private void getModifiedParentRows( VariableResolverImpl resolver, String entity, EntityProcessor entityProcessor, Set<Map<String, Object>> parentKeyList) { try { while (true) { Map<String, Object> parentRow = entityProcessor.nextModifiedParentRowKey(); if (parentRow == null) break; parentKeyList.add(parentRow); importStatistics.rowsCount.incrementAndGet(); // check for abort if (stop.get()) return; } } finally { resolver.removeNamespace(entity); } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void buildDocument( VariableResolverImpl vr, DocWrapper doc, Map<String, Object> pk, DataConfig.Entity entity, boolean isRoot, ContextImpl parentCtx) { EntityProcessorWrapper entityProcessor = getEntityProcessor(entity); ContextImpl ctx = new ContextImpl( entity, vr, null, pk == null ? Context.FULL_DUMP : Context.DELTA_DUMP, session, parentCtx, this); entityProcessor.init(ctx); Context.CURRENT_CONTEXT.set(ctx); if (requestParameters.start > 0) { writer.log(SolrWriter.DISABLE_LOGGING, null, null); } if (verboseDebug) { writer.log(SolrWriter.START_ENTITY,, null); } int seenDocCount = 0; try { while (true) { if (stop.get()) return; if (importStatistics.docCount.get() > (requestParameters.start + requestParameters.rows)) break; try { seenDocCount++; if (seenDocCount > requestParameters.start) { writer.log(SolrWriter.ENABLE_LOGGING, null, null); } if (verboseDebug && entity.isDocRoot) { writer.log(SolrWriter.START_DOC,, null); } if (doc == null && entity.isDocRoot) { doc = new DocWrapper(); ctx.setDoc(doc); DataConfig.Entity e = entity; while (e.parentEntity != null) { addFields( e.parentEntity, doc, (Map<String, Object>) vr.resolve(, vr); e = e.parentEntity; } } Map<String, Object> arow = entityProcessor.nextRow(); if (arow == null) { break; } // Support for start parameter in debug mode if (entity.isDocRoot) { if (seenDocCount <= requestParameters.start) continue; if (seenDocCount > requestParameters.start + requestParameters.rows) {"Indexing stopped at docCount = " + importStatistics.docCount); break; } } if (verboseDebug) { writer.log(SolrWriter.ENTITY_OUT,, arow); } importStatistics.rowsCount.incrementAndGet(); if (doc != null) { handleSpecialCommands(arow, doc); addFields(entity, doc, arow, vr); } if (entity.entities != null) { vr.addNamespace(, arow); for (DataConfig.Entity child : entity.entities) { buildDocument(vr, doc, child.isDocRoot ? pk : null, child, false, ctx); } vr.removeNamespace(; } /*The child entities would have changed the CURRENT_CONTEXT. So when they are done, set it back to the old. * */ Context.CURRENT_CONTEXT.set(ctx); if (entity.isDocRoot) { if (stop.get()) return; if (!doc.isEmpty()) { boolean result = writer.upload(doc); doc = null; if (result) { importStatistics.docCount.incrementAndGet(); } else { importStatistics.failedDocCount.incrementAndGet(); } } } } catch (DataImportHandlerException e) { if (verboseDebug) { writer.log(SolrWriter.ENTITY_EXCEPTION,, e); } if (e.getErrCode() == DataImportHandlerException.SKIP_ROW) { continue; } if (isRoot) { if (e.getErrCode() == DataImportHandlerException.SKIP) { importStatistics.skipDocCount.getAndIncrement(); doc = null; } else { LOG.error("Exception while processing: " + + " document : " + doc, e); } if (e.getErrCode() == DataImportHandlerException.SEVERE) throw e; } else throw e; } catch (Throwable t) { if (verboseDebug) { writer.log(SolrWriter.ENTITY_EXCEPTION,, t); } throw new DataImportHandlerException(DataImportHandlerException.SEVERE, t); } finally { if (verboseDebug) { writer.log(SolrWriter.ROW_END,, null); if (entity.isDocRoot) writer.log(SolrWriter.END_DOC, null, null); Context.CURRENT_CONTEXT.remove(); } } } } finally { if (verboseDebug) { writer.log(SolrWriter.END_ENTITY, null, null); } entityProcessor.destroy(); } }