コード例 #1
   * Copy constructor.
   * @param cfg Configuration to be copied.
  public GridClientConfiguration(GridClientConfiguration cfg) {
    // Preserve alphabetical order for maintenance;
    autoFetchAttrs = cfg.isAutoFetchAttributes();
    autoFetchMetrics = cfg.isAutoFetchMetrics();
    balancer = cfg.getBalancer();
    connectTimeout = cfg.getConnectTimeout();
    credProvider = cfg.getSecurityCredentialsProvider();
    enableAttrsCache = cfg.isEnableAttributesCache();
    enableMetricsCache = cfg.isEnableMetricsCache();
    executor = cfg.getExecutorService();
    marshaller = cfg.getMarshaller();
    maxConnIdleTime = cfg.getMaxConnectionIdleTime();
    pingInterval = cfg.getPingInterval();
    pingTimeout = cfg.getPingTimeout();
    proto = cfg.getProtocol();
    routers = cfg.getRouters();
    srvs = cfg.getServers();
    sslCtxFactory = cfg.getSslContextFactory();
    tcpNoDelay = cfg.isTcpNoDelay();
    topRefreshFreq = cfg.getTopologyRefreshFrequency();
    daemon = cfg.isDaemon();
    marshaller = cfg.getMarshaller();

コード例 #2
   * @param clientId Client ID.
   * @param sslCtx SSL context to enable secured connection or {@code null} to use unsecured one.
   * @param cfg Client configuration.
   * @param routers Routers or empty collection to use endpoints from topology info.
   * @param top Topology.
   * @param marshId Marshaller ID.
   * @throws GridClientException In case of error.
  protected GridClientConnectionManagerAdapter(
      UUID clientId,
      SSLContext sslCtx,
      GridClientConfiguration cfg,
      Collection<InetSocketAddress> routers,
      GridClientTopology top,
      @Nullable Byte marshId,
      boolean routerClient)
      throws GridClientException {
    assert clientId != null : "clientId != null";
    assert cfg != null : "cfg != null";
    assert routers != null : "routers != null";
    assert top != null : "top != null";

    this.clientId = clientId;
    this.sslCtx = sslCtx;
    this.cfg = cfg;
    this.routers = new ArrayList<>(routers);
    this.top = top;

    log = Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName());

    executor =
        cfg.getExecutorService() != null
            ? cfg.getExecutorService()
            : Executors.newCachedThreadPool(new GridClientThreadFactory("exec", true));

    pingExecutor =
        cfg.getProtocol() == GridClientProtocol.TCP
            ? Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(
                new GridClientThreadFactory("exec", true))
            : null;

    this.marshId = marshId;

    if (marshId == null && cfg.getMarshaller() == null)
      throw new GridClientException("Failed to start client (marshaller is not configured).");

    if (cfg.getProtocol() == GridClientProtocol.TCP) {
      try {
        IgniteLogger gridLog = new JavaLogger(false);

        GridNioFilter[] filters;

        GridNioFilter codecFilter =
            new GridNioCodecFilter(new GridTcpRestParser(routerClient), gridLog, false);

        if (sslCtx != null) {
          GridNioSslFilter sslFilter =
              new GridNioSslFilter(sslCtx, true, ByteOrder.nativeOrder(), gridLog);


          filters = new GridNioFilter[] {codecFilter, sslFilter};
        } else filters = new GridNioFilter[] {codecFilter};

        srv =
                .listener(new NioListener(log))
                .gridName(routerClient ? "routerClient" : "gridClient")

      } catch (IOException | IgniteCheckedException e) {
        throw new GridClientException("Failed to start connection server.", e);