@Override public void produceData(final IOSession iosession, final ClientState sessionState) throws IOException, SMTPProtocolException { Args.notNull(iosession, "IO session"); Args.notNull(sessionState, "Session state"); SessionOutputBuffer buf = this.iobuffers.getOutbuf(); String myHelo = heloName; if (myHelo == null) { myHelo = AddressUtils.resolveLocalDomain(iosession.getLocalAddress()); } switch (this.codecState) { case EHLO_READY: SMTPCommand ehlo = new SMTPCommand("EHLO", myHelo); this.writer.write(ehlo, buf); this.codecState = CodecState.EHLO_RESPONSE_EXPECTED; break; case HELO_READY: SMTPCommand helo = new SMTPCommand("HELO", myHelo); this.writer.write(helo, buf); this.codecState = CodecState.HELO_RESPONSE_EXPECTED; break; } if (buf.hasData()) { buf.flush(iosession.channel()); } if (!buf.hasData()) { iosession.clearEvent(SelectionKey.OP_WRITE); } }
@Override public void produceData(final IOSession iosession, final ServerState sessionState) throws IOException, SMTPProtocolException { Args.notNull(iosession, "IO session"); Args.notNull(sessionState, "Session state"); SessionOutputBuffer buf = this.iobuffers.getOutbuf(); synchronized (sessionState) { if (this.actionFuture != null) { SMTPReply reply = getReply(this.actionFuture); this.actionFuture = null; this.writer.write(reply, buf); } if (this.actionFuture == null) { while (!this.pendingActions.isEmpty()) { Action<ServerState> action = this.pendingActions.remove(); Future<SMTPReply> future = action.execute(sessionState, new OutputTrigger<SMTPReply>(sessionState, iosession)); if (future.isDone()) { SMTPReply reply = getReply(future); this.writer.write(reply, buf); } else { this.actionFuture = future; break; } } } if (buf.hasData()) { buf.flush(iosession.channel()); } if (!buf.hasData()) { if (sessionState.getDataType() != null) { this.completed = true; } if (sessionState.isTerminated()) { iosession.close(); } else { iosession.clearEvent(SelectionKey.OP_WRITE); } } } }
@Override public void reset(final IOSession iosession, final ClientState sessionState) throws IOException, SMTPProtocolException { this.parser.reset(); this.writer.reset(); this.codecState = CodecState.SERVICE_READY_EXPECTED; iosession.setEventMask(SelectionKey.OP_READ); }
@Override public void consumeData(final IOSession iosession, final ServerState sessionState) throws IOException, SMTPProtocolException { Args.notNull(iosession, "IO session"); Args.notNull(sessionState, "Session state"); SessionInputBuffer buf = this.iobuffers.getInbuf(); synchronized (sessionState) { for (; ; ) { int bytesRead = buf.fill(iosession.channel()); try { SMTPCommand command = this.parser.parse(buf, bytesRead == -1); if (command == null) { if (bytesRead == -1 && !sessionState.isTerminated() && this.pendingActions.isEmpty()) { throw new UnexpectedEndOfStreamException(); } else { break; } } Action<ServerState> action = this.commandHandler.handle(command); this.pendingActions.add(action); } catch (SMTPErrorException ex) { SMTPReply reply = new SMTPReply(ex.getCode(), ex.getEnhancedCode(), ex.getMessage()); this.pendingActions.add(new SimpleAction(reply)); } catch (SMTPProtocolException ex) { SMTPReply reply = new SMTPReply( SMTPCodes.ERR_PERM_SYNTAX_ERR_COMMAND, new SMTPCode(5, 3, 0), ex.getMessage()); this.pendingActions.add(new SimpleAction(reply)); } } if (!this.pendingActions.isEmpty()) { iosession.setEvent(SelectionKey.OP_WRITE); } } }
public DefaultNHttpServerConnection createConnection(final IOSession iosession) { org.siddhiesb.transport.http.conn.SSLContextDetails customSSL = null; if (sslByIPMap != null) { customSSL = sslByIPMap.get(iosession.getLocalAddress()); } if (customSSL == null) { customSSL = ssl; } IOSession customSession; if (customSSL != null) { customSession = new SSLIOSession( iosession, SSLMode.SERVER, customSSL.getContext(), customSSL.getHandler()); iosession.setAttribute(SSLIOSession.SESSION_KEY, customSession); } else { customSession = iosession; } DefaultNHttpServerConnection conn = LoggingUtils.createServerConnection(customSession, requestFactory, allocator, params); int timeout = HttpConnectionParams.getSoTimeout(params); conn.setSocketTimeout(timeout); return conn; }
public void verify(final IOSession iosession, final SSLSession sslsession) throws SSLException { SocketAddress remoteAddress = iosession.getRemoteAddress(); String address; if (remoteAddress instanceof InetSocketAddress) { address = ((InetSocketAddress) remoteAddress).getHostName(); } else { address = remoteAddress.toString(); } if (verificationManager != null) { try { verificationManager.verifyRevocationStatus(sslsession.getPeerCertificateChain()); } catch (CertificateVerificationException e) { throw new SSLException("Certificate Chain Validation failed for host : " + address, e); } } }
/** * Creates new instance of {@code SSLIOSession} class. * * @param session I/O session to be decorated with the TLS/SSL capabilities. * @param sslMode SSL mode (client or server) * @param host original host (applicable in client mode only) * @param sslContext SSL context to use for this I/O session. * @param handler optional SSL setup handler. May be {@code null}. * @param bufferManagementStrategy buffer management strategy */ public SSLIOSession( final IOSession session, final SSLMode sslMode, final HttpHost host, final SSLContext sslContext, final SSLSetupHandler handler, final SSLBufferManagementStrategy bufferManagementStrategy) { super(); Args.notNull(session, "IO session"); Args.notNull(sslContext, "SSL context"); Args.notNull(bufferManagementStrategy, "Buffer management strategy"); this.session = session; this.sslMode = sslMode; this.appEventMask = session.getEventMask(); this.channel = new InternalByteChannel(); this.handler = handler; // Override the status buffer interface this.session.setBufferStatus(this); if (this.sslMode == SSLMode.CLIENT && host != null) { this.sslEngine = sslContext.createSSLEngine(host.getHostName(), host.getPort()); } else { this.sslEngine = sslContext.createSSLEngine(); } // Allocate buffers for network (encrypted) data final int netBuffersize = this.sslEngine.getSession().getPacketBufferSize(); this.inEncrypted = bufferManagementStrategy.constructBuffer(netBuffersize); this.outEncrypted = bufferManagementStrategy.constructBuffer(netBuffersize); // Allocate buffers for application (unencrypted) data final int appBuffersize = this.sslEngine.getSession().getApplicationBufferSize(); this.inPlain = bufferManagementStrategy.constructBuffer(appBuffersize); this.outPlain = bufferManagementStrategy.constructBuffer(appBuffersize); }
public void verify(final IOSession iosession, final SSLSession sslsession) throws SSLException { InetSocketAddress address = (InetSocketAddress) iosession.getRemoteAddress(); hostnameVerifier.verify(address.getHostName(), sslsession); }
@Override public void consumeData(final IOSession iosession, final ClientState sessionState) throws IOException, SMTPProtocolException { Args.notNull(iosession, "IO session"); Args.notNull(sessionState, "Session state"); SessionInputBuffer buf = this.iobuffers.getInbuf(); int bytesRead = buf.fill(iosession.channel()); SMTPReply reply = this.parser.parse(buf, bytesRead == -1); if (reply != null) { switch (this.codecState) { case SERVICE_READY_EXPECTED: if (reply.getCode() == SMTPCodes.SERVICE_READY) { this.codecState = CodecState.EHLO_READY; iosession.setEvent(SelectionKey.OP_WRITE); } else { this.codecState = CodecState.COMPLETED; sessionState.setReply(reply); } break; case EHLO_RESPONSE_EXPECTED: if (reply.getCode() == SMTPCodes.OK) { Set<String> extensions = sessionState.getExtensions(); List<String> lines = reply.getLines(); if (lines.size() > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < lines.size(); i++) { String line = lines.get(i); extensions.add(line.toUpperCase(Locale.US)); } } this.codecState = CodecState.COMPLETED; sessionState.setReply(reply); } else if (reply.getCode() == SMTPCodes.ERR_PERM_SYNTAX_ERR_COMMAND) { this.codecState = CodecState.HELO_READY; iosession.setEvent(SelectionKey.OP_WRITE); } else { this.codecState = CodecState.COMPLETED; sessionState.setReply(reply); } break; case HELO_RESPONSE_EXPECTED: this.codecState = CodecState.COMPLETED; sessionState.setReply(reply); break; default: if (reply.getCode() == SMTPCodes.ERR_TRANS_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE) { sessionState.setReply(reply); this.codecState = CodecState.COMPLETED; } else { throw new SMTPProtocolException("Unexpected reply: " + reply); } } } else { if (bytesRead == -1 && !sessionState.isTerminated()) { throw new UnexpectedEndOfStreamException(); } } }