コード例 #1
 public boolean run(final Item item) {
   final LocalPlayerCharacter character = WakfuGameEntity.getInstance().getLocalPlayer();
   if (character.getBags().getItemFromInventories(item.getUniqueId()) == null) {
             "[ItemAction] On essaye de lancer une action avec un item qui n'est pas dans les bags");
     return false;
   boolean hasDeadState = false;
   final List<StateRunningEffect> states = character.getRunningEffectManager().getRunningState();
   for (int i = 0; i < states.size(); ++i) {
     final StateRunningEffect effect = states.get(i);
     if (effect.getState() == null || effect.getState().isStateForDeath()) {
       hasDeadState = true;
   if (!hasDeadState) {
         (Object) "Tentative d'utilisation d'un item de reduction de DEAD_STATE sans en avoir");
     return false;
   return true;
コード例 #2
  public StringBuilder listToCSV(List list) {
    StringBuilder csv = new StringBuilder();
        "Work Product,,Name,State,Owner,Plan Estimate,Task Estimate,Task Remaining,Time Spent\n");

    for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
      Map map = (Map) list.get(i);
      String type = (String) map.get("type");
      String formattedId = (String) map.get("formattedId");
      String name = (String) map.get("name");
      String taskStatus = (String) map.get("taskStatus");
      String owner = (String) map.get("owner");
      String planEstimate = (String) map.get("planEstimate");
      String taskEstimateTotal = (String) map.get("taskEstimateTotal");
      String taskRemainingTotal = (String) map.get("taskRemainingTotal");
      String taskTimeSpentTotal = (String) map.get("taskTimeSpentTotal");

      if ("task".equals(type)) {
        csv.append("," + formattedId + ",");
      } else if ("userstory".equals(type)) {
        csv.append(formattedId + ",,");
      } else if ("iteration".equals(type)) {

      if (planEstimate == null) {
        planEstimate = "";

      if (taskEstimateTotal == null) {
        taskEstimateTotal = "";

      if (taskRemainingTotal == null) {
        taskRemainingTotal = "";

      csv.append("\"" + name + "\",");
      csv.append(taskStatus + ",");
      csv.append(owner + ",");
      csv.append(planEstimate + ",");
      csv.append(taskEstimateTotal + ",");
      csv.append(taskRemainingTotal + ",");
      csv.append(taskTimeSpentTotal + "\n");

    return csv;
コード例 #3
  * Gets the next from list.
  * @return the next from list
 private ResolvedConceptReference getNextFromList() {
   try {
     while (hasNext()) {
       int iterator = _currentIterator % _iterators.size();
       ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator itr = _iterators.get(iterator);
       if (itr.hasNext()) {
         return itr.next();
       } else {
     return null;
   } catch (Exception e) {
     throw new RuntimeException(e);
コード例 #4
  public StringBuilder listToCSVForUserView(List list) {
    StringBuilder csv = new StringBuilder();

        "Project,Iteration,Work Product,Name,State,Owner,Task Estimate,Task Remaining,Time Spent\n");

    for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
      Map map = (Map) list.get(i);
      String projectName = (String) map.get("projectName");
      String iterationName = (String) map.get("iterationName");
      String formattedId = (String) map.get("taskFormattedId");
      String taskName = (String) map.get("taskName");
      String taskState = (String) map.get("taskState");
      String owner = (String) map.get("owner");
      String taskEstimate = (String) map.get("taskEstimate");
      String taskRemaining = (String) map.get("taskRemaining");
      String taskTimeSpent = (String) map.get("hours");

      if (taskEstimate == null) {
        taskEstimate = "";

      if (taskRemaining == null) {
        taskRemaining = "";

      csv.append("" + projectName + ",");
      csv.append("\"" + iterationName + "\",");
      csv.append(formattedId + ",");
      csv.append(taskName + ",");
      csv.append(taskState + ",");
      csv.append(owner + ",");
      csv.append(taskEstimate + ",");
      csv.append(taskRemaining + ",");
      csv.append(taskTimeSpent + "\n");

    return csv;
コード例 #5
  // public List getUserStoryList(String sessionId,String iterationId,ServletOutputStream out) {
  public List getUserStoryList(String sessionId, String iterationId, PrintWriter out) {

    List<Map> list = new ArrayList<Map>();

    statusMap.put(sessionId, "0");

    try {

      String apiURL =
              + "/hierarchicalrequirement?"
              + "query=(Iteration%20=%20"
              + rallyApiHost
              + "/iteration/"
              + iterationId
              + ")&fetch=true&start=1&pagesize=100";

      log.info("getUserStoryList apiURL=" + apiURL);

      String responseXML = getRallyXML(apiURL);

      org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder bSAX = new org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder();
      org.jdom.Document doc = bSAX.build(new StringReader(responseXML));
      Element root = doc.getRootElement();

      XPath xpath = XPath.newInstance("//Object");
      List xlist = xpath.selectNodes(root);

      int totalSteps = xlist.size() + 1;
      int currentStep = 0;

      List taskRefLink = new ArrayList();

      Iterator iter = xlist.iterator();
      while (iter.hasNext()) {
        double totalTimeSpent = 0.0D;

        Map map = new HashMap();

        Element item = (Element) iter.next();
        String objId = item.getChildText("ObjectID");
        String name = item.getChildText("Name");
        String planEstimate = item.getChildText("PlanEstimate");
        String formattedId = item.getChildText("FormattedID");

        String taskActualTotal = item.getChildText("TaskActualTotal");
        String taskEstimateTotal = item.getChildText("TaskEstimateTotal");
        String taskRemainingTotal = item.getChildText("TaskRemainingTotal");
        String scheduleState = item.getChildText("ScheduleState");

        Element ownerElement = item.getChild("Owner");

        String owner = "";
        String ownerRef = "";

        if (ownerElement != null) {
          owner = ownerElement.getAttributeValue("refObjectName");

        Element taskElements = item.getChild("Tasks");
        // List taskElementList=taskElements.getContent();
        List taskElementList = taskElements.getChildren();

        List taskList = new ArrayList();

        log.info("taskElements.getChildren=" + taskElements);
        log.info("taskList=" + taskElementList);

        for (int i = 0; i < taskElementList.size(); i++) {
          Element taskElement = (Element) taskElementList.get(i);

          String taskRef = taskElement.getAttributeValue("ref");

          String[] objectIdArr = taskRef.split("/");
          String objectId = objectIdArr[objectIdArr.length - 1];

          log.info("objectId=" + objectId);

          // Map taskMap=getTaskMap(taskRef);
          Map taskMap = getTaskMapBatch(objectId);

          double taskTimeSpentTotal =
              Double.parseDouble((String) taskMap.get("taskTimeSpentTotal"));
          totalTimeSpent += taskTimeSpentTotal;

        map.put("type", "userstory");
        map.put("formattedId", formattedId);
        map.put("name", name);
        map.put("taskStatus", scheduleState);
        map.put("owner", owner);
        map.put("planEstimate", planEstimate);
        map.put("taskEstimateTotal", taskEstimateTotal);
        map.put("taskRemainingTotal", taskRemainingTotal);
        map.put("taskTimeSpentTotal", "" + totalTimeSpent);


        double percentage = 100.0D * currentStep / totalSteps;
        String status = "" + Math.round(percentage);
        statusMap.put(sessionId, status);

        out.println("<script>parent.updateProcessStatus('" + status + "%')</script>" + status);
        log.info("out.flush..." + status);

        // log.info("status="+status+" sessionId="+sessionId);
        // log.info("L1 statusMap="+statusMap+" "+statusMap.hashCode());


      double planEstimate = 0.0D;
      double taskEstimateTotal = 0.0D;
      double taskRemainingTotal = 0.0D;
      double taskTimeSpentTotal = 0.0D;
      Map iterationMap = new HashMap();
      for (Map map : list) {
        String type = (String) map.get("type");

        String planEstimateStr = (String) map.get("planEstimate");

        log.info("planEstimateStr=" + planEstimateStr);

        if ("userstory".equals(type)) {

          if (planEstimateStr != null) {
            planEstimate += Double.parseDouble(planEstimateStr);
          taskEstimateTotal += Double.parseDouble((String) map.get("taskEstimateTotal"));
          taskRemainingTotal += Double.parseDouble((String) map.get("taskRemainingTotal"));
          taskTimeSpentTotal += Double.parseDouble((String) map.get("taskTimeSpentTotal"));

      apiURL = rallyApiHost + "/iteration/" + iterationId + "?fetch=true";
      log.info("iteration apiURL=" + apiURL);
      responseXML = getRallyXML(apiURL);

      bSAX = new org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder();
      doc = bSAX.build(new StringReader(responseXML));
      root = doc.getRootElement();

      xpath = XPath.newInstance("//Iteration");
      xlist = xpath.selectNodes(root);

      String projName = "";
      String iterName = "";
      String iterState = "";

      iter = xlist.iterator();
      while (iter.hasNext()) {
        Element item = (Element) iter.next();

        iterName = item.getChildText("Name");
        iterState = item.getChildText("State");
        Element projElement = item.getChild("Project");
        projName = projElement.getAttributeValue("refObjectName");

      iterationMap.put("type", "iteration");
      iterationMap.put("formattedId", "");
      iterationMap.put("name", projName + " - " + iterName);
      iterationMap.put("taskStatus", iterState);
      iterationMap.put("owner", "");

      iterationMap.put("planEstimate", "" + planEstimate);
      iterationMap.put("taskEstimateTotal", "" + taskEstimateTotal);
      iterationMap.put("taskRemainingTotal", "" + taskRemainingTotal);
      iterationMap.put("taskTimeSpentTotal", "" + taskTimeSpentTotal);

      list.add(0, iterationMap);

      statusMap.put(sessionId, "100");

      log.info("L2 statusMap=" + statusMap);

      log.info("L2 verify=" + getProcessStatus(sessionId));

      // String jsonData=JsonUtil.encodeObj(list);
      String jsonData = JSONValue.toJSONString(list);

      out.println("<script>parent.tableResult=" + jsonData + "</script>");

    } catch (Exception ex) {
      log.error("ERROR: ", ex);

    return list;
コード例 #6
  public List getUserTimeSpentByDate(String userObjectId, String startDate, String endDate) {
    List list = new ArrayList();

    log.info("userObjectId=" + userObjectId);
    log.info("startDate=" + startDate);
    log.info("endDate=" + endDate);

    try {

      String apiUrl =
              + "/timeentryvalue?query=((TimeEntryItem.User.ObjectId%20=%20"
              + userObjectId
              + ")"
              + "%20and%20((DateVal%20%3E=%20"
              + startDate
              + ")%20and%20(DateVal%20%3C=%20"
              + endDate
              + ")))"
              + "&start=1&pagesize=100&fetch=true";

      log.info("apiUrl=" + apiUrl);

      String responseXML = getRallyXML(apiUrl);

      log.info("responseXML=" + responseXML);

      org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder bSAX = new org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder();
      org.jdom.Document doc = bSAX.build(new StringReader(responseXML));
      Element root = doc.getRootElement();

      XPath xpath = XPath.newInstance("//Object");
      List xlist = xpath.selectNodes(root);

      Iterator iter = xlist.iterator();
      while (iter.hasNext()) {

        // Map map=new HashMap();

        Element item = (Element) iter.next();

        String hours = item.getChildText("Hours");

        Element timeEntryItemElement = item.getChild("TimeEntryItem");
        String timeEntryItemRef = timeEntryItemElement.getAttributeValue("ref");

        Map map = getUserStoryTaskMap(timeEntryItemRef);

        String checkTaskId = (String) map.get("taskFormattedId");

        boolean isExist = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
          Map existMap = (Map) list.get(i);

          log.info("existMap=" + existMap);

          String existTaskId = (String) existMap.get("taskFormattedId");

          log.info("existTaskId=" + existTaskId);
          log.info("checkTaskId=" + checkTaskId);

          if (existTaskId != null && existTaskId.equals(checkTaskId)) {
            isExist = true;
            String existHours = (String) existMap.get("hours");
            double eHour = 0.0D;
            if (!"".equals(existHours)) {
              eHour = Double.parseDouble(existHours);
            double nHour = 0.0D;

            if (!"".equals(hours)) {
              nHour = Double.parseDouble(hours);

            log.info("nHour=" + nHour);
            log.info("eHour=" + eHour);

            nHour += eHour;
            log.info("2 nHour=" + nHour);
            existMap.put("hours", "" + nHour);


        if (!isExist) {
          map.put("hours", hours);

        log.info("hours=" + hours);
        log.info("timeEntryItemRef=" + timeEntryItemRef);

        // list.add(map);


          new Comparator<Map<String, String>>() {
            public int compare(Map<String, String> m1, Map<String, String> m2) {
              if (m1.get("projectName") == null || m2.get("projectName") == null) return -1;
              return m1.get("projectName").compareTo(m2.get("projectName"));

      // Sum up the total time
      double totalTaskEstimate = 0.0D;
      double totalTaskRemaining = 0.0D;
      double totalHours = 0.0D;
      for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
        Map map = (Map) list.get(i);

        log.info("taskEstimate=" + (String) map.get("taskEstimate"));
        log.info("taskRemaining=" + (String) map.get("taskRemaining"));
        log.info("hours=" + (String) map.get("hours"));

        log.info("map==" + map);

        try {
          double taskEstimate = Double.parseDouble((String) map.get("taskEstimate"));
          double taskRemaining = Double.parseDouble((String) map.get("taskRemaining"));
          double hours = Double.parseDouble((String) map.get("hours"));

          totalTaskEstimate += taskEstimate;
          totalTaskRemaining += taskRemaining;
          totalHours += hours;
        } catch (Exception e) {
          log.info("ERROR in parsing number" + e);

      Map firstMap = new HashMap();

      firstMap.put("taskFormattedId", "");
      firstMap.put("taskName", "");
      firstMap.put("taskState", "");
      firstMap.put("owner", "");
      firstMap.put("taskEstimate", "" + totalTaskEstimate);
      firstMap.put("taskRemaining", "" + totalTaskRemaining);
      firstMap.put("hours", "" + totalHours);
      firstMap.put("projectName", "");
      firstMap.put("iterationName", "");

      list.add(0, firstMap);

    } catch (Exception ex) {
      log.error("", ex);

    return list;
コード例 #7
   * Runs all tests belonging to this test suite on the grid.
   * @param result Test result collector.
  public void run(TestResult result) {
    if (isDisabled) {
    } else {
      GridTestRouter router = createRouter();

      Grid grid = startGrid();

      try {
        List<GridTaskFuture<?>> futs = new ArrayList<GridTaskFuture<?>>(testCount());

        List<GridJunit3SerializableTest> tests =
            new ArrayList<GridJunit3SerializableTest>(testCount());

        for (int i = 0; i < testCount(); i++) {
          Test junit = testAt(i);

          GridJunit3SerializableTest test;

          if (junit instanceof TestSuite) {
            test = new GridJunit3SerializableTestSuite((TestSuite) junit);
          } else {
            assert junit instanceof TestCase
                : "Test must be either TestSuite or TestCase: " + junit;

            test = new GridJunit3SerializableTestCase((TestCase) junit);


          if (clsLdr == null) {
            clsLdr = U.detectClassLoader(junit.getClass());

                  new GridJunit3Task(junit.getClass(), clsLdr),
                  new GridJunit3Argument(router, test, locTests.contains(test.getName())),

        for (int i = 0; i < testCount(); i++) {
          GridTaskFuture<?> fut = futs.get(i);

          GridJunit3SerializableTest origTest = tests.get(i);

          try {
            GridJunit3SerializableTest resTest = (GridJunit3SerializableTest) fut.get();


          } catch (GridException e) {
            handleFail(result, origTest, e);
      } finally {