public XViewer() { doubleBuffering = IsisContext.getConfiguration().getBoolean(Properties.PROPERTY_BASE + "double-buffer", true); showExplorationMenuByDefault = IsisContext.getConfiguration() .getBoolean(Properties.PROPERTY_BASE + "", true); overlayView = CLEAR_OVERLAY; redrawArea = new Bounds(); }
public void init() { if (updateNotifier == null) { throw new NullPointerException("No update notifier set for " + this); } if (rootView == null) { throw new NullPointerException("No root view set for " + this); } insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0); spy = new InteractionSpy(new SpyWindow()); keyboardManager = new KeyboardManager(this); final InteractionHandler interactionHandler = new InteractionHandler(this, feedbackManager, keyboardManager, spy); renderingArea.addMouseMotionListener(interactionHandler); renderingArea.addMouseListener(interactionHandler); renderingArea.addKeyListener(interactionHandler); if (IsisContext.getConfiguration() .getBoolean(Properties.PROPERTY_BASE + "show-mouse-spy", false)) {; } setKeyboardFocus(rootView); APPLICATION_OPTIONS = new ApplicationOptions(listener); }
@Override public void saveOpenObjects() { final List<ObjectAdapter> objects = new ArrayList<ObjectAdapter>(); for (final View view : rootView.getSubviews()) { final Content content = view.getContent(); if (content instanceof ObjectContent) { objects.add(((ObjectContent) content).getAdapter()); } } IsisContext.getUserProfileLoader().saveSession(objects); }
private View createFieldView( final View view, final Axes axes, final ObjectAdapter object, final int fieldNumber, final ObjectAssociation field) { if (field == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (field.isOneToOneAssociation()) { IsisContext.getPersistenceSession().resolveField(object, field); } final Content content1 = Toolkit.getContentFactory().createFieldContent(field, object); final View fieldView = subviewDesign.createView(content1, axes, fieldNumber); return fieldView; }
@Override public void build(final View view, final Axes axes) { Assert.assertEquals("ensure the view is the complete decorated view", view.getView(), view); final Content content = view.getContent(); final ObjectAdapter object = ((ObjectContent) content).getObject(); LOG.debug("build view " + view + " for " + object); final ObjectSpecification spec = object.getSpecification(); final Filter<ObjectAssociation> filter = ObjectAssociationFilters.dynamicallyVisible( IsisContext.getAuthenticationSession(), object, where); final List<ObjectAssociation> flds = spec.getAssociations(filter); if (view.getSubviews().length == 0) { initialBuild(view, axes, object, flds); } else { updateBuild(view, axes, object, flds); } }
@Override public void process(final Request request) { final TableBlock tableBlock = (TableBlock) request.getBlockContent(); final String id = request.getOptionalProperty(OBJECT); final String fieldName = request.getRequiredProperty(FIELD); final String linkView = request.getOptionalProperty(LINK_VIEW); String className = request.getOptionalProperty(CLASS); className = className == null ? "" : " class=\"" + className + "\""; RequestContext context = request.getContext(); final ObjectAdapter object = context.getMappedObjectOrVariable(id, tableBlock.getElementName()); final ObjectAssociation field = object.getSpecification().getAssociation(fieldName); if (field == null) { throw new ScimpiException( "No field " + fieldName + " in " + object.getSpecification().getFullIdentifier()); } request.appendHtml("<td" + className + ">"); if (field.isVisible(IsisContext.getAuthenticationSession(), object, where).isAllowed()) { final ObjectAdapter fieldReference = field.get(object); final String source = fieldReference == null ? "" : context.mapObject(fieldReference, Scope.REQUEST); final String name = request.getOptionalProperty(RESULT_NAME, fieldName); context.addVariable(name, Request.getEncoder().encoder(source), Scope.REQUEST); if (linkView != null) { final String linkId = context.mapObject(object, Scope.REQUEST); final String linkName = request.getOptionalProperty(LINK_NAME, RequestContext.RESULT); final String linkObject = request.getOptionalProperty(LINK_OBJECT, linkId); request.appendHtml( "<a href=\"" + linkView + "?" + linkName + "=" + linkObject + context.encodedInteractionParameters() + "\">"); } else if (tableBlock.getlinkView() != null) { String linkObjectInVariable = tableBlock.getElementName(); final String linkId = (String) context.getVariable(linkObjectInVariable); request.appendHtml( "<a href=\"" + tableBlock.getlinkView() + "?" + tableBlock.getlinkName() + "=" + linkId + context.encodedInteractionParameters() + "\">"); } request.pushNewBuffer(); request.processUtilCloseTag(); final String buffer = request.popBuffer(); if (buffer.trim().length() == 0) { request.appendAsHtmlEncoded(fieldReference == null ? "" : fieldReference.titleString()); } else { request.appendHtml(buffer); } if (linkView != null) { request.appendHtml("</a>"); } } else { request.skipUntilClose(); } request.appendHtml("</td>"); }
@Override protected int getPort() { return IsisContext.getConfiguration().getInteger(PORT, DEFAULT_PORT); }