private String getEncryptedKey() { List<WSHandlerResult> results = CastUtils.cast( (List<?>) message.getExchange().getInMessage().get(WSHandlerConstants.RECV_RESULTS)); for (WSHandlerResult rResult : results) { List<WSSecurityEngineResult> wsSecEngineResults = rResult.getResults(); for (WSSecurityEngineResult wser : wsSecEngineResults) { Integer actInt = (Integer) wser.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_ACTION); String encryptedKeyID = (String) wser.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_ID); if (actInt.intValue() == WSConstants.ENCR && encryptedKeyID != null && encryptedKeyID.length() != 0) { Date created = new Date(); Date expires = new Date(); expires.setTime(created.getTime() + 300000); SecurityToken tempTok = new SecurityToken(encryptedKeyID, created, expires); tempTok.setSecret((byte[]) wser.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_SECRET)); tempTok.setSHA1( getSHA1((byte[]) wser.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_ENCRYPTED_EPHEMERAL_KEY))); tokenStore.add(tempTok); return encryptedKeyID; } } } return null; }
private String setupEncryptedKey(TokenWrapper wrapper, Token sigToken) throws WSSecurityException { WSSecEncryptedKey encrKey = this.getEncryptedKeyBuilder(wrapper, sigToken); String id = encrKey.getId(); byte[] secret = encrKey.getEphemeralKey(); Date created = new Date(); Date expires = new Date(); expires.setTime(created.getTime() + 300000); SecurityToken tempTok = new SecurityToken(id, encrKey.getEncryptedKeyElement(), created, expires); tempTok.setSecret(secret); // Set the SHA1 value of the encrypted key, this is used when the encrypted // key is referenced via a key identifier of type EncryptedKeySHA1 tempTok.setSHA1(getSHA1(encrKey.getEncryptedEphemeralKey())); tokenStore.add(tempTok); String bstTokenId = encrKey.getBSTTokenId(); // If direct ref is used to refer to the cert // then add the cert to the sec header now if (bstTokenId != null && bstTokenId.length() > 0) { encrKey.prependBSTElementToHeader(secHeader); } return id; }