private void addLeafTask(TaskAttemptToSchedulerEvent event) { TaskAttempt taskAttempt = event.getTaskAttempt(); List<DataLocation> locations = taskAttempt.getTask().getDataLocations(); for (DataLocation location : locations) { String host = location.getHost(); leafTaskHosts.add(host); HostVolumeMapping hostVolumeMapping = leafTaskHostMapping.get(host); if (hostVolumeMapping == null) { String rack = RackResolver.resolve(host).getNetworkLocation(); hostVolumeMapping = new HostVolumeMapping(host, rack); leafTaskHostMapping.put(host, hostVolumeMapping); } hostVolumeMapping.addTaskAttempt(location.getVolumeId(), taskAttempt); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Added attempt req to host " + host); } HashSet<TaskAttemptId> list = leafTasksRackMapping.get(hostVolumeMapping.getRack()); if (list == null) { list = new HashSet<>(); leafTasksRackMapping.put(hostVolumeMapping.getRack(), list); } list.add(taskAttempt.getId()); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Added attempt req to rack " + hostVolumeMapping.getRack()); } } leafTasks.add(taskAttempt.getId()); }
private Set<String> resolveRacks(List<String> nodes) { Set<String> racks = new HashSet<String>(); if (nodes != null) { for (String node : nodes) { // Ensure node requests are accompanied by requests for // corresponding rack String rack = RackResolver.resolve(node).getNetworkLocation(); if (rack == null) { LOG.warn("Failed to resolve rack for node " + node + "."); } else { racks.add(rack); } } } return racks; }
private TaskAttemptId allocateRackTask(String host) { List<HostVolumeMapping> remainingTasks = Lists.newArrayList(leafTaskHostMapping.values()); String rack = RackResolver.resolve(host).getNetworkLocation(); TaskAttemptId attemptId = null; if (remainingTasks.size() > 0) { synchronized (scheduledRequests) { // find largest remaining task of other host in rack Collections.sort( remainingTasks, new Comparator<HostVolumeMapping>() { @Override public int compare(HostVolumeMapping v1, HostVolumeMapping v2) { // descending remaining tasks if (v2.remainTasksNum.get() > v1.remainTasksNum.get()) { return 1; } else if (v2.remainTasksNum.get() == v1.remainTasksNum.get()) { return 0; } else { return -1; } } }); } for (HostVolumeMapping tasks : remainingTasks) { for (int i = 0; i < tasks.getRemainingLocalTaskSize(); i++) { TaskAttemptId tId = tasks.getTaskAttemptIdByRack(rack); if (tId == null) break; if (leafTasks.contains(tId)) { leafTasks.remove(tId); attemptId = tId; break; } } if (attemptId != null) break; } } // find task in rack if (attemptId == null) { HashSet<TaskAttemptId> list = leafTasksRackMapping.get(rack); if (list != null) { synchronized (list) { Iterator<TaskAttemptId> iterator = list.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { TaskAttemptId tId =; iterator.remove(); if (leafTasks.contains(tId)) { leafTasks.remove(tId); attemptId = tId; break; } } } } } return attemptId; }