コード例 #1
   * This function will get slice of the input frame block overlapping in overall slice(Range),
   * slice has requested for.
   * @param val
   * @param range
   * @param brlen
   * @param bclen
   * @param outlist
   * @throws DMLRuntimeException
  public static void performSlice(
      Pair<Long, FrameBlock> in,
      IndexRange ixrange,
      int brlen,
      int bclen,
      ArrayList<Pair<Long, FrameBlock>> outlist)
      throws DMLRuntimeException {
    long index = in.getKey();
    FrameBlock block = in.getValue();

    // Get Block indexes (rows and columns boundaries)
    long cellIndexTopRow = index;
    long cellIndexBottomRow = index + block.getNumRows() - 1;
    long cellIndexLeftCol = 1;
    long cellIndexRightCol = block.getNumColumns();

    // Calculate block boundaries with range of slice to be performed (Global index)
    long cellIndexOverlapTop = Math.max(cellIndexTopRow, ixrange.rowStart);
    long cellIndexOverlapBottom = Math.min(cellIndexBottomRow, ixrange.rowEnd);
    long cellIndexOverlapLeft = Math.max(cellIndexLeftCol, ixrange.colStart);
    long cellIndexOverlapRight = Math.min(cellIndexRightCol, ixrange.colEnd);

    // check if block is outside the indexing range
    if (cellIndexOverlapTop > cellIndexOverlapBottom
        || cellIndexOverlapLeft > cellIndexOverlapRight) {

    // Create IndexRange for the slice to be performed on this block.
    IndexRange tmpRange =
        new IndexRange(
            cellIndexOverlapTop - index,
            cellIndexOverlapBottom - index,
            cellIndexOverlapLeft - 1,
            cellIndexOverlapRight - 1);

    // Get Top Row and Left column cutting point.
    int rowCut = (int) (ixrange.rowStart - index);

    // Get indices for result block
    long resultBlockIndexTop = UtilFunctions.computeBlockIndex(cellIndexOverlapTop, brlen);
    long resultBlockIndexBottom = UtilFunctions.computeBlockIndex(cellIndexOverlapBottom, brlen);

    // allocate space for the output value
    for (long r = resultBlockIndexTop; r <= resultBlockIndexBottom; r++) {
      List<ValueType> schema =
          UtilFunctions.getSubSchema(block.getSchema(), tmpRange.colStart, tmpRange.colEnd);
      long iResultIndex = (r - 1) * brlen + tmpRange.rowStart;
      Pair<Long, FrameBlock> out =
          new Pair<Long, FrameBlock>(new Long(iResultIndex + 1), new FrameBlock(schema));

    // execute actual slice operation
    block.sliceOperations(outlist, tmpRange, rowCut);
コード例 #2
   * @param in
   * @param ixrange
   * @param brlen
   * @param bclen
   * @param rlen
   * @param clen
   * @param outlist
   * @throws DMLRuntimeException
  public static void performShift(
      Pair<Long, FrameBlock> in,
      IndexRange ixrange,
      int brlenLeft,
      int clenLeft /*, int bclen*/,
      long rlen,
      long clen,
      ArrayList<Pair<Long, FrameBlock>> outlist)
      throws DMLRuntimeException {
    Long ix = in.getKey();
    FrameBlock fb = in.getValue();
    long start_lhs_globalRowIndex = ixrange.rowStart + (ix - 1);
    long start_lhs_globalColIndex = ixrange.colStart;
    long end_lhs_globalRowIndex = start_lhs_globalRowIndex + fb.getNumRows() - 1;
    long end_lhs_globalColIndex = ixrange.colEnd;

    long start_lhs_rowIndex = UtilFunctions.computeBlockIndex(start_lhs_globalRowIndex, brlenLeft);
    long end_lhs_rowIndex = UtilFunctions.computeBlockIndex(end_lhs_globalRowIndex, brlenLeft);

    for (long leftRowIndex = start_lhs_rowIndex; leftRowIndex <= end_lhs_rowIndex; leftRowIndex++) {

      // Calculate global index of right hand side block
      long lhs_rl = Math.max((leftRowIndex - 1) * brlenLeft + 1, start_lhs_globalRowIndex);
      long lhs_ru = Math.min(leftRowIndex * brlenLeft, end_lhs_globalRowIndex);
      long lhs_cl = start_lhs_globalColIndex;
      long lhs_cu = end_lhs_globalColIndex;

      int lhs_lrl = UtilFunctions.computeCellInBlock(lhs_rl, brlenLeft);
      int lhs_lru = UtilFunctions.computeCellInBlock(lhs_ru, brlenLeft);
      int lhs_lcl = (int) lhs_cl - 1;
      int lhs_lcu = (int) lhs_cu - 1;

      long rhs_rl = lhs_rl - (ixrange.rowStart - 1) - (ix - 1);
      long rhs_ru = rhs_rl + (lhs_ru - lhs_rl);
      long rhs_cl = lhs_cl - ixrange.colStart + 1;
      long rhs_cu = rhs_cl + (lhs_cu - lhs_cl);

      // local indices are 0 (zero) based.
      int rhs_lrl = (int) (UtilFunctions.computeCellInBlock(rhs_rl, fb.getNumRows()));
      int rhs_lru = (int) (UtilFunctions.computeCellInBlock(rhs_ru, fb.getNumRows()));
      int rhs_lcl = (int) rhs_cl - 1;
      int rhs_lcu = (int) rhs_cu - 1;

      FrameBlock slicedRHSBlk =
          fb.sliceOperations(rhs_lrl, rhs_lru, rhs_lcl, rhs_lcu, new FrameBlock());

      int lbclen = clenLeft;

      List<ValueType> schemaPartialLeft = Collections.nCopies(lhs_lcl, ValueType.STRING);
      List<ValueType> schemaRHS =
          UtilFunctions.getSubSchema(fb.getSchema(), rhs_lcl, rhs_lcl - lhs_lcl + lhs_lcu);
      List<ValueType> schema = new ArrayList<ValueType>(schemaPartialLeft);
      List<ValueType> schemaPartialRight =
          Collections.nCopies(lbclen - schema.size(), ValueType.STRING);
      FrameBlock resultBlock = new FrameBlock(schema);
      int iRHSRows =
              (leftRowIndex <= rlen / brlenLeft
                  ? brlenLeft
                  : rlen - (rlen / brlenLeft) * brlenLeft);

      resultBlock =
              slicedRHSBlk, lhs_lrl, lhs_lru, lhs_lcl, lhs_lcu, new FrameBlock());
      outlist.add(new Pair<Long, FrameBlock>((leftRowIndex - 1) * brlenLeft + 1, resultBlock));