コード例 #1
      /** {@inheritDoc} */
      public void write(HFileKeyValue entry, NullWritable unused) throws IOException {

        final KeyValue kv = entry.getKeyValue();

        final long recordLength = kv.getLength();
        if (mCurrentHFileSize + recordLength >= mMaxFileSizeBytes) {
          // We can't fit this record in the current HFile without exceeding the max file size.

          if (Arrays.equals(mCurrentRow, kv.getRow())) {
            // But we're still adding data for a single row, so we can't close this HFile yet.
            LOG.debug("Reached max HFile size, but waiting to finish this row before closing.");
          } else {
            // Close it and open a new one.
            mWriter = openNewWriter();

        mCurrentHFileSize += recordLength;

        // Remember the row so we know when we are transitioning.
        mCurrentRow = kv.getRow();
コード例 #2
ファイル: TransactionalTable.java プロジェクト: rainyin/omid
   * Transactional version of {@link HTable#put(Put)}
   * @param transactionState Identifier of the transaction
   * @see HTable#put(Put)
   * @throws IOException
  public void put(TransactionState transactionState, Put put)
      throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException {
    final long startTimestamp = transactionState.getStartTimestamp();
    //      byte[] startTSBytes = Bytes.toBytes(startTimestamp);
    // create put with correct ts
    final Put tsput = new Put(put.getRow(), startTimestamp);
    Map<byte[], List<KeyValue>> kvs = put.getFamilyMap();
    for (List<KeyValue> kvl : kvs.values()) {
      for (KeyValue kv : kvl) {
        //            int tsOffset = kv.getTimestampOffset();
        //            System.arraycopy(startTSBytes, 0, kv.getBuffer(), tsOffset,
        // Bytes.SIZEOF_LONG);
            new KeyValue(
                kv.getRow(), kv.getFamily(), kv.getQualifier(), startTimestamp, kv.getValue()));

    // should add the table as well
    transactionState.addRow(new RowKeyFamily(put.getRow(), getTableName(), put.getFamilyMap()));

    //      super.getConnection().getRegionServerWithRetries(
    //            new ServerCallable<Boolean>(super.getConnection(), super.getTableName(),
    // put.getRow()) {
    //               public Boolean call() throws IOException {
    //                  server.put(location.getRegionInfo().getRegionName(), tsput);
    //                  return true;
    //               }
    //            });
コード例 #3
  public Map<String, TotalNum> getTotalUsage_Schema2(Scan scan) throws IOException {

    // System.err.println("scanning");

    InternalScanner scanner =
        ((RegionCoprocessorEnvironment) getEnvironment()).getRegion().getScanner(scan);
    List<KeyValue> res = new ArrayList<KeyValue>();
    Map<String, TotalNum> result = new HashMap<String, TotalNum>();
    boolean hasMoreResult = false;
    try {
      do {
        hasMoreResult = scanner.next(res);
        for (KeyValue kv : res) {
          String stationId = Bytes.toString(kv.getRow()).split("-")[1];
          String value = new String(kv.getValue());
          Long usage = Long.parseLong(value.split(";")[1]);
          if (result.containsKey(stationId)) {
            TotalNum tn = result.get(stationId);
            result.put(stationId, tn);
          } else {
            TotalNum tn = new TotalNum();
            result.put(stationId, tn);
      } while (hasMoreResult);
    } finally {
    return result;
コード例 #4
 public List<String> getStationsNearPoint_Schema2(double lat, double lon) throws IOException {
   Scan scan = new Scan();
   InternalScanner scanner =
       ((RegionCoprocessorEnvironment) getEnvironment()).getRegion().getScanner(scan);
   boolean hasMoreResult = false;
   List<KeyValue> res = new ArrayList<KeyValue>();
   List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
   try {
     do {
       hasMoreResult = scanner.next(res);
       for (KeyValue kv : res) {
         String clusterId = Bytes.toString(kv.getRow());
         String[] parts = clusterId.split(":");
         double cLat = Double.parseDouble(parts[0]);
         double cLon = Double.parseDouble(parts[1]);
         double dx = Double.parseDouble(parts[2]);
         double dy = Double.parseDouble(parts[3]);
         double distx = lat - cLat;
         double disty = lon - cLon;
         if (distx >= 0 && distx <= dx && disty >= 0 && disty <= dy) {
           // get stations in cluster
     } while (hasMoreResult);
   } finally {
   return result;
コード例 #5
 public Map<String, Integer> getAvailableBikesFromAPoint_Schema2(Scan scan) throws IOException {
   InternalScanner scanner =
       ((RegionCoprocessorEnvironment) getEnvironment()).getRegion().getScanner(scan);
   Map<String, Integer> result = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
   boolean hasMoreResult = false;
   List<KeyValue> res = new ArrayList<KeyValue>();
   try {
     do {
       hasMoreResult = scanner.next(res);
       for (KeyValue kv : res) {
         String stationId = Bytes.toString(kv.getRow()).split("-")[1];
         String value = new String(kv.getValue());
         Integer free = Integer.parseInt(value.split(";")[0]);
         result.put(stationId, free);
         	result.put(stationId, free + result.get(stationId));
         	result.put(stationId, free);
     } while (hasMoreResult);
   } finally {
   return result;
コード例 #6
 public Response getBinary(final @Context UriInfo uriInfo) {
   if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
     LOG.debug("GET " + uriInfo.getAbsolutePath() + " as " + MIMETYPE_BINARY);
   try {
     KeyValue value = generator.next();
     if (value == null) {
       LOG.info("generator exhausted");
       return Response.noContent().build();
     ResponseBuilder response = Response.ok(value.getValue());
     response.header("X-Row", Base64.encodeBytes(value.getRow()));
         Base64.encodeBytes(KeyValue.makeColumn(value.getFamily(), value.getQualifier())));
     response.header("X-Timestamp", value.getTimestamp());
     return response.build();
   } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
     throw new WebApplicationException(Response.Status.GONE);
コード例 #7
ファイル: HBaseTestHelper.java プロジェクト: ishark/Malhar
 public static HBaseTuple getHBaseTuple(KeyValue kv) {
   HBaseTuple tuple = new HBaseTuple();
   tuple.setRow(new String(kv.getRow()));
   tuple.setColFamily(new String(kv.getFamily()));
   tuple.setColName(new String(kv.getQualifier()));
   tuple.setColValue(new String(kv.getValue()));
   return tuple;
コード例 #8
ファイル: RowSeq.java プロジェクト: bruceleexiaokan/mon4h
   * Sets the row this instance holds in RAM using a row from a scanner.
   * @param row The compacted HBase row to set.
   * @throws IllegalStateException if this method was already called.
  void setRow(final KeyValue row) {
    if (this.key != null) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("setRow was already called on " + this);

    this.key = row.getRow();
    this.qualifiers = row.getQualifier();
    this.values = row.getValue();
コード例 #9
 private static void verifyData(
     KeyValue kv, String expectedRow, String expectedCol, long expectedVersion) {
   assertEquals("RowCheck", expectedRow, Bytes.toString(kv.getRow()));
   assertEquals("ColumnCheck", expectedCol, Bytes.toString(kv.getQualifier()));
   assertEquals("TSCheck", expectedVersion, kv.getTimestamp());
       Bytes.toString(genValue(expectedRow, expectedCol, expectedVersion)),
コード例 #10
ファイル: TransactionalTable.java プロジェクト: rainyin/omid
 public boolean isDeleted(KeyValue kv) {
   Long timestamp;
   timestamp = deletedRows.get(new ByteArray(kv.getRow()));
   if (timestamp != null && kv.getTimestamp() < timestamp) return true;
   timestamp = deletedFamilies.get(new ByteArray(kv.getFamily()));
   if (timestamp != null && kv.getTimestamp() < timestamp) return true;
   timestamp = deletedColumns.get(new ByteArray(Bytes.add(kv.getFamily(), kv.getQualifier())));
   if (timestamp != null && kv.getTimestamp() < timestamp) return true;
   return false;
コード例 #11
  protected void doReconstructionLog(
      final Path oldCoreLogFile,
      final long minSeqId,
      final long maxSeqId,
      final Progressable reporter)
      throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException {

    Path trxPath = new Path(oldCoreLogFile.getParent(), THLog.HREGION_OLD_THLOGFILE_NAME);

    // We can ignore doing anything with the Trx Log table, it is
    // not-transactional.
    if (super.getTableDesc().getNameAsString().equals(HBaseBackedTransactionLogger.TABLE_NAME)) {

    THLogRecoveryManager recoveryManager = new THLogRecoveryManager(this);
    Map<Long, WALEdit> commitedTransactionsById =
        recoveryManager.getCommitsFromLog(trxPath, minSeqId, reporter);

    if (commitedTransactionsById != null && commitedTransactionsById.size() > 0) {
      LOG.debug("found " + commitedTransactionsById.size() + " COMMITED transactions to recover.");

      for (Entry<Long, WALEdit> entry : commitedTransactionsById.entrySet()) {
            "Writing " + entry.getValue().size() + " updates for transaction " + entry.getKey());
        WALEdit b = entry.getValue();

        for (KeyValue kv : b.getKeyValues()) {
          // FIXME need to convert these into puts and deletes. Not sure this is
          // the write way.
          // Could probably combine multiple KV's into single put/delete.
          // Also timestamps?
          if (kv.getType() == KeyValue.Type.Put.getCode()) {
            Put put = new Put();
          } else if (kv.isDelete()) {
            Delete del = new Delete(kv.getRow());
            if (kv.isDeleteFamily()) {
            } else if (kv.isDeleteType()) {
              del.deleteColumn(kv.getFamily(), kv.getQualifier());

      LOG.debug("Flushing cache"); // We must trigger a cache flush,
      // otherwise we will would ignore the log on subsequent failure
      if (!super.flushcache()) {
        LOG.warn("Did not flush cache");
コード例 #12
     * Maps the data.
     * @param row The current table row key.
     * @param values The columns.
     * @param context The current context.
     * @throws IOException When something is broken with the data.
     * @see org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Mapper#map(KEYIN, VALUEIN,
     *     org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Mapper.Context)
    public void map(ImmutableBytesWritable row, Result values, Context context) throws IOException {
      String currentFamilyName = null;
      String currentQualifierName = null;
      String currentRowKey = null;
      Configuration config = context.getConfiguration();
      String separator = config.get("ReportSeparator", ":");

      try {
        if (values != null) {
          context.write(new Text("Total ROWS"), new IntWritable(1));

        for (KeyValue value : values.list()) {
          currentRowKey = Bytes.toStringBinary(value.getRow());
          String thisRowFamilyName = Bytes.toStringBinary(value.getFamily());
          if (thisRowFamilyName != null && !thisRowFamilyName.equals(currentFamilyName)) {
            currentFamilyName = thisRowFamilyName;
            context.getCounter("CF", thisRowFamilyName).increment(1);
            context.write(new Text("Total Families Across all Rows"), new IntWritable(1));
            context.write(new Text(thisRowFamilyName), new IntWritable(1));
          String thisRowQualifierName =
              thisRowFamilyName + separator + Bytes.toStringBinary(value.getQualifier());
          if (thisRowQualifierName != null && !thisRowQualifierName.equals(currentQualifierName)) {
            currentQualifierName = thisRowQualifierName;
            context.getCounter("CFQL", thisRowQualifierName).increment(1);
            context.write(new Text("Total Qualifiers across all Rows"), new IntWritable(1));
            context.write(new Text(thisRowQualifierName), new IntWritable(1));
            // Intialize versions
                .getCounter("QL_VERSIONS", currentRowKey + separator + thisRowQualifierName)
                new Text(currentRowKey + separator + thisRowQualifierName + "_Versions"),
                new IntWritable(1));

          } else {
            // Increment versions
            currentQualifierName = thisRowQualifierName;
                .getCounter("QL_VERSIONS", currentRowKey + separator + thisRowQualifierName)
                new Text(currentRowKey + separator + thisRowQualifierName + "_Versions"),
                new IntWritable(1));
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
コード例 #13
   * Test that {@link HFileOutputFormat} RecordWriter amends timestamps if passed a keyvalue whose
   * timestamp is {@link HConstants#LATEST_TIMESTAMP}.
   * @see <a href="https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HBASE-2615">HBASE-2615</a>
  public void test_LATEST_TIMESTAMP_isReplaced() throws Exception {
    Configuration conf = new Configuration(this.util.getConfiguration());
    RecordWriter<ImmutableBytesWritable, KeyValue> writer = null;
    TaskAttemptContext context = null;
    Path dir = util.getDataTestDir("test_LATEST_TIMESTAMP_isReplaced");
    try {
      Job job = new Job(conf);
      FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, dir);
      context = createTestTaskAttemptContext(job);
      HFileOutputFormat hof = new HFileOutputFormat();
      writer = hof.getRecordWriter(context);
      final byte[] b = Bytes.toBytes("b");

      // Test 1.  Pass a KV that has a ts of LATEST_TIMESTAMP.  It should be
      // changed by call to write.  Check all in kv is same but ts.
      KeyValue kv = new KeyValue(b, b, b);
      KeyValue original = kv.clone();
      writer.write(new ImmutableBytesWritable(), kv);
      assertTrue(Bytes.equals(original.getRow(), kv.getRow()));
      assertTrue(CellUtil.matchingColumn(original, kv.getFamily(), kv.getQualifier()));
      assertNotSame(original.getTimestamp(), kv.getTimestamp());
      assertNotSame(HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP, kv.getTimestamp());

      // Test 2. Now test passing a kv that has explicit ts.  It should not be
      // changed by call to record write.
      kv = new KeyValue(b, b, b, kv.getTimestamp() - 1, b);
      original = kv.clone();
      writer.write(new ImmutableBytesWritable(), kv);
    } finally {
      if (writer != null && context != null) writer.close(context);
      dir.getFileSystem(conf).delete(dir, true);
コード例 #14
    public void prePut(
        final ObserverContext<RegionCoprocessorEnvironment> e,
        final Put put,
        final WALEdit edit,
        final Durability durability)
        throws IOException {
      byte[] attribute = put.getAttribute("visibility");
      byte[] cf = null;
      List<Cell> updatedCells = new ArrayList<Cell>();
      if (attribute != null) {
        for (List<? extends Cell> edits : put.getFamilyCellMap().values()) {
          for (Cell cell : edits) {
            KeyValue kv = KeyValueUtil.ensureKeyValue(cell);
            if (cf == null) {
              cf = kv.getFamily();
            Tag tag = new Tag(TAG_TYPE, attribute);
            List<Tag> tagList = new ArrayList<Tag>();

            KeyValue newKV =
                new KeyValue(
            ((List<Cell>) updatedCells).add(newKV);
        // Update the family map
        put.getFamilyCellMap().put(cf, updatedCells);
コード例 #15
ファイル: TestHbase.java プロジェクト: chendingguo/work_note
   * 遍历查询hbase表
   * @tableName 表名
  public static void getResultScann(String tableName) throws IOException {
    Scan scan = new Scan();
    ResultScanner rs = null;
    HTableInterface table = conn.getTable(tableName);
    try {
      //			String split = StringUtils.S001;
      //			QualifierFilter ff = new QualifierFilter(CompareOp.EQUAL, new BinaryComparator(
      //					Bytes.toBytes("A")));
      //			scan.setFilter(ff);
      rs = table.getScanner(scan);
      int count = 0;
      for (Result r : rs) {
        for (KeyValue kv : r.list()) {
          System.out.println("row:" + Bytes.toString(kv.getRow()));
          //					System.out.println("family:" + Bytes.toString(kv.getFamily()));
          //					System.out.println("qualifier:" + Bytes.toString(kv.getQualifier()));
          System.out.println("value:" + Bytes.toString(kv.getValue()));
          //					System.out.println("timestamp:" + kv.getTimestamp());

          //					StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
          //					sb.append(Bytes.toString(r.getRow()));
          //					sb.append(split);
          //					sb.append(Bytes.toString(kv.getValue()));
          //					EntBaseinfo baseInfo = new EntBaseinfo();
          //					baseInfo.parseFromString(sb.toString());
          //					System.out.println(baseInfo.getENTNAME());
          //					if(baseInfo.getNAME()!=null&&baseInfo.getNAME().isEmpty()){
          //						System.out.println(baseInfo.getENTNAME());
          //					}
          //					if(baseInfo.getDOM()!=null&&baseInfo.getNAME().isEmpty()){
          //						System.out.println(baseInfo.getENTNAME());
          //					}

        if (count > 1000) {
    } finally {
コード例 #16
ファイル: Hbase.java プロジェクト: shenwei0329/gyrsj-sjtl-001
  * 遍历查询hbase表
  * @tableName 表名
 public static void getResultScann(String tableName) throws IOException {
   Scan scan = new Scan();
   ResultScanner rs = null;
   HTable table = new HTable(conf, Bytes.toBytes(tableName));
   try {
     rs = table.getScanner(scan);
     for (Result r : rs) {
       for (KeyValue kv : r.list()) {
         System.out.println("row:" + Bytes.toString(kv.getRow()));
         System.out.println("family:" + Bytes.toString(kv.getFamily()));
         System.out.println("qualifier:" + Bytes.toString(kv.getQualifier()));
         System.out.println("value:" + Bytes.toString(kv.getValue()));
         System.out.println("timestamp:" + kv.getTimestamp());
   } finally {
コード例 #17
ファイル: RowSeq.java プロジェクト: bruceleexiaokan/mon4h
   * Merges another HBase row into this one. When two continuous rows in HBase have data points that
   * are close enough together that they could be stored into the same row, it makes sense to merge
   * them into the same {@link RowSeq} instance in memory in order to save RAM.
   * @param row The compacted HBase row to merge into this instance.
   * @throws IllegalStateException if {@link #setRow} wasn't called first.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the data points in the argument aren't close enough to
   *     those in this instance time-wise to be all merged together.
  void addRow(final KeyValue row) {
    if (this.key == null) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("setRow was never called on " + this);

    final byte[] key = row.getRow();
    final long base_time = Bytes.getUnsignedInt(key, UniqueIds.metrics().width());
    final int time_adj = (int) (base_time - baseTime());
    if (time_adj <= 0) {
      // Corner case: if the time difference is 0 and the key is the same, it
      // means we've already added this row, possibly parts of it.  This
      // doesn't normally happen but can happen if the scanner we're using
      // timed out (its lease expired for whatever reason), in which case
      // asynchbase will transparently re-open the scanner and start scanning
      // from the row key we were on at the time the timeout happened.  In
      // that case, the easiest thing to do is to discard everything we know
      // about this row and start over, since we're going to get the full row
      // again anyway.
      if (time_adj != 0 || !Bytes.equals(this.key, key)) {
        throw new IllegalDataException(
            "Attempt to add a row with a base_time="
                + base_time
                + " <= baseTime()="
                + baseTime()
                + "; Row added="
                + row
                + ", this="
                + this);
      this.key = null; // To keep setRow happy.
      this.qualifiers = null; // Throw away our previous work.
      this.values = null; // free();

    final byte[] qual = row.getQualifier();
    final int len = qual.length;
    int last_delta = Bytes.getUnsignedShort(qualifiers, qualifiers.length - 2);
    last_delta >>= Const.FLAG_BITS;

    final int old_qual_len = qualifiers.length;
    final byte[] newquals = new byte[old_qual_len + len];
    System.arraycopy(qualifiers, 0, newquals, 0, old_qual_len);
    // Adjust the delta in all the qualifiers.
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 2) {
      short qualifier = Bytes.getShort(qual, i);
      final int time_delta = time_adj + ((qualifier & 0xFFFF) >>> Const.FLAG_BITS);
      if (!canTimeDeltaFit(time_delta)) {
        throw new IllegalDataException(
            "time_delta at index "
                + i
                + " is too large: "
                + time_delta
                + " (qualifier=0x"
                + Integer.toHexString(qualifier & 0xFFFF)
                + " baseTime()="
                + baseTime()
                + ", base_time="
                + base_time
                + ", time_adj="
                + time_adj
                + ") for "
                + row
                + " to be added to "
                + this);
      if (last_delta >= time_delta) {
            "new timestamp = "
                + (baseTime() + time_delta)
                + " (index="
                + i
                + ") is < previous="
                + (baseTime() + last_delta)
                + " in addRow with row="
                + row
                + " in this="
                + this);
        return; // Ignore this row, it came out of order.
      qualifier = (short) ((time_delta << Const.FLAG_BITS) | (qualifier & Const.FLAGS_MASK));
      Bytes.setShort(newquals, qualifier, old_qual_len + i);
    this.qualifiers = newquals;

    final byte[] val = row.getValue();
    // If both the current `values' and the new `val' are single values, then
    // we neither of them has a meta data byte so we need to add one to be
    // consistent with what we expect from compacted values.  Otherwise, we
    // need to subtract 1 from the value length.
    final int old_val_len = values.length - (old_qual_len == 2 ? 0 : 1);
    final byte[] newvals =
        new byte
                + val.length
                // Only add a meta-data byte if the new values don't have it.
                + (len == 2 ? 1 : 0)];
    System.arraycopy(values, 0, newvals, 0, old_val_len);
    System.arraycopy(val, 0, newvals, old_val_len, val.length);
    assert newvals[newvals.length - 1] == 0
        : "Incorrect meta data byte after merge of "
            + row
            + " resulting qualifiers="
            + Arrays.toString(qualifiers)
            + ", values="
            + Arrays.toString(newvals)
            + ", old values="
            + Arrays.toString(values);
    this.values = newvals;
コード例 #18
ファイル: TransactionalTable.java プロジェクト: rainyin/omid
  private Result filter(
      TransactionState state, Result result, long startTimestamp, int localVersions)
      throws IOException {
    if (result == null) {
      return null;
    List<KeyValue> kvs = result.list();
    if (kvs == null) {
      return result;
    Map<ByteArray, Map<ByteArray, Integer>> occurrences =
        new HashMap<TransactionalTable.ByteArray, Map<ByteArray, Integer>>();
    Map<ByteArray, Map<ByteArray, Long>> minTimestamp =
        new HashMap<TransactionalTable.ByteArray, Map<ByteArray, Long>>();
    List<KeyValue> nonDeletes = new ArrayList<KeyValue>();
    List<KeyValue> filtered = new ArrayList<KeyValue>();
    Map<ByteArray, Set<ByteArray>> read = new HashMap<ByteArray, Set<ByteArray>>();
    DeleteTracker tracker = new DeleteTracker();
    for (KeyValue kv : kvs) {
      ByteArray family = new ByteArray(kv.getFamily());
      ByteArray qualifier = new ByteArray(kv.getQualifier());
      Set<ByteArray> readQualifiers = read.get(family);
      if (readQualifiers == null) {
        readQualifiers = new HashSet<TransactionalTable.ByteArray>();
        read.put(family, readQualifiers);
      } else if (readQualifiers.contains(qualifier)) continue;
      //         RowKey rk = new RowKey(kv.getRow(), getTableName());
      if (state.tsoclient.validRead(kv.getTimestamp(), startTimestamp)) {
        if (!tracker.addDeleted(kv)) nonDeletes.add(kv);
          // Read valid value

          //                statistics
          //               elementsGotten++;
          Map<ByteArray, Integer> occurrencesCols = occurrences.get(family);
          Integer times = null;
          if (occurrencesCols != null) {
            times = occurrencesCols.get(qualifier);
          if (times != null) {
            //                  elementsRead += times;
            versionsAvg = times > versionsAvg ? times : alpha * versionsAvg + (1 - alpha) * times;
            //                  extraVersionsAvg = times > extraVersionsAvg ? times : alpha *
            // extraVersionsAvg + (1 - alpha) * times;
          } else {
            //                  elementsRead++;
            versionsAvg = alpha * versionsAvg + (1 - alpha);
            //                  extraVersionsAvg = alpha * extraVersionsAvg + (1 - alpha);
      } else {
        Map<ByteArray, Integer> occurrencesCols = occurrences.get(family);
        Map<ByteArray, Long> minTimestampCols = minTimestamp.get(family);
        if (occurrencesCols == null) {
          occurrencesCols = new HashMap<TransactionalTable.ByteArray, Integer>();
          minTimestampCols = new HashMap<TransactionalTable.ByteArray, Long>();
          occurrences.put(family, occurrencesCols);
          minTimestamp.put(family, minTimestampCols);
        Integer times = occurrencesCols.get(qualifier);
        Long timestamp = minTimestampCols.get(qualifier);
        if (times == null) {
          times = 0;
          timestamp = kv.getTimestamp();
        timestamp = Math.min(timestamp, kv.getTimestamp());
        if (times == localVersions) {
          // We need to fetch more versions
          Get get = new Get(kv.getRow());
          get.addColumn(kv.getFamily(), kv.getQualifier());
          Result r;
          do {
            get.setTimeRange(0, timestamp);
            r = this.get(get);
            List<KeyValue> list = r.list();
            if (list == null) break;
            for (KeyValue t : list) {
              timestamp = Math.min(timestamp, t.getTimestamp());
              //                     rk = new RowKey(kv.getRow(), getTableName());
              if (state.tsoclient.validRead(t.getTimestamp(), startTimestamp)) {
                if (!tracker.addDeleted(t)) nonDeletes.add(t);
                elementsRead += times;
                versionsAvg =
                    times > versionsAvg ? times : alpha * versionsAvg + (1 - alpha) * times;
                extraVersionsAvg =
                    times > extraVersionsAvg
                        ? times
                        : alpha * extraVersionsAvg + (1 - alpha) * times;
                break GOTRESULT;
          } while (r.size() == localVersions);
        } else {
          occurrencesCols.put(qualifier, times);
          minTimestampCols.put(qualifier, timestamp);
    for (KeyValue kv : nonDeletes) {
      if (!tracker.isDeleted(kv)) {
    //      cacheVersions = (int) versionsAvg;
    if (filtered.isEmpty()) {
      return null;
    return new Result(filtered);
コード例 #19
ファイル: RowSeq.java プロジェクト: bruceleexiaokan/mon4h
  * Sets the row this instance holds in RAM using a row from a scanner.
  * @param row The compacted HBase row to set.
  * @throws IllegalStateException if this method was already called.
 public void clearAndSetRow(final KeyValue row) {
   this.key = row.getRow();
   this.qualifiers = row.getQualifier();
   this.values = row.getValue();
コード例 #20
  public boolean runRandomReadWorkload() throws IOException {
    if (inputFileNames.size() != 1) {
      throw new IOException("Need exactly one input file for random reads: " + inputFileNames);

    Path inputPath = new Path(inputFileNames.get(0));

    // Make sure we are using caching.
    StoreFile storeFile = openStoreFile(inputPath, true);

    StoreFile.Reader reader = storeFile.createReader();

    LOG.info("First key: " + Bytes.toStringBinary(reader.getFirstKey()));
    LOG.info("Last key: " + Bytes.toStringBinary(reader.getLastKey()));

    KeyValue firstKV = KeyValue.createKeyValueFromKey(reader.getFirstKey());
    firstRow = firstKV.getRow();

    KeyValue lastKV = KeyValue.createKeyValueFromKey(reader.getLastKey());
    lastRow = lastKV.getRow();

    byte[] family = firstKV.getFamily();
    if (!Bytes.equals(family, lastKV.getFamily())) {
          "First and last key have different families: "
              + Bytes.toStringBinary(family)
              + " and "
              + Bytes.toStringBinary(lastKV.getFamily()));
      return false;

    if (Bytes.equals(firstRow, lastRow)) {
          "First and last row are the same, cannot run read workload: "
              + "firstRow="
              + Bytes.toStringBinary(firstRow)
              + ", "
              + "lastRow="
              + Bytes.toStringBinary(lastRow));
      return false;

    ExecutorService exec = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(numReadThreads + 1);
    int numCompleted = 0;
    int numFailed = 0;
    try {
      ExecutorCompletionService<Boolean> ecs = new ExecutorCompletionService<Boolean>(exec);
      endTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + 1000 * durationSec;
      boolean pread = true;
      for (int i = 0; i < numReadThreads; ++i) ecs.submit(new RandomReader(i, reader, pread));
      ecs.submit(new StatisticsPrinter());
      Future<Boolean> result;
      while (true) {
        try {
          result = ecs.poll(endTime + 1000 - System.currentTimeMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
          if (result == null) break;
          try {
            if (result.get()) {
            } else {
          } catch (ExecutionException e) {
            LOG.error("Worker thread failure", e.getCause());
        } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
          LOG.error("Interrupted after " + numCompleted + " workers completed");
    } finally {

      BlockCache c = cacheConf.getBlockCache();
      if (c != null) {
    LOG.info("Worker threads completed: " + numCompleted);
    LOG.info("Worker threads failed: " + numFailed);
    return true;
コード例 #21
 public Response get(
     final @Context UriInfo uriInfo,
     @QueryParam("n") int maxRows,
     final @QueryParam("c") int maxValues) {
   if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
     LOG.debug("GET " + uriInfo.getAbsolutePath());
   CellSetModel model = new CellSetModel();
   RowModel rowModel = null;
   byte[] rowKey = null;
   int limit = batch;
   if (maxValues > 0) {
     limit = maxValues;
   int count = limit;
   do {
     KeyValue value = null;
     try {
       value = generator.next();
     } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
       throw new WebApplicationException(Response.Status.GONE);
     if (value == null) {
       LOG.info("generator exhausted");
       // respond with 204 (No Content) if an empty cell set would be
       // returned
       if (count == limit) {
         return Response.noContent().build();
     if (rowKey == null) {
       rowKey = value.getRow();
       rowModel = new RowModel(rowKey);
     if (!Bytes.equals(value.getRow(), rowKey)) {
       // if maxRows was given as a query param, stop if we would exceed the
       // specified number of rows
       if (maxRows > 0) {
         if (--maxRows == 0) {
       rowKey = value.getRow();
       rowModel = new RowModel(rowKey);
         new CellModel(
             value.getFamily(), value.getQualifier(), value.getTimestamp(), value.getValue()));
   } while (--count > 0);
   ResponseBuilder response = Response.ok(model);
   return response.build();