コード例 #1
 public NameAndValueList getMappingAssociationNames(String scheme, String version) {
   CodingSchemeVersionOrTag csvt = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag();
   if (version != null) {
   NameAndValueList navList = new NameAndValueList();
   try {
     CodingScheme cs = lbSvc.resolveCodingScheme(scheme, csvt);
     Relations[] relations = cs.getRelations();
     for (int i = 0; i < relations.length; i++) {
       Relations relation = relations[i];
       Boolean isMapping = relation.isIsMapping();
       if (isMapping != null && isMapping.equals(Boolean.TRUE)) {
         AssociationPredicate[] associationPredicates = relation.getAssociationPredicate();
         for (int j = 0; j < associationPredicates.length; j++) {
           AssociationPredicate associationPredicate = associationPredicates[j];
           String name = associationPredicate.getAssociationName();
           NameAndValue vNameAndValue = new NameAndValue();
         return navList;
       } else {
         return null;
   } catch (Exception ex) {
   return null;
コード例 #2
  public ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator getMappingDataIterator(
      String scheme, String version, List<MappingSortOption> sortOptionList) {
    CodingSchemeVersionOrTag versionOrTag = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag();
    if (version != null) {
    String relationsContainerName = null;
    try {

      CodingScheme cs = lbSvc.resolveCodingScheme(scheme, versionOrTag);
      if (cs == null) return null;

      java.util.Enumeration<? extends Relations> relations = cs.enumerateRelations();
      while (relations.hasMoreElements()) {
        Relations relation = (Relations) relations.nextElement();
        Boolean isMapping = relation.getIsMapping();
        if (isMapping != null && isMapping.equals(Boolean.TRUE)) {
          relationsContainerName = relation.getContainerName();
      if (relationsContainerName == null) {
        return null;

      MappingExtension mappingExtension =
          (MappingExtension) lbSvc.getGenericExtension("MappingExtension");

      ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator itr =
              scheme, versionOrTag, relationsContainerName, sortOptionList);

      return itr;

    } catch (Exception ex) {
    return null;
コード例 #3
   * Updates the configuration from the filter config.
   * @param filterConfig
  public void updateConfigration(FilterConfig filterConfig) {
    Enumeration<String> paramEnum = filterConfig.getInitParameterNames();
    while (paramEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
      String paramName = paramEnum.nextElement();
      if (paramName.startsWith("r")) {
        try {
          if (!runOptions.containsKey(paramName)) throw new Exception("Invalid Parameter Name");
          runOptions.put(paramName, Boolean.parseBoolean(filterConfig.getInitParameter(paramName)));
        } catch (Exception e) {
          log.warn("Init Parameter [" + paramName + "] is invalid or could not be set.", e);
      } else if (paramName.startsWith("b")) {
        try {
          if (!batchOptions.containsKey(paramName)) throw new Exception("Invalid Parameter Name");
          batchOptions.put(paramName, Integer.parseInt(filterConfig.getInitParameter(paramName)));
        } catch (Exception e) {
          log.warn("Init Parameter [" + paramName + "] is invalid or could not be set.", e);
      } else if (paramName.startsWith("p")) {
        try {
          if (!parameterNames.containsKey(paramName)) throw new Exception("Invalid Parameter Name");
          parameterNames.put(paramName, filterConfig.getInitParameter(paramName));
        } catch (Exception e) {
          log.warn("Init Parameter [" + paramName + "] is invalid or could not be set.", e);
      } else if ("listenerClassName".equals(paramName)) {
        listenerClassName = filterConfig.getInitParameter(paramName);
      } else if ("agentLogLevel".equals(paramName)) {
        try {
          agentLogLevel = Integer.parseInt(filterConfig.getInitParameter(paramName));
        } catch (Exception e) {
          log.warn("Agent Log Level Could Not Be Set. Defaulting to [" + agentLogLevel + "].", e);

      } else {
        log.warn("Init Parameter [" + paramName + "] was not recognized.");
    log.info("Completed AjaxMetrics Filter Configuration. Config is:\n" + toString());
    inited = true;
コード例 #4
    String useMultiThreadedConnectionMgr = LPS.getProperty("http.useConnectionPool", "true");

    if (Boolean.valueOf(useMultiThreadedConnectionMgr).booleanValue()) {
          /* (non-Javadoc)
           * @i18n.test
           * @org-mes="using connection pool"
              HTTPDataSource.class.getName(), "051018-81"));
      mConnectionMgr = new MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager();
    } else {
          /* (non-Javadoc)
           * @i18n.test
           * @org-mes="not using connection pool"
              HTTPDataSource.class.getName(), "051018-91"));

    // Parse multi connection properties anyway. May be used by AXIS. See
    // ResponderCache for details.
      String maxConns = LPS.getProperty("http.maxConns", "1000");
      mMaxTotalConnections = Integer.parseInt(maxConns);
      if (mConnectionMgr != null) {

      maxConns = LPS.getProperty("http.maxConnsPerHost", maxConns);
      mMaxConnectionsPerHost = Integer.parseInt(maxConns);
      if (mConnectionMgr != null) {

    String maxRetries = LPS.getProperty("http.maxBackendRetries", "1");
    mMaxRetries = Integer.parseInt(maxRetries);

    String followRedirects = LPS.getProperty("http.followRedirects", "0");
    mFollowRedirects = Integer.parseInt(followRedirects);

    String timeout = LPS.getProperty("http.backendTimeout", "30000");
    mTimeout = Integer.parseInt(timeout);

    timeout = LPS.getProperty("http.backendConnectionTimeout", timeout);
    mConnectionTimeout = Integer.parseInt(timeout);

    timeout = LPS.getProperty("http.connectionPoolTimeout", "0");
    mConnectionPoolTimeout = Integer.parseInt(timeout);

    String useHttp11 = LPS.getProperty("http.useHttp11", "true");
    mUseHttp11 = Boolean.valueOf(useHttp11).booleanValue();
    if (mUseHttp11) {
      mLogger.info("using HTTP 1.1");
    } else {
      mLogger.info("not using HTTP 1.1");
コード例 #5
 * Test suite for distributing JUnit3 tests. Simply add tests to this suite just like you would for
 * regular JUnit3 suites, and these tests will be executed in parallel on the grid. Note that if
 * there are no other grid nodes, this suite will still ensure parallel test execution within single
 * JVM.
 * <p>Below is an example of distributed JUnit3 test suite:
 * <pre name="code" class="java">
 * public class GridJunit3ExampleTestSuite {
 *     // Standard JUnit3 static suite method.
 *     public static TestSuite suite() {
 *         TestSuite suite = new GridJunit3TestSuite("Example Grid Test Suite");
 *         // Add tests.
 *         suite.addTestSuite(TestA.class);
 *         suite.addTestSuite(TestB.class);
 *         suite.addTestSuite(TestC.class);
 *         return suite;
 *     }
 * }
 * </pre>
 * If you have four tests A, B, C, and D, and if you need to run A and B sequentially, then you
 * should create a nested test suite with test A and B as follows:
 * <pre name="code" class="java">
 * public class GridJunit3ExampleTestSuite {
 *     // Standard JUnit3 static suite method.
 *     public static TestSuite suite() {
 *         TestSuite suite = new GridJunit3TestSuite("Example Grid Test Suite");
 *         // Nested test suite to run tests A and B sequentially.
 *         TestSuite nested = new TestSuite("Example Nested Sequential Suite");
 *         nested.addTestSuite(TestA.class);
 *         nested.addTestSuite(TestB.class);
 *         // Add tests A and B.
 *         suite.addTest(nested);
 *         // Add other tests.
 *         suite.addTestSuite(TestC.class);
 *         return suite;
 *     }
 * }
 * </pre>
 * <p>Note that you can also grid-enable existing JUnit3 tests using {@link
 * GridifyTest @GridifyTest} annotation which you can attach to your {@code suite()} methods of
 * existing test suite. Refer to {@link GridifyTest @GridifyTest} documentation for more
 * information.
 * <p>Also note that some tests can only be executed locally mostly due to some environment issues.
 * However they still can benefit from parallel execution with other tests. GridGain supports it via
 * {@link GridJunit3LocalTestSuite} suites that can be added to {@code GridJunit3TestSuite}. Refer
 * to {@link GridJunit3LocalTestSuite} documentation for more information.
 * <h1 class="header">Logging</h1>
 * When running distributed JUnit, all the logging that is done to {@link System#out} or {@link
 * System#err} is preserved. GridGain will accumulate all logging that is done on remote nodes, send
 * them back to originating node and associate all log statements with their corresponding tests.
 * This way, for example, if you are running tests from and IDEA or Eclipse (or any other IDE) you
 * would still see the logs as if it was a local run. However, since remote nodes keep all log
 * statements done within a single individual test case in memory, you must make sure that enough
 * memory is allocated on every node and that individual test cases do not spit out gigabytes of log
 * statements. Also note, that logs will be sent back to originating node upon completion of every
 * test, so don't be alarmed if you don't see any log statements for a while and then all of them
 * appear at once.
 * <p>GridGain achieves such log transparency via reassigning {@link System#out} or {@link
 * System#err} to internal {@link PrintStream} implementation. However, when using {@code Log4J} (or
 * any other logging framework) within your tests you must make sure that it is configured with
 * {@link ConsoleAppender} and that {@link ConsoleAppender#setFollow(boolean)} attribute is set to
 * {@code true}. Logging to files is not supported yet and is planned for next point release.
 * <p>
 * <h1 class="header">Test Suite Nesting</h1>
 * {@code GridJunit3TestSuite} instances can be nested within each other as deep as needed. However
 * all nested distributed test suites will be treated just like regular JUnit test suites, and not
 * as distributed test suites. This approach becomes convenient when you have several distributed
 * test suites that you would like to be able to execute separately in distributed fashion, but at
 * the same time you would like to be able to execute them as a part of larger distributed suites.
 * <p>
 * <h1 class="header">Configuration</h1>
 * To run distributed JUnit tests you need to start other instances of GridGain. You can do so by
 * running {@code GRIDGAIN_HOME/bin/ggjunit.{sh|bat}} script, which will start default
 * configuration. If configuration other than default is required, then use regular {@code
 * GRIDGAIN_HOME/bin/ggstart.{sh|bat}} script and pass your own Spring XML configuration file as a
 * parameter to the script.
 * <p>You can use the following configuration parameters to configure distributed test suite
 * locally. Note that many parameters can be overridden by setting corresponding VM parameters
 * defined in {@link GridTestVmParameters} at VM startup.
 * <table class="doctable">
 *   <tr>
 *     <th>GridConfiguration Method</th>
 *     <th>Default Value</th>
 *     <th>Description</th>
 *   </tr>
 *   <tr>
 *     <td>{@link #setDisabled(boolean) setDisabled(boolean)}</td>
 *     <td>{@code false}</td>
 *     <td>
 *       If {@code true} then GridGain will be turned off and suite will run locally.
 *       This value can be overridden by setting {@link GridTestVmParameters#GRIDGAIN_DISABLED} VM
 *       parameter to {@code true}. This parameter comes handy when you would like to
 *       turn off GridGain without changing the actual code.
 *     </td>
 *   </tr>
 *   <tr>
 *     <td>{@link #setConfigurationPath(String) setConfigurationPath(String)}</td>
 *     <td>{@link #DFLT_JUNIT_CONFIG DFLT_JUNIT_CONFIG}</td>
 *     <td>
 *       Optional path to GridGain Spring XML configuration file for running JUnit tests. This
 *       property can be overridden by setting {@link GridTestVmParameters#GRIDGAIN_CONFIG} VM
 *       parameter. Note that the value can be either absolute value or relative to
 *       ${GRIDGAIN_HOME} installation folder.
 *     </td>
 *   </tr>
 *   <tr>
 *     <td>{@link #setRouterClassName(String) setRouterClassName(String)}</td>
 *     <td>{@link #DFLT_JUNIT_ROUTER DFLT_JUNIT_ROUTER}</td>
 *     <td>
 *       Optional name of test router class that implements {@link GridTestRouter} interface.
 *       If not provided, then tests will be routed in round-robin fashion using default
 *       {@link GridTestRouterAdapter}. The value of this parameter can be overridden by setting
 *       {@link GridTestVmParameters#GRIDGAIN_TEST_ROUTER} VM parameter to the name of your
 *       own customer router class.
 *     </td>
 *   </tr>
 *   <tr>
 *     <td>{@link #setRouterClass(Class) setRouterClass(Class)}</td>
 *     <td>{@code null}</td>
 *     <td>
 *       Same as {@link #setRouterClassName(String) setRouterClassName(String)}, but sets the
 *       actual class instead of the name.
 *     </td>
 *   </tr>
 *   <tr>
 *     <td>{@link #setTimeout(long) setTimeout(long)}</td>
 *     <td>{@code 0} which means that tests will never timeout.</td>
 *     <td>
 *       Maximum timeout value in milliseconds after which test suite will return without
 *       waiting for the remaining tests to complete. This value can be overridden by setting
 *       {@link GridTestVmParameters#GRIDGAIN_TEST_TIMEOUT} VM parameter to the timeout value
 *       for the tests.
 *     </td>
 *   </tr>
 * </table>
 * @author 2005-2011 Copyright (C) GridGain Systems, Inc.
 * @version 3.1.1c.19062011
public class GridJunit3TestSuite extends TestSuite {
   * Default GridGain configuration file for JUnits (value is {@code
   * config/junit/junit-spring.xml}).
  public static final String DFLT_JUNIT_CONFIG = "config/junit/junit-spring.xml";

   * Default JUnit test router (value is {@link GridTestRouterAdapter
   * GridTestRouterAdapter.class.getName()}).
  public static final String DFLT_JUNIT_ROUTER = GridTestRouterAdapter.class.getName();

  /** */
  private final Collection<String> locTests = new HashSet<String>();

  /** JUnit3 JavaAssist proxy. */
  private final GridJunit3ProxyFactory factory = new GridJunit3ProxyFactory();

  /** Flag indicating whether grid was started in this suite. */
  private boolean selfStarted;

  /** Junit3 Spring configuration path. */
  private String cfgPath =
      System.getProperty(GRIDGAIN_CONFIG.name()) == null
          : System.getProperty(GRIDGAIN_CONFIG.name());

   * Check if GridGain is disabled by checking {@link GridTestVmParameters#GRIDGAIN_DISABLED} system
   * property.
  private boolean isDisabled = Boolean.getBoolean(GRIDGAIN_DISABLED.name());

  /** JUnit test router class name. */
  private String routerClsName =
      System.getProperty(GRIDGAIN_TEST_ROUTER.name()) == null
          : System.getProperty(GRIDGAIN_TEST_ROUTER.name());

  /** JUnit test router class. */
  private Class<? extends GridTestRouter> routerCls;

   * Local suite in case if grid is disabled or if this is a nested suite within other distributed
   * suite.
  private TestSuite copy;

  /** JUnit grid name. */
  private String gridName;

  /** Test timeout. */
  private long timeout =
      Long.getLong(GRIDGAIN_TEST_TIMEOUT.name()) == null
          ? 0
          : Long.getLong(GRIDGAIN_TEST_TIMEOUT.name());

  /** */
  private ClassLoader clsLdr;

  /** Empty test suite. */
  public GridJunit3TestSuite() {
    if (copy == null) {
      copy = new TestSuite();

  /** @param name Test suite name. */
  public GridJunit3TestSuite(String name) {

    if (copy == null) {
      copy = new TestSuite(name);

   * Test suite for one class.
   * @param cls Class for test suite.
  public GridJunit3TestSuite(Class<? extends TestCase> cls) {

    if (copy == null) {
      copy = new TestSuite(cls);

   * Test suite for a given test class with specified test name.
   * @param cls Test class.
   * @param name Test name.
  public GridJunit3TestSuite(Class<? extends TestCase> cls, String name) {
    super(cls, name);

    if (copy == null) {
      copy = new TestSuite(cls, name);

   * Copies non-distributed test suite into distributed one.
   * @param suite Test suite to copy.
  public GridJunit3TestSuite(TestSuite suite) {

    if (copy == null) {
      copy = new TestSuite(suite.getName());

    for (int i = 0; i < suite.testCount(); i++) {

   * Empty test suite with given class loader.
   * @param clsLdr Tests class loader.
  public GridJunit3TestSuite(ClassLoader clsLdr) {

    assert clsLdr != null;

    this.clsLdr = clsLdr;

   * @param name Test suite name.
   * @param clsLdr Tests class loader.
  public GridJunit3TestSuite(String name, ClassLoader clsLdr) {

    assert clsLdr != null;

    this.clsLdr = clsLdr;

   * Test suite for one class.
   * @param cls Class for test suite.
   * @param clsLdr Tests class loader.
  public GridJunit3TestSuite(Class<? extends TestCase> cls, ClassLoader clsLdr) {

    assert clsLdr != null;

    this.clsLdr = clsLdr;

   * Test suite for a given test class with specified test name.
   * @param cls Test class.
   * @param name Test name.
   * @param clsLdr Tests class loader.
  public GridJunit3TestSuite(Class<? extends TestCase> cls, String name, ClassLoader clsLdr) {
    this(cls, name);

    assert clsLdr != null;

    this.clsLdr = clsLdr;

   * Copies non-distributed test suite into distributed one.
   * @param suite Test suite to copy.
   * @param clsLdr Tests class loader.
  public GridJunit3TestSuite(TestSuite suite, ClassLoader clsLdr) {

    assert clsLdr != null;

    this.clsLdr = clsLdr;

   * Sets path to GridGain configuration file. By default {@code
   * {GRIDGAIN_HOME}/config/junit/junit-spring.xml} is used.
   * @param cfgPath Path to GridGain configuration file.
  public void setConfigurationPath(String cfgPath) {
    this.cfgPath = cfgPath;

   * Gets path to GridGain configuration file. By default {@code
   * {GRIDGAIN_HOME}/config/junit/junit-spring.xml} is used.
   * @return Path to GridGain configuration file.
  public String getConfigurationPath() {
    return cfgPath;

   * Disables GridGain. If set to {@code true} then this suite will execute locally as if GridGain
   * was not in a picture at all.
   * @param disabled If set to {@code true} then this suite will execute locally as if GridGain was
   *     not in a picture at all.
  public void setDisabled(boolean disabled) {
    isDisabled = disabled;

   * Gets flag indicating whether GridGain should be enabled or not. If set to {@code true} then
   * this suite will execute locally as if GridGain was not in a picture at all.
   * @return Flag indicating whether GridGain should be enabled or not. If set to {@code true} then
   *     this suite will execute locally as if GridGain was not in a picture at all.
  public boolean isDisabled() {
    return isDisabled;

   * Sets name of class for routing JUnit tests. By default {@link #DFLT_JUNIT_ROUTER} class name is
   * used.
   * @param routerClsName Junit test router class name.
  public void setRouterClassName(String routerClsName) {
    this.routerClsName = routerClsName;

   * Gets JUnit test router class name.
   * @return JUnit test router class name.
  public String getRouterClassName() {
    return routerClsName;

   * Sets router class. By default {@link GridTestRouterAdapter} is used.
   * @param routerCls Router class to use for test routing.
  public void setRouterClass(Class<? extends GridTestRouter> routerCls) {
    this.routerCls = routerCls;

   * Gets router class used for test routing.
   * @return Router class used for test routing.
  public Class<? extends GridTestRouter> getRouterClass() {
    return routerCls;

   * Gets identical suite for local (non-distributed) execution.
   * @return Local suite.
  public TestSuite getLocalCopy() {
    return copy;

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public void setName(String name) {
    if (copy != null) {


   * Gets timeout for running distributed test suite.
   * @return Timeout for tests.
  public long getTimeout() {
    return timeout;

   * Sets timeout for running distributed test suite. By default, test execution does not expire.
   * @param timeout Timeout for tests.
  public void setTimeout(long timeout) {
    this.timeout = timeout;

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public Test testAt(int index) {
    return isDisabled ? copy.testAt(index) : super.testAt(index);

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public int testCount() {
    return isDisabled ? copy.testCount() : super.testCount();

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public Enumeration<Test> tests() {
    return isDisabled ? copy.tests() : super.tests();

   * The added suite will be always executed locally, but in parallel with other locally or remotely
   * running tests. This comes handy for tests that cannot be distributed for some environmental
   * reasons, but still would benefit from parallel execution.
   * <p>Note, that local suites will be executed on local node even if grid topology only allows
   * remote nodes.
   * @param localSuite Test to execute locally in parallel with other local or distributed tests.
  public void addTest(GridJunit3LocalTestSuite localSuite) {
    if (!locTests.contains(localSuite.getName())) {

    addTest((Test) localSuite);

   * Adds a test to be executed on the grid. In case of test suite, all tests inside of test suite
   * will be executed sequentially on some remote node.
   * @param test Test to add.
  public void addTest(Test test) {
    if (copy == null) {
      copy = new TestSuite(getName());

    // Add test to the list of local ones.
    if (test instanceof GridJunit3LocalTestSuite) {
      String testName = ((TestSuite) test).getName();

      if (!locTests.contains(testName)) {

    if (test instanceof GridJunit3TestSuite) {
      copy.addTest(((GridJunit3TestSuite) test).copy);

      super.addTest(new GridJunit3TestSuiteProxy(((GridJunit3TestSuite) test).copy, factory));
    } else if (test instanceof GridJunit3TestSuiteProxy) {
      copy.addTest(((GridJunit3TestSuiteProxy) test).getOriginal());

    } else if (test instanceof GridJunit3TestCaseProxy) {
      copy.addTest(((GridJunit3TestCaseProxy) test).getGridGainJunit3OriginalTestCase());

    } else if (test instanceof TestSuite) {

      super.addTest(new GridJunit3TestSuiteProxy((TestSuite) test, factory));
    } else {
      assert test instanceof TestCase
          : "Test must be either instance of TestSuite or TestCase: " + test;


      super.addTest(factory.createProxy((TestCase) test));

   * Creates JUnit test router. Note that router must have a no-arg constructor.
   * @return JUnit router instance.
  private GridTestRouter createRouter() {
    try {
      if (routerCls == null) {
        routerCls = (Class<? extends GridTestRouter>) Class.forName(routerClsName);
      } else {
        routerClsName = routerCls.getName();

      return routerCls.newInstance();
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
      throw new GridRuntimeException("Failed to initialize JUnit router: " + routerClsName, e);
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
      throw new GridRuntimeException("Failed to initialize JUnit router: " + routerClsName, e);
    } catch (InstantiationException e) {
      throw new GridRuntimeException("Failed to initialize JUnit router: " + routerClsName, e);

   * Runs all tests belonging to this test suite on the grid.
   * @param result Test result collector.
  public void run(TestResult result) {
    if (isDisabled) {
    } else {
      GridTestRouter router = createRouter();

      Grid grid = startGrid();

      try {
        List<GridTaskFuture<?>> futs = new ArrayList<GridTaskFuture<?>>(testCount());

        List<GridJunit3SerializableTest> tests =
            new ArrayList<GridJunit3SerializableTest>(testCount());

        for (int i = 0; i < testCount(); i++) {
          Test junit = testAt(i);

          GridJunit3SerializableTest test;

          if (junit instanceof TestSuite) {
            test = new GridJunit3SerializableTestSuite((TestSuite) junit);
          } else {
            assert junit instanceof TestCase
                : "Test must be either TestSuite or TestCase: " + junit;

            test = new GridJunit3SerializableTestCase((TestCase) junit);


          if (clsLdr == null) {
            clsLdr = U.detectClassLoader(junit.getClass());

                  new GridJunit3Task(junit.getClass(), clsLdr),
                  new GridJunit3Argument(router, test, locTests.contains(test.getName())),

        for (int i = 0; i < testCount(); i++) {
          GridTaskFuture<?> fut = futs.get(i);

          GridJunit3SerializableTest origTest = tests.get(i);

          try {
            GridJunit3SerializableTest resTest = (GridJunit3SerializableTest) fut.get();


          } catch (GridException e) {
            handleFail(result, origTest, e);
      } finally {

   * Handles test fail.
   * @param result Test result.
   * @param origTest Original JUnit test.
   * @param e Exception thrown from grid.
  private void handleFail(TestResult result, GridJunit3SerializableTest origTest, Throwable e) {
    // Simulate that all tests were run.

    // For the tests suite we assume that all tests failed because
    // entire test suite execution failed and there is no way to get
    // broken tests.
    if (origTest.getTest() instanceof GridJunit3TestSuiteProxy) {
      TestSuite suite = (((TestSuite) origTest.getTest()));

      for (int j = 0; j < suite.testCount(); j++) {
        result.addError(suite.testAt(j), e);
    } else if (origTest.getTest() instanceof GridJunit3TestCaseProxy) {
      result.addError(origTest.getTest(), e);

   * Starts Grid instance. Note that if grid is already started, then it will be looked up and
   * returned from this method.
   * @return Started grid.
  private Grid startGrid() {
    Properties props = System.getProperties();

    gridName = props.getProperty(GRIDGAIN_NAME.name());

    if (!props.containsKey(GRIDGAIN_NAME.name()) || G.state(gridName) != GridFactoryState.STARTED) {
      selfStarted = true;

      // Set class loader for the spring.
      ClassLoader curCl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();

      // Add no-op logger to remove no-appender warning.
      Appender app = new NullAppender();


      try {

        Grid grid = G.start(cfgPath);

        gridName = grid.name();

        System.setProperty(GRIDGAIN_NAME.name(), grid.name());

        return grid;
      } catch (GridException e) {
        throw new GridRuntimeException("Failed to start grid: " + cfgPath, e);
      } finally {


    return G.grid(gridName);

  /** Stops grid only if it was started by this test suite. */
  private void stopGrid() {
    // Only stop grid if it was started here.
    if (selfStarted) {
      G.stop(gridName, true);