コード例 #1
ファイル: HighFreqTerms.java プロジェクト: shaie/lucene-solr
  public static long getTotalTermFreq(IndexReader reader, Term term) throws Exception {
    long totalTF = 0L;
    for (final AtomicReaderContext ctx : reader.leaves()) {
      AtomicReader r = ctx.reader();
      if (!r.hasDeletions()) {
        // TODO: we could do this up front, during the scan
        // (next()), instead of after-the-fact here w/ seek,
        // if the codec supports it and there are no del
        // docs...
        final long totTF = r.totalTermFreq(term);
        if (totTF != -1) {
          totalTF += totTF;
        } // otherwise we fall-through
      // note: what should we do if field omits freqs? currently it counts as 1...
      DocsEnum de = r.termDocsEnum(term);
      if (de != null) {
        while (de.nextDoc() != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) totalTF += de.freq();

    return totalTF;