コード例 #1
   * This constructor is designed to make it easy for JNI embedded applications to setup the entire
   * solr environment with a simple interface. It takes three parameters: <code>instanceDir:</code>
   * The solr instance directory. If null, it will check the standard places first
   * (JNDI,properties,"solr" directory) <code>dataDir:</code> where the index is stored. <code>
   * loggingPath:</code> Path to a java.util.logging.config.file. If the path represents an absolute
   * path or is relative to the CWD, it will use that. Next it will try a path relative to the
   * instanceDir. If none of these files exist, it will error.
  public DirectSolrConnection(String instanceDir, String dataDir, String loggingPath) {
    // If a loggingPath is specified, try using that (this needs to happen first)
    if (loggingPath != null) {
      File loggingConfig = new File(loggingPath);
      if (!loggingConfig.exists() && instanceDir != null) {
        loggingConfig = new File(new File(instanceDir), loggingPath);
      if (loggingConfig.exists()) {
        System.setProperty("java.util.logging.config.file", loggingConfig.getAbsolutePath());
      } else {
        throw new SolrException(
            SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "can not find logging file: " + loggingConfig);

    if (instanceDir == null) {
      instanceDir = SolrResourceLoader.locateInstanceDir();

    // Initialize
    try {
      CoreContainer cores = new CoreContainer(new SolrResourceLoader(instanceDir));
      SolrConfig solrConfig = new SolrConfig(instanceDir, SolrConfig.DEFAULT_CONF_FILE, null);
      CoreDescriptor dcore =
          new CoreDescriptor(cores, "", solrConfig.getResourceLoader().getInstanceDir());
      IndexSchema indexSchema = new IndexSchema(solrConfig, instanceDir + "/conf/schema.xml", null);
      core = new SolrCore(null, dataDir, solrConfig, indexSchema, dcore);
      cores.register("", core, false);
      parser = new SolrRequestParsers(solrConfig);
    } catch (Exception ee) {
      throw new RuntimeException(ee);