コード例 #1
   * This is a validation of the application configuration on the AM. Here is where things like the
   * existence of keytabs and other not-seen-client-side properties can be tested, before the actual
   * process is spawned.
   * @param instanceDefinition clusterSpecification
   * @param confDir configuration directory
   * @param secure flag to indicate that secure mode checks must exist
   * @throws IOException IO problemsn
   * @throws SliderException any failure
  public void validateApplicationConfiguration(
      AggregateConf instanceDefinition, File confDir, boolean secure)
      throws IOException, SliderException {
    String siteXMLFilename = SITE_XML;
    File siteXML = new File(confDir, siteXMLFilename);
    if (!siteXML.exists()) {
      throw new BadCommandArgumentsException(
          "Configuration directory %s doesn't contain %s - listing is %s",
          confDir, siteXMLFilename, SliderUtils.listDir(confDir));

    // now read it in
    siteConf = ConfigHelper.loadConfFromFile(siteXML);
    // look in the site spec to see that it is OK
    clientProvider.validateHBaseSiteXML(siteConf, secure, siteXMLFilename);

    if (secure) {
      // secure mode: take a look at the keytab of master and RS
      SliderUtils.verifyKeytabExists(siteConf, HBaseConfigFileOptions.KEY_MASTER_KERBEROS_KEYTAB);
          siteConf, HBaseConfigFileOptions.KEY_REGIONSERVER_KERBEROS_KEYTAB);