/** * @param nodes Nodes. * @param id ID. * @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed. */ private void sendAllPartitions( Collection<? extends ClusterNode> nodes, GridDhtPartitionExchangeId id) throws IgniteCheckedException { GridDhtPartitionsFullMessage m = new GridDhtPartitionsFullMessage(id, lastVer.get(), id.topologyVersion()); for (GridCacheContext cacheCtx : cctx.cacheContexts()) { if (!cacheCtx.isLocal()) { AffinityTopologyVersion startTopVer = cacheCtx.startTopologyVersion(); boolean ready = startTopVer == null || startTopVer.compareTo(id.topologyVersion()) <= 0; if (ready) m.addFullPartitionsMap(cacheCtx.cacheId(), cacheCtx.topology().partitionMap(true)); } } // It is important that client topologies be added after contexts. for (GridClientPartitionTopology top : cctx.exchange().clientTopologies()) m.addFullPartitionsMap(top.cacheId(), top.partitionMap(true)); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug( "Sending full partition map [nodeIds=" + F.viewReadOnly(nodes, F.node2id()) + ", exchId=" + exchId + ", msg=" + m + ']'); cctx.io().safeSend(nodes, m, SYSTEM_POOL, null); }
/** * Updates partition map in all caches. * * @param msg Partitions full messages. */ private void updatePartitionFullMap(GridDhtPartitionsFullMessage msg) { for (Map.Entry<Integer, GridDhtPartitionFullMap> entry : msg.partitions().entrySet()) { Integer cacheId = entry.getKey(); GridCacheContext cacheCtx = cctx.cacheContext(cacheId); if (cacheCtx != null) cacheCtx.topology().update(exchId, entry.getValue()); else { ClusterNode oldest = CU.oldestAliveCacheServerNode(cctx, AffinityTopologyVersion.NONE); if (oldest != null && oldest.isLocal()) cctx.exchange().clientTopology(cacheId, this).update(exchId, entry.getValue()); } } }
/** * @param nodeId Sender node ID. * @param msg Full partition info. */ public void onReceive(final UUID nodeId, final GridDhtPartitionsFullMessage msg) { assert msg != null; if (isDone()) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Received message for finished future [msg=" + msg + ", fut=" + this + ']'); return; } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Received full partition map from node [nodeId=" + nodeId + ", msg=" + msg + ']'); assert exchId.topologyVersion().equals(msg.topologyVersion()); initFut.listen( new CI1<IgniteInternalFuture<Boolean>>() { @Override public void apply(IgniteInternalFuture<Boolean> t) { ClusterNode curOldest = oldestNode.get(); if (!nodeId.equals(curOldest.id())) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug( "Received full partition map from unexpected node [oldest=" + curOldest.id() + ", unexpectedNodeId=" + nodeId + ']'); ClusterNode snd = cctx.discovery().node(nodeId); if (snd == null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug( "Sender node left grid, will ignore message from unexpected node [nodeId=" + nodeId + ", exchId=" + msg.exchangeId() + ']'); return; } // Will process message later if sender node becomes oldest node. if (snd.order() > curOldest.order()) fullMsgs.put(nodeId, msg); return; } assert msg.exchangeId().equals(exchId); assert msg.lastVersion() != null; cctx.versions().onReceived(nodeId, msg.lastVersion()); updatePartitionFullMap(msg); onDone(exchId.topologyVersion()); } }); }