@After public void cleanUp() throws Exception { try { localCleanUp(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } cleanupSystem(); }
@Before public void setUp() throws Exception { initializeSystem(); try { localReset(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Warning: Preclean failed: " + e.getMessage()); } try { localSetUp(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } }
public static void main(String[] args) { if (args.length != 13) { System.err.println( "Usage: DefineJob <description> <connection_name> <output_name> <type> <start_method> <hopcount_method> <recrawl_interval> <expiration_interval> <reseed_interval> <job_priority> <hop_filters> <filespec_xml> <outputspec_xml>"); System.err.println("<type> is one of: continuous or specified"); System.err.println("<start_method> is one of: windowbegin, windowinside, disable"); System.err.println("<hopcount_method> is one of: accurate, nodelete, neverdelete"); System.err.println("<recrawl_interval> is the default document recrawl interval in minutes"); System.err.println( "<expiration_interval> is the default document expiration interval in minutes"); System.err.println("<reseed_interval> is the default document reseed interval in minutes"); System.err.println("<job_priority> is the job priority (and integer between 0 and 10)"); System.err.println( "<hop_filters> is a comma-separated list of tuples, of the form 'linktype=maxhops'"); System.err.println( "<filespec_xml> is the document specification XML, its form dependent on the connection type"); System.err.println( "<outputspec_xml> is the output specification XML, its form dependent on the output connection type"); System.exit(-1); } String description = args[0]; String connectionName = args[1]; String outputConnectionName = args[2]; String typeString = args[3]; String startString = args[4]; String hopcountString = args[5]; String recrawlInterval = args[6]; String expirationInterval = args[7]; String reseedInterval = args[8]; String jobPriority = args[9]; String hopFilters = args[10]; String filespecXML = args[11]; String outputspecXML = args[12]; try { IThreadContext tc = ThreadContextFactory.make(); ManifoldCF.initializeEnvironment(tc); IJobManager jobManager = JobManagerFactory.make(tc); IJobDescription desc = jobManager.createJob(); desc.setDescription(description); desc.setConnectionName(connectionName); desc.setOutputConnectionName(outputConnectionName); if (typeString.equals("continuous")) desc.setType(IJobDescription.TYPE_CONTINUOUS); else if (typeString.equals("specified")) desc.setType(IJobDescription.TYPE_SPECIFIED); else throw new ManifoldCFException("Unknown type: '" + typeString + "'"); if (startString.equals("windowbegin")) desc.setStartMethod(IJobDescription.START_WINDOWBEGIN); else if (startString.equals("windowinside")) desc.setStartMethod(IJobDescription.START_WINDOWINSIDE); else if (startString.equals("disable")) desc.setStartMethod(IJobDescription.START_DISABLE); else throw new ManifoldCFException("Unknown start method: '" + startString + "'"); if (hopcountString.equals("accurate")) desc.setHopcountMode(IJobDescription.HOPCOUNT_ACCURATE); else if (hopcountString.equals("nodelete")) desc.setHopcountMode(IJobDescription.HOPCOUNT_NODELETE); else if (hopcountString.equals("neverdelete")) desc.setHopcountMode(IJobDescription.HOPCOUNT_NEVERDELETE); else throw new ManifoldCFException("Unknown hopcount mode: '" + hopcountString + "'"); if (recrawlInterval.length() > 0) desc.setInterval(new Long(recrawlInterval)); if (expirationInterval.length() > 0) desc.setExpiration(new Long(expirationInterval)); if (reseedInterval.length() > 0) desc.setReseedInterval(new Long(reseedInterval)); desc.setPriority(Integer.parseInt(jobPriority)); String[] hopFilterSet = hopFilters.split(","); int i = 0; while (i < hopFilterSet.length) { String hopFilter = hopFilterSet[i++]; if (hopFilter != null && hopFilter.length() > 0) { String[] stuff = hopFilter.trim().split("="); if (stuff != null && stuff.length == 2) desc.addHopCountFilter(stuff[0], ((stuff[1].length() > 0) ? new Long(stuff[1]) : null)); } } desc.getSpecification().fromXML(filespecXML); if (outputspecXML.length() > 0) desc.getOutputSpecification().fromXML(outputspecXML); // Now, save jobManager.save(desc); System.out.print(desc.getID().toString()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-2); } }