public String getProcessStatus(String sessionId) { String status = (String) statusMap.get(sessionId); //"M statusMap="+statusMap+" "+statusMap.hashCode());"status=" + status + " sessionId=" + sessionId); if (status == null) { return "0%"; } else { return status + "%"; } }
public StringBuilder listToCSV(List list) { StringBuilder csv = new StringBuilder(); csv.append( "Work Product,,Name,State,Owner,Plan Estimate,Task Estimate,Task Remaining,Time Spent\n"); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { Map map = (Map) list.get(i); String type = (String) map.get("type"); String formattedId = (String) map.get("formattedId"); String name = (String) map.get("name"); String taskStatus = (String) map.get("taskStatus"); String owner = (String) map.get("owner"); String planEstimate = (String) map.get("planEstimate"); String taskEstimateTotal = (String) map.get("taskEstimateTotal"); String taskRemainingTotal = (String) map.get("taskRemainingTotal"); String taskTimeSpentTotal = (String) map.get("taskTimeSpentTotal"); if ("task".equals(type)) { csv.append("," + formattedId + ","); } else if ("userstory".equals(type)) { csv.append(formattedId + ",,"); } else if ("iteration".equals(type)) { csv.append(",,"); } if (planEstimate == null) { planEstimate = ""; } if (taskEstimateTotal == null) { taskEstimateTotal = ""; } if (taskRemainingTotal == null) { taskRemainingTotal = ""; } csv.append("\"" + name + "\","); csv.append(taskStatus + ","); csv.append(owner + ","); csv.append(planEstimate + ","); csv.append(taskEstimateTotal + ","); csv.append(taskRemainingTotal + ","); csv.append(taskTimeSpentTotal + "\n"); } return csv; }
public StringBuilder listToCSVForUserView(List list) { StringBuilder csv = new StringBuilder(); csv.append( "Project,Iteration,Work Product,Name,State,Owner,Task Estimate,Task Remaining,Time Spent\n"); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { Map map = (Map) list.get(i); String projectName = (String) map.get("projectName"); String iterationName = (String) map.get("iterationName"); String formattedId = (String) map.get("taskFormattedId"); String taskName = (String) map.get("taskName"); String taskState = (String) map.get("taskState"); String owner = (String) map.get("owner"); String taskEstimate = (String) map.get("taskEstimate"); String taskRemaining = (String) map.get("taskRemaining"); String taskTimeSpent = (String) map.get("hours"); if (taskEstimate == null) { taskEstimate = ""; } if (taskRemaining == null) { taskRemaining = ""; } csv.append("" + projectName + ","); csv.append("\"" + iterationName + "\","); csv.append(formattedId + ","); csv.append(taskName + ","); csv.append(taskState + ","); csv.append(owner + ","); csv.append(taskEstimate + ","); csv.append(taskRemaining + ","); csv.append(taskTimeSpent + "\n"); } return csv; }
// Returns params string only, e.g. // application_id=774&auth_key=aY7WwSRmu2-GbfA&nonce=1451135156 private String getEncodedParamsOnlyString(boolean encoded) { StringBuilder paramsOnly = new StringBuilder(); if (parameters.size() > 0) { for (String key : parameters.keySet()) { String value = parameters.get(key); if (value != null) { String encodedValue = encoded ? URLEncoder.encode(value) : value; paramsOnly.append(String.format("%s=%s&", key, encodedValue)); } } // remove last '&' paramsOnly.deleteCharAt(paramsOnly.length() - 1); } return paramsOnly.toString(); }
// create http request private HttpRequestBase getHttpRequest() { HttpRequestBase httpRequest = null; if (method == null) { method = RestMethod.GET; } // set method switch (method) { case GET: httpRequest = new HttpGet(getFinalURL().toString()); break; case DELETE: httpRequest = new HttpDelete(getFinalURL().toString()); break; case POST: HttpPost postRequest = new HttpPost(getFinalURL().toString()); if (multipartEntity != null) { postRequest.setEntity(multipartEntity); } else { postRequest.setEntity(getBody()); } httpRequest = postRequest; break; case PUT: HttpPut putRequest = new HttpPut(getFinalURL().toString()); putRequest.setEntity(getBody()); httpRequest = putRequest; break; default: break; } // set headers if (headers != null) { for (String key : headers.keySet()) { httpRequest.addHeader(key, headers.get(key)); } } return httpRequest; }
public HttpEntity getBody() { HttpEntity entity = null; if (body == null) { if ((method == RestMethod.POST || method == RestMethod.PUT) && parameters.size() > 0) { List<NameValuePair> bodyParams = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); for (String key : parameters.keySet()) { bodyParams.add(new BasicNameValuePair(key, parameters.get(key))); } try { entity = new UrlEncodedFormEntity(bodyParams, ConstsGlobal.DEFAULT_ENCODING); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } else { entity = body; } return entity; }
public Map getTaskMapBatch(String objectId) throws Exception { Map map = new HashMap(); String apiURL = ""; String requestJSON = "{" + "\"task\" : \"/task?query=(ObjectID%20=%20" + objectId + ")&fetch=true\"," + "\"userstory\" : \"/hierarchicalrequirement?query=(ObjectID%20=%20${task.WorkProduct.ObjectID})&fetch=FormattedID\"," + "\"timeentryitem\":\"/timeentryitem?query=(Task.ObjectID%20=%20" + objectId + ")&fetch=Values\"," + "\"timespent\":\"${timeentryitem.Values.Hours}\"" + "}";"apiURL=" + apiURL);"requestJSON=" + requestJSON); String responseJSON = postRallyXML(apiURL, requestJSON); //"responseJSON="+responseJSON); // Map jsonMap=JsonUtil.jsonToMap(responseJSON); JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); Map jsonMap = (Map) parser.parse(responseJSON); //"jsonMap="+jsonMap); String taskObjId = ""; String taskFormattedId = ""; String taskName = ""; String estimate = ""; String toDo = ""; String taskState = ""; String taskOwner = ""; String userstoryFormattedId = ""; // Get task info JSONObject taskMap = (JSONObject) jsonMap.get("task"); JSONArray taskArray = (JSONArray) taskMap.get("Results"); if (taskArray != null && taskArray.size() > 0) { JSONObject taskInfo = (JSONObject) taskArray.get(0); //"taskMap="+taskMap); //"taskInfo="+taskInfo); taskObjId = (taskInfo.get("ObjectID")).toString(); taskFormattedId = (taskInfo.get("FormattedID")).toString(); taskState = (taskInfo.get("State")).toString(); Object taskNameObj = taskInfo.get("Name"); taskName = taskNameObj == null ? "" : taskNameObj.toString(); Object estimateObject = taskInfo.get("Estimate"); estimate = estimateObject == null ? "" : estimateObject.toString(); Object toDoObject = taskInfo.get("ToDo"); toDo = toDoObject == null ? "" : toDoObject.toString(); JSONObject ownerMap = (JSONObject) taskInfo.get("Owner");"ownerMap=" + ownerMap); if (ownerMap != null) { taskOwner = (String) ownerMap.get("_refObjectName"); if (taskOwner == null) { taskOwner = ""; } } } // Get user story info JSONObject userstoryMap = (JSONObject) jsonMap.get("userstory"); JSONArray userstoryArray = (JSONArray) userstoryMap.get("Results"); if (userstoryArray != null && userstoryArray.size() > 0) { JSONObject userstoryInfo = (JSONObject) userstoryArray.get(0); userstoryFormattedId = (userstoryInfo.get("FormattedID")).toString();"userstoryFormattedId=" + userstoryFormattedId); } // Calculate timeSpent JSONArray timeSpentList = (JSONArray) jsonMap.get("timespent");"timeSpentList=" + timeSpentList); double timeSpent = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < timeSpentList.size(); i++) { String timeSpentString = (String) timeSpentList.get(i); if (timeSpentString != null) { timeSpent += Double.parseDouble(timeSpentString); } } map.put("type", "task"); map.put("formattedId", taskFormattedId); map.put("usId", userstoryFormattedId); map.put("name", taskName); map.put("taskStatus", taskState); map.put("owner", taskOwner); map.put("taskEstimateTotal", estimate); map.put("taskRemainingTotal", toDo); map.put("taskTimeSpentTotal", "" + timeSpent); return map; }
// public List getUserStoryList(String sessionId,String iterationId,ServletOutputStream out) { public List getUserStoryList(String sessionId, String iterationId, PrintWriter out) { List<Map> list = new ArrayList<Map>(); statusMap.put(sessionId, "0"); try { String apiURL = rallyApiHost + "/hierarchicalrequirement?" + "query=(Iteration%20=%20" + rallyApiHost + "/iteration/" + iterationId + ")&fetch=true&start=1&pagesize=100";"getUserStoryList apiURL=" + apiURL); String responseXML = getRallyXML(apiURL); org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder bSAX = new org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder(); org.jdom.Document doc = StringReader(responseXML)); Element root = doc.getRootElement(); XPath xpath = XPath.newInstance("//Object"); List xlist = xpath.selectNodes(root); int totalSteps = xlist.size() + 1; int currentStep = 0; List taskRefLink = new ArrayList(); Iterator iter = xlist.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { double totalTimeSpent = 0.0D; Map map = new HashMap(); Element item = (Element); String objId = item.getChildText("ObjectID"); String name = item.getChildText("Name"); String planEstimate = item.getChildText("PlanEstimate"); String formattedId = item.getChildText("FormattedID"); String taskActualTotal = item.getChildText("TaskActualTotal"); String taskEstimateTotal = item.getChildText("TaskEstimateTotal"); String taskRemainingTotal = item.getChildText("TaskRemainingTotal"); String scheduleState = item.getChildText("ScheduleState"); Element ownerElement = item.getChild("Owner"); String owner = ""; String ownerRef = ""; if (ownerElement != null) { owner = ownerElement.getAttributeValue("refObjectName"); } Element taskElements = item.getChild("Tasks"); // List taskElementList=taskElements.getContent(); List taskElementList = taskElements.getChildren(); List taskList = new ArrayList();"taskElements.getChildren=" + taskElements);"taskList=" + taskElementList); for (int i = 0; i < taskElementList.size(); i++) { Element taskElement = (Element) taskElementList.get(i); String taskRef = taskElement.getAttributeValue("ref"); String[] objectIdArr = taskRef.split("/"); String objectId = objectIdArr[objectIdArr.length - 1];"objectId=" + objectId); // Map taskMap=getTaskMap(taskRef); Map taskMap = getTaskMapBatch(objectId); double taskTimeSpentTotal = Double.parseDouble((String) taskMap.get("taskTimeSpentTotal")); totalTimeSpent += taskTimeSpentTotal; taskList.add(taskMap); } map.put("type", "userstory"); map.put("formattedId", formattedId); map.put("name", name); map.put("taskStatus", scheduleState); map.put("owner", owner); map.put("planEstimate", planEstimate); map.put("taskEstimateTotal", taskEstimateTotal); map.put("taskRemainingTotal", taskRemainingTotal); map.put("taskTimeSpentTotal", "" + totalTimeSpent); list.add(map); list.addAll(taskList); ++currentStep; double percentage = 100.0D * currentStep / totalSteps; String status = "" + Math.round(percentage); statusMap.put(sessionId, status); out.println("<script>parent.updateProcessStatus('" + status + "%')</script>" + status); out.flush();"out.flush..." + status); //"status="+status+" sessionId="+sessionId); //"L1 statusMap="+statusMap+" "+statusMap.hashCode()); } double planEstimate = 0.0D; double taskEstimateTotal = 0.0D; double taskRemainingTotal = 0.0D; double taskTimeSpentTotal = 0.0D; Map iterationMap = new HashMap(); for (Map map : list) { String type = (String) map.get("type"); String planEstimateStr = (String) map.get("planEstimate");"planEstimateStr=" + planEstimateStr); if ("userstory".equals(type)) { if (planEstimateStr != null) { planEstimate += Double.parseDouble(planEstimateStr); } taskEstimateTotal += Double.parseDouble((String) map.get("taskEstimateTotal")); taskRemainingTotal += Double.parseDouble((String) map.get("taskRemainingTotal")); taskTimeSpentTotal += Double.parseDouble((String) map.get("taskTimeSpentTotal")); } } apiURL = rallyApiHost + "/iteration/" + iterationId + "?fetch=true";"iteration apiURL=" + apiURL); responseXML = getRallyXML(apiURL); bSAX = new org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder(); doc = StringReader(responseXML)); root = doc.getRootElement(); xpath = XPath.newInstance("//Iteration"); xlist = xpath.selectNodes(root); String projName = ""; String iterName = ""; String iterState = ""; iter = xlist.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Element item = (Element); iterName = item.getChildText("Name"); iterState = item.getChildText("State"); Element projElement = item.getChild("Project"); projName = projElement.getAttributeValue("refObjectName"); } iterationMap.put("type", "iteration"); iterationMap.put("formattedId", ""); iterationMap.put("name", projName + " - " + iterName); iterationMap.put("taskStatus", iterState); iterationMap.put("owner", ""); iterationMap.put("planEstimate", "" + planEstimate); iterationMap.put("taskEstimateTotal", "" + taskEstimateTotal); iterationMap.put("taskRemainingTotal", "" + taskRemainingTotal); iterationMap.put("taskTimeSpentTotal", "" + taskTimeSpentTotal); list.add(0, iterationMap); statusMap.put(sessionId, "100");"L2 statusMap=" + statusMap);"L2 verify=" + getProcessStatus(sessionId));"-----------"); // String jsonData=JsonUtil.encodeObj(list); String jsonData = JSONValue.toJSONString(list); out.println("<script>parent.tableResult=" + jsonData + "</script>"); out.println("<script>parent.showTableResult()</script>"); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("ERROR: ", ex); } return list; }
public Map getUserStoryTaskMap(String timeEntryItemRef) throws Exception { Map taskMap = new HashMap(); String[] objectIdArr = timeEntryItemRef.split("/"); String objectId = objectIdArr[objectIdArr.length - 1];"objectId=" + objectId); String apiURL = ""; String requestJSON = "{" + "\"timeentryitem\" : \"/timeentryitem?query=(ObjectID%20=%20" + objectId + ")&fetch=true\"," + "\"task\" : \"/task?query=(ObjectID%20=%20${timeentryitem.Task.ObjectID})&fetch=true\"," + "\"userstory\" : \"/hierarchicalrequirement?query=(ObjectID%20=%20${task.WorkProduct.ObjectID})&fetch=true\"," + "\"defect\" : \"/defect?query=(ObjectID%20=%20${task.WorkProduct.ObjectID})&fetch=true\"" + "}";"apiURL=" + apiURL);"requestJSON=" + requestJSON); String responseJSON = postRallyXML(apiURL, requestJSON); // Bypass"%;" to avoid exception responseJSON = responseJSON.replace("%;", ";"); responseJSON = responseJSON.replace("%", ""); Map jsonMap = JsonUtil.jsonToMap(responseJSON); String usRef = ""; String usName = ""; String usFormattedId = ""; String usPlanEstimate = ""; String usTaskEstimateTotal = ""; String usTaskRemainingTotal = ""; String usState = ""; String usOwner = ""; Map usMap = new HashMap(); // Get user story info JSONObject userstoryMap = (JSONObject) jsonMap.get("userstory"); JSONArray userstoryArray = (JSONArray) userstoryMap.get("Results"); if (userstoryArray == null || userstoryArray.size() == 0) { userstoryMap = (JSONObject) jsonMap.get("defect"); userstoryArray = (JSONArray) userstoryMap.get("Results"); } if (userstoryArray != null && userstoryArray.size() > 0) { JSONObject userstoryInfo = (JSONObject) userstoryArray.get(0); //"userstoryInfo="+userstoryInfo); usRef = (userstoryInfo.get("_ref")).toString(); usFormattedId = (userstoryInfo.get("FormattedID")).toString(); usName = (userstoryInfo.get("Name")).toString(); usState = (userstoryInfo.get("ScheduleState")).toString(); if (userstoryInfo.get("PlanEstimate") != null) usPlanEstimate = (userstoryInfo.get("PlanEstimate")).toString(); if (userstoryInfo.get("TaskEstimateTotal") != null) usTaskEstimateTotal = (userstoryInfo.get("TaskEstimateTotal")).toString(); if (userstoryInfo.get("TaskRemainingTotal") != null) usTaskRemainingTotal = (userstoryInfo.get("TaskRemainingTotal")).toString(); JSONObject ownerMap = (JSONObject) userstoryInfo.get("Owner"); if (ownerMap != null) { usOwner = (String) ownerMap.get("_refObjectName"); if (usOwner == null) { usOwner = ""; } } } Map usDetailMap = new HashMap(); usDetailMap.put("usFormattedId", usFormattedId); usDetailMap.put("usName", usName); usDetailMap.put("usPlanEstimate", usPlanEstimate); usDetailMap.put("usTaskEstimateTotal", usTaskEstimateTotal); usDetailMap.put("usTaskRemainingTotal", usTaskRemainingTotal); usDetailMap.put("usOwner", usOwner); usDetailMap.put("usState", usState); usMap.put(usRef, usDetailMap); //"usMap="+usMap); String taskObjId = ""; String taskFormattedId = ""; String taskName = ""; String estimate = ""; String toDo = ""; String taskState = ""; String taskOwner = ""; String projectName = ""; String iterationName = ""; String workProductRef = ""; List taskList = new ArrayList(); // Get task info JSONObject taskJsonMap = (JSONObject) jsonMap.get("task"); JSONArray taskArray = (JSONArray) taskJsonMap.get("Results"); if (taskArray != null && taskArray.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < taskArray.size(); i++) { JSONObject taskInfo = (JSONObject) taskArray.get(0); //"taskMap="+taskMap); //"taskInfo="+taskInfo); taskObjId = (taskInfo.get("ObjectID")).toString(); taskFormattedId = (taskInfo.get("FormattedID")).toString(); taskState = (taskInfo.get("State")).toString(); Object taskNameObj = taskInfo.get("Name"); taskName = taskNameObj == null ? "" : taskNameObj.toString(); Object estimateObject = taskInfo.get("Estimate"); estimate = estimateObject == null ? "" : estimateObject.toString(); Object toDoObject = taskInfo.get("ToDo"); toDo = toDoObject == null ? "" : toDoObject.toString(); JSONObject ownerMap = (JSONObject) taskInfo.get("Owner"); //"ownerMap="+ownerMap); if (ownerMap != null) { taskOwner = (String) ownerMap.get("_refObjectName"); if (taskOwner == null) { taskOwner = ""; } } JSONObject workProductMap = (JSONObject) taskInfo.get("WorkProduct"); //"workProductMap="+workProductMap); if (workProductMap != null) { workProductRef = (String) workProductMap.get("_ref"); if (workProductRef == null) { workProductRef = ""; } } JSONObject projectMap = (JSONObject) taskInfo.get("Project"); //"projectMap="+projectMap); if (projectMap != null) { projectName = (String) projectMap.get("_refObjectName"); if (projectName == null) { projectName = ""; } } JSONObject iterationMap = (JSONObject) taskInfo.get("Iteration"); //"iterationMap="+iterationMap); if (iterationMap != null) { iterationName = (String) iterationMap.get("_refObjectName"); if (iterationName == null) { iterationName = ""; } } taskMap.put("taskFormattedId", taskFormattedId); taskMap.put("taskName", taskName); taskMap.put("taskState", taskState); taskMap.put("owner", taskOwner); taskMap.put("taskEstimate", estimate); taskMap.put("taskRemaining", toDo); taskMap.put("projectName", projectName); taskMap.put("iterationName", iterationName); Map map = (Map) usMap.get(workProductRef); taskMap.put("usName", map.get("usFormattedId") + " " + map.get("usName"));"taskMap=" + taskMap); } // for taskArray } return taskMap; }
public List getUserTimeSpentByDate(String userObjectId, String startDate, String endDate) { List list = new ArrayList();"userObjectId=" + userObjectId);"startDate=" + startDate);"endDate=" + endDate); try { String apiUrl = rallyApiHost + "/timeentryvalue?query=((TimeEntryItem.User.ObjectId%20=%20" + userObjectId + ")" + "%20and%20((DateVal%20%3E=%20" + startDate + ")%20and%20(DateVal%20%3C=%20" + endDate + ")))" + "&start=1&pagesize=100&fetch=true";"apiUrl=" + apiUrl); String responseXML = getRallyXML(apiUrl);"responseXML=" + responseXML); org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder bSAX = new org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder(); org.jdom.Document doc = StringReader(responseXML)); Element root = doc.getRootElement(); XPath xpath = XPath.newInstance("//Object"); List xlist = xpath.selectNodes(root); Iterator iter = xlist.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { // Map map=new HashMap(); Element item = (Element); String hours = item.getChildText("Hours"); Element timeEntryItemElement = item.getChild("TimeEntryItem"); String timeEntryItemRef = timeEntryItemElement.getAttributeValue("ref"); Map map = getUserStoryTaskMap(timeEntryItemRef); String checkTaskId = (String) map.get("taskFormattedId"); boolean isExist = false; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { Map existMap = (Map) list.get(i);"existMap=" + existMap); String existTaskId = (String) existMap.get("taskFormattedId");"existTaskId=" + existTaskId);"checkTaskId=" + checkTaskId); if (existTaskId != null && existTaskId.equals(checkTaskId)) { isExist = true; String existHours = (String) existMap.get("hours"); double eHour = 0.0D; if (!"".equals(existHours)) { eHour = Double.parseDouble(existHours); } double nHour = 0.0D; if (!"".equals(hours)) { nHour = Double.parseDouble(hours); }"nHour=" + nHour);"eHour=" + eHour); nHour += eHour;"2 nHour=" + nHour); existMap.put("hours", "" + nHour); break; } } if (!isExist) { map.put("hours", hours); list.add(map); }"hours=" + hours);"timeEntryItemRef=" + timeEntryItemRef); // list.add(map); } Collections.sort( list, new Comparator<Map<String, String>>() { public int compare(Map<String, String> m1, Map<String, String> m2) { if (m1.get("projectName") == null || m2.get("projectName") == null) return -1; return m1.get("projectName").compareTo(m2.get("projectName")); } }); // Sum up the total time double totalTaskEstimate = 0.0D; double totalTaskRemaining = 0.0D; double totalHours = 0.0D; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { Map map = (Map) list.get(i);"taskEstimate=" + (String) map.get("taskEstimate"));"taskRemaining=" + (String) map.get("taskRemaining"));"hours=" + (String) map.get("hours"));"map==" + map); try { double taskEstimate = Double.parseDouble((String) map.get("taskEstimate")); double taskRemaining = Double.parseDouble((String) map.get("taskRemaining")); double hours = Double.parseDouble((String) map.get("hours")); totalTaskEstimate += taskEstimate; totalTaskRemaining += taskRemaining; totalHours += hours; } catch (Exception e) {"ERROR in parsing number" + e); } } Map firstMap = new HashMap(); firstMap.put("taskFormattedId", ""); firstMap.put("taskName", ""); firstMap.put("taskState", ""); firstMap.put("owner", ""); firstMap.put("taskEstimate", "" + totalTaskEstimate); firstMap.put("taskRemaining", "" + totalTaskRemaining); firstMap.put("hours", "" + totalHours); firstMap.put("projectName", ""); firstMap.put("iterationName", ""); list.add(0, firstMap); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("", ex); } return list; }
public double getTimeSpentByTask(String taskNo) throws Exception { double timeSpent = 0.0D; String apiURL = ""; String requestJSON = "{" + "\"task\" : \"/task?query=(FormattedID%20=%20" + taskNo + ")&fetch=true\"," + "\"timeentryitem\":\"/timeentryitem?query=(Task.FormattedID%20=%20" + taskNo + ")&fetch=Values\"," + "\"timespent\":\"${timeentryitem.Values.Hours}\"" + "}";"apiURL=" + apiURL);"requestJSON=" + requestJSON); String responseJSON = postRallyXML(apiURL, requestJSON); //"responseJSON="+responseJSON); // Map jsonMap=JsonUtil.jsonToMap(responseJSON); JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); Map jsonMap = (Map) parser.parse(responseJSON); /* //"jsonMap="+jsonMap); String taskObjId=""; String taskFormattedId=""; String taskName=""; String estimate=""; String toDo=""; String taskState=""; String taskOwner=""; String userstoryFormattedId=""; //Get task info JSONObject taskMap=(JSONObject)jsonMap.get("task"); JSONArray taskArray=(JSONArray)taskMap.get("Results"); if(taskArray!=null && taskArray.size()>0) { JSONObject taskInfo=(JSONObject)taskArray.get(0); //"taskMap="+taskMap); //"taskInfo="+taskInfo); taskObjId=(taskInfo.get("ObjectID")).toString(); taskFormattedId=(taskInfo.get("FormattedID")).toString(); taskState=(taskInfo.get("State")).toString(); Object taskNameObj=taskInfo.get("Name"); taskName=taskNameObj==null ? "" : taskNameObj.toString(); Object estimateObject=taskInfo.get("Estimate"); estimate=estimateObject==null ? "" : estimateObject.toString(); Object toDoObject=taskInfo.get("ToDo"); toDo=toDoObject==null ? "" : toDoObject.toString(); JSONObject ownerMap=(JSONObject)taskInfo.get("Owner");"ownerMap="+ownerMap); if(ownerMap!=null) { taskOwner=(String)ownerMap.get("_refObjectName"); if(taskOwner==null) { taskOwner=""; } } } //Get user story info JSONObject userstoryMap=(JSONObject)jsonMap.get("userstory"); JSONArray userstoryArray=(JSONArray)userstoryMap.get("Results"); if(userstoryArray!=null && userstoryArray.size()>0) { JSONObject userstoryInfo=(JSONObject)userstoryArray.get(0); userstoryFormattedId=(userstoryInfo.get("FormattedID")).toString();"userstoryFormattedId="+userstoryFormattedId); } */ // Calculate timeSpent JSONArray timeSpentList = (JSONArray) jsonMap.get("timespent");"timeSpentList=" + timeSpentList); // double timeSpent=0.0; for (int i = 0; i < timeSpentList.size(); i++) { String timeSpentString = (String) timeSpentList.get(i); if (timeSpentString != null) { timeSpent += Double.parseDouble(timeSpentString); } } return timeSpent; }
private void customizeNodes(ConfigProcessor processor, CIJob job) throws JDOMException, PhrescoException { // SVN url customization if (SVN.equals(job.getRepoType())) { S_LOGGER.debug("This is svn type project!!!!!"); processor.changeNodeValue(SCM_LOCATIONS_REMOTE, job.getSvnUrl()); } else if (GIT.equals(job.getRepoType())) { S_LOGGER.debug("This is git type project!!!!!"); processor.changeNodeValue(SCM_USER_REMOTE_CONFIGS_URL, job.getSvnUrl()); processor.changeNodeValue(SCM_BRANCHES_NAME, job.getBranch()); // cloned workspace } else if (CLONED_WORKSPACE.equals(job.getRepoType())) { S_LOGGER.debug("Clonned workspace selected!!!!!!!!!!"); processor.useClonedScm(job.getUsedClonnedWorkspace(), SUCCESSFUL); } // Schedule expression customization processor.changeNodeValue(TRIGGERS_SPEC, job.getScheduleExpression()); // Triggers Implementation List<String> triggers = job.getTriggers(); processor.createTriggers(TRIGGERS, triggers, job.getScheduleExpression()); // if the technology is java stanalone and functional test , goal have to specified in post // build step only if (job.isEnablePostBuildStep() && FUNCTIONAL_TEST.equals(job.getOperation())) { // Maven command customization processor.changeNodeValue(GOALS, CI_FUNCTIONAL_ADAPT.trim()); } else { // Maven command customization processor.changeNodeValue(GOALS, job.getMvnCommand()); } // Recipients customization Map<String, String> email = job.getEmail(); // Failure Reception list processor.changeNodeValue( TRIGGER_FAILURE_EMAIL_RECIPIENT_LIST, (String) email.get(FAILURE_EMAILS)); // Success Reception list processor.changeNodeValue( TRIGGER_SUCCESS__EMAIL_RECIPIENT_LIST, (String) email.get(SUCCESS_EMAILS)); // enable collabnet file release plugin integration if (job.isEnableBuildRelease()) { S_LOGGER.debug("Enablebling collabnet file release plugin "); processor.enableCollabNetBuildReleasePlugin(job); } // use clonned scm if (CLONED_WORKSPACE.equals(job.getRepoType())) { S_LOGGER.debug("using cloned workspace "); processor.useClonedScm(job.getUsedClonnedWorkspace(), SUCCESSFUL); } // clone workspace for future use if (job.isCloneWorkspace()) { S_LOGGER.debug("Clonning the workspace "); processor.cloneWorkspace(ALL_FILES, SUCCESSFUL, TAR); } // Build Other projects if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(job.getDownStreamProject())) { S_LOGGER.debug("Enabling downstream project!!!!!!"); processor.buildOtherProjects(job.getDownStreamProject()); } // pom location specifier if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(job.getPomLocation())) { S_LOGGER.debug("POM location changing " + job.getPomLocation()); processor.updatePOMLocation(job.getPomLocation()); } if (job.isEnablePostBuildStep()) { System.out.println("java stanalone technology with functional test enabled!!!!!!!"); String mvnCommand = job.getMvnCommand(); String[] ciAdapted = mvnCommand.split(CI_FUNCTIONAL_ADAPT); // java stanalone functional test alone for (String ciCommand : ciAdapted) { S_LOGGER.debug("ciCommand...." + ciCommand); } // iterate over loop processor.enablePostBuildStep(job.getPomLocation(), ciAdapted[1]); } if (job.isEnablePreBuildStep()) { System.out.println("java stanalone technology with functional test enabled!!!!!!!"); // iterate over loop List<String> prebuildStepCommands = job.getPrebuildStepCommands(); for (String prebuildStepCommand : prebuildStepCommands) { processor.enablePreBuildStep(job.getPomLocation(), prebuildStepCommand); } } }