid1", CatalogUtil.newSimpleDataType(Type.INT4)); FieldEval f3 = new FieldEval("employee.id2", CatalogUtil.newSimpleDataType(Type.INT4)); FieldEval f4 = new FieldEval("people.fid2", CatalogUtil.newSimpleDataType(Type.INT4)); EvalNode joinQual = new BinaryEval(EvalType.EQUAL, f1, f2); TupleComparator[] comparators = PlannerUtil.getComparatorsFromJoinQual(joinQual, outerSchema, innerSchema); Tuple t1 = new VTuple(2); t1.put(0, DatumFactory.createInt4(1)); t1.put(1, DatumFactory.createInt4(2)); Tuple t2 = new VTuple(2); t2.put(0, DatumFactory.createInt4(2)); t2.put(1, DatumFactory.createInt4(3)); TupleComparator outerComparator = comparators[0]; assertTrue(outerComparator.compare(t1, t2) < 0); assertTrue(outerComparator.compare(t2, t1) > 0); TupleComparator innerComparator = comparators[1]; assertTrue(innerComparator.compare(t1, t2) < 0); assertTrue(innerComparator.compare(t2, t1) > 0); // tests for composited join key EvalNode joinQual2 = new BinaryEval(EvalType.EQUAL, f3, f4); EvalNode compositedJoinQual = new BinaryEval(EvalType.AND, joinQual, joinQual2); comparators = PlannerUtil.getComparatorsFromJoinQual(compositedJoinQual, outerSchema, innerSchema); outerComparator = comparators[0]; assertTrue(outerComparator.compare(t1, t2) < 0); assertTrue(outerComparator.compare(t2, t1) > 0); innerComparator = comparators[1]; assertTrue(innerComparator.compare(t1, t2) < 0); assertTrue(innerComparator.compare(t2, t1) > 0); }
public HashShuffleFileWriteExec( TaskAttemptContext context, final ShuffleFileWriteNode plan, final PhysicalExec child) throws IOException { super(context, plan.getInSchema(), plan.getOutSchema(), child); Preconditions.checkArgument(plan.hasShuffleKeys()); this.plan = plan; if (plan.hasOptions()) { this.meta = CatalogUtil.newTableMeta(plan.getStorageType(), plan.getOptions()); } else { this.meta = CatalogUtil.newTableMeta(plan.getStorageType()); } // about the shuffle this.numShuffleOutputs = this.plan.getNumOutputs(); int i = 0; this.shuffleKeyIds = new int[this.plan.getShuffleKeys().length]; for (Column key : this.plan.getShuffleKeys()) { shuffleKeyIds[i] = inSchema.getColumnId(key.getQualifiedName()); i++; } this.partitioner = new HashPartitioner(shuffleKeyIds, numShuffleOutputs); this.hashShuffleAppenderManager = context.getHashShuffleAppenderManager(); this.maxBufferSize = context.getQueryContext().getInt(SessionVars.HASH_SHUFFLE_BUFFER_SIZE) * StorageUnit.MB; this.bufferThreshold = (int) (maxBufferSize * BUFFER_THRESHOLD_FACTOR); this.dataTypes = SchemaUtil.toDataTypes(outSchema); if (numShuffleOutputs > 0) { // calculate initial buffer by total partition. a buffer size will be 4Kb ~ 1MB this.initialBufferSize = Math.min( MAXIMUM_INITIAL_BUFFER_SIZE, Math.max(maxBufferSize / numShuffleOutputs, MINIMUM_INITIAL_BUFFER_SIZE)); } else { this.initialBufferSize = MINIMUM_INITIAL_BUFFER_SIZE; } this.partitionMemoryMap = Maps.newHashMap(); }
@Test public final void testCtasWithTextFile() throws Exception { ResultSet res = executeFile("CtasWithTextFile.sql"); res.close(); ResultSet res2 = executeQuery(); resultSetToString(res2); res2.close(); TableDesc desc = client.getTableDesc(CatalogUtil.normalizeIdentifier(res2.getMetaData().getTableName(1))); assertNotNull(desc); assertTrue("TEXT".equalsIgnoreCase(desc.getMeta().getStoreType())); }
@Test public void testIgnoreTruncatedValueErrorTolerance() throws IOException { TajoConf conf = new TajoConf(); TableMeta meta = CatalogUtil.newTableMeta("JSON"); meta.putOption(StorageUtil.TEXT_ERROR_TOLERANCE_MAXNUM, "1"); FileFragment fragment = getFileFragment("testErrorTolerance3.json"); Scanner scanner = TablespaceManager.getLocalFs().getScanner(meta, schema, fragment); scanner.init(); try { Tuple tuple = scanner.next(); assertNull(tuple); } finally { scanner.close(); } }
@Test public final void testGetJoinKeyPairs() { Schema outerSchema = new Schema(); outerSchema.addColumn("employee.id1", CatalogUtil.newSimpleDataType(Type.INT4)); outerSchema.addColumn("employee.id2", CatalogUtil.newSimpleDataType(Type.INT4)); Schema innerSchema = new Schema(); innerSchema.addColumn("people.fid1", CatalogUtil.newSimpleDataType(Type.INT4)); innerSchema.addColumn("people.fid2", CatalogUtil.newSimpleDataType(Type.INT4)); FieldEval f1 = new FieldEval("employee.id1", CatalogUtil.newSimpleDataType(Type.INT4)); FieldEval f2 = new FieldEval("people.fid1", CatalogUtil.newSimpleDataType(Type.INT4)); FieldEval f3 = new FieldEval("employee.id2", CatalogUtil.newSimpleDataType(Type.INT4)); FieldEval f4 = new FieldEval("people.fid2", CatalogUtil.newSimpleDataType(Type.INT4)); EvalNode joinQual = new BinaryEval(EvalType.EQUAL, f1, f2); // the case where part is the outer and partsupp is the inner. List<Column[]> pairs = PlannerUtil.getJoinKeyPairs(joinQual, outerSchema, innerSchema); assertEquals(1, pairs.size()); assertEquals("employee.id1", pairs.get(0)[0].getQualifiedName()); assertEquals("people.fid1", pairs.get(0)[1].getQualifiedName()); // after exchange of outer and inner pairs = PlannerUtil.getJoinKeyPairs(joinQual, innerSchema, outerSchema); assertEquals("people.fid1", pairs.get(0)[0].getQualifiedName()); assertEquals("employee.id1", pairs.get(0)[1].getQualifiedName()); // composited join key test EvalNode joinQual2 = new BinaryEval(EvalType.EQUAL, f3, f4); EvalNode compositedJoinQual = new BinaryEval(EvalType.AND, joinQual, joinQual2); pairs = PlannerUtil.getJoinKeyPairs(compositedJoinQual, outerSchema, innerSchema); assertEquals(2, pairs.size()); assertEquals("employee.id1", pairs.get(0)[0].getQualifiedName()); assertEquals("people.fid1", pairs.get(0)[1].getQualifiedName()); assertEquals("employee.id2", pairs.get(1)[0].getQualifiedName()); assertEquals("people.fid2", pairs.get(1)[1].getQualifiedName()); // after exchange of outer and inner pairs = PlannerUtil.getJoinKeyPairs(compositedJoinQual, innerSchema, outerSchema); assertEquals(2, pairs.size()); assertEquals("people.fid1", pairs.get(0)[0].getQualifiedName()); assertEquals("employee.id1", pairs.get(0)[1].getQualifiedName()); assertEquals("people.fid2", pairs.get(1)[0].getQualifiedName()); assertEquals("employee.id2", pairs.get(1)[1].getQualifiedName()); }
@Before public void setUp() throws Exception { this.conf = new TajoConf(); util = new TajoTestingCluster(); catalog = util.startCatalogCluster().getCatalog(); testDir = CommonTestingUtil.getTestDir(TEST_PATH); conf.setVar(TajoConf.ConfVars.WORKER_TEMPORAL_DIR, testDir.toString()); sm = StorageManagerFactory.getStorageManager(conf, testDir); Schema schema = new Schema(); schema.addColumn("managerId", Type.INT4); schema.addColumn("empId", Type.INT4); schema.addColumn("deptName", Type.TEXT); TableMeta employeeMeta = CatalogUtil.newTableMeta(StoreType.CSV); Path employeePath = new Path(testDir, "employee.csv"); Appender appender = StorageManagerFactory.getStorageManager(conf) .getAppender(employeeMeta, schema, employeePath); appender.enableStats(); appender.init(); Tuple tuple = new VTuple(schema.getColumnNum()); for (int i = 0; i < numTuple; i++) { tuple.put( new Datum[] { DatumFactory.createInt4(rnd.nextInt(50)), DatumFactory.createInt4(rnd.nextInt(100)), DatumFactory.createText("dept_" + i), }); appender.addTuple(tuple); } appender.flush(); appender.close(); System.out.println( appender.getStats().getNumRows() + " rows (" + (appender.getStats().getNumBytes() / 1048576) + " MB)"); employee = new TableDesc("employee", schema, employeeMeta, employeePath); catalog.addTable(employee); analyzer = new SQLAnalyzer(); planner = new LogicalPlanner(catalog); }
@Test public void testNoErrorTolerance() throws IOException { TajoConf conf = new TajoConf(); TableMeta meta = CatalogUtil.newTableMeta("JSON"); meta.putOption(StorageUtil.TEXT_ERROR_TOLERANCE_MAXNUM, "0"); FileFragment fragment = getFileFragment("testErrorTolerance2.json"); Scanner scanner = TablespaceManager.getLocalFs().getScanner(meta, schema, fragment); scanner.init(); try { scanner.next(); } catch (IOException ioe) { return; } finally { scanner.close(); } fail(); }
@Test public final void testCtasWithoutTableDefinition() throws Exception { ResultSet res = executeQuery(); res.close(); String tableName = CatalogUtil.normalizeIdentifier("testCtasWithoutTableDefinition"); CatalogService catalog = testBase.getTestingCluster().getMaster().getCatalog(); String qualifiedTableName = buildFQName(DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME, tableName); TableDesc desc = catalog.getTableDesc(qualifiedTableName); assertTrue(catalog.existsTable(qualifiedTableName)); assertTrue(desc.getSchema().contains("default.testctaswithouttabledefinition.col1")); PartitionMethodDesc partitionDesc = desc.getPartitionMethod(); assertEquals(partitionDesc.getPartitionType(), CatalogProtos.PartitionType.COLUMN); assertEquals( "key", partitionDesc.getExpressionSchema().getRootColumns().get(0).getSimpleName()); FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(testBase.getTestingCluster().getConfiguration()); Path path = new Path(desc.getUri()); assertTrue(fs.isDirectory(path)); assertTrue(fs.isDirectory(new Path(path.toUri() + "/key=17.0"))); assertTrue(fs.isDirectory(new Path(path.toUri() + "/key=36.0"))); assertTrue(fs.isDirectory(new Path(path.toUri() + "/key=38.0"))); assertTrue(fs.isDirectory(new Path(path.toUri() + "/key=45.0"))); assertTrue(fs.isDirectory(new Path(path.toUri() + "/key=49.0"))); if (!testingCluster.isHiveCatalogStoreRunning()) { assertEquals(5, desc.getStats().getNumRows().intValue()); } ResultSet res2 = executeFile("check1.sql"); Map<Double, int[]> resultRows1 = Maps.newHashMap(); resultRows1.put(45.0d, new int[] {3, 2}); resultRows1.put(38.0d, new int[] {2, 2}); int i = 0; while (res2.next()) { assertEquals(resultRows1.get(res2.getDouble(3))[0], res2.getInt(1)); assertEquals(resultRows1.get(res2.getDouble(3))[1], res2.getInt(2)); i++; } res2.close(); assertEquals(2, i); }
@Test public void testIgnoreAllErrors() throws IOException { TajoConf conf = new TajoConf(); TableMeta meta = CatalogUtil.newTableMeta("JSON"); meta.putOption(StorageUtil.TEXT_ERROR_TOLERANCE_MAXNUM, "-1"); FileFragment fragment = getFileFragment("testErrorTolerance1.json"); Scanner scanner = TablespaceManager.getLocalFs().getScanner(meta, schema, fragment); scanner.init(); Tuple tuple; int i = 0; while ((tuple = scanner.next()) != null) { assertEquals(baseTuple, tuple); i++; } assertEquals(3, i); scanner.close(); }
@Test public final void testCtasWithOptions() throws Exception { ResultSet res = executeFile("CtasWithOptions.sql"); res.close(); ResultSet res2 = executeQuery(); resultSetToString(res2); res2.close(); TableDesc desc = client.getTableDesc(CatalogUtil.normalizeIdentifier(res2.getMetaData().getTableName(1))); assertNotNull(desc); assertTrue("CSV".equalsIgnoreCase(desc.getMeta().getStoreType())); KeyValueSet options = desc.getMeta().getOptions(); assertNotNull(options); assertEquals( StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava("\u0001"), options.get(StorageConstants.TEXT_DELIMITER)); }
public void dropBaseSchema(Connection conn) { if (!isLoaded()) { throw new TajoInternalError("Schema files are not loaded yet."); } List<DatabaseObject> failedObjects = new ArrayList<>(); Statement stmt = null; try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new TajoInternalError(e); } for (DatabaseObject object : catalogStore.getSchema().getObjects()) { try { if (DatabaseObjectType.TABLE == object.getType() || DatabaseObjectType.SEQUENCE == object.getType() || DatabaseObjectType.VIEW == object.getType()) { stmt.executeUpdate(getDropSQL(object.getType(), object.getName())); } } catch (SQLException e) { failedObjects.add(object); } } CatalogUtil.closeQuietly(stmt); if (failedObjects.size() > 0) { StringBuffer errorMessage = new StringBuffer(64); errorMessage.append("Failed to drop database objects "); for (int idx = 0; idx < failedObjects.size(); idx++) { DatabaseObject object = failedObjects.get(idx); errorMessage.append(object.getType().toString()).append(" ").append(object.getName()); if ((idx + 1) < failedObjects.size()) { errorMessage.append(','); } } LOG.warn(errorMessage.toString()); } }
@Test public final void testGetSortKeysFromJoinQual() { Schema outerSchema = new Schema(); outerSchema.addColumn("employee.id1", CatalogUtil.newSimpleDataType(Type.INT4)); outerSchema.addColumn("employee.id2", CatalogUtil.newSimpleDataType(Type.INT4)); Schema innerSchema = new Schema(); innerSchema.addColumn("people.fid1", CatalogUtil.newSimpleDataType(Type.INT4)); innerSchema.addColumn("people.fid2", CatalogUtil.newSimpleDataType(Type.INT4)); FieldEval f1 = new FieldEval("employee.id1", CatalogUtil.newSimpleDataType(Type.INT4)); FieldEval f2 = new FieldEval("people.fid1", CatalogUtil.newSimpleDataType(Type.INT4)); FieldEval f3 = new FieldEval("employee.id2", CatalogUtil.newSimpleDataType(Type.INT4)); FieldEval f4 = new FieldEval("people.fid2", CatalogUtil.newSimpleDataType(Type.INT4)); EvalNode joinQual = new BinaryEval(EvalType.EQUAL, f1, f2); SortSpec[][] sortSpecs = PlannerUtil.getSortKeysFromJoinQual(joinQual, outerSchema, innerSchema); assertEquals(2, sortSpecs.length); assertEquals(1, sortSpecs[0].length); assertEquals(1, sortSpecs[1].length); assertEquals(outerSchema.getColumn("id1"), sortSpecs[0][0].getSortKey()); assertEquals(innerSchema.getColumn("fid1"), sortSpecs[1][0].getSortKey()); // tests for composited join key EvalNode joinQual2 = new BinaryEval(EvalType.EQUAL, f3, f4); EvalNode compositedJoinQual = new BinaryEval(EvalType.AND, joinQual, joinQual2); sortSpecs = PlannerUtil.getSortKeysFromJoinQual(compositedJoinQual, outerSchema, innerSchema); assertEquals(2, sortSpecs.length); assertEquals(2, sortSpecs[0].length); assertEquals(2, sortSpecs[1].length); assertEquals(outerSchema.getColumn("id1"), sortSpecs[0][0].getSortKey()); assertEquals(outerSchema.getColumn("id2"), sortSpecs[0][1].getSortKey()); assertEquals(innerSchema.getColumn("fid1"), sortSpecs[1][0].getSortKey()); assertEquals(innerSchema.getColumn("fid2"), sortSpecs[1][1].getSortKey()); }
@Test public void testAlterTableAddDropPartition() throws Exception { String tableName = CatalogUtil.normalizeIdentifier("testAlterTableAddPartition"); tajoCli.executeScript( "create table " + tableName + " (col1 int4, col2 int4) partition by column(key float8)"); tajoCli.executeScript("alter table " + tableName + " add partition (key2 = 0.1)"); tajoCli.executeScript("alter table " + tableName + " add partition (key = 0.1)"); tajoCli.executeScript("alter table " + tableName + " drop partition (key = 0.1)"); tajoCli.executeScript("alter table " + tableName + " drop partition (key = 0.1)"); tajoCli.executeScript("drop table " + tableName); tajoCli.executeScript( "create table " + tableName + " (col1 int4, col2 int4) partition by column(col3 float8, col4 int4)"); TajoClient client = testBase.getTestingCluster().newTajoClient(); TableDesc tableDesc = client.getTableDesc(tableName); String partitionLocation = tableDesc.getUri().toString() + "/col5=0.1/col6=10"; tajoCli.executeScript( "alter table " + tableName + " add partition (col3 = 0.1, col4 = 10)" + " location '" + partitionLocation + "'"); Path partitionPath = new Path(partitionLocation); FileSystem fs = testBase.getTestingCluster().getDefaultFileSystem(); assertTrue(fs.exists(partitionPath)); tajoCli.executeScript("alter table " + tableName + " drop partition (col3 = 0.1, col4 = 10)"); String consoleResult = new String(out.toByteArray()); assertOutputResult(consoleResult); }
public void createBaseSchema(Connection conn) { Statement stmt; if (!isLoaded()) { throw new TajoInternalError("Database schema files are not loaded."); } try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new TajoInternalError(e); } for (DatabaseObject object : catalogStore.getSchema().getObjects()) { try { String[] params; if (DatabaseObjectType.INDEX == object.getType()) { params = new String[2]; params[0] = object.getDependsOn(); params[1] = object.getName(); } else { params = new String[1]; params[0] = object.getName(); } if (checkExistence(conn, object.getType(), params)) { LOG.info("Skip to create " + object.getName() + " databse object. Already exists."); } else { stmt.executeUpdate(object.getSql()); LOG.info(object.getName() + " " + object.getType() + " is created."); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new TajoInternalError(e); } } CatalogUtil.closeQuietly(stmt); }
private final void assertPathOfCreatedTable( final String databaseName, final String originalTableName, final String newTableName, String createTableStmt) throws Exception { // create one table executeString("CREATE DATABASE " + CatalogUtil.denormalizeIdentifier(databaseName)).close(); getClient().existDatabase(CatalogUtil.denormalizeIdentifier(databaseName)); final String oldFQTableName = CatalogUtil.buildFQName(databaseName, originalTableName); ResultSet res = executeString(createTableStmt); res.close(); assertTableExists(oldFQTableName); TableDesc oldTableDesc = client.getTableDesc(oldFQTableName); // checking the existence of the table directory and validating the path Path warehouseDir = TajoConf.getWarehouseDir(testingCluster.getConfiguration()); FileSystem fs = warehouseDir.getFileSystem(testingCluster.getConfiguration()); assertTrue(fs.exists(new Path(oldTableDesc.getUri()))); assertEquals( StorageUtil.concatPath(warehouseDir, databaseName, originalTableName), new Path(oldTableDesc.getUri())); // Rename client.executeQuery( "ALTER TABLE " + CatalogUtil.denormalizeIdentifier(oldFQTableName) + " RENAME to " + CatalogUtil.denormalizeIdentifier(newTableName)); // checking the existence of the new table directory and validating the path final String newFQTableName = CatalogUtil.buildFQName(databaseName, newTableName); TableDesc newTableDesc = client.getTableDesc(newFQTableName); assertTrue(fs.exists(new Path(newTableDesc.getUri()))); assertEquals( StorageUtil.concatPath(warehouseDir, databaseName, newTableName), new Path(newTableDesc.getUri())); }
@Override public DataType getPartialResultType() { return CatalogUtil.newSimpleDataType(Type.INT8); }
@Before public void setUp() throws Exception { util = new TajoTestingCluster(); util.initTestDir(); util.startCatalogCluster(); catalog = util.getCatalogService(); testDir = CommonTestingUtil.getTestDir(TEST_PATH); catalog.createTablespace(DEFAULT_TABLESPACE_NAME, testDir.toUri().toString()); catalog.createDatabase(DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME, DEFAULT_TABLESPACE_NAME); conf = util.getConfiguration(); // ----------------- dep3 ------------------------------ // dep_id | dep_name | loc_id // -------------------------------- // 0 | dep_0 | 1000 // 1 | dep_1 | 1001 // 2 | dep_2 | 1002 // 3 | dep_3 | 1003 // 4 | dep_4 | 1004 // 5 | dep_5 | 1005 // 6 | dep_6 | 1006 // 7 | dep_7 | 1007 // 8 | dep_8 | 1008 // 9 | dep_9 | 1009 Schema dep3Schema = new Schema(); dep3Schema.addColumn("dep_id", Type.INT4); dep3Schema.addColumn("dep_name", Type.TEXT); dep3Schema.addColumn("loc_id", Type.INT4); TableMeta dep3Meta = CatalogUtil.newTableMeta("TEXT"); Path dep3Path = new Path(testDir, "dep3.csv"); Appender appender1 = ((FileTablespace) TablespaceManager.getLocalFs()) .getAppender(dep3Meta, dep3Schema, dep3Path); appender1.init(); VTuple tuple = new VTuple(dep3Schema.size()); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { tuple.put( new Datum[] { DatumFactory.createInt4(i), DatumFactory.createText("dept_" + i), DatumFactory.createInt4(1000 + i) }); appender1.addTuple(tuple); } appender1.flush(); appender1.close(); dep3 = CatalogUtil.newTableDesc(DEP3_NAME, dep3Schema, dep3Meta, dep3Path); catalog.createTable(dep3); // ----------------- dep4 ------------------------------ // dep_id | dep_name | loc_id // -------------------------------- // 0 | dep_0 | 1000 // 1 | dep_1 | 1001 // 2 | dep_2 | 1002 // 3 | dep_3 | 1003 // 4 | dep_4 | 1004 // 5 | dep_5 | 1005 // 6 | dep_6 | 1006 // 7 | dep_7 | 1007 // 8 | dep_8 | 1008 // 9 | dep_9 | 1009 // 10 | dep_10 | 1010 Schema dep4Schema = new Schema(); dep4Schema.addColumn("dep_id", Type.INT4); dep4Schema.addColumn("dep_name", Type.TEXT); dep4Schema.addColumn("loc_id", Type.INT4); TableMeta dep4Meta = CatalogUtil.newTableMeta("TEXT"); Path dep4Path = new Path(testDir, "dep4.csv"); Appender appender4 = ((FileTablespace) TablespaceManager.getLocalFs()) .getAppender(dep4Meta, dep4Schema, dep4Path); appender4.init(); VTuple tuple4 = new VTuple(dep4Schema.size()); for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) { tuple4.put( new Datum[] { DatumFactory.createInt4(i), DatumFactory.createText("dept_" + i), DatumFactory.createInt4(1000 + i) }); appender4.addTuple(tuple4); } appender4.flush(); appender4.close(); dep4 = CatalogUtil.newTableDesc(DEP4_NAME, dep4Schema, dep4Meta, dep4Path); catalog.createTable(dep4); // ----------------- job3 ------------------------------ // job_id | job_title // ---------------------- // 101 | job_101 // 102 | job_102 // 103 | job_103 Schema job3Schema = new Schema(); job3Schema.addColumn("job_id", Type.INT4); job3Schema.addColumn("job_title", Type.TEXT); TableMeta job3Meta = CatalogUtil.newTableMeta("TEXT"); Path job3Path = new Path(testDir, "job3.csv"); Appender appender2 = ((FileTablespace) TablespaceManager.getLocalFs()) .getAppender(job3Meta, job3Schema, job3Path); appender2.init(); VTuple tuple2 = new VTuple(job3Schema.size()); for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { int x = 100 + i; tuple2.put( new Datum[] {DatumFactory.createInt4(100 + i), DatumFactory.createText("job_" + x)}); appender2.addTuple(tuple2); } appender2.flush(); appender2.close(); job3 = CatalogUtil.newTableDesc(JOB3_NAME, job3Schema, job3Meta, job3Path); catalog.createTable(job3); // ---------------------emp3 -------------------- // emp_id | first_name | last_name | dep_id | salary | job_id // ------------------------------------------------------------ // 11 | fn_11 | ln_11 | 1 | 123 | 101 // 13 | fn_13 | ln_13 | 3 | 369 | 103 // 15 | fn_15 | ln_15 | 5 | 615 | null // 17 | fn_17 | ln_17 | 7 | 861 | null // 19 | fn_19 | ln_19 | 9 | 1107 | null // 21 | fn_21 | ln_21 | 1 | 123 | 101 // 23 | fn_23 | ln_23 | 3 | 369 | 103 Schema emp3Schema = new Schema(); emp3Schema.addColumn("emp_id", Type.INT4); emp3Schema.addColumn("first_name", Type.TEXT); emp3Schema.addColumn("last_name", Type.TEXT); emp3Schema.addColumn("dep_id", Type.INT4); emp3Schema.addColumn("salary", Type.FLOAT4); emp3Schema.addColumn("job_id", Type.INT4); TableMeta emp3Meta = CatalogUtil.newTableMeta("TEXT"); Path emp3Path = new Path(testDir, "emp3.csv"); Appender appender3 = ((FileTablespace) TablespaceManager.getLocalFs()) .getAppender(emp3Meta, emp3Schema, emp3Path); appender3.init(); VTuple tuple3 = new VTuple(emp3Schema.size()); for (int i = 1; i < 4; i += 2) { int x = 10 + i; tuple3.put( new Datum[] { DatumFactory.createInt4(10 + i), DatumFactory.createText("firstname_" + x), DatumFactory.createText("lastname_" + x), DatumFactory.createInt4(i), DatumFactory.createFloat4(123 * i), DatumFactory.createInt4(100 + i) }); appender3.addTuple(tuple3); int y = 20 + i; tuple3.put( new Datum[] { DatumFactory.createInt4(20 + i), DatumFactory.createText("firstname_" + y), DatumFactory.createText("lastname_" + y), DatumFactory.createInt4(i), DatumFactory.createFloat4(123 * i), DatumFactory.createInt4(100 + i) }); appender3.addTuple(tuple3); } for (int i = 5; i < 10; i += 2) { int x = 10 + i; tuple3.put( new Datum[] { DatumFactory.createInt4(10 + i), DatumFactory.createText("firstname_" + x), DatumFactory.createText("lastname_" + x), DatumFactory.createInt4(i), DatumFactory.createFloat4(123 * i), DatumFactory.createNullDatum() }); appender3.addTuple(tuple3); } appender3.flush(); appender3.close(); emp3 = CatalogUtil.newTableDesc(EMP3_NAME, emp3Schema, emp3Meta, emp3Path); catalog.createTable(emp3); // ---------------------phone3 -------------------- // emp_id | phone_number // ----------------------------------------------- // this table is empty, no rows Schema phone3Schema = new Schema(); phone3Schema.addColumn("emp_id", Type.INT4); phone3Schema.addColumn("phone_number", Type.TEXT); TableMeta phone3Meta = CatalogUtil.newTableMeta("TEXT"); Path phone3Path = new Path(testDir, "phone3.csv"); Appender appender5 = ((FileTablespace) TablespaceManager.getLocalFs()) .getAppender(phone3Meta, phone3Schema, phone3Path); appender5.init(); appender5.flush(); appender5.close(); phone3 = CatalogUtil.newTableDesc(PHONE3_NAME, phone3Schema, phone3Meta, phone3Path); catalog.createTable(phone3); analyzer = new SQLAnalyzer(); planner = new LogicalPlanner(catalog, TablespaceManager.getInstance()); defaultContext = LocalTajoTestingUtility.createDummyContext(conf); }
public class TestRightOuterMergeJoinExec { private TajoConf conf; private final String TEST_PATH = TajoTestingCluster.DEFAULT_TEST_DIRECTORY + "/TestRightOuterMergeJoinExec"; private TajoTestingCluster util; private CatalogService catalog; private SQLAnalyzer analyzer; private LogicalPlanner planner; private Path testDir; private QueryContext defaultContext; private TableDesc dep3; private TableDesc dep4; private TableDesc job3; private TableDesc emp3; private TableDesc phone3; private final String DEP3_NAME = CatalogUtil.buildFQName(DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME, "dep3"); private final String DEP4_NAME = CatalogUtil.buildFQName(DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME, "dep4"); private final String JOB3_NAME = CatalogUtil.buildFQName(DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME, "job3"); private final String EMP3_NAME = CatalogUtil.buildFQName(DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME, "emp3"); private final String PHONE3_NAME = CatalogUtil.buildFQName(DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME, "phone3"); @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { util = new TajoTestingCluster(); util.initTestDir(); util.startCatalogCluster(); catalog = util.getCatalogService(); testDir = CommonTestingUtil.getTestDir(TEST_PATH); catalog.createTablespace(DEFAULT_TABLESPACE_NAME, testDir.toUri().toString()); catalog.createDatabase(DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME, DEFAULT_TABLESPACE_NAME); conf = util.getConfiguration(); // ----------------- dep3 ------------------------------ // dep_id | dep_name | loc_id // -------------------------------- // 0 | dep_0 | 1000 // 1 | dep_1 | 1001 // 2 | dep_2 | 1002 // 3 | dep_3 | 1003 // 4 | dep_4 | 1004 // 5 | dep_5 | 1005 // 6 | dep_6 | 1006 // 7 | dep_7 | 1007 // 8 | dep_8 | 1008 // 9 | dep_9 | 1009 Schema dep3Schema = new Schema(); dep3Schema.addColumn("dep_id", Type.INT4); dep3Schema.addColumn("dep_name", Type.TEXT); dep3Schema.addColumn("loc_id", Type.INT4); TableMeta dep3Meta = CatalogUtil.newTableMeta("TEXT"); Path dep3Path = new Path(testDir, "dep3.csv"); Appender appender1 = ((FileTablespace) TablespaceManager.getLocalFs()) .getAppender(dep3Meta, dep3Schema, dep3Path); appender1.init(); VTuple tuple = new VTuple(dep3Schema.size()); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { tuple.put( new Datum[] { DatumFactory.createInt4(i), DatumFactory.createText("dept_" + i), DatumFactory.createInt4(1000 + i) }); appender1.addTuple(tuple); } appender1.flush(); appender1.close(); dep3 = CatalogUtil.newTableDesc(DEP3_NAME, dep3Schema, dep3Meta, dep3Path); catalog.createTable(dep3); // ----------------- dep4 ------------------------------ // dep_id | dep_name | loc_id // -------------------------------- // 0 | dep_0 | 1000 // 1 | dep_1 | 1001 // 2 | dep_2 | 1002 // 3 | dep_3 | 1003 // 4 | dep_4 | 1004 // 5 | dep_5 | 1005 // 6 | dep_6 | 1006 // 7 | dep_7 | 1007 // 8 | dep_8 | 1008 // 9 | dep_9 | 1009 // 10 | dep_10 | 1010 Schema dep4Schema = new Schema(); dep4Schema.addColumn("dep_id", Type.INT4); dep4Schema.addColumn("dep_name", Type.TEXT); dep4Schema.addColumn("loc_id", Type.INT4); TableMeta dep4Meta = CatalogUtil.newTableMeta("TEXT"); Path dep4Path = new Path(testDir, "dep4.csv"); Appender appender4 = ((FileTablespace) TablespaceManager.getLocalFs()) .getAppender(dep4Meta, dep4Schema, dep4Path); appender4.init(); VTuple tuple4 = new VTuple(dep4Schema.size()); for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) { tuple4.put( new Datum[] { DatumFactory.createInt4(i), DatumFactory.createText("dept_" + i), DatumFactory.createInt4(1000 + i) }); appender4.addTuple(tuple4); } appender4.flush(); appender4.close(); dep4 = CatalogUtil.newTableDesc(DEP4_NAME, dep4Schema, dep4Meta, dep4Path); catalog.createTable(dep4); // ----------------- job3 ------------------------------ // job_id | job_title // ---------------------- // 101 | job_101 // 102 | job_102 // 103 | job_103 Schema job3Schema = new Schema(); job3Schema.addColumn("job_id", Type.INT4); job3Schema.addColumn("job_title", Type.TEXT); TableMeta job3Meta = CatalogUtil.newTableMeta("TEXT"); Path job3Path = new Path(testDir, "job3.csv"); Appender appender2 = ((FileTablespace) TablespaceManager.getLocalFs()) .getAppender(job3Meta, job3Schema, job3Path); appender2.init(); VTuple tuple2 = new VTuple(job3Schema.size()); for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { int x = 100 + i; tuple2.put( new Datum[] {DatumFactory.createInt4(100 + i), DatumFactory.createText("job_" + x)}); appender2.addTuple(tuple2); } appender2.flush(); appender2.close(); job3 = CatalogUtil.newTableDesc(JOB3_NAME, job3Schema, job3Meta, job3Path); catalog.createTable(job3); // ---------------------emp3 -------------------- // emp_id | first_name | last_name | dep_id | salary | job_id // ------------------------------------------------------------ // 11 | fn_11 | ln_11 | 1 | 123 | 101 // 13 | fn_13 | ln_13 | 3 | 369 | 103 // 15 | fn_15 | ln_15 | 5 | 615 | null // 17 | fn_17 | ln_17 | 7 | 861 | null // 19 | fn_19 | ln_19 | 9 | 1107 | null // 21 | fn_21 | ln_21 | 1 | 123 | 101 // 23 | fn_23 | ln_23 | 3 | 369 | 103 Schema emp3Schema = new Schema(); emp3Schema.addColumn("emp_id", Type.INT4); emp3Schema.addColumn("first_name", Type.TEXT); emp3Schema.addColumn("last_name", Type.TEXT); emp3Schema.addColumn("dep_id", Type.INT4); emp3Schema.addColumn("salary", Type.FLOAT4); emp3Schema.addColumn("job_id", Type.INT4); TableMeta emp3Meta = CatalogUtil.newTableMeta("TEXT"); Path emp3Path = new Path(testDir, "emp3.csv"); Appender appender3 = ((FileTablespace) TablespaceManager.getLocalFs()) .getAppender(emp3Meta, emp3Schema, emp3Path); appender3.init(); VTuple tuple3 = new VTuple(emp3Schema.size()); for (int i = 1; i < 4; i += 2) { int x = 10 + i; tuple3.put( new Datum[] { DatumFactory.createInt4(10 + i), DatumFactory.createText("firstname_" + x), DatumFactory.createText("lastname_" + x), DatumFactory.createInt4(i), DatumFactory.createFloat4(123 * i), DatumFactory.createInt4(100 + i) }); appender3.addTuple(tuple3); int y = 20 + i; tuple3.put( new Datum[] { DatumFactory.createInt4(20 + i), DatumFactory.createText("firstname_" + y), DatumFactory.createText("lastname_" + y), DatumFactory.createInt4(i), DatumFactory.createFloat4(123 * i), DatumFactory.createInt4(100 + i) }); appender3.addTuple(tuple3); } for (int i = 5; i < 10; i += 2) { int x = 10 + i; tuple3.put( new Datum[] { DatumFactory.createInt4(10 + i), DatumFactory.createText("firstname_" + x), DatumFactory.createText("lastname_" + x), DatumFactory.createInt4(i), DatumFactory.createFloat4(123 * i), DatumFactory.createNullDatum() }); appender3.addTuple(tuple3); } appender3.flush(); appender3.close(); emp3 = CatalogUtil.newTableDesc(EMP3_NAME, emp3Schema, emp3Meta, emp3Path); catalog.createTable(emp3); // ---------------------phone3 -------------------- // emp_id | phone_number // ----------------------------------------------- // this table is empty, no rows Schema phone3Schema = new Schema(); phone3Schema.addColumn("emp_id", Type.INT4); phone3Schema.addColumn("phone_number", Type.TEXT); TableMeta phone3Meta = CatalogUtil.newTableMeta("TEXT"); Path phone3Path = new Path(testDir, "phone3.csv"); Appender appender5 = ((FileTablespace) TablespaceManager.getLocalFs()) .getAppender(phone3Meta, phone3Schema, phone3Path); appender5.init(); appender5.flush(); appender5.close(); phone3 = CatalogUtil.newTableDesc(PHONE3_NAME, phone3Schema, phone3Meta, phone3Path); catalog.createTable(phone3); analyzer = new SQLAnalyzer(); planner = new LogicalPlanner(catalog, TablespaceManager.getInstance()); defaultContext = LocalTajoTestingUtility.createDummyContext(conf); } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { util.shutdownCatalogCluster(); } String[] QUERIES = { // [0] no nulls "select dep3.dep_id, dep_name, emp_id, salary from emp3 right outer join dep3 on dep3.dep_id = emp3.dep_id", // [1] nulls on the left operand "select job3.job_id, job_title, emp_id, salary from emp3 right outer join job3 on job3.job_id=emp3.job_id", // [2] nulls on the right side "select job3.job_id, job_title, emp_id, salary from job3 right outer join emp3 on job3.job_id=emp3.job_id", // [3] no nulls, right continues after left "select dep4.dep_id, dep_name, emp_id, salary from emp3 right outer join dep4 on dep4.dep_id = emp3.dep_id", // [4] one operand is empty "select emp3.emp_id, first_name, phone_number from emp3 right outer join phone3 on emp3.emp_id = phone3.emp_id", // [5] one operand is empty "select phone_number, emp3.emp_id, first_name from phone3 right outer join emp3 on emp3.emp_id = phone3.emp_id" }; @Test public final void testRightOuterMergeJoin0() throws IOException, TajoException { Expr expr = analyzer.parse(QUERIES[0]); LogicalNode plan = planner.createPlan(defaultContext, expr).getRootBlock().getRoot(); JoinNode joinNode = PlannerUtil.findTopNode(plan, NodeType.JOIN); Enforcer enforcer = new Enforcer(); enforcer.enforceJoinAlgorithm(joinNode.getPID(), JoinAlgorithm.MERGE_JOIN); FileFragment[] emp3Frags = FileTablespace.splitNG( conf, EMP3_NAME, emp3.getMeta(), new Path(emp3.getUri()), Integer.MAX_VALUE); FileFragment[] dep3Frags = FileTablespace.splitNG( conf, DEP3_NAME, dep3.getMeta(), new Path(dep3.getUri()), Integer.MAX_VALUE); FileFragment[] merged = TUtil.concat(emp3Frags, dep3Frags); Path workDir = CommonTestingUtil.getTestDir( TajoTestingCluster.DEFAULT_TEST_DIRECTORY + "/testRightOuterMergeJoin0"); TaskAttemptContext ctx = new TaskAttemptContext( new QueryContext(conf), LocalTajoTestingUtility.newTaskAttemptId(), merged, workDir); ctx.setEnforcer(enforcer); PhysicalPlanner phyPlanner = new PhysicalPlannerImpl(conf); PhysicalExec exec = phyPlanner.createPlan(ctx, plan); ProjectionExec proj = (ProjectionExec) exec; assertTrue(proj.getChild() instanceof RightOuterMergeJoinExec); int count = 0; exec.init(); while (exec.next() != null) { // TODO check contents count = count + 1; } assertNull(exec.next()); exec.close(); assertEquals(12, count); } @Test public final void testRightOuter_MergeJoin1() throws IOException, TajoException { Expr expr = analyzer.parse(QUERIES[1]); LogicalNode plan = planner.createPlan(defaultContext, expr).getRootBlock().getRoot(); JoinNode joinNode = PlannerUtil.findTopNode(plan, NodeType.JOIN); Enforcer enforcer = new Enforcer(); enforcer.enforceJoinAlgorithm(joinNode.getPID(), JoinAlgorithm.MERGE_JOIN); FileFragment[] emp3Frags = FileTablespace.splitNG( conf, EMP3_NAME, emp3.getMeta(), new Path(emp3.getUri()), Integer.MAX_VALUE); FileFragment[] job3Frags = FileTablespace.splitNG( conf, JOB3_NAME, job3.getMeta(), new Path(job3.getUri()), Integer.MAX_VALUE); FileFragment[] merged = TUtil.concat(job3Frags, emp3Frags); Path workDir = CommonTestingUtil.getTestDir( TajoTestingCluster.DEFAULT_TEST_DIRECTORY + "/testRightOuterMergeJoin1"); TaskAttemptContext ctx = new TaskAttemptContext( new QueryContext(conf), LocalTajoTestingUtility.newTaskAttemptId(), merged, workDir); ctx.setEnforcer(enforcer); PhysicalPlanner phyPlanner = new PhysicalPlannerImpl(conf); PhysicalExec exec = phyPlanner.createPlan(ctx, plan); ProjectionExec proj = (ProjectionExec) exec; assertTrue(proj.getChild() instanceof RightOuterMergeJoinExec); int count = 0; exec.init(); while (exec.next() != null) { // TODO check contents count = count + 1; } assertNull(exec.next()); exec.close(); assertEquals(5, count); } @Test public final void testRightOuterMergeJoin2() throws IOException, TajoException { Expr expr = analyzer.parse(QUERIES[2]); LogicalNode plan = planner.createPlan(defaultContext, expr).getRootBlock().getRoot(); JoinNode joinNode = PlannerUtil.findTopNode(plan, NodeType.JOIN); Enforcer enforcer = new Enforcer(); enforcer.enforceJoinAlgorithm(joinNode.getPID(), JoinAlgorithm.MERGE_JOIN); FileFragment[] emp3Frags = FileTablespace.splitNG( conf, EMP3_NAME, emp3.getMeta(), new Path(emp3.getUri()), Integer.MAX_VALUE); FileFragment[] job3Frags = FileTablespace.splitNG( conf, JOB3_NAME, job3.getMeta(), new Path(job3.getUri()), Integer.MAX_VALUE); FileFragment[] merged = TUtil.concat(job3Frags, emp3Frags); Path workDir = CommonTestingUtil.getTestDir( TajoTestingCluster.DEFAULT_TEST_DIRECTORY + "/testRightOuterMergeJoin2"); TaskAttemptContext ctx = new TaskAttemptContext( new QueryContext(conf), LocalTajoTestingUtility.newTaskAttemptId(), merged, workDir); ctx.setEnforcer(enforcer); PhysicalPlanner phyPlanner = new PhysicalPlannerImpl(conf); PhysicalExec exec = phyPlanner.createPlan(ctx, plan); ProjectionExec proj = (ProjectionExec) exec; assertTrue(proj.getChild() instanceof RightOuterMergeJoinExec); int count = 0; exec.init(); while (exec.next() != null) { // TODO check contents count = count + 1; } assertNull(exec.next()); exec.close(); assertEquals(7, count); } @Test public final void testRightOuter_MergeJoin3() throws IOException, TajoException { Expr expr = analyzer.parse(QUERIES[3]); LogicalNode plan = planner.createPlan(defaultContext, expr).getRootBlock().getRoot(); JoinNode joinNode = PlannerUtil.findTopNode(plan, NodeType.JOIN); Enforcer enforcer = new Enforcer(); enforcer.enforceJoinAlgorithm(joinNode.getPID(), JoinAlgorithm.MERGE_JOIN); FileFragment[] emp3Frags = FileTablespace.splitNG( conf, EMP3_NAME, emp3.getMeta(), new Path(emp3.getUri()), Integer.MAX_VALUE); FileFragment[] dep4Frags = FileTablespace.splitNG( conf, DEP4_NAME, dep4.getMeta(), new Path(dep4.getUri()), Integer.MAX_VALUE); FileFragment[] merged = TUtil.concat(emp3Frags, dep4Frags); Path workDir = CommonTestingUtil.getTestDir( TajoTestingCluster.DEFAULT_TEST_DIRECTORY + "/testRightOuter_MergeJoin3"); TaskAttemptContext ctx = new TaskAttemptContext( new QueryContext(conf), LocalTajoTestingUtility.newTaskAttemptId(), merged, workDir); ctx.setEnforcer(enforcer); PhysicalPlanner phyPlanner = new PhysicalPlannerImpl(conf); PhysicalExec exec = phyPlanner.createPlan(ctx, plan); ProjectionExec proj = (ProjectionExec) exec; assertTrue(proj.getChild() instanceof RightOuterMergeJoinExec); int count = 0; exec.init(); while (exec.next() != null) { // TODO check contents count = count + 1; } assertNull(exec.next()); exec.close(); assertEquals(13, count); } @Test public final void testRightOuter_MergeJoin4() throws IOException, TajoException { Expr expr = analyzer.parse(QUERIES[4]); LogicalNode plan = planner.createPlan(defaultContext, expr).getRootBlock().getRoot(); JoinNode joinNode = PlannerUtil.findTopNode(plan, NodeType.JOIN); Enforcer enforcer = new Enforcer(); enforcer.enforceJoinAlgorithm(joinNode.getPID(), JoinAlgorithm.MERGE_JOIN); FileFragment[] emp3Frags = FileTablespace.splitNG( conf, EMP3_NAME, emp3.getMeta(), new Path(emp3.getUri()), Integer.MAX_VALUE); FileFragment[] phone3Frags = FileTablespace.splitNG( conf, PHONE3_NAME, phone3.getMeta(), new Path(phone3.getUri()), Integer.MAX_VALUE); FileFragment[] merged = TUtil.concat(emp3Frags, phone3Frags); Path workDir = CommonTestingUtil.getTestDir( TajoTestingCluster.DEFAULT_TEST_DIRECTORY + "/testRightOuter_MergeJoin4"); TaskAttemptContext ctx = new TaskAttemptContext( new QueryContext(conf), LocalTajoTestingUtility.newTaskAttemptId(), merged, workDir); ctx.setEnforcer(enforcer); PhysicalPlanner phyPlanner = new PhysicalPlannerImpl(conf); PhysicalExec exec = phyPlanner.createPlan(ctx, plan); ProjectionExec proj = (ProjectionExec) exec; assertTrue(proj.getChild() instanceof RightOuterMergeJoinExec); int count = 0; exec.init(); while (exec.next() != null) { // TODO check contents count = count + 1; } assertNull(exec.next()); exec.close(); assertEquals(0, count); } @Test public final void testRightOuterMergeJoin5() throws IOException, TajoException { Expr expr = analyzer.parse(QUERIES[5]); LogicalNode plan = planner.createPlan(defaultContext, expr).getRootBlock().getRoot(); JoinNode joinNode = PlannerUtil.findTopNode(plan, NodeType.JOIN); Enforcer enforcer = new Enforcer(); enforcer.enforceJoinAlgorithm(joinNode.getPID(), JoinAlgorithm.MERGE_JOIN); FileFragment[] emp3Frags = FileTablespace.splitNG( conf, EMP3_NAME, emp3.getMeta(), new Path(emp3.getUri()), Integer.MAX_VALUE); FileFragment[] phone3Frags = FileTablespace.splitNG( conf, PHONE3_NAME, phone3.getMeta(), new Path(phone3.getUri()), Integer.MAX_VALUE); FileFragment[] merged = TUtil.concat(phone3Frags, emp3Frags); Path workDir = CommonTestingUtil.getTestDir( TajoTestingCluster.DEFAULT_TEST_DIRECTORY + "/testRightOuterMergeJoin5"); TaskAttemptContext ctx = new TaskAttemptContext( new QueryContext(conf), LocalTajoTestingUtility.newTaskAttemptId(), merged, workDir); ctx.setEnforcer(enforcer); PhysicalPlanner phyPlanner = new PhysicalPlannerImpl(conf); PhysicalExec exec = phyPlanner.createPlan(ctx, plan); ProjectionExec proj = (ProjectionExec) exec; assertTrue(proj.getChild() instanceof RightOuterMergeJoinExec); int count = 0; exec.init(); while (exec.next() != null) { // TODO check contents count = count + 1; } exec.close(); assertEquals(7, count); } }
protected boolean checkExistence(Connection conn, DatabaseObjectType type, String... params) throws SQLException { boolean result = false; DatabaseMetaData metadata = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; BaseSchema baseSchema = catalogStore.getSchema(); if (params == null || params.length < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("checkExistence function needs at least one argument."); } switch (type) { case DATA: metadata = conn.getMetaData(); ResultSet data = metadata.getUDTs( null, baseSchema.getSchemaName() != null && !baseSchema.getSchemaName().isEmpty() ? baseSchema.getSchemaName().toUpperCase() : null, params[0].toUpperCase(), null); result = data.next(); CatalogUtil.closeQuietly(data); break; case FUNCTION: metadata = conn.getMetaData(); ResultSet functions = metadata.getFunctions( null, baseSchema.getSchemaName() != null && !baseSchema.getSchemaName().isEmpty() ? baseSchema.getSchemaName().toUpperCase() : null, params[0].toUpperCase()); result = functions.next(); CatalogUtil.closeQuietly(functions); break; case INDEX: if (params.length != 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Finding index object is needed two strings, table name and index name"); } pstmt = getExistQuery(conn, type); if (pstmt != null) { result = checkExistenceByQuery(pstmt, baseSchema, params); } else { metadata = conn.getMetaData(); ResultSet indexes = metadata.getIndexInfo( null, baseSchema.getSchemaName() != null && !baseSchema.getSchemaName().isEmpty() ? baseSchema.getSchemaName().toUpperCase() : null, params[0].toUpperCase(), false, true); while (indexes.next()) { if (indexes.getString("INDEX_NAME").equals(params[1].toUpperCase())) { result = true; break; } } CatalogUtil.closeQuietly(indexes); } break; case TABLE: pstmt = getExistQuery(conn, type); if (pstmt != null) { result = checkExistenceByQuery(pstmt, baseSchema, params); } else { metadata = conn.getMetaData(); ResultSet tables = metadata.getTables( null, baseSchema.getSchemaName() != null && !baseSchema.getSchemaName().isEmpty() ? baseSchema.getSchemaName().toUpperCase() : null, params[0].toUpperCase(), new String[] {"TABLE"}); result = tables.next(); CatalogUtil.closeQuietly(tables); } break; case DOMAIN: case OPERATOR: case RULE: case SEQUENCE: case TRIGGER: case VIEW: pstmt = getExistQuery(conn, type); if (pstmt == null) { throw new TajoInternalError( "Finding " + type + " type of database object is not supported on this database system."); } result = checkExistenceByQuery(pstmt, baseSchema, params); break; } return result; }
public QueryTestCaseBase() { this.currentDatabase = CatalogUtil.normalizeIdentifier(getClass().getSimpleName()); init(); }