コード例 #1
ファイル: RrdMetricsRetriever.java プロジェクト: patels3/ddf
   * Adds a slide containing the metric's graph to the PowerPoint slide deck. The title is usually
   * the metric's name and is usually in camelCase format. This will be converted to individual,
   * capitalized words to the slide's title. The metric's data is used to determine the total count
   * across all of the metric's data, which is displayed at the bottom of the slide, under the
   * graph.
   * @param ppt the PowerPoint slide deck to add this slide to
   * @param title the title for this slide
   * @param graph the metric's graph to be added to this slide
   * @param metricData the metric's data
   * @throws IOException
   * @throws MetricsGraphException
  private void createSlide(SlideShow ppt, String title, byte[] graph, MetricData metricData)
      throws IOException, MetricsGraphException {
    LOGGER.trace("ENTERING: createSlide");

    if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
      java.awt.Dimension pgsize = ppt.getPageSize();
      int pgx = pgsize.width; // slide width (720)
      int pgy = pgsize.height; // slide height (540)
      LOGGER.debug("ppt page width = " + pgx);
      LOGGER.debug("ppt page height = " + pgy);

    // Convert title, if it is in camelCase, to individual words with each word
    // starting with a capital letter
    String slideTitle = convertCamelCase(title);
    //        String[] titleParts = StringUtils.splitByCharacterTypeCamelCase(title);
    //        String slideTitle = "";
    //        for (String titlePart : titleParts)
    //        {
    //            slideTitle += titlePart + " ";
    //        }
    //        slideTitle = StringUtils.capitalize(slideTitle);

    Slide slide = ppt.createSlide();

    // Add the title to the slide
    TextBox titleTextBox = slide.addTitle();
    TextRun textRun = titleTextBox.getTextRun();

    // Add the metric's graph to the slide
    int idx = ppt.addPicture(graph, Picture.PNG);
    Picture pict = new Picture(idx);

    // set graph's position and size in the slide
    // (Be sure to maintain aspect ratio for the image when specifying the
    // width and height. Refer to width and height values used in createGraph())
    pict.setAnchor(new Rectangle(20, 100, 650, 325));

    // If metric has a total count, add it under the graph on the slide
    if (metricData.hasTotalCount()) {
      TextBox totalCountTextBox = new TextBox();
      textRun = totalCountTextBox.getTextRun();
      totalCountTextBox.setText("Total Count: " + metricData.getTotalCount());

      // x,y values determined relative to x,y of graph's anchor position
      // and the height of the graph
      totalCountTextBox.setAnchor(new Rectangle(20, 450, 250, 80));

    LOGGER.trace("EXITING: createSlide");
コード例 #2
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    SlideShow ss = new SlideShow();

    Slide s1 = ss.createSlide();
    TextBox title = s1.addTitle();

    int picIndex = ss.addPicture(new File("project-logo.jpg"), Picture.JPEG);
    Picture logo = new Picture(picIndex);


    ss.write(new FileOutputStream(new File("sample.ppt")));