public void map(Object key, Text value, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { String recline = value.toString().trim(); String[] seg_arr = recline.split("\001"); String seg_text = ""; String word_statis = ""; String wsline = ""; String keyVir = ""; System.out.println("field_num:" + loc_field_num + " seg_arr.length:" + seg_arr.length); if (seg_arr.length == loc_field_num) { seg_text = seg_arr[loc_text_index]; if (SSO.tnoe(seg_text)) { seg_text = seg_text.trim(); word_statis = WordStatis.wordStatis(seg_text); if (SSO.tnoe(word_statis)) { word_statis = word_statis.trim(); keyVir = seg_arr[0] + "\001"; for (int j = 1; j < loc_text_index; j++) { wsline += (seg_arr[j] + "\001"); } wsline += word_statis + "\001"; for (int j = loc_text_index + 1; j < loc_field_num; j++) { wsline += (seg_arr[j] + "\001"); } wsline = wsline.trim(); word.set(keyVir); word1.set(wsline); context.write(word, word1); } } } } // map
@Override public void reduce(Text key, Iterable<LongWritable> values, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { long s = 0; for (LongWritable lw : values) s += lw.get(); context.write(key, new LongWritable(s)); }
// @Override public void reduce(VarLongWritable userID, Iterable<VarLongWritable> itemPrefs, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { Vector userVector = new RandomAccessSparseVector(Integer.MAX_VALUE, 100); for (VarLongWritable itemPref : itemPrefs) { userVector.set((int) itemPref.get(), 1.0f); } context.write(userID, (new VectorWritable(userVector))); }
public void reduce(PairsKey key, Iterable<IntWritable> values, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { int sum = 0; // for (IntWritable val : values) { // sum += val.get(); // } context.write(key.key1, new IntWritable(Integer.parseInt(key.key2.toString()))); }
protected void reduce(Text key, Iterable<IntWritable> values, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { sum = 0; for (IntWritable value : values) { sum += value.get(); } valueOut.set(key.toString() + fieldDelim + sum); context.write(NullWritable.get(), valueOut); }
@Override public void reduce(Text key, Iterable<Text> values, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); for (Text i : values) { str.append(i.toString()).append(" "); } context.write(voidtxt, new Text(str.toString())); // Utiliser context.write(text, int) pour ecrire la sortie du reducer; }
@Override public void reduce(Text key, Iterable<LongWritable> vals, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { int s = 0; for (LongWritable lw : vals) s += lw.get(); String pt = key.toString() + " " + s; byte[] iv = crypto.randomBytes(AES_BLOCK_SIZE); byte[] ct = crypto.encrypt_word_rnd(pt, iv); context.write(new BytesWritable(iv), new BytesWritable(ct)); }
// Calls the descending Sort method to sort the Hashmap by values in descending order @Override protected void cleanup(Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { Map<Text, IntWritable> descendSortedMap = descendSortByValues(userCountMap); int resultset = 0; for (Text key : descendSortedMap.keySet()) { if (resultset++ == 10) { // to get top 10 users break; } context.write(key, descendSortedMap.get(key)); } }
@Override protected void map(LongWritable key, Text value, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { String line = value.toString(); Matcher m = NUMBERS.matcher(line); m.find(); VarLongWritable userID = new VarLongWritable(Long.parseLong(; VarLongWritable itemID = new VarLongWritable(); while (m.find()) { itemID.set(Long.parseLong(; context.write(userID, itemID); } }
/* decrypt, then compute */ @Override public void map(BytesWritable key, BytesWritable val, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { byte[] iv = key.copyBytes(); byte[] ct = val.copyBytes(); // String[] ss = new String(crypto.decrypt_word_rnd(ct, iv)).split("\\s+"); String text = new String(crypto.decrypt_word_rnd(ct, iv)); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(text); while (matcher.find()) { context.write(new Text(, new LongWritable(1)); } }
public void map(Object key, Text value, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { String[] seg_arr = (value.toString()).split("\t"); String hourseg = ""; String input_ip = ""; String input_area = ""; String input_cookie = ""; String host = ""; String input_url = ""; String input_title = ""; String title_fenci = ""; String input_ci_ip = ""; String input_ci_ip_area = ""; String input_refer = ""; String wd = ""; if (seg_arr != null && seg_arr.length == 11) { hourseg = seg_arr[0].trim(); input_ip = seg_arr[1].trim(); input_area = seg_arr[2].trim(); input_cookie = seg_arr[3].trim(); host = seg_arr[4].trim(); input_url = seg_arr[5].trim(); input_title = seg_arr[6].trim(); title_fenci = seg_arr[7].trim(); input_ci_ip = seg_arr[8].trim(); input_ci_ip_area = seg_arr[9].trim(); input_refer = seg_arr[10].trim(); if ((input_refer != null) && (!input_refer.equals(""))) { if (isBaiduSearch(input_refer)) { wd = extract_word(input_refer); if ((wd != null) && (!((wd.trim()).equals("")))) { // System.out.println(wd+" "+input_url); if (input_title == null) { input_title = ""; } input_title.replaceAll("\t", " "); word.set(wd); word1.set(input_url + "\t" + input_title); context.write(word, word1); } } } } }
@Override protected void reduce(Text key, Iterable<Text> values, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { Iterator<Text> valuesIterator = values.iterator(); if (valuesIterator.hasNext()) { String firstVal =; if (isLong(firstVal)) { while (valuesIterator.hasNext()) { context.write( new Text(, new LongWritable(Long.parseLong(firstVal))); } } } }
// reduce(Object, Iterable, Context) method is called for each <key, (collection of values)> in // the sorted inputs @Override protected void reduce(Text key, Iterable<IntWritable> values, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { // Iterable : allows an object to be the target of the "foreach" statement int sum = 0; for (IntWritable val : values) { sum += val.get(); } String[] keyStr = key.toString().split(":"); Put p = new Put(Bytes.toBytes(Integer.parseInt(keyStr[0]))); // keyStr[0] = id as row p.addColumn(Bytes.toBytes("count"), Bytes.toBytes(keyStr[1]), Bytes.toBytes(sum)); // Put addColumn(byte[] family, byte[] qualifier, byte[] value) // count as family, Y/N as qualifier, sum as value context.write(new ImmutableBytesWritable(p.getRow()), p); }
@Override protected void map(ImmutableBytesWritable rowkey, Result result, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { byte[] c = result.getValue(Bytes.toBytes("products"), Bytes.toBytes("product_category_id")); byte[] d = result.getValue(Bytes.toBytes("orders"), Bytes.toBytes("order_date")); String thg = "N"; String[] dStr = Bytes.toString(d).split("\\W+"); if (dStr[1].equals("11")) { int date = Integer.parseInt(dStr[2]); if (date >= 21) thg = "Y"; } context.write( new Text(Bytes.toString(c) + ":" + thg), new IntWritable(1)); // Generate an output key/value pair. // context.write(outputKey, outputValue) -> (123:Y, 1), (124:N, 1) }
protected void reduce(Text key, Iterable<Text> values, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { String key_str = key.toString().trim(); Iterator<Text> it = values.iterator(); String info = ""; if (SSO.tnoe(key_str)) { while (it.hasNext()) { info =; info = info.trim(); if (SSO.tnoe(info)) { result_key.set(key_str + "\001" + info); context.write(result_key, NullWritable.get()); } } } }
@Override protected void map(LongWritable key, Text value, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { String[] items = value.toString().split(fieldDelimRegex); for (RichAttribute field : schema.getFields()) { if (field.isCategorical()) { outKey.set("" + field.getOrdinal() + fieldDelim + items[field.getOrdinal()]); } else if (field.isInteger()) { bucket = Integer.parseInt(items[field.getOrdinal()]) / field.getBucketWidth(); outKey.set("" + field.getOrdinal() + fieldDelim + bucket); } else if (field.isDouble()) { bucket = ((int) Double.parseDouble(items[field.getOrdinal()])) / field.getBucketWidth(); outKey.set("" + field.getOrdinal() + fieldDelim + bucket); } context.write(outKey, outVal); } }
public void map(Object key, Text value, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { String[] seg_arr = (value.toString()).split("\001"); String cookie = ""; String curl = ""; String ctext = ""; String url = ""; String title = ""; String host = ""; String cate = ""; if (seg_arr != null && seg_arr.length == 7) { cookie = seg_arr[0].trim(); curl = seg_arr[1].trim(); ctext = seg_arr[2].trim(); url = seg_arr[3].trim(); title = seg_arr[4].trim(); host = seg_arr[5].trim(); cate = seg_arr[6].trim(); if ((host != null) && (!host.equals(""))) { if (isValidTitle(title)) { word.set(title); word1.set( "\001" + cookie + "\001" + curl + "\001" + ctext + "\001" + url + "\001" + host + "\001" + cate); double ran = Math.random(); int rani = -1; rani = (int) (100 * ran); if (rani > 10 && rani < 12) { if (title.length() > 10) { context.write(word, word1); } } } } } }
protected void reduce(Text key, Iterable<Text> values, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { Iterator<Text> it = values.iterator(); String val = ""; String[] seg_arr = null; String cookie = ""; String cookie_str = ""; while (it.hasNext()) { val =; seg_arr = val.split("\001"); if (seg_arr.length != 7) { continue; } cookie = seg_arr[1].trim(); cookie_str = cookie_str + cookie + " "; // context.write(key,; } cookie_str = cookie_str.trim(); cookie_str = "\001" + cookie_str; result.set(cookie_str); context.write(key, result); }
protected void reduce(Text key, Iterable<Text> values, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { Iterator<Text> it = values.iterator(); String val = ""; String url = ""; Hashtable<String, String> url_hash = new Hashtable<String, String>(); String[] seg_arr = null; String title = ""; String old_title_count = ""; String old_title = ""; String old_count_str = ""; int old_count = 0; String[] old_seg_arr = null; while (it.hasNext()) { val =; val = val.trim(); if ((val == null) || (val.equals(""))) { continue; } seg_arr = val.split("\t"); if (seg_arr.length < 1) { continue; } url = seg_arr[0].trim(); title = ""; if (seg_arr.length > 1) { title = seg_arr[1].trim(); } if ((url == null) || (url.equals(""))) { continue; } if (!(url_hash.containsKey(url))) { url_hash.put(url, "1\t" + title); } else { old_title_count = url_hash.get(url); old_seg_arr = old_title_count.split("\t"); old_title = ""; old_count_str = ""; if (old_seg_arr.length > 0) { old_count_str = old_seg_arr[0].trim(); old_count = Integer.parseInt(old_count_str); old_count++; } if (old_seg_arr.length > 1) { old_title = old_seg_arr[1].trim(); if (old_title.length() > title.length()) { old_title = title; } } url_hash.remove(url); url_hash.put(url, old_count + "\t" + old_title); } } Enumeration url_enum = url_hash.keys(); String temp_url = ""; int temp_count = 0; SortElement sortele; ArrayList<SortElement> al = new ArrayList<SortElement>(); String temp_count_title = ""; String[] tct_seg = null; String temp_title = ""; while (url_enum.hasMoreElements()) { temp_url = url_enum.nextElement() + ""; temp_count_title = url_hash.get(temp_url); tct_seg = temp_count_title.split("\t"); temp_title = ""; if (tct_seg.length < 1) { continue; } temp_count = 0; temp_count = Integer.parseInt(tct_seg[0]); if (tct_seg.length > 1) { temp_title = tct_seg[1]; } sortele = new SortElement(temp_url, temp_count, temp_title); al.add(sortele); } Collections.sort(al); Iterator it_url = al.iterator(); SortElement tst = null; String url_info = "\001"; while (it_url.hasNext()) { tst = (SortElement); if (tst == null) { continue; } temp_url = tst.key; temp_count = (int) tst.val; if ((temp_url == null) || ((temp_url.trim()).equals("")) || (temp_count < 1)) { continue; } url_info = url_info + temp_count + "\t" + temp_url + "\t" + temp_title + "\001"; } if (url_info == null) { url_info = ""; } // url_info=url_info.trim(); result.set(url_info); context.write(key, result); }
public void map(Object key, Text value, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { String nstat_line = value.toString().trim(); String area = ""; String atime = ""; String pname = ""; String sip = ""; String dip = ""; String host = ""; String url = ""; String refer = ""; String cookie = ""; String loc = ""; String agent = ""; String[] seg_arr = null; seg_arr = nstat_line.split("\001"); String link = ""; String Code_A = ""; String date_a; String adate_str = ""; String atime_str = ""; if (seg_arr.length == 11) { area = seg_arr[0].trim(); atime = seg_arr[1].trim(); pname = seg_arr[2].trim(); sip = seg_arr[3].trim(); dip = seg_arr[4].trim(); host = seg_arr[5].trim(); url = seg_arr[6].trim(); refer = seg_arr[7].trim(); cookie = seg_arr[8].trim(); loc = seg_arr[9].trim(); agent = seg_arr[10].trim(); if (SSO.tnoe(host)) { if (!(SSO.tnoe(url))) { url = ""; } link = host + url; Code_A = getAreaFromLink(link); Code_A = getDecodeUrl(Code_A); Code_A = Code_A.replaceAll("&", ""); adate_str = TimeOpera.getDateFromStr(atime); atime_str = TimeOpera.getTimeFromStr(atime); if (SSO.tnoe(Code_A) && SSO.tnoe(adate_str) && SSO.tnoe(atime_str) && SSO.tnoe(area)) { adate_str = adate_str.trim(); atime_str = atime_str.trim(); area = area.trim(); Code_A = Code_A.trim(); date_a = getDADateFromLink(link); word.set(area); word1.set( adate_str + "\001" + atime_str + "\001" + sip + "\001" + dip + "\001" + Code_A + "\001" + cookie + "\001" + loc + "\001" + agent + "\001" + date_a + "\001qunar"); context.write(word, word1); } } } }