public void seek(TermEnum terms) throws IOException {; docFreq = terms.docFreq(); pointer = -1; if (docFreq > postingMaps.length) { // grow postingsMap PostingMap[] newMap = new PostingMap[docFreq]; System.arraycopy(postingMaps, 0, newMap, 0, postingMaps.length); for (int i = postingMaps.length; i < docFreq; i++) { newMap[i] = new PostingMap(); } postingMaps = newMap; } out.reset(); int i = 0; while ( { PostingMap map = postingMaps[i++]; map.newDoc = oldToNew[original.doc()]; // remap the newDoc id map.offset = out.getFilePointer(); // save pointer to buffer final int tf = original.freq(); // buffer tf & positions out.writeVInt(tf); int prevPosition = 0; for (int j = tf; j > 0; j--) { // delta encode positions int p = original.nextPosition(); out.writeVInt(p - prevPosition); prevPosition = p; } } out.flush(); docFreq = i; // allow for deletions Arrays.sort(postingMaps, 0, docFreq); // resort by mapped doc ids // HeapSorter.sort(postingMaps,docFreq); // TODO MC - due to the lack of space // NOTE: this might be substantially faster if RAMInputStream were public // and supported a reset() operation. in = tempDir.openInput(TEMP_FILE); }
// private static int[] oldToNew(IndexReader reader, Searcher searcher) throws IOException { private static DocScore[] newToOld(IndexReader reader, Searcher searcher) throws IOException { int readerMax = reader.maxDoc(); DocScore[] newToOld = new DocScore[readerMax]; // use site, an indexed, un-tokenized field to get boost // byte[] boosts = reader.norms("site"); TODO MC /* TODO MC */ Document docMeta; Pattern includes = Pattern.compile("\\|"); String value = NutchConfiguration.create().get(INCLUDE_EXTENSIONS_KEY, ""); String includeExtensions[] = includes.split(value); Hashtable<String, Boolean> validExtensions = new Hashtable<String, Boolean>(); for (int i = 0; i < includeExtensions.length; i++) { validExtensions.put(includeExtensions[i], true); System.out.println("extension boosted " + includeExtensions[i]); } /* TODO MC */ for (int oldDoc = 0; oldDoc < readerMax; oldDoc++) { float score; if (reader.isDeleted(oldDoc)) { // score = 0.0f; score = -1f; // TODO MC } else { // score = Similarity.decodeNorm(boosts[oldDoc]); TODO MC /* TODO MC */ docMeta = searcher.doc(oldDoc); if (validExtensions.get(docMeta.get("subType")) == null) { // searched extensions will have higher scores score = -0.5f; } else { score = Integer.parseInt(docMeta.get("inlinks")); /* if (score==0) { score=0.001f; // TODO MC - to not erase } */ } /* TODO MC */ // System.out.println("Score for old document "+oldDoc+" is "+score+" and type // "+docMeta.get("subType")); // TODO MC debug remove } DocScore docScore = new DocScore(); docScore.doc = oldDoc; docScore.score = score; newToOld[oldDoc] = docScore; } System.out.println("Sorting " + newToOld.length + " documents."); Arrays.sort(newToOld); // HeapSorter.sort(newToOld); // TODO MC - due to the lack of space /* TODO MC int[] oldToNew = new int[readerMax]; for (int newDoc = 0; newDoc < readerMax; newDoc++) { DocScore docScore = newToOld[newDoc]; //oldToNew[docScore.oldDoc] = docScore.score > 0.0f ? newDoc : -1; // TODO MC oldToNew[docScore.oldDoc] = newDoc; // TODO MC } */ /* TODO MC * for (int newDoc = 0; newDoc < readerMax; newDoc++) { DocScore docScore = newToOld[newDoc]; System.out.println("Score for new document "+newDoc+" is "+docScore.score); // TODO MC debug remove } * TODO MC */ // return oldToNew; TODO MC return newToOld; // TODO MC }