public void testActionCheck() throws Exception { JPAService jpaService = Services.get().get(JPAService.class); WorkflowJobBean job = this.addRecordToWfJobTable(WorkflowJob.Status.RUNNING, WorkflowInstance.Status.RUNNING); WorkflowActionBean action = this.addRecordToWfActionTable(job.getId(), "1", WorkflowAction.Status.PREP); WorkflowActionGetJPAExecutor wfActionGetCmd = new WorkflowActionGetJPAExecutor(action.getId()); new ActionStartXCommand(action.getId(), "map-reduce").call(); action = jpaService.execute(wfActionGetCmd); ActionExecutorContext context = new ActionXCommand.ActionExecutorContext(job, action, false, false); MapReduceActionExecutor actionExecutor = new MapReduceActionExecutor(); JobConf conf = actionExecutor.createBaseHadoopConf(context, XmlUtils.parseXml(action.getConf())); String user = conf.get(""); JobClient jobClient = Services.get().get(HadoopAccessorService.class).createJobClient(user, conf); String launcherId = action.getExternalId(); final RunningJob launcherJob = jobClient.getJob(JobID.forName(launcherId)); waitFor( 120 * 1000, new Predicate() { public boolean evaluate() throws Exception { return launcherJob.isComplete(); } }); assertTrue(launcherJob.isSuccessful()); Map<String, String> actionData = LauncherMapperHelper.getActionData(getFileSystem(), context.getActionDir(), conf); assertTrue(LauncherMapperHelper.hasIdSwap(actionData)); new ActionCheckXCommand(action.getId()).call(); action = jpaService.execute(wfActionGetCmd); String mapperId = action.getExternalId(); String childId = action.getExternalChildIDs(); assertTrue(launcherId.equals(mapperId)); final RunningJob mrJob = jobClient.getJob(JobID.forName(childId)); waitFor( 120 * 1000, new Predicate() { public boolean evaluate() throws Exception { return mrJob.isComplete(); } }); assertTrue(mrJob.isSuccessful()); new ActionCheckXCommand(action.getId()).call(); action = jpaService.execute(wfActionGetCmd); assertEquals("SUCCEEDED", action.getExternalStatus()); }
/** * Clears all the logs in userlog directory. * * <p>Adds the job directories for deletion with default retain hours. Deletes all other * directories, if any. This is usually called on reinit/restart of the TaskTracker * * @param conf * @throws IOException */ void clearOldUserLogs(Configuration conf) throws IOException { File userLogDir = TaskLog.getUserLogDir(); if (userLogDir.exists()) { String[] logDirs = userLogDir.list(); if (logDirs.length > 0) { // add all the log dirs to taskLogsMnonitor. long now = clock.getTime(); for (String logDir : logDirs) { if (logDir.equals(logAsyncDisk.TOBEDELETED)) { // skip this continue; } JobID jobid = null; try { jobid = JobID.forName(logDir); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ie) { // if the directory is not a jobid, delete it immediately deleteLogPath(new File(userLogDir, logDir).getAbsolutePath()); continue; } // add the job log directory with default retain hours, if it is not // already added if (!completedJobs.containsKey(jobid)) { markJobLogsForDeletion(now, conf, jobid); } } } } }
/** * Logs job killed event. Closes the job history log file. * * @param timestamp time when job killed was issued in ms. * @param finishedMaps no finished map tasks. * @param finishedReduces no of finished reduce tasks. */ public void logKilled(long timestamp, int finishedMaps, int finishedReduces, Counters counters) { if (disableHistory) { return; } if (null != writers) { log( writers, RecordTypes.Job, new Keys[] { Keys.JOBID, Keys.FINISH_TIME, Keys.JOB_STATUS, Keys.FINISHED_MAPS, Keys.FINISHED_REDUCES, Keys.COUNTERS }, new String[] { jobId.toString(), String.valueOf(timestamp),, String.valueOf(finishedMaps), String.valueOf(finishedReduces), counters.makeEscapedCompactString() }, true); closeAndClear(writers); } }
public void getTaskAttempt(String job, String taskid) { // -logs try { JobID jobid = JobID.forName(job); TaskAttemptID taskAttemptID = TaskAttemptID.forName(taskid); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); LogParams logParams = client.getLogFileParams(jobid, taskAttemptID); LogCLIHelpers logDumper = new LogCLIHelpers(); logDumper.setConf(conf); sb.append(logParams.getApplicationId()); sb.append("|" + logParams.getContainerId()); sb.append("|" + logParams.getNodeId()); sb.append("|" + logParams.getOwner()); System.out.println(sb.toString()); logDumper.dumpAContainersLogs( logParams.getApplicationId(), logParams.getContainerId(), logParams.getNodeId(), logParams.getOwner()); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } }
private RunningJob submitAction(Context context, Namespace ns) throws Exception { Hive2ActionExecutor ae = new Hive2ActionExecutor(); WorkflowAction action = context.getAction(); ae.prepareActionDir(getFileSystem(), context); ae.submitLauncher(getFileSystem(), context, action); String jobId = action.getExternalId(); String jobTracker = action.getTrackerUri(); String consoleUrl = action.getConsoleUrl(); assertNotNull(jobId); assertNotNull(jobTracker); assertNotNull(consoleUrl); Element e = XmlUtils.parseXml(action.getConf()); XConfiguration conf = new XConfiguration( new StringReader(XmlUtils.prettyPrint(e.getChild("configuration", ns)).toString())); conf.set("mapred.job.tracker", e.getChildTextTrim("job-tracker", ns)); conf.set("", e.getChildTextTrim("name-node", ns)); conf.set("", context.getProtoActionConf().get("")); conf.set("", getTestGroup()); JobConf jobConf = Services.get().get(HadoopAccessorService.class).createJobConf(jobTracker); XConfiguration.copy(conf, jobConf); String user = jobConf.get(""); JobClient jobClient = Services.get().get(HadoopAccessorService.class).createJobClient(user, jobConf); final RunningJob runningJob = jobClient.getJob(JobID.forName(jobId)); assertNotNull(runningJob); return runningJob; }
public void getTaskDiagnostics(String job) { try { String errinfo[]; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); JobID jobid = JobID.forName(job); JobStatus status = client.getJobStatus(jobid); System.out.println(status.getTrackingUrl()); System.out.println(status.getJobFile()); System.out.println(status.getHistoryFile()); System.out.println(status.getQueue()); System.out.println(status.toString()); System.out.println("#### QueueAclsInfo ####"); QueueAclsInfo[] qais = client.getQueueAclsForCurrentUser(); for (int i = 0; i < qais.length; i++) { QueueAclsInfo qai = qais[i]; System.out.println(qai.getQueueName().toString()); String[] ops = qai.getOperations(); for (int j = 0; j < ops.length; j++) { System.out.println(ops[j]); } } System.out.println("#### QueueInfo ####"); QueueInfo[] qis = client.getRootQueues(); for (int i = 0; i < qis.length; i++) { QueueInfo qi = qis[i]; System.out.println(qi.getQueueName()); System.out.println(qi.getSchedulingInfo()); System.out.println(qi.getState()); System.out.println(qi.getProperties()); } int mapnum = client.getTaskReports(jobid, TaskType.MAP).length; int rednum = client.getTaskReports(jobid, TaskType.REDUCE).length; float progress = status.getMapProgress(); sb.append( String.format( "m %4d %6s", mapnum, progress == 1 ? "100%" : String.format("%.2f%%", progress * 100))); sb.append("|"); progress = status.getReduceProgress(); sb.append( String.format( "r %4d %6s", rednum, progress == 1 ? "100%" : String.format("%.2f%%", progress * 100))); System.out.println(sb.toString()); printTaskAttempt(client.getTaskReports(jobid, TaskType.MAP)); printTaskAttempt(client.getTaskReports(jobid, TaskType.REDUCE)); System.out.println(sb.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } }
/** Get the events list at the tasktracker */ public MapTaskCompletionEventsUpdate getMapTaskCompletionEventsUpdates( int index, JobID jobId, int max) throws IOException { String jtId = jobTracker.getJobTracker().getTrackerIdentifier(); TaskAttemptID dummy = new TaskAttemptID(jtId, jobId.getId(), false, 0, 0); return taskTrackerList .get(index) .getTaskTracker() .getMapCompletionEvents(jobId, 0, max, dummy, null); }
private File localizeJob(JobID jobid) throws IOException { String user = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser().getShortUserName(); new JobLocalizer(tt.getJobConf(), user, jobid.toString()).initializeJobLogDir(); File jobUserlog = TaskLog.getJobDir(jobid); JobConf conf = new JobConf(); // localize job log directory tt.saveLogDir(jobid, conf); assertTrue(jobUserlog + " directory is not created.", jobUserlog.exists()); return jobUserlog; }
/** * Log job finished. closes the job file in history. * * @param finishTime finish time of job in ms. * @param finishedMaps no of maps successfully finished. * @param finishedReduces no of reduces finished sucessfully. * @param failedMaps no of failed map tasks. (includes killed) * @param failedReduces no of failed reduce tasks. (includes killed) * @param killedMaps no of killed map tasks. * @param killedReduces no of killed reduce tasks. * @param counters the counters from the job */ public void logFinished( long finishTime, int finishedMaps, int finishedReduces, int failedMaps, int failedReduces, int killedMaps, int killedReduces, Counters mapCounters, Counters reduceCounters, Counters counters) { if (disableHistory) { return; } if (null != writers) { log( writers, RecordTypes.Job, new Keys[] { Keys.JOBID, Keys.FINISH_TIME, Keys.JOB_STATUS, Keys.FINISHED_MAPS, Keys.FINISHED_REDUCES, Keys.FAILED_MAPS, Keys.FAILED_REDUCES, Keys.KILLED_MAPS, Keys.KILLED_REDUCES, Keys.MAP_COUNTERS, Keys.REDUCE_COUNTERS, Keys.COUNTERS }, new String[] { jobId.toString(), Long.toString(finishTime),, String.valueOf(finishedMaps), String.valueOf(finishedReduces), String.valueOf(failedMaps), String.valueOf(failedReduces), String.valueOf(killedMaps), String.valueOf(killedReduces), mapCounters.makeEscapedCompactString(), reduceCounters.makeEscapedCompactString(), counters.makeEscapedCompactString() }, true); closeAndClear(writers); } // NOTE: history cleaning stuff deleted from here. We should do that // somewhere else! }
/** Logs job as running */ public void logStarted() { if (disableHistory) { return; } if (null != writers) { log( writers, RecordTypes.Job, new Keys[] {Keys.JOBID, Keys.JOB_STATUS}, new String[] {jobId.toString(),}); } }
/** * Log job's priority. * * @param priority Jobs priority */ public void logJobPriority(JobID jobid, JobPriority priority) { if (disableHistory) { return; } if (null != writers) { log( writers, RecordTypes.Job, new Keys[] {Keys.JOBID, Keys.JOB_PRIORITY}, new String[] {jobId.toString(), priority.toString()}); } }
public static JobStatus downgrade(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobStatus stat) { JobStatus old = new JobStatus( JobID.downgrade(stat.getJobID()), stat.getSetupProgress(), stat.getMapProgress(), stat.getReduceProgress(), stat.getCleanupProgress(), stat.getState().getValue(), JobPriority.valueOf(stat.getPriority().name()), stat.getUsername(), stat.getJobName(), stat.getJobFile(), stat.getTrackingUrl()); old.setStartTime(stat.getStartTime()); old.setFinishTime(stat.getFinishTime()); old.setSchedulingInfo(stat.getSchedulingInfo()); old.setHistoryFile(stat.getHistoryFile()); return old; }
/** * Logs launch time of job. * * @param startTime start time of job. * @param totalMaps total maps assigned by jobtracker. * @param totalReduces total reduces. */ public void logInited(long startTime, int totalMaps, int totalReduces) { if (disableHistory) { return; } if (null != writers) { log( writers, RecordTypes.Job, new Keys[] { Keys.JOBID, Keys.LAUNCH_TIME, Keys.TOTAL_MAPS, Keys.TOTAL_REDUCES, Keys.JOB_STATUS }, new String[] { jobId.toString(), String.valueOf(startTime), String.valueOf(totalMaps), String.valueOf(totalReduces), }); } }
/** Test if {@link CurrentJHParser} can read events from current JH files. */ @Test public void testCurrentJHParser() throws Exception { final Configuration conf = new Configuration(); final FileSystem lfs = FileSystem.getLocal(conf); final Path rootTempDir = new Path(System.getProperty("", "/tmp")).makeQualified(lfs); final Path tempDir = new Path(rootTempDir, "TestCurrentJHParser"); lfs.delete(tempDir, true); String queueName = "testQueue"; // Run a MR job // create a MR cluster conf.setInt("", 1); conf.setInt("mapred.tasktracker.reduce.tasks.maximum", 1); conf.set("mapred.queue.names", queueName); MiniMRCluster mrCluster = new MiniMRCluster(1, "file:///", 1, null, null, new JobConf(conf)); // run a job Path inDir = new Path(tempDir, "input"); Path outDir = new Path(tempDir, "output"); JobHistoryParser parser = null; RewindableInputStream ris = null; ArrayList<String> seenEvents = new ArrayList<String>(10); RunningJob rJob = null; try { JobConf jobConf = mrCluster.createJobConf(); jobConf.setQueueName(queueName); // construct a job with 1 map and 1 reduce task. rJob = UtilsForTests.runJob(jobConf, inDir, outDir, 1, 1); rJob.waitForCompletion(); assertTrue("Job failed", rJob.isSuccessful()); JobID id = rJob.getID(); // get the jobhistory filepath Path inputPath = new Path(JobHistory.getHistoryFilePath(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobID.downgrade(id))); // wait for 10 secs for the jobhistory file to move into the done folder for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { if (lfs.exists(inputPath)) { break; } TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.wait(100); } assertTrue("Missing job history file", lfs.exists(inputPath)); InputDemuxer inputDemuxer = new DefaultInputDemuxer(); inputDemuxer.bindTo(inputPath, conf); Pair<String, InputStream> filePair = inputDemuxer.getNext(); assertNotNull(filePair); ris = new RewindableInputStream(filePair.second()); // Test if the JobHistoryParserFactory can detect the parser correctly parser = JobHistoryParserFactory.getParser(ris); // Get ParsedJob String jobId = TraceBuilder.extractJobID(filePair.first()); JobBuilder builder = new JobBuilder(jobId); HistoryEvent e; while ((e = parser.nextEvent()) != null) { String eventString = e.getEventType().toString(); System.out.println(eventString); seenEvents.add(eventString); if (builder != null) { builder.process(e); } } ParsedJob parsedJob =; // validate the obtainXXX api of ParsedJob, ParsedTask and // ParsedTaskAttempt. validateParsedJob(parsedJob, 1, 1, queueName); } finally { // stop the MR cluster mrCluster.shutdown(); if (ris != null) { ris.close(); } if (parser != null) { parser.close(); } // cleanup the filesystem lfs.delete(tempDir, true); } // Check against the gold standard System.out.println("testCurrentJHParser validating using gold std "); String[] goldLines = new String[] { "JOB_SUBMITTED", "JOB_PRIORITY_CHANGED", "JOB_STATUS_CHANGED", "JOB_INITED", "JOB_INFO_CHANGED", "TASK_STARTED", "MAP_ATTEMPT_STARTED", "MAP_ATTEMPT_FINISHED", "MAP_ATTEMPT_FINISHED", "TASK_UPDATED", "TASK_FINISHED", "JOB_STATUS_CHANGED", "TASK_STARTED", "MAP_ATTEMPT_STARTED", "MAP_ATTEMPT_FINISHED", "MAP_ATTEMPT_FINISHED", "TASK_UPDATED", "TASK_FINISHED", "TASK_STARTED", "MAP_ATTEMPT_STARTED", "MAP_ATTEMPT_FINISHED", "REDUCE_ATTEMPT_FINISHED", "TASK_UPDATED", "TASK_FINISHED", "TASK_STARTED", "MAP_ATTEMPT_STARTED", "MAP_ATTEMPT_FINISHED", "MAP_ATTEMPT_FINISHED", "TASK_UPDATED", "TASK_FINISHED", "JOB_STATUS_CHANGED", "JOB_FINISHED" }; // Check the output with gold std assertEquals("Size mismatch", goldLines.length, seenEvents.size()); int index = 0; for (String goldLine : goldLines) { assertEquals("Content mismatch", goldLine, seenEvents.get(index++)); } }
/** * Log job submitted event to history. Creates a new file in history for the job. if history file * creation fails, it disables history for all other events. * * @param jobConfPath path to job conf xml file in HDFS. * @param submitTime time when job tracker received the job * @throws IOException */ public void logSubmitted(String jobConfPath, long submitTime, String jobTrackerId) throws IOException { if (disableHistory) { return; } // create output stream for logging in hadoop.job.history.location int defaultBufferSize = logDirFs.getConf().getInt("io.file.buffer.size", 4096); try { FSDataOutputStream out = null; PrintWriter writer = null; // In case the old JT is still running, but we can't connect to it, we // should ensure that it won't write to our (new JT's) job history file. if (logDirFs.exists(logFile)) {"Remove the old history file " + logFile); logDirFs.delete(logFile, true); } out = logDirFs.create( logFile, new FsPermission(HISTORY_FILE_PERMISSION), true, defaultBufferSize, logDirFs.getDefaultReplication(), jobHistoryBlockSize, null); writer = new PrintWriter(out); fileManager.addWriter(jobId, writer); // cache it ... fileManager.setHistoryFile(jobId, logFile); writers = fileManager.getWriters(jobId); if (null != writers) { log( writers, RecordTypes.Meta, new Keys[] {Keys.VERSION}, new String[] {String.valueOf(JobHistory.VERSION)}); } String jobName = getJobName(); String user = getUserName(); // add to writer as well log( writers, RecordTypes.Job, new Keys[] { Keys.JOBID, Keys.JOBNAME, Keys.USER, Keys.SUBMIT_TIME, Keys.JOBCONF, Keys.JOBTRACKERID }, new String[] { jobId.toString(), jobName, user, String.valueOf(submitTime), jobConfPath, jobTrackerId }); } catch (IOException e) { // Disable history if we have errors other than in the user log. disableHistory = true; } /* Storing the job conf on the log dir */ Path jobFilePath = new Path(logDir, CoronaJobHistoryFilesManager.getConfFilename(jobId)); fileManager.setConfFile(jobId, jobFilePath); FSDataOutputStream jobFileOut = null; try { if (!logDirFs.exists(jobFilePath)) { jobFileOut = logDirFs.create( jobFilePath, new FsPermission(HISTORY_FILE_PERMISSION), true, defaultBufferSize, logDirFs.getDefaultReplication(), logDirFs.getDefaultBlockSize(), null); conf.writeXml(jobFileOut); jobFileOut.close(); } } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.error("Failed to store job conf in the log dir", ioe); } finally { if (jobFileOut != null) { try { jobFileOut.close(); } catch (IOException ie) { "Failed to close the job configuration file " + StringUtils.stringifyException(ie)); } } } }
/** @return The jobid of the Job */ public JobID getJobID() { return JobID.downgrade(super.getJobID()); }
public static JobID read(DataInput in) throws IOException { JobID jobId = new JobID(); jobId.readFields(in); return jobId; }
public void testActionCheckTransientDuringMRAction() throws Exception { // When using YARN, skip this test because it relies on shutting down the job tracker, which // isn't used in YARN if (createJobConf().get("yarn.resourcemanager.address") != null) { return; } services.destroy(); // Make the max number of retries lower so the test won't take as long final int maxRetries = 2; setSystemProperty("oozie.action.retries.max", Integer.toString(maxRetries)); services = new Services(); // Disable ActionCheckerService so it doesn't interfere by triggering any extra // ActionCheckXCommands setClassesToBeExcluded( services.getConf(), new String[] {"org.apache.oozie.service.ActionCheckerService"}); services.init(); final JPAService jpaService = Services.get().get(JPAService.class); WorkflowJobBean job0 = this.addRecordToWfJobTable(WorkflowJob.Status.RUNNING, WorkflowInstance.Status.RUNNING); final String jobId = job0.getId(); WorkflowActionBean action0 = this.addRecordToWfActionTable(jobId, "1", WorkflowAction.Status.PREP); final String actionId = action0.getId(); final WorkflowActionGetJPAExecutor wfActionGetCmd = new WorkflowActionGetJPAExecutor(actionId); new ActionStartXCommand(actionId, "map-reduce").call(); final WorkflowActionBean action1 = jpaService.execute(wfActionGetCmd); String originalLauncherId = action1.getExternalId(); ActionExecutorContext context = new ActionXCommand.ActionExecutorContext(job0, action1, false, false); MapReduceActionExecutor actionExecutor = new MapReduceActionExecutor(); JobConf conf = actionExecutor.createBaseHadoopConf(context, XmlUtils.parseXml(action1.getConf())); String user = conf.get(""); JobClient jobClient = Services.get().get(HadoopAccessorService.class).createJobClient(user, conf); final RunningJob launcherJob = jobClient.getJob(JobID.forName(originalLauncherId)); waitFor( 120 * 1000, new Predicate() { @Override public boolean evaluate() throws Exception { return launcherJob.isComplete(); } }); assertTrue(launcherJob.isSuccessful()); Map<String, String> actionData = LauncherMapperHelper.getActionData(getFileSystem(), context.getActionDir(), conf); assertTrue(LauncherMapperHelper.hasIdSwap(actionData)); new ActionCheckXCommand(action1.getId()).call(); WorkflowActionBean action2 = jpaService.execute(wfActionGetCmd); String originalMapperId = action2.getExternalChildIDs(); assertFalse(originalLauncherId.equals(originalMapperId)); // At this point, the launcher job has finished and the map-reduce action has started (but not // finished) // Now, shutdown the job tracker to pretend it has gone down during the map-reduce job executeWhileJobTrackerIsShutdown( new ShutdownJobTrackerExecutable() { @Override public void execute() throws Exception { assertEquals(0, action1.getRetries()); new ActionCheckXCommand(actionId).call(); waitFor( 30 * 1000, new Predicate() { @Override public boolean evaluate() throws Exception { WorkflowActionBean action1a = jpaService.execute(wfActionGetCmd); return (action1a.getRetries() > 0); } }); waitFor( 180 * 1000, new Predicate() { @Override public boolean evaluate() throws Exception { WorkflowActionBean action1a = jpaService.execute(wfActionGetCmd); return (action1a.getRetries() == 0); } }); WorkflowActionBean action1b = jpaService.execute(wfActionGetCmd); assertEquals(0, action1b.getRetries()); assertEquals("START_MANUAL", action1b.getStatusStr()); WorkflowJobBean job1 = jpaService.execute(new WorkflowJobGetJPAExecutor(jobId)); assertEquals("SUSPENDED", job1.getStatusStr()); // At this point, the action has gotten a transient error, even after maxRetries tries // so the workflow has been // SUSPENDED } }); // Now, lets bring the job tracker back up and resume the workflow (which will restart the // current action) // It should now continue and finish with SUCCEEDED new ResumeXCommand(jobId).call(); WorkflowJobBean job2 = jpaService.execute(new WorkflowJobGetJPAExecutor(jobId)); assertEquals("RUNNING", job2.getStatusStr()); sleep(500); new ActionCheckXCommand(actionId).call(); WorkflowActionBean action3 = jpaService.execute(wfActionGetCmd); String launcherId = action3.getExternalId(); assertFalse(originalLauncherId.equals(launcherId)); final RunningJob launcherJob2 = jobClient.getJob(JobID.forName(launcherId)); waitFor( 120 * 1000, new Predicate() { @Override public boolean evaluate() throws Exception { return launcherJob2.isComplete(); } }); assertTrue(launcherJob2.isSuccessful()); actionData = LauncherMapperHelper.getActionData(getFileSystem(), context.getActionDir(), conf); assertTrue(LauncherMapperHelper.hasIdSwap(actionData)); new ActionCheckXCommand(actionId).call(); WorkflowActionBean action4 = jpaService.execute(wfActionGetCmd); String mapperId = action4.getExternalChildIDs(); assertFalse(originalMapperId.equals(mapperId)); final RunningJob mrJob = jobClient.getJob(JobID.forName(mapperId)); waitFor( 120 * 1000, new Predicate() { @Override public boolean evaluate() throws Exception { return mrJob.isComplete(); } }); assertTrue(mrJob.isSuccessful()); new ActionCheckXCommand(actionId).call(); WorkflowActionBean action5 = jpaService.execute(wfActionGetCmd); assertEquals("SUCCEEDED", action5.getExternalStatus()); }
/** * Test job retire with tasks that report their *first* status only after the job retires. Steps : * - Start a mini-mr cluster with 1 task-tracker having only map slots. Note that this * task-tracker will take care of setup/cleanup and the map tasks. - Submit a job with 1 map task * and 1 reduce task - Wait for the job to finish the map task - Start a 2nd tracker that waits * for a long time after contacting the JT. - Wait for the 2nd tracker to get stuck - Kill the job * - Wait for the job to retire - Check if the tip mappings are cleaned up. */ public void testJobRetireWithUnreportedTasks() throws Exception { MiniMRCluster mr = null; try { JobConf conf = new JobConf(); // set the num-map-slots to 1 so that no reduce tasks but setup/cleanup // can run on it conf.setInt("", 1); conf.setInt("mapred.tasktracker.reduce.tasks.maximum", 0); mr = startCluster(conf, 1); JobTracker jobtracker = mr.getJobTrackerRunner().getJobTracker(); RunningJob job = UtilsForTests.runJob( mr.createJobConf(), new Path(testDir, "in-1"), new Path(testDir, "out-1"), 1, 1); JobID id = JobID.downgrade(job.getID()); JobInProgress jip = jobtracker.getJob(id); // wait 100 secs for the job to complete its map task for (int i = 0; i < 1000 && jip.finishedMaps() < 1; i++) { UtilsForTests.waitFor(100); } assertEquals(jip.finishedMaps(), 1); // start a tracker that will wait"Adding a waiting tracker"); TaskTrackerRunner testTrackerRunner = TaskTrackerRunner(1, 1, null, mr.createJobConf()) { @Override TaskTracker createTaskTracker(JobConf conf) throws InterruptedException, IOException { return new WaitingTaskTracker(conf); } }; mr.addTaskTracker(testTrackerRunner);"Waiting tracker added"); WaitingTaskTracker testTT = (WaitingTaskTracker) testTrackerRunner.getTaskTracker(); // wait 100 secs for the newly started task-tracker to join for (int i = 0; i < 1000 && jobtracker.taskTrackers().size() < 2; i++) { UtilsForTests.waitFor(100); } assertEquals(jobtracker.taskTrackers().size(), 2);"Cluster is now up with 2 trackers"); // stop the test-tt as its no longer required mr.stopTaskTracker(mr.getTaskTrackerID(testTT.getName())); // 1 reduce task should be scheduled assertEquals("TestTT contacted but no reduce task scheduled on it", 1, jip.runningReduces()); // kill the job"Killing job " + id); job.killJob(); // check if the reduce task attempt status is missing TaskInProgress tip = jip.getTasks(TaskType.REDUCE)[0]; assertNull(tip.getTaskStatus(tip.getAllTaskAttemptIDs()[0])); // wait for the job to retire waitTillRetire(id, jobtracker); // check the taskidToTIPMap for (TaskAttemptID tid : jobtracker.taskidToTIPMap.keySet()) {"TaskidToTIP : " + tid); } assertEquals("'taskid' to TIP mapping still exists", 0, jobtracker.taskidToTIPMap.size()); } finally { if (mr != null) { mr.shutdown(); } // cleanup FileUtil.fullyDelete(new File(testDir.toString())); } }
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public SimulatorJobInProgress( JobID jobid, JobTracker jobtracker, JobConf default_conf, JobStory jobStory) { super(jobid, jobStory.getJobConf(), jobtracker); // jobSetupCleanupNeeded set to false in parent cstr, though // default is true restartCount = 0; jobSetupCleanupNeeded = false; this.memoryPerMap = conf.getMemoryForMapTask(); this.memoryPerReduce = conf.getMemoryForReduceTask(); this.maxTaskFailuresPerTracker = conf.getMaxTaskFailuresPerTracker(); this.jobId = jobid; String url = "http://" + jobtracker.getJobTrackerMachine() + ":" + jobtracker.getInfoPort() + "/jobdetails.jsp?jobid=" + jobid; this.jobtracker = jobtracker; this.conf = jobStory.getJobConf(); this.priority = conf.getJobPriority(); Path jobDir = jobtracker.getSystemDirectoryForJob(jobid); this.jobFile = new Path(jobDir, "job.xml"); this.status = new JobStatus(jobid, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, JobStatus.PREP, priority, conf.getUser()); this.profile = new JobProfile( jobStory.getUser(), jobid, this.jobFile.toString(), url, jobStory.getName(), conf.getQueueName()); this.startTime = JobTracker.getClock().getTime(); status.setStartTime(startTime); this.resourceEstimator = new ResourceEstimator(this); this.numMapTasks = jobStory.getNumberMaps(); this.numReduceTasks = jobStory.getNumberReduces(); this.taskCompletionEvents = new ArrayList<TaskCompletionEvent>(numMapTasks + numReduceTasks + 10); this.mapFailuresPercent = conf.getMaxMapTaskFailuresPercent(); this.reduceFailuresPercent = conf.getMaxReduceTaskFailuresPercent(); MetricsContext metricsContext = MetricsUtil.getContext("mapred"); this.jobMetrics = MetricsUtil.createRecord(metricsContext, "job"); this.jobMetrics.setTag("user", conf.getUser()); this.jobMetrics.setTag("sessionId", conf.getSessionId()); this.jobMetrics.setTag("jobName", conf.getJobName()); this.jobMetrics.setTag("jobId", jobid.toString()); this.maxLevel = jobtracker.getNumTaskCacheLevels(); this.anyCacheLevel = this.maxLevel + 1; this.nonLocalMaps = new LinkedList<TaskInProgress>(); this.nonLocalRunningMaps = new LinkedHashSet<TaskInProgress>(); this.runningMapCache = new IdentityHashMap<Node, Set<TaskInProgress>>(); this.nonRunningReduces = new LinkedList<TaskInProgress>(); this.runningReduces = new LinkedHashSet<TaskInProgress>(); this.slowTaskThreshold = Math.max(0.0f, conf.getFloat("mapred.speculative.execution.slowTaskThreshold", 1.0f)); this.speculativeCap = conf.getFloat("mapred.speculative.execution.speculativeCap", 0.1f); this.slowNodeThreshold = conf.getFloat("mapred.speculative.execution.slowNodeThreshold", 1.0f); this.jobStory = jobStory; // this.jobHistory = this.jobtracker.getJobHistory(); }
public void _jspService(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws, ServletException { PageContext pageContext = null; HttpSession session = null; ServletContext application = null; ServletConfig config = null; JspWriter out = null; Object page = this; JspWriter _jspx_out = null; PageContext _jspx_page_context = null; try { response.setContentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8"); pageContext = _jspxFactory.getPageContext(this, request, response, null, true, 8192, true); _jspx_page_context = pageContext; application = pageContext.getServletContext(); config = pageContext.getServletConfig(); session = pageContext.getSession(); out = pageContext.getOut(); _jspx_out = out; _jspx_resourceInjector = (org.apache.jasper.runtime.ResourceInjector) application.getAttribute("com.sun.appserv.jsp.resource.injector"); out.write('\n'); out.write('\n'); JobTracker tracker = (JobTracker) application.getAttribute("job.tracker"); String trackerName = StringUtils.simpleHostname(tracker.getJobTrackerMachine()); out.write('\n'); out.write('\n'); out.write('\n'); String jobId = request.getParameter("jobid"); if (jobId == null) { out.println("<h2>Missing 'jobid'!</h2>"); return; } JobID jobIdObj = JobID.forName(jobId); String kind = request.getParameter("kind"); String cause = request.getParameter("cause"); out.write("\n\n<html>\n<title>Hadoop "); out.print(jobId); out.write(" failures on "); out.print(trackerName); out.write("</title>\n<body>\n<h1>Hadoop <a href=\"jobdetails.jsp?jobid="); out.print(jobId); out.write('"'); out.write('>'); out.print(jobId); out.write("</a>\nfailures on <a href=\"jobtracker.jsp\">"); out.print(trackerName); out.write("</a></h1>\n\n"); printFailures(out, tracker, jobIdObj, kind, cause); out.write("\n\n<hr>\n<a href=\"jobtracker.jsp\">Go back to JobTracker</a><br>\n"); out.println(ServletUtil.htmlFooter()); out.write('\n'); } catch (Throwable t) { if (!(t instanceof SkipPageException)) { out = _jspx_out; if (out != null && out.getBufferSize() != 0) out.clearBuffer(); if (_jspx_page_context != null) _jspx_page_context.handlePageException(t); } } finally { _jspxFactory.releasePageContext(_jspx_page_context); } }