/** * Determine whether the given property is recognized and treated specially by this reasoner. This * is a convenience packaging of a special case of getCapabilities. * * @param property the property which we want to ask the reasoner about, given as a Node since * this is part of the SPI rather than API * @return true if the given property is handled specially by the reasoner. */ @Override public boolean supportsProperty(Property property) { if (factory == null) return false; Model caps = factory.getCapabilities(); Resource root = caps.getResource(factory.getURI()); return caps.contains(root, ReasonerVocabulary.supportsP, property); }
@Test public void directDataLinkToQuads() throws IOException { // first make a file of quads to load later final Model model = createDefaultModel(); final Path quads = createTempFile("quadExample", ".nq"); final Resource quadsURI = model.createResource(quads.toFile().toURI().toString()); final Resource simpleExample = model.createResource("test:simpleExample"); simpleExample.addProperty(type, DatasetAssemblerVocab.tDatasetTxnMem); simpleExample.addProperty(data, quadsURI); final DatasetGraph dsg = createTxnMem().asDatasetGraph(); model .listStatements() .mapWith(Statement::asTriple) .mapWith(t -> new Quad(quadsURI.asNode(), t)) .forEachRemaining(dsg::add); try (OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(quads.toFile())) { write(out, dsg, NQUADS); } final Dataset dataset = assemble(simpleExample); final Model assembledDefaultModel = dataset.getDefaultModel(); final Model assembledNamedModel = dataset.getNamedModel(quadsURI.getURI()); assertTrue(assembledDefaultModel.isEmpty()); assertTrue( assembledNamedModel.contains( assembledNamedModel.createStatement(simpleExample, data, quadsURI))); }
@Test public void directDataLinkForDefaultAndNamedGraphs() throws IOException { // first make a file of triples to load later final Model model = createDefaultModel(); final Path triples = createTempFile("simpleExample", ".nt"); final Resource triplesURI = model.createResource(triples.toFile().toURI().toString()); final Resource simpleExample = model.createResource("test:simpleExample"); simpleExample.addProperty(type, DatasetAssemblerVocab.tDatasetTxnMem); // add a default graph simpleExample.addProperty(data, triplesURI); // add a named graph final Resource namedGraphDef = model.createResource("test:namedGraphDef"); simpleExample.addProperty(pNamedGraph, namedGraphDef); final Resource namedGraphName = model.createResource("test:namedGraphExample"); namedGraphDef.addProperty(type, MemoryModel); namedGraphDef.addProperty(pGraphName, namedGraphName); namedGraphDef.addProperty(data, triplesURI); try (OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(triples.toFile())) { write(out, model, NTRIPLES); } final Dataset dataset = assemble(simpleExample); final Model assembledDefaultModel = dataset.getDefaultModel(); final Model assembledNamedModel = dataset.getNamedModel(namedGraphName.getURI()); // we put the same triples in each model, so we check for the same triples in each model for (final Model m : new Model[] {assembledDefaultModel, assembledNamedModel}) { assertTrue(m.contains(simpleExample, pNamedGraph, namedGraphDef)); assertTrue(m.contains(namedGraphDef, pGraphName, namedGraphName)); assertTrue(m.contains(simpleExample, data, triplesURI)); } final Iterator<Node> graphNodes = dataset.asDatasetGraph().listGraphNodes(); assertTrue(graphNodes.hasNext()); assertEquals(namedGraphName.asNode(), graphNodes.next()); assertFalse(graphNodes.hasNext()); }