public int run(String[] args) throws Exception { if (args.length < 2) { System.err.println("Usage: Injector <crawldb> <url_dir>"); return -1; } try { inject(new Path(args[0]), new Path(args[1])); return 0; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Injector: " + StringUtils.stringifyException(e)); return -1; } }
private String runResolveCommand(List<String> args) { int loopCount = 0; if (args.size() == 0) { return null; } StringBuffer allOutput = new StringBuffer(); int numProcessed = 0; if (maxArgs < MIN_ALLOWABLE_ARGS) { LOG.warn( "Invalid value " + Integer.toString(maxArgs) + " for " + SCRIPT_ARG_COUNT_KEY + "; must be >= " + Integer.toString(MIN_ALLOWABLE_ARGS)); return null; } while (numProcessed != args.size()) { int start = maxArgs * loopCount; List<String> cmdList = new ArrayList<String>(); cmdList.add(scriptName); for (numProcessed = start; numProcessed < (start + maxArgs) && numProcessed < args.size(); numProcessed++) { cmdList.add(args.get(numProcessed)); } File dir = null; String userDir; if ((userDir = System.getProperty("user.dir")) != null) { dir = new File(userDir); } ShellCommandExecutor s = new ShellCommandExecutor(cmdList.toArray(new String[0]), dir); try { s.execute(); allOutput.append(s.getOutput() + " "); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn(StringUtils.stringifyException(e)); return null; } loopCount++; } return allOutput.toString(); }
// TODO: Can also collect #procs, time taken by each thread to measure fairness. @Override public Integer call() throws IOException { while (true) { if (workersFailed.get()) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } long procId = procIds.getAndIncrement(); if (procId >= numProcs) { break; } if (procId != 0 && procId % 10000 == 0) { long ms = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; System.out.println("Wrote " + procId + " procedures in " + StringUtils.humanTimeDiff(ms)); } try { if (procId > 0 && procId % numProcsPerWal == 0) { store.rollWriterForTesting(); System.out.println( "Starting new log : " + store.getActiveLogs().get(store.getActiveLogs().size() - 1)); } } catch (IOException ioe) { // Ask other threads to quit too. workersFailed.set(true); System.err.println("Exception when rolling log file. Current procId = " + procId); ioe.printStackTrace(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } ProcedureTestingUtility.TestProcedure proc = new ProcedureTestingUtility.TestProcedure(procId); proc.setData(serializedState); store.insert(proc, null); store.update(proc); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
/** * Return the path array of the localized files * * @param conf Configuration that contains the localized files * @return A path array of localized files * @throws IOException */ public static Path[] getLocalSharedCacheFiles(Configuration conf) throws IOException { return StringUtils.stringToPath(conf.getStrings("mapred.cache.shared.localFiles")); }
/** * Return the path array of the localized caches * * @param conf Configuration that contains the localized archives * @return A path array of localized caches * @throws IOException */ public static Path[] getLocalCacheArchives(Configuration conf) throws IOException { return StringUtils.stringToPath(conf.getStrings("mapred.cache.localArchives")); }
/** * Get cache files set in the Configuration * * @param conf The configuration which contains the files * @return A URI array of the files set in the Configuration * @throws IOException */ public static URI[] getSharedCacheFiles(Configuration conf) throws IOException { return StringUtils.stringToURI(conf.getStrings("mapred.cache.shared.files")); }
/** * Get cache archives set in the Configuration * * @param conf The configuration which contains the archives * @return A URI array of the caches set in the Configuration * @throws IOException */ public static URI[] getCacheArchives(Configuration conf) throws IOException { return StringUtils.stringToURI(conf.getStrings("mapred.cache.archives")); }
/** * Set the configuration with the given set of files * * @param files The list of files that need to be localized * @param conf Configuration which will be changed */ public static void setCacheFiles(URI[] files, Configuration conf) { String sfiles = StringUtils.uriToString(files); conf.set("mapred.cache.files", sfiles); }
/** * Set the configuration with the given set of archives * * @param archives The list of archives that need to be localized * @param conf Configuration which will be changed */ public static void setCacheArchives(URI[] archives, Configuration conf) { String sarchives = StringUtils.uriToString(archives); conf.set("mapred.cache.archives", sarchives); }
/** * Return the path array of the localized files. Intended to be used by user code. * * @param conf Configuration that contains the localized files * @return A path array of localized files * @throws IOException */ public static Path[] getLocalCacheFiles(Configuration conf) throws IOException { return StringUtils.stringToPath(conf.getStrings(CACHE_LOCALFILES)); }
/** * Get cache files set in the Configuration. Used by internal DistributedCache and MapReduce code. * * @param conf The configuration which contains the files * @return Am array of the files set in the Configuration * @throws IOException */ public static URI[] getCacheFiles(Configuration conf) throws IOException { return StringUtils.stringToURI(conf.getStrings(CACHE_FILES)); }
/** * Get cache archives set in the Configuration. Used by internal DistributedCache and MapReduce * code. * * @param conf The configuration which contains the archives * @return An array of the caches set in the Configuration * @throws IOException */ public static URI[] getCacheArchives(Configuration conf) throws IOException { return StringUtils.stringToURI(conf.getStrings(CACHE_ARCHIVES)); }
/** * Set the configuration with the given set of files. Intended to be used by user code. * * @param files The list of files that need to be localized * @param conf Configuration which will be changed */ public static void setCacheFiles(URI[] files, Configuration conf) { String sfiles = StringUtils.uriToString(files); conf.set(CACHE_FILES, sfiles); }
/** * Set the configuration with the given set of archives. Intended to be used by user code. * * @param archives The list of archives that need to be localized * @param conf Configuration which will be changed */ public static void setCacheArchives(URI[] archives, Configuration conf) { String sarchives = StringUtils.uriToString(archives); conf.set(CACHE_ARCHIVES, sarchives); }