public SparkRuntime( SparkPipeline pipeline, JavaSparkContext sparkContext, Configuration conf, Map<PCollectionImpl<?>, Set<Target>> outputTargets, Map<PCollectionImpl<?>, MaterializableIterable> toMaterialize, Map<PCollection<?>, StorageLevel> toCache, Map<PipelineCallable<?>, Set<Target>> allPipelineCallables) { this.pipeline = pipeline; this.sparkContext = sparkContext; this.conf = conf; this.counters = sparkContext.accumulator( Maps.<String, Map<String, Long>>newHashMap(), new CounterAccumulatorParam()); this.ctxt = new SparkRuntimeContext( sparkContext.appName(), counters, sparkContext.broadcast(WritableUtils.toByteArray(conf))); this.outputTargets = Maps.newTreeMap(DEPTH_COMPARATOR); this.outputTargets.putAll(outputTargets); this.toMaterialize = toMaterialize; this.toCache = toCache; this.allPipelineCallables = allPipelineCallables; this.activePipelineCallables = allPipelineCallables.keySet(); this.status.set(Status.READY); this.monitorThread = new Thread( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { monitorLoop(); } }); }
public static JavaPairRDD<GATKRead, Iterable<GATKVariant>> join( final JavaRDD<GATKRead> reads, final JavaRDD<GATKVariant> variants) { final JavaSparkContext ctx = new JavaSparkContext(reads.context()); final IntervalsSkipList<GATKVariant> variantSkipList = new IntervalsSkipList<>(variants.collect()); final Broadcast<IntervalsSkipList<GATKVariant>> variantsBroadcast = ctx.broadcast(variantSkipList); return reads.mapToPair( r -> { final IntervalsSkipList<GATKVariant> intervalsSkipList = variantsBroadcast.getValue(); if (SimpleInterval.isValid(r.getContig(), r.getStart(), r.getEnd())) { return new Tuple2<>(r, intervalsSkipList.getOverlapping(new SimpleInterval(r))); } else { // Sometimes we have reads that do not form valid intervals (reads that do not consume // any ref bases, eg CIGAR 61S90I // In those cases, we'll just say that nothing overlaps the read return new Tuple2<>(r, Collections.emptyList()); } }); }
public void buildVocabCache() { // Tokenize JavaRDD<List<String>> tokenizedRDD = tokenize(); // Update accumulator values and map to an RDD of sentence counts sentenceWordsCountRDD = updateAndReturnAccumulatorVal(tokenizedRDD).cache(); // Get value from accumulator Counter<String> wordFreqCounter = wordFreqAcc.value(); // Filter out low count words and add to vocab cache object and feed into LookupCache filterMinWordAddVocab(wordFreqCounter); // huffman tree should be built BEFORE vocab broadcast Huffman huffman = new Huffman(vocabCache.vocabWords());; huffman.applyIndexes(vocabCache); // At this point the vocab cache is built. Broadcast vocab cache vocabCacheBroadcast = sc.broadcast(vocabCache); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { Parameters param = new Parameters(); long initTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); SparkConf conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("StarJoin"); JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(conf); if (param.useKryo) { conf.set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer"); conf.set("spark.kryo.registrator", MyBloomFilter.BloomFilterRegistrator.class.getName()); conf.set("spark.kryoserializer.buffer.mb", param.buffer); } MyBloomFilter.BloomFilter<String> BFS = new MyBloomFilter.BloomFilter(1.0, param.bitsS, param.hashes); MyBloomFilter.BloomFilter<String> BFD = new MyBloomFilter.BloomFilter(1.0, param.bitsD, param.hashes); MyBloomFilter.BloomFilter<String> BFC = new MyBloomFilter.BloomFilter(1.0, param.bitsC, param.hashes); JavaPairRDD<String, String> supps = sc.textFile(param.suppPath) .map( new Function<String, String[]>() { public String[] call(String line) { return line.split("\\|"); } }) .filter( new Function<String[], Boolean>() { public Boolean call(String[] s) { return s[3].equals("UNITED KI1") | s[3].equals("UNITED KI5"); } }) .mapToPair( new PairFunction<String[], String, String>() { public Tuple2<String, String> call(String[] s) { return new Tuple2<String, String>(s[0], s[3]); } }); List<Tuple2<String, String>> s = supps.collect(); for (int i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) { BFS.add(s.get(i)._1); } final Broadcast<MyBloomFilter.BloomFilter<String>> varS = sc.broadcast(BFS); JavaPairRDD<String, String> custs = sc.textFile(param.custPath) .map( new Function<String, String[]>() { public String[] call(String line) { return line.split("\\|"); } }) .filter( new Function<String[], Boolean>() { public Boolean call(String[] s) { return s[3].equals("UNITED KI1") | s[3].equals("UNITED KI5"); } }) .mapToPair( new PairFunction<String[], String, String>() { public Tuple2<String, String> call(String[] s) { return new Tuple2<String, String>(s[0], s[3]); } }); List<Tuple2<String, String>> c = custs.collect(); for (int i = 0; i < c.size(); i++) { BFC.add(c.get(i)._1); } final Broadcast<MyBloomFilter.BloomFilter<String>> varC = sc.broadcast(BFC); JavaPairRDD<String, String> dates = sc.textFile(param.datePath) .map( new Function<String, String[]>() { public String[] call(String line) { return line.split("\\|"); } }) .filter( new Function<String[], Boolean>() { public Boolean call(String[] s) { return s[6].equals("Dec1997"); } }) .mapToPair( new PairFunction<String[], String, String>() { public Tuple2<String, String> call(String[] s) { return new Tuple2<String, String>(s[0], s[4]); } }); List<Tuple2<String, String>> d = dates.collect(); for (int i = 0; i < d.size(); i++) { BFD.add(d.get(i)._1); } final Broadcast<MyBloomFilter.BloomFilter<String>> varD = sc.broadcast(BFD); JavaPairRDD<String, String[]> lines = sc.textFile(param.linePath) .map( new Function<String, String[]>() { public String[] call(String line) { return line.split("\\|"); } }) .filter( new Function<String[], Boolean>() { public Boolean call(String[] s) { return varC.value().contains(s[2].getBytes()) & varS.value().contains(s[4].getBytes()) & varD.value().contains(s[5].getBytes()); } }) .mapToPair( new PairFunction<String[], String, String[]>() { public Tuple2<String, String[]> call(String[] s) { String[] v = {s[2], s[5], s[12]}; return new Tuple2<String, String[]>(s[4], v); } }); JavaPairRDD<String, String[]> result = lines .join(supps) .mapToPair( new PairFunction<Tuple2<String, Tuple2<String[], String>>, String, String[]>() { public Tuple2<String, String[]> call(Tuple2<String, Tuple2<String[], String>> s) { String[] v = {s._2._1[1], s._2._1[2], s._2._2}; return new Tuple2<String, String[]>(s._2._1[0], v); } }); result = result .join(custs) .mapToPair( new PairFunction<Tuple2<String, Tuple2<String[], String>>, String, String[]>() { public Tuple2<String, String[]> call(Tuple2<String, Tuple2<String[], String>> s) { String[] v = {s._2._1[1], s._2._1[2], s._2._2}; return new Tuple2<String, String[]>(s._2._1[0], v); } }); JavaPairRDD<String, Long> final_result = result .join(dates) .mapToPair( new PairFunction<Tuple2<String, Tuple2<String[], String>>, String, Long>() { public Tuple2<String, Long> call(Tuple2<String, Tuple2<String[], String>> s) { return new Tuple2<String, Long>( s._2._1[2] + "," + s._2._1[1] + "," + s._2._2, Long.parseLong(s._2._1[0])); } }) .reduceByKey( new Function2<Long, Long, Long>() { public Long call(Long i1, Long i2) { return i1 + i2; } }); JavaPairRDD<String, String> sub_result = final_result.mapToPair( new PairFunction<Tuple2<String, Long>, String, String>() { public Tuple2<String, String> call(Tuple2<String, Long> line) { return new Tuple2(line._1 + "," + line._2.toString(), null); } }); final_result = sub_result .sortByKey(new Q3Comparator()) .mapToPair( new PairFunction<Tuple2<String, String>, String, Long>() { public Tuple2<String, Long> call(Tuple2<String, String> line) { String[] s = line._1.split(","); return new Tuple2<String, Long>( s[0] + "," + s[1] + "," + s[2], Long.parseLong(s[3])); } }); Configuration HDFSconf = new Configuration(); FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(HDFSconf); fs.delete(new Path(param.output), true); final_result.saveAsTextFile(param.output); long finalTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.print("Tempo total(ms): "); System.out.println(finalTime - initTime); sc.close(); }
/** * Train on the corpus * * @param rdd the rdd to train * @return the vocab and weights */ public Pair<VocabCache, GloveWeightLookupTable> train(JavaRDD<String> rdd) { TextPipeline pipeline = new TextPipeline(rdd); final Pair<VocabCache, Long> vocabAndNumWords = pipeline.process(); SparkConf conf = rdd.context().getConf(); JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(rdd.context()); vocabCacheBroadcast = sc.broadcast(vocabAndNumWords.getFirst()); final GloveWeightLookupTable gloveWeightLookupTable = new GloveWeightLookupTable.Builder() .cache(vocabAndNumWords.getFirst()) .lr(conf.getDouble(GlovePerformer.ALPHA, 0.025)) .maxCount(conf.getDouble(GlovePerformer.MAX_COUNT, 100)) .vectorLength(conf.getInt(GlovePerformer.VECTOR_LENGTH, 300)) .xMax(conf.getDouble(GlovePerformer.X_MAX, 0.75)) .build(); gloveWeightLookupTable.resetWeights(); gloveWeightLookupTable.getBiasAdaGrad().historicalGradient = Nd4j.zeros(gloveWeightLookupTable.getSyn0().rows()); gloveWeightLookupTable.getWeightAdaGrad().historicalGradient = Nd4j.create(gloveWeightLookupTable.getSyn0().shape()); "Created lookup table of size " + Arrays.toString(gloveWeightLookupTable.getSyn0().shape())); CounterMap<String, String> coOccurrenceCounts = TokenizerFunction(tokenizerFactoryClazz)) .map(new CoOccurrenceCalculator(symmetric, vocabCacheBroadcast, windowSize)) .fold(new CounterMap<String, String>(), new CoOccurrenceCounts()); List<Triple<String, String, Double>> counts = new ArrayList<>(); Iterator<Pair<String, String>> pairIter = coOccurrenceCounts.getPairIterator(); while (pairIter.hasNext()) { Pair<String, String> pair =; counts.add( new Triple<>( pair.getFirst(), pair.getSecond(), coOccurrenceCounts.getCount(pair.getFirst(), pair.getSecond()))); }"Calculated co occurrences"); JavaRDD<Triple<String, String, Double>> parallel = sc.parallelize(counts); JavaPairRDD<String, Tuple2<String, Double>> pairs = parallel.mapToPair( new PairFunction<Triple<String, String, Double>, String, Tuple2<String, Double>>() { @Override public Tuple2<String, Tuple2<String, Double>> call( Triple<String, String, Double> stringStringDoubleTriple) throws Exception { return new Tuple2<>( stringStringDoubleTriple.getFirst(), new Tuple2<>( stringStringDoubleTriple.getFirst(), stringStringDoubleTriple.getThird())); } }); JavaPairRDD<VocabWord, Tuple2<VocabWord, Double>> pairsVocab = pairs.mapToPair( new PairFunction< Tuple2<String, Tuple2<String, Double>>, VocabWord, Tuple2<VocabWord, Double>>() { @Override public Tuple2<VocabWord, Tuple2<VocabWord, Double>> call( Tuple2<String, Tuple2<String, Double>> stringTuple2Tuple2) throws Exception { return new Tuple2<>( vocabCacheBroadcast.getValue().wordFor(stringTuple2Tuple2._1()), new Tuple2<>( vocabCacheBroadcast.getValue().wordFor(stringTuple2Tuple2._2()._1()), stringTuple2Tuple2._2()._2())); } }); for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { JavaRDD<GloveChange> change = new Function<Tuple2<VocabWord, Tuple2<VocabWord, Double>>, GloveChange>() { @Override public GloveChange call( Tuple2<VocabWord, Tuple2<VocabWord, Double>> vocabWordTuple2Tuple2) throws Exception { VocabWord w1 = vocabWordTuple2Tuple2._1(); VocabWord w2 = vocabWordTuple2Tuple2._2()._1(); INDArray w1Vector = gloveWeightLookupTable.getSyn0().slice(w1.getIndex()); INDArray w2Vector = gloveWeightLookupTable.getSyn0().slice(w2.getIndex()); INDArray bias = gloveWeightLookupTable.getBias(); double score = vocabWordTuple2Tuple2._2()._2(); double xMax = gloveWeightLookupTable.getxMax(); double maxCount = gloveWeightLookupTable.getMaxCount(); // w1 * w2 + bias double prediction = Nd4j.getBlasWrapper().dot(w1Vector, w2Vector); prediction += bias.getDouble(w1.getIndex()) + bias.getDouble(w2.getIndex()); double weight = Math.pow(Math.min(1.0, (score / maxCount)), xMax); double fDiff = score > xMax ? prediction : weight * (prediction - Math.log(score)); if (Double.isNaN(fDiff)) fDiff = Nd4j.EPS_THRESHOLD; // amount of change double gradient = fDiff; // update(w1,w1Vector,w2Vector,gradient); // update(w2,w2Vector,w1Vector,gradient); Pair<INDArray, Double> w1Update = update( gloveWeightLookupTable.getWeightAdaGrad(), gloveWeightLookupTable.getBiasAdaGrad(), gloveWeightLookupTable.getSyn0(), gloveWeightLookupTable.getBias(), w1, w1Vector, w2Vector, gradient); Pair<INDArray, Double> w2Update = update( gloveWeightLookupTable.getWeightAdaGrad(), gloveWeightLookupTable.getBiasAdaGrad(), gloveWeightLookupTable.getSyn0(), gloveWeightLookupTable.getBias(), w2, w2Vector, w1Vector, gradient); return new GloveChange( w1, w2, w1Update.getFirst(), w2Update.getFirst(), w1Update.getSecond(), w2Update.getSecond(), fDiff); } }); JavaRDD<Double> error = new Function<GloveChange, Double>() { @Override public Double call(GloveChange gloveChange) throws Exception { gloveChange.apply(gloveWeightLookupTable); return gloveChange.getError(); } }); final Accumulator<Double> d = sc.accumulator(0.0); error.foreach( new VoidFunction<Double>() { @Override public void call(Double aDouble) throws Exception { d.$plus$eq(aDouble); } });"Error at iteration " + i + " was " + d.value()); } return new Pair<>(vocabAndNumWords.getFirst(), gloveWeightLookupTable); }
private void monitorLoop() { status.set(Status.RUNNING); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); Map<PCollectionImpl<?>, Set<Target>> targetDeps = Maps.newTreeMap(DEPTH_COMPARATOR); Set<Target> unfinished = Sets.newHashSet(); for (PCollectionImpl<?> pcollect : outputTargets.keySet()) { targetDeps.put(pcollect, pcollect.getTargetDependencies()); unfinished.addAll(outputTargets.get(pcollect)); } runCallables(unfinished); while (!targetDeps.isEmpty() && doneSignal.getCount() > 0) { Set<Target> allTargets = Sets.newHashSet(); for (PCollectionImpl<?> pcollect : targetDeps.keySet()) { allTargets.addAll(outputTargets.get(pcollect)); } Map<PCollectionImpl<?>, JavaRDDLike<?, ?>> pcolToRdd = Maps.newTreeMap(DEPTH_COMPARATOR); for (PCollectionImpl<?> pcollect : targetDeps.keySet()) { if (Sets.intersection(allTargets, targetDeps.get(pcollect)).isEmpty()) { JavaRDDLike<?, ?> rdd = ((SparkCollection) pcollect).getJavaRDDLike(this); pcolToRdd.put(pcollect, rdd); } } distributeFiles(); for (Map.Entry<PCollectionImpl<?>, JavaRDDLike<?, ?>> e : pcolToRdd.entrySet()) { JavaRDDLike<?, ?> rdd = e.getValue(); PType<?> ptype = e.getKey().getPType(); Set<Target> targets = outputTargets.get(e.getKey()); if (targets.size() > 1) { rdd.rdd().cache(); } for (Target t : targets) { Configuration conf = new Configuration(getConfiguration()); getRuntimeContext().setConf(sparkContext.broadcast(WritableUtils.toByteArray(conf))); if (t instanceof MapReduceTarget) { // TODO: check this earlier Converter c = t.getConverter(ptype); IdentityFn ident = IdentityFn.getInstance(); JavaPairRDD<?, ?> outRDD; if (rdd instanceof JavaRDD) { outRDD = ((JavaRDD) rdd) .map( new MapFunction( c.applyPTypeTransforms() ? ptype.getOutputMapFn() : ident, ctxt)) .mapToPair(new OutputConverterFunction(c)); } else { outRDD = ((JavaPairRDD) rdd) .map( new PairMapFunction( c.applyPTypeTransforms() ? ptype.getOutputMapFn() : ident, ctxt)) .mapToPair(new OutputConverterFunction(c)); } try { Job job = new Job(conf); if (t instanceof PathTarget) { PathTarget pt = (PathTarget) t; pt.configureForMapReduce(job, ptype, pt.getPath(), "out0"); CrunchOutputs.OutputConfig outConfig = CrunchOutputs.getNamedOutputs(job.getConfiguration()).get("out0"); job.setOutputFormatClass(outConfig.bundle.getFormatClass()); job.setOutputKeyClass(outConfig.keyClass); job.setOutputValueClass(outConfig.valueClass); outConfig.bundle.configure(job.getConfiguration()); Path tmpPath = pipeline.createTempPath(); outRDD.saveAsNewAPIHadoopFile( tmpPath.toString(), c.getKeyClass(), c.getValueClass(), job.getOutputFormatClass(), job.getConfiguration()); pt.handleOutputs(job.getConfiguration(), tmpPath, -1); } else { // if (t instanceof MapReduceTarget) { MapReduceTarget mrt = (MapReduceTarget) t; mrt.configureForMapReduce(job, ptype, new Path("/tmp"), "out0"); CrunchOutputs.OutputConfig outConfig = CrunchOutputs.getNamedOutputs(job.getConfiguration()).get("out0"); job.setOutputFormatClass(outConfig.bundle.getFormatClass()); job.setOutputKeyClass(outConfig.keyClass); job.setOutputValueClass(outConfig.valueClass); outRDD.saveAsHadoopDataset(new JobConf(job.getConfiguration())); } } catch (Exception et) { LOG.error("Spark Exception", et); status.set(Status.FAILED); set(PipelineResult.EMPTY); doneSignal.countDown(); } } } unfinished.removeAll(targets); } if (status.get() == Status.RUNNING) { for (PCollectionImpl<?> output : pcolToRdd.keySet()) { if (toMaterialize.containsKey(output)) { MaterializableIterable mi = toMaterialize.get(output); if (mi.isSourceTarget()) { output.materializeAt((SourceTarget) mi.getSource()); } } targetDeps.remove(output); } } runCallables(unfinished); } if (status.get() != Status.FAILED || status.get() != Status.KILLED) { status.set(Status.SUCCEEDED); set( new PipelineResult( ImmutableList.of( new PipelineResult.StageResult( "Spark", getCounters(), start, System.currentTimeMillis())), Status.SUCCEEDED)); } else { set(PipelineResult.EMPTY); } doneSignal.countDown(); }
// Training word2vec based on corpus public void train(JavaRDD<String> corpusRDD) throws Exception {"Start training ..."); // SparkContext final JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(corpusRDD.context()); // Pre-defined variables Map<String, Object> tokenizerVarMap = getTokenizerVarMap(); Map<String, Object> word2vecVarMap = getWord2vecVarMap(); // Variables to fill in in train // final JavaRDD<AtomicLong> sentenceWordsCountRDD; final JavaRDD<List<VocabWord>> vocabWordListRDD; // final JavaPairRDD<List<VocabWord>, Long> vocabWordListSentenceCumSumRDD; final VocabCache vocabCache; final JavaRDD<Long> sentenceCumSumCountRDD; // Start Training // //////////////////////////////////////"Tokenization and building VocabCache ..."); // Processing every sentence and make a VocabCache which gets fed into a LookupCache Broadcast<Map<String, Object>> broadcastTokenizerVarMap = sc.broadcast(tokenizerVarMap); TextPipeline pipeline = new TextPipeline(corpusRDD.repartition(numPartitions), broadcastTokenizerVarMap); pipeline.buildVocabCache(); pipeline.buildVocabWordListRDD(); // Get total word count and put into word2vec variable map word2vecVarMap.put("totalWordCount", pipeline.getTotalWordCount() / numPartitions); // 2 RDDs: (vocab words list) and (sentence Count).Already cached // sentenceWordsCountRDD = pipeline.getSentenceCountRDD(); vocabWordListRDD = pipeline.getVocabWordListRDD(); // Get vocabCache and broad-casted vocabCache Broadcast<VocabCache> vocabCacheBroadcast = pipeline.getBroadCastVocabCache(); vocabCache = vocabCacheBroadcast.getValue(); //////////////////////////////////////"Building Huffman Tree ..."); // Building Huffman Tree would update the code and point in each of the vocabWord in vocabCache Huffman huffman = new Huffman(vocabCache.vocabWords());; /////////////////////////////////////"Training word2vec sentences ..."); word2vecVarMap.put("vecNum", vocabCache.numWords()); // Map<Tuple2<Integer,Integer>, INDArray> s0 = new HashMap(); Map<Pair<Integer, Integer>, INDArray> s0 = new HashMap(); for (int k = 0; k < K; k++) { for (int i = 0; i < vocabCache.numWords(); i++) { s0.put(new Pair(i, k), getRandomSyn0Vec(vectorLength)); } } for (int i = vocabCache.numWords(); i < vocabCache.numWords() * 2 - 1; i++) { s0.put(new Pair(i, 0), Nd4j.zeros(1, vectorLength)); } for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { System.out.println("iteration: " + i); word2vecVarMap.put("alpha", alpha - (alpha - minAlpha) / iterations * i); word2vecVarMap.put("minAlpha", alpha - (alpha - minAlpha) / iterations * (i + 1)); FlatMapFunction firstIterationFunction = new FirstIterationFunction(word2vecVarMap, expTable, sc.broadcast(s0)); class MapPairFunction implements PairFunction<Map.Entry<Integer, INDArray>, Integer, INDArray> { public Tuple2<Integer, INDArray> call(Map.Entry<Integer, INDArray> pair) { return new Tuple2(pair.getKey(), pair.getValue()); } } class Sum implements Function2<INDArray, INDArray, INDArray> { public INDArray call(INDArray a, INDArray b) { return a.add(b); } } // @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") JavaPairRDD<Pair<Integer, Integer>, INDArray> indexSyn0UpdateEntryRDD = vocabWordListRDD .mapPartitions(firstIterationFunction) .mapToPair(new MapPairFunction()) .cache(); Map<Pair<Integer, Integer>, Object> count = indexSyn0UpdateEntryRDD.countByKey(); indexSyn0UpdateEntryRDD = indexSyn0UpdateEntryRDD.reduceByKey(new Sum()); // Get all the syn0 updates into a list in driver List<Tuple2<Pair<Integer, Integer>, INDArray>> syn0UpdateEntries = indexSyn0UpdateEntryRDD.collect(); // Updating syn0 s0 = new HashMap(); for (Tuple2<Pair<Integer, Integer>, INDArray> syn0UpdateEntry : syn0UpdateEntries) { int cc = Integer.parseInt(count.get(syn0UpdateEntry._1).toString()); // int cc = 1; if (cc > 0) { INDArray tmp = Nd4j.zeros(1, vectorLength).addi(syn0UpdateEntry._2).divi(cc); s0.put(syn0UpdateEntry._1, tmp); } } } syn0 = Nd4j.zeros(vocabCache.numWords() * K, vectorLength); for (Map.Entry<Pair<Integer, Integer>, INDArray> ss : s0.entrySet()) { if (ss.getKey().getFirst() < vocabCache.numWords()) { syn0.getRow(ss.getKey().getSecond() * vocabCache.numWords() + ss.getKey().getFirst()) .addi(ss.getValue()); } } vocab = vocabCache; syn0.diviRowVector(syn0.norm2(1)); BufferedWriter write = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(new File(path), false)); for (int i = 0; i < syn0.rows(); i++) { String word = vocab.wordAtIndex(i % vocab.numWords()); if (word == null) { continue; } word = word + "(" + i / vocab.numWords() + ")"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(word.replaceAll(" ", "_")); sb.append(" "); INDArray wordVector = syn0.getRow(i); for (int j = 0; j < wordVector.length(); j++) { sb.append(wordVector.getDouble(j)); if (j < wordVector.length() - 1) { sb.append(" "); } } sb.append("\n"); write.write(sb.toString()); } write.flush(); write.close(); }
public static void main(String[] args) { SparkConf conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("SpatialJoinQuery Application"); JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(conf); // Read the input csv file holding set of polygons in a rdd of string // objects JavaRDD<String> firstInputPoints = sc.textFile("hdfs://"); // Map the above rdd of strings to a rdd of rectangles for the first // input // Repeat the above process but now for initializing the rdd for query // window JavaRDD<String> secondInputPoints = sc.textFile("hdfs://"); JavaRDD<Tuple2<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>>> joinQueryRDD = new JavaRDD<Tuple2<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>>>(null, null); if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("rectangle")) { System.out.println(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"); System.out.println("inside>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"); final JavaRDD<Rectangle> firstInputRDD =; System.out.println(firstInputRDD.collect()); // Map the query window to RDD object final JavaRDD<Rectangle> secondInputRDD =; // broadcast the second set of rectangles to each of the workers final Broadcast<List<Rectangle>> firstInput = sc.broadcast(firstInputRDD.collect()); // map the id of first input to the multiple id’s of the second // input if // they contain the // first rectangle. joinQueryRDD = new Function<Rectangle, Tuple2<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>>>() { public Tuple2<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>> call(Rectangle rectangle) throws Exception { // Get the list of rectangles from the second RDD input. List<Rectangle> firstInputCollection = firstInput.value(); ArrayList<Integer> secondInputIds = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // Iterate the second input and check for the second set // of rectangle id’s // that hold the rectangle from first set obtained from // the mapped RDD for (Rectangle firstRects : firstInputCollection) { if (rectangle.isRectangleinsideQueryWindow(firstRects)) { secondInputIds.add(firstRects.getRectangleId()); } } // Create a new tuple of the mapped values and return // back the mapped // transformation. Tuple2<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>> resultList = new Tuple2<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>>( rectangle.getRectangleId(), secondInputIds); return resultList; } }); } else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("point")) { final JavaRDD<Point> firstInputRDD =; // broadcast the second set of rectangles to each of the workers final Broadcast<List<Point>> firstInput = sc.broadcast(firstInputRDD.collect()); // Map the query window to RDD object final JavaRDD<Rectangle> secondInputRDD =; joinQueryRDD = new Function<Rectangle, Tuple2<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>>>() { public Tuple2<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>> call(Rectangle rectangle) throws Exception { // Get the list of rectangles from the second RDD input. List<Point> firstInputCollection = firstInput.getValue(); ArrayList<Integer> secondInputIds = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // Iterate the second input and check for the second set // of rectangle id’s // that hold the rectangle from first set obtained from // the mapped RDD for (Point point : firstInputCollection) { if (point.isPointinsideQueryWindow(rectangle)) { secondInputIds.add(point.getPointID()); } } // Create a new tuple of the mapped values and return // back the mapped // transformation. Tuple2<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>> resultList = new Tuple2<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>>( rectangle.getRectangleId(), secondInputIds); return resultList; } }); } JavaRDD<String> result = new Function<Tuple2<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>>, String>() { public String call(Tuple2<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>> inputPoint) { Integer containingRect = inputPoint._1(); ArrayList<Integer> containedRects = inputPoint._2(); StringBuffer intermediateBuffer = new StringBuffer(); intermediateBuffer.append(containingRect); for (Integer rects : containedRects) { intermediateBuffer.append(", " + rects); } return intermediateBuffer.toString(); } }); result.coalesce(1).saveAsTextFile("hdfs://"); sc.close(); }
private void setup() { // Set up accumulators and broadcast stopwords = new JavaSparkContext(corpusRDD.context()); this.wordFreqAcc = sc.accumulator(new Counter<String>(), new WordFreqAccumulator()); this.stopWordBroadCast = sc.broadcast(stopWords); }