InsaneReader(LeafReader in, String insaneField) { super(in); this.insaneField = insaneField; ArrayList<FieldInfo> filteredInfos = new ArrayList<>(); for (FieldInfo fi : in.getFieldInfos()) { if ( { filteredInfos.add( new FieldInfo(, fi.number, fi.hasVectors(), fi.omitsNorms(), fi.hasPayloads(), fi.getIndexOptions(), DocValuesType.NONE, -1, Collections.emptyMap(), fi.getPointDimensionCount(), fi.getPointNumBytes())); } else { filteredInfos.add(fi); } } fieldInfos = new FieldInfos(filteredInfos.toArray(new FieldInfo[filteredInfos.size()])); }
public FieldInfo add(FieldInfo fi) { // IMPORTANT - reuse the field number if possible for consistent field numbers across segments return addOrUpdateInternal(, fi.number, fi.hasVectors(), fi.omitsNorms(), fi.hasPayloads(), fi.getIndexOptions(), fi.getDocValuesType()); }
private FieldInfo addOrUpdateInternal( String name, int preferredFieldNumber, boolean isIndexed, boolean storeTermVector, boolean omitNorms, boolean storePayloads, IndexOptions indexOptions, DocValuesType docValues, DocValuesType normType) { FieldInfo fi = fieldInfo(name); if (fi == null) { // This field wasn't yet added to this in-RAM // segment's FieldInfo, so now we get a global // number for this field. If the field was seen // before then we'll get the same name and number, // else we'll allocate a new one: final int fieldNumber = globalFieldNumbers.addOrGet(name, preferredFieldNumber, docValues); fi = new FieldInfo( name, isIndexed, fieldNumber, storeTermVector, omitNorms, storePayloads, indexOptions, docValues, normType, null); assert !byName.containsKey(; assert globalFieldNumbers.containsConsistent( Integer.valueOf(fi.number),, fi.getDocValuesType()); byName.put(, fi); } else { fi.update(isIndexed, storeTermVector, omitNorms, storePayloads, indexOptions); if (docValues != null) { // only pay the synchronization cost if fi does not already have a DVType boolean updateGlobal = !fi.hasDocValues(); fi.setDocValuesType(docValues); // this will also perform the consistency check. if (updateGlobal) { // must also update docValuesType map so it's // aware of this field's DocValueType globalFieldNumbers.setDocValuesType(fi.number, name, docValues); } } if (!fi.omitsNorms() && normType != null) { fi.setNormValueType(normType); } } return fi; }
@Override public void write( Directory directory, SegmentInfo segmentInfo, String segmentSuffix, FieldInfos infos, IOContext context) throws IOException { final String fileName = IndexFileNames.segmentFileName(, segmentSuffix, Lucene46FieldInfosFormat.EXTENSION); try (IndexOutput output = directory.createOutput(fileName, context)) { CodecUtil.writeHeader( output, Lucene46FieldInfosFormat.CODEC_NAME, Lucene46FieldInfosFormat.FORMAT_CURRENT); output.writeVInt(infos.size()); for (FieldInfo fi : infos) { IndexOptions indexOptions = fi.getIndexOptions(); byte bits = 0x0; if (fi.hasVectors()) bits |= Lucene46FieldInfosFormat.STORE_TERMVECTOR; if (fi.omitsNorms()) bits |= Lucene46FieldInfosFormat.OMIT_NORMS; if (fi.hasPayloads()) bits |= Lucene46FieldInfosFormat.STORE_PAYLOADS; if (fi.getIndexOptions() != IndexOptions.NONE) { bits |= Lucene46FieldInfosFormat.IS_INDEXED; assert indexOptions.compareTo(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS) >= 0 || !fi.hasPayloads(); if (indexOptions == IndexOptions.DOCS) { bits |= Lucene46FieldInfosFormat.OMIT_TERM_FREQ_AND_POSITIONS; } else if (indexOptions == IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS_AND_OFFSETS) { bits |= Lucene46FieldInfosFormat.STORE_OFFSETS_IN_POSTINGS; } else if (indexOptions == IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS) { bits |= Lucene46FieldInfosFormat.OMIT_POSITIONS; } } output.writeString(; output.writeVInt(fi.number); output.writeByte(bits); // pack the DV types in one byte final byte dv = docValuesByte(fi.getDocValuesType()); final byte nrm = docValuesByte(fi.hasNorms() ? DocValuesType.NUMERIC : DocValuesType.NONE); assert (dv & (~0xF)) == 0 && (nrm & (~0x0F)) == 0; byte val = (byte) (0xff & ((nrm << 4) | dv)); output.writeByte(val); output.writeLong(fi.getDocValuesGen()); output.writeStringStringMap(fi.attributes()); } CodecUtil.writeFooter(output); } }
/** Produce _X.nrm if any document had a field with norms not disabled */ @Override public void flush( Map<String, InvertedDocEndConsumerPerField> fieldsToFlush, SegmentWriteState state) throws IOException { boolean success = false; boolean anythingFlushed = false; try { if (state.fieldInfos.hasNorms()) { for (FieldInfo fi : state.fieldInfos) { final NormsConsumerPerField toWrite = (NormsConsumerPerField) fieldsToFlush.get(; // we must check the final value of omitNorms for the fieldinfo, it could have // changed for this field since the first time we added it. if (!fi.omitsNorms()) { if (toWrite != null && toWrite.initialized()) { anythingFlushed = true; final Type type = toWrite.flush(state.segmentInfo.getDocCount()); assert fi.getNormType() == type; } else if (fi.isIndexed()) { anythingFlushed = true; assert fi.getNormType() == null : "got " + fi.getNormType() + "; field=" +; } } } } success = true; if (!anythingFlushed && consumer != null) { consumer.abort(); } } finally { if (success) { IOUtils.close(consumer); } else { IOUtils.closeWhileHandlingException(consumer); } } }