private void checkNotConvertedExclusionRule( ModuleDescriptor systemMd, ResolvedResource ivyRef, ResolveData data) { if (!getNamespace().equals(Namespace.SYSTEM_NAMESPACE) && !systemMd.isDefault() && data.getSettings().logNotConvertedExclusionRule() && systemMd instanceof DefaultModuleDescriptor) { DefaultModuleDescriptor dmd = (DefaultModuleDescriptor) systemMd; if (dmd.isNamespaceUseful()) { Message.warn( "the module descriptor " + ivyRef.getResource() + " has information which can't be converted into " + "the system namespace. " + "It will require the availability of the namespace '" + getNamespace().getName() + "' to be fully usable."); } } }
/** * When the resolver has many choices, this function helps choosing one * * @param rress the list of resolved resource which the resolver found to fit the requirement * @param rmdparser the parser of module descriptor * @param mrid the module being resolved * @param date the current date * @return the selected resource */ public ResolvedResource findResource( ResolvedResource[] rress, ResourceMDParser rmdparser, ModuleRevisionId mrid, Date date) { String name = getName(); VersionMatcher versionMatcher = getSettings().getVersionMatcher(); ResolvedResource found = null; List sorted = getLatestStrategy().sort(rress); List rejected = new ArrayList(); List foundBlacklisted = new ArrayList(); IvyContext context = IvyContext.getContext(); for (ListIterator iter = sorted.listIterator(sorted.size()); iter.hasPrevious(); ) { ResolvedResource rres = (ResolvedResource) iter.previous(); // we start by filtering based on information already available, // even though we don't even know if the resource actually exist. // But checking for existence is most of the time more costly than checking // name, blacklisting and first level version matching if (filterNames(new ArrayList(Collections.singleton(rres.getRevision()))).isEmpty()) { Message.debug("\t" + name + ": filtered by name: " + rres); continue; } ModuleRevisionId foundMrid = ModuleRevisionId.newInstance(mrid, rres.getRevision()); ResolveData data = context.getResolveData(); if (data != null && data.getReport() != null && data.isBlacklisted(data.getReport().getConfiguration(), foundMrid)) { Message.debug("\t" + name + ": blacklisted: " + rres); rejected.add(rres.getRevision() + " (blacklisted)"); foundBlacklisted.add(foundMrid); continue; } if (!versionMatcher.accept(mrid, foundMrid)) { Message.debug("\t" + name + ": rejected by version matcher: " + rres); rejected.add(rres.getRevision()); continue; } if (rres.getResource() != null && !rres.getResource().exists()) { Message.debug("\t" + name + ": unreachable: " + rres + "; res=" + rres.getResource()); rejected.add(rres.getRevision() + " (unreachable)"); continue; } if ((date != null && rres.getLastModified() > date.getTime())) { Message.verbose("\t" + name + ": too young: " + rres); rejected.add(rres.getRevision() + " (" + rres.getLastModified() + ")"); continue; } if (versionMatcher.needModuleDescriptor(mrid, foundMrid)) { ResolvedResource r = rmdparser.parse(rres.getResource(), rres.getRevision()); if (r == null) { Message.debug("\t" + name + ": impossible to get module descriptor resource: " + rres); rejected.add(rres.getRevision() + " (no or bad MD)"); continue; } ModuleDescriptor md = ((MDResolvedResource) r).getResolvedModuleRevision().getDescriptor(); if (md.isDefault()) { Message.debug( "\t" + name + ": default md rejected by version matcher" + "requiring module descriptor: " + rres); rejected.add(rres.getRevision() + " (MD)"); continue; } else if (!versionMatcher.accept(mrid, md)) { Message.debug("\t" + name + ": md rejected by version matcher: " + rres); rejected.add(rres.getRevision() + " (MD)"); continue; } else { found = r; } } else { found = rres; } if (found != null) { break; } } if (found == null && !rejected.isEmpty()) { logAttempt(rejected.toString()); } if (found == null && !foundBlacklisted.isEmpty()) { // all acceptable versions have been blacklisted, this means that an unsolvable conflict // has been found DependencyDescriptor dd = context.getDependencyDescriptor(); IvyNode parentNode = context.getResolveData().getNode(dd.getParentRevisionId()); ConflictManager cm = parentNode.getConflictManager(mrid.getModuleId()); cm.handleAllBlacklistedRevisions(dd, foundBlacklisted); } return found; }