public void verifyTaskGeneric( Task task, String id, String state, String type, String successfulAttempt, long startTime, long finishTime, long elapsedTime, float progress) { TaskId taskid = task.getID(); String tid = MRApps.toString(taskid); TaskReport report = task.getReport(); WebServicesTestUtils.checkStringMatch("id", tid, id); WebServicesTestUtils.checkStringMatch("type", task.getType().toString(), type); WebServicesTestUtils.checkStringMatch("state", report.getTaskState().toString(), state); // not easily checked without duplicating logic, just make sure its here assertNotNull("successfulAttempt null", successfulAttempt); assertEquals("startTime wrong", report.getStartTime(), startTime); assertEquals("finishTime wrong", report.getFinishTime(), finishTime); assertEquals("elapsedTime wrong", finishTime - startTime, elapsedTime); assertEquals("progress wrong", report.getProgress() * 100, progress, 1e-3f); }
protected DataStatistics dataStatisticsForTask(TaskId taskID) { JobId jobID = taskID.getJobId(); Job job = context.getJob(jobID); if (job == null) { return null; } Task task = job.getTask(taskID); if (task == null) { return null; } return task.getType() == TaskType.MAP ? mapperStatistics.get(job) : task.getType() == TaskType.REDUCE ? reducerStatistics.get(job) : null; }
@Override protected void render(Block html) { if (app.getJob() == null) { html. h2($(TITLE)); return; } TaskType type = null; String symbol = $(TASK_TYPE); if (!symbol.isEmpty()) { type = MRApps.taskType(symbol); } TBODY<TABLE<Hamlet>> tbody = html. table("#tasks"). thead(). tr(). th("Task"). th("Progress"). th("State"). th("Start Time"). th("Finish Time"). th("Elapsed Time")._()._(). tbody(); StringBuilder tasksTableData = new StringBuilder("[\n"); for (Task task : app.getJob().getTasks().values()) { if (type != null && task.getType() != type) { continue; } TaskInfo info = new TaskInfo(task); String tid = info.getId(); String pct = percent(info.getProgress() / 100); tasksTableData.append("[\"<a href='").append(url("task", tid)) .append("'>").append(tid).append("</a>\",\"") //Progress bar .append("<br title='").append(pct) .append("'> <div class='").append(C_PROGRESSBAR).append("' title='") .append(join(pct, '%')).append("'> ").append("<div class='") .append(C_PROGRESSBAR_VALUE).append("' style='") .append(join("width:", pct, '%')).append("'> </div> </div>\",\"") .append(info.getState()).append("\",\"") .append(info.getStartTime()).append("\",\"") .append(info.getFinishTime()).append("\",\"") .append(info.getElapsedTime()).append("\"],\n"); } //Remove the last comma and close off the array of arrays if(tasksTableData.charAt(tasksTableData.length() - 2) == ',') { tasksTableData.delete(tasksTableData.length()-2, tasksTableData.length()-1); } tasksTableData.append("]"); html.script().$type("text/javascript"). _("var tasksTableData=" + tasksTableData)._(); tbody._()._(); }
public void verifyHsTask(JSONArray arr, Job job, String type) throws JSONException { for (Task task : job.getTasks().values()) { TaskId id = task.getID(); String tid = MRApps.toString(id); Boolean found = false; if (type != null && task.getType() == MRApps.taskType(type)) { for (int i = 0; i < arr.length(); i++) { JSONObject info = arr.getJSONObject(i); if (tid.matches(info.getString("id"))) { found = true; verifyHsSingleTask(info, task); } } assertTrue("task with id: " + tid + " not in web service output", found); } } }
/** * Go through a job and update the member variables with counts for information to output in the * page. * * @param job the job to get counts for. */ private void countTasksAndAttempts(Job job) { final Map<TaskId, Task> tasks = job.getTasks(); if (tasks == null) { return; } for (Task task : tasks.values()) { switch (task.getType()) { case MAP: // Task counts switch (task.getState()) { case RUNNING: ++this.mapsRunning; break; case SCHEDULED: ++this.mapsPending; break; default: break; } break; case REDUCE: // Task counts switch (task.getState()) { case RUNNING: ++this.reducesRunning; break; case SCHEDULED: ++this.reducesPending; break; default: break; } break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Task type is neither map nor reduce: " + task.getType()); } // Attempts counts Map<TaskAttemptId, TaskAttempt> attempts = task.getAttempts(); int newAttempts, running, successful, failed, killed; for (TaskAttempt attempt : attempts.values()) { newAttempts = 0; running = 0; successful = 0; failed = 0; killed = 0; if (TaskAttemptStateUI.NEW.correspondsTo(attempt.getState())) { ++newAttempts; } else if (TaskAttemptStateUI.RUNNING.correspondsTo(attempt.getState())) { ++running; } else if (TaskAttemptStateUI.SUCCESSFUL.correspondsTo(attempt.getState())) { ++successful; } else if (TaskAttemptStateUI.FAILED.correspondsTo(attempt.getState())) { ++failed; } else if (TaskAttemptStateUI.KILLED.correspondsTo(attempt.getState())) { ++killed; } switch (task.getType()) { case MAP: this.newMapAttempts += newAttempts; this.runningMapAttempts += running; this.successfulMapAttempts += successful; this.failedMapAttempts += failed; this.killedMapAttempts += killed; break; case REDUCE: this.newReduceAttempts += newAttempts; this.runningReduceAttempts += running; this.successfulReduceAttempts += successful; this.failedReduceAttempts += failed; this.killedReduceAttempts += killed; break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Task type neither map nor reduce: " + task.getType()); } } } }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * @see org.apache.hadoop.yarn.webapp.view.HtmlBlock#render(org.apache.hadoop.yarn.webapp.view.HtmlBlock.Block) */ @Override protected void render(Block html) { if (app.getJob() == null) { html. h2($(TITLE)); return; } TaskType type = null; String symbol = $(TASK_TYPE); if (!symbol.isEmpty()) { type = MRApps.taskType(symbol); } THEAD<TABLE<Hamlet>> thead; if(type != null) thead = html.table("#"+app.getJob().getID() + type).$class("dt-tasks").thead(); else thead = html.table("#tasks").thead(); //Create the spanning row int attemptColSpan = type == TaskType.REDUCE ? 8 : 3; th().$colspan(5).$class("ui-state-default")._("Task")._(). th().$colspan(attemptColSpan).$class("ui-state-default"). _("Successful Attempt")._(). _(); TR<THEAD<TABLE<Hamlet>>> theadRow = thead. tr(). th("Name"). th("State"). th("Start Time"). th("Finish Time"). th("Elapsed Time"). th("Start Time"); //Attempt if(type == TaskType.REDUCE) {"Shuffle Finish Time"); //Attempt"Merge Finish Time"); //Attempt }"Finish Time"); //Attempt if(type == TaskType.REDUCE) {"Elapsed Time Shuffle"); //Attempt"Elapsed Time Merge"); //Attempt"Elapsed Time Reduce"); //Attempt }"Elapsed Time"); //Attempt TBODY<TABLE<Hamlet>> tbody = theadRow._()._().tbody(); // Write all the data into a JavaScript array of arrays for JQuery // DataTables to display StringBuilder tasksTableData = new StringBuilder("[\n"); for (Task task : app.getJob().getTasks().values()) { if (type != null && task.getType() != type) { continue; } TaskInfo info = new TaskInfo(task); String tid = info.getId(); long startTime = info.getStartTime(); long finishTime = info.getFinishTime(); long elapsed = info.getElapsedTime(); long attemptStartTime = -1; long shuffleFinishTime = -1; long sortFinishTime = -1; long attemptFinishTime = -1; long elapsedShuffleTime = -1; long elapsedSortTime = -1;; long elapsedReduceTime = -1; long attemptElapsed = -1; TaskAttempt successful = info.getSuccessful(); if(successful != null) { TaskAttemptInfo ta; if(type == TaskType.REDUCE) { ReduceTaskAttemptInfo rta = new ReduceTaskAttemptInfo(successful, type); shuffleFinishTime = rta.getShuffleFinishTime(); sortFinishTime = rta.getMergeFinishTime(); elapsedShuffleTime = rta.getElapsedShuffleTime(); elapsedSortTime = rta.getElapsedMergeTime(); elapsedReduceTime = rta.getElapsedReduceTime(); ta = rta; } else { ta = new TaskAttemptInfo(successful, type, false); } attemptStartTime = ta.getStartTime(); attemptFinishTime = ta.getFinishTime(); attemptElapsed = ta.getElapsedTime(); } tasksTableData.append("[\"") .append("<a href='" + url("task", tid)).append("'>") .append(tid).append("</a>\",\"") .append(info.getState()).append("\",\"") .append(startTime).append("\",\"") .append(finishTime).append("\",\"") .append(elapsed).append("\",\"") .append(attemptStartTime).append("\",\""); if(type == TaskType.REDUCE) { tasksTableData.append(shuffleFinishTime).append("\",\"") .append(sortFinishTime).append("\",\""); } tasksTableData.append(attemptFinishTime).append("\",\""); if(type == TaskType.REDUCE) { tasksTableData.append(elapsedShuffleTime).append("\",\"") .append(elapsedSortTime).append("\",\"") .append(elapsedReduceTime).append("\",\""); } tasksTableData.append(attemptElapsed).append("\"],\n"); } //Remove the last comma and close off the array of arrays if(tasksTableData.charAt(tasksTableData.length() - 2) == ',') { tasksTableData.delete( tasksTableData.length()-2, tasksTableData.length()-1); } tasksTableData.append("]"); html.script().$type("text/javascript"). _("var tasksTableData=" + tasksTableData)._(); TR<TFOOT<TABLE<Hamlet>>> footRow = tbody._().tfoot().tr();"search_init").$type(InputType.text).$name("task") .$value("ID")._()._().th().input("search_init").$type(InputType.text) .$name("state").$value("State")._()._().th().input("search_init") .$type(InputType.text).$name("start_time").$value("Start Time")._()._() .th().input("search_init").$type(InputType.text).$name("finish_time") .$value("Finish Time")._()._().th().input("search_init") .$type(InputType.text).$name("elapsed_time").$value("Elapsed Time")._() ._().th().input("search_init").$type(InputType.text) .$name("attempt_start_time").$value("Start Time")._()._(); if(type == TaskType.REDUCE) {"search_init").$type(InputType.text) .$name("shuffle_time").$value("Shuffle Time")._()._();"search_init").$type(InputType.text) .$name("merge_time").$value("Merge Time")._()._(); }"search_init").$type(InputType.text) .$name("attempt_finish").$value("Finish Time")._()._(); if(type == TaskType.REDUCE) {"search_init").$type(InputType.text) .$name("elapsed_shuffle_time").$value("Elapsed Shuffle Time")._()._();"search_init").$type(InputType.text) .$name("elapsed_merge_time").$value("Elapsed Merge Time")._()._();"search_init").$type(InputType.text) .$name("elapsed_reduce_time").$value("Elapsed Reduce Time")._()._(); }"search_init").$type(InputType.text) .$name("attempt_elapsed").$value("Elapsed Time")._()._(); footRow._()._()._(); }