public void sendPacket( Packet packetIn, GenericFutureListener listener, GenericFutureListener... listeners) { if ( != null && { this.flushOutboundQueue(); this.dispatchPacket( packetIn, (GenericFutureListener[]) ArrayUtils.add(listeners, 0, listener)); } else { this.outboundPacketsQueue.add( new NetworkManager.InboundHandlerTuplePacketListener( packetIn, (GenericFutureListener[]) ArrayUtils.add(listeners, 0, listener))); } }
public void a(Packet var1, GenericFutureListener var2, GenericFutureListener... var3) { if (g()) { m(); this.a(var1, ArrayUtils.add(var3, 0, var2)); } else { j.writeLock().lock(); try { i.add(new class_ek.class_a_in_class_ek(var1, ArrayUtils.add(var3, 0, var2))); } finally { j.writeLock().unlock(); } } }
@Override public List<T> listQuery(String condition, Object[] params, Integer start, Integer max) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("select * from ").append(getTable()); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(condition)) { sql.append(" where ").append(condition); } if (start != null && max != null && start >= 0 && max > 0) { sql.append(" limit ?,?"); params = ArrayUtils.add(params, start); params = ArrayUtils.add(params, max); } return query(sql.toString(), new MyBeanListHandler<T>(this.clazz), params); }
/** * Method dropAttackable. * * @param attackable NpcInstance * @param killer Player */ public void dropAttackable(NpcInstance attackable, Player killer) { if (killer.isInOlympiadMode() || killer.isCursedWeaponEquipped() || (_cursedWeapons.length == 0) || (killer.getReflection() != ReflectionManager.DEFAULT)) { return; } synchronized (_cursedWeapons) { CursedWeapon[] cursedWeapons = new CursedWeapon[0]; for (CursedWeapon cw : _cursedWeapons) { if (cw.isActive()) { continue; } cursedWeapons = ArrayUtils.add(cursedWeapons, cw); } if (cursedWeapons.length > 0) { CursedWeapon cw = cursedWeapons[Rnd.get(cursedWeapons.length)]; if (Rnd.get(100000000) <= cw.getDropRate()) { cw.create(attackable, killer); } } } }
/** * Opens an input stream to this location. * * <p>Please note that it will try to obtain a stream from every storage until a storage returns * one. * * @return The input-stream to this location. */ @Override public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException { // Sine we are going to suppress all unhandles IOExceptions and only throw them // if we were unable to get a stream, we will access the location. List<IOException> exceptionList = new ArrayList<IOException>(); // Try all locations but try the write-storage first. for (ConfigurationStorage cs : ArrayUtils.add(, 0, { // Try to access the storage location. InputStream is = null; try { is = cs.getInputStream(this.module, this.configuration); } catch (IOException e) { // Just suppress IOExceptions. exceptionList.add(e); } // If we were able to access the location, return the stream. if (is != null) return is; } if (exceptionList.size() == 0) return null; else if (exceptionList.size() == 1) { // Just rethrow the only one that occured. throw exceptionList.get(0); } else { // Throw all suppressed exceptions. IOException exception = new IOException( "Failed to obtain the stream. The following exceptions have been suppressed."); for (IOException e : exceptionList) exception.addSuppressed(e); throw exception; } }
public List<SimpleObject> getPatients( @RequestParam(value = "searchValue", required = true) String searchValue, @RequestParam(value = "excludePatientsOf", required = false) Person excludePatientsOf, @RequestParam(value = "existingRelationshipTypeToExclude", required = false) RelationshipType existingRelationshipTypeToExclude, @RequestParam(value = "resultFields[]", required = true) String[] resultFields, UiUtils ui) throws PersonIsNotProviderException, InvalidRelationshipTypeException { if (resultFields == null || resultFields.length == 0) { resultFields = new String[] {"personName"}; } // always want to return the id of the result objects resultFields = ArrayUtils.add(resultFields, "id"); // now fetch the results List<Patient> patients = Context.getPatientService().getPatients(searchValue); // exclude any patients if specified if (excludePatientsOf != null && existingRelationshipTypeToExclude != null) { List<Patient> patientsToExclude = Context.getService(ProviderManagementService.class) .getPatientsOfProvider( excludePatientsOf, existingRelationshipTypeToExclude, new Date()); patients.removeAll(patientsToExclude); } return SimpleObject.fromCollection(patients, ui, resultFields); }
/** Main method that responds to mouseClick events. */ public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent arg0) { if (errListModel.getSize() > 0 && !errorsList.isSelectionEmpty() && !correctionsList.isSelectionEmpty()) { String correction = correctionsList.getSelectedValue(); String error = errorsList.getSelectedValue(); char[] inputAsChars = text.getText().toCharArray(); int errIndex = getErrorIndex(error, inputAsChars); for (int i = 0; i < error.length(); i++) { inputAsChars = ArrayUtils.remove(inputAsChars, errIndex); } for (int i = 0; i < correction.length(); i++) { inputAsChars = ArrayUtils.add( inputAsChars, errIndex, correction.charAt(correction.length() - i - 1)); } correctionsListModel.clear(); errListModel.clear(); text.setText(new String(inputAsChars)); } }
@Override public void addSessionId(final String sessionId) { try { final String[] ids = getProperty(Principal.sessionIds); if (ids != null) { if (!ArrayUtils.contains(ids, sessionId)) { setProperty( Principal.sessionIds, (String[]) ArrayUtils.add(getProperty(Principal.sessionIds), sessionId)); } } else { setProperty(Principal.sessionIds, new String[] {sessionId}); } } catch (FrameworkException ex) { logger.log( Level.SEVERE, "Could not add sessionId " + sessionId + " to array of sessionIds", ex); } }
@Override public void update(Care care) throws Exception { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Object[] params = care.toArray(); params = ArrayUtils.remove(params, 2); params = ArrayUtils.add(params, care.getId()); update( "update care set theme=?, object=?, next=?, way=?, people=?, note=? where id = ?", params); }
@Override @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public double getDurabilityForDisplay(ItemStack itemstack) { if (!showDurabilityBar(itemstack)) return 0; ConsomationManager manager = TeleplatesSavedData.getClient().getConsomationManager(); double[] ds = new double[] {}; if (manager.isManagerActive(EnergyConsomationManager.class) && EnergyConsomationManager.rfUsageType != 0) { EnergyConsomationManager emanager = manager.getActiveConsomationManager(EnergyConsomationManager.class); ds = ArrayUtils.add( ds, EnergyConsomationManager.rfUsageType == 1 ? (double) emanager .getEnergyStorage(Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer) .getEnergyStored() / (double) emanager .getEnergyStorage(Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer) .getMaxEnergyStored() : getEnergyStored_(itemstack) / (double) getMaxEnergyStored_(itemstack)); } if (manager.isManagerActive(FluidConsomationManager.class) && FluidConsomationManager.fluidConsomationType != 0) { FluidConsomationManager fmanager = manager.getActiveConsomationManager(FluidConsomationManager.class); ds = ArrayUtils.add( ds, FluidConsomationManager.fluidConsomationType == 1 ? (double) fmanager .getFluidStorage(Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer) .getFluidAmount() / (double) fmanager.getFluidStorage(Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer).getCapacity() : getFluid_(itemstack).amount); } return 1 - AdvancedMathUtils.average(ds); }
public static Question[] getQuestions(File xmlFile) { SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); Question[] res = {}; try { Document document = (Document); Element rootNode = document.getRootElement(); List topics = rootNode.getChildren("t"); String id, group, text, text_en, answer, q_type, q_ans, support, number; // , snippet; for (int i = 0; i < topics.size(); i++) { Element t = (Element) topics.get(i); List questions = t.getChildren("q"); for (int j = 0; j < questions.size(); j++) { Element q = (Element) questions.get(j); id = q.getAttributeValue("q_id").toString(); q_type = q.getAttributeValue("q_type").toString(); q_ans = q.getAttributeValue("q_exp_ans_type").toString(); support = q.getChild("answer").getAttributeValue("a_support"); // snippet = q.getChild("answer").getAttributeValue("a_support"); group = t.getAttributeValue("t_string").toString(); text = q.getChild("question").getText(); number = q.getChild("question").getAttributeValue("question_id"); answer = q.getChild("answer").getChildText("a_string"); text_en = q.getChild("q_translation").getText(); res = ArrayUtils.add( res, new Question( id, group, text, answer, text_en, new String[0], q_type, q_ans, support, number)); } } } catch (IOException io) { System.out.println(io.getMessage()); } catch (JDOMException jdomex) { System.out.println(jdomex.getMessage()); } return res; }
@Override public AxisAlignedBB[] getActiveBoxes() { AxisAlignedBB[] Result = {}; if (collisionBoxes != null) for (int i = 0; i < collisionBoxes.length; i++) { if (collisionBoxes[i] != null) Result = ArrayUtils.add(Result, collisionBoxes[i]); } else updateConnections(); return Result; }
/** * combogrid * * @return * @throws Exception */ @RequestMapping(value = {"combogrid"}) @ResponseBody public Datagrid<User> combogrid( @RequestParam(value = "ids", required = false) List<Long> ids, String loginNameOrName, Integer rows) throws Exception { Criterion statusCriterion = Restrictions.eq("status", StatusState.normal.getValue()); Criterion[] criterions = new Criterion[0]; criterions = (Criterion[]) ArrayUtils.add(criterions, 0, statusCriterion); Criterion criterion = null; if (Collections3.isNotEmpty(ids)) { // in条件 Criterion inCriterion ="id", ids); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(loginNameOrName)) { Criterion loginNameCriterion ="loginName", loginNameOrName, MatchMode.ANYWHERE); Criterion nameCriterion ="name", loginNameOrName, MatchMode.ANYWHERE); Criterion criterion1 = Restrictions.or(loginNameCriterion, nameCriterion); criterion = Restrictions.or(inCriterion, criterion1); } else { criterion = inCriterion; } // 合并查询条件 criterions = (Criterion[]) ArrayUtils.add(criterions, 0, criterion); } else { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(loginNameOrName)) { Criterion loginNameCriterion ="loginName", loginNameOrName, MatchMode.ANYWHERE); Criterion nameCriterion ="name", loginNameOrName, MatchMode.ANYWHERE); criterion = Restrictions.or(loginNameCriterion, nameCriterion); // 合并查询条件 criterions = (Criterion[]) ArrayUtils.add(criterions, 0, criterion); } } // 分页查询 Page<User> p = new Page<User>(rows); // 分页对象 p = userManager.findByCriteria(p, criterions); Datagrid<User> dg = new Datagrid<User>(p.getTotalCount(), p.getResult()); return dg; }
private List<ParentFolder> getParentFolders(String relativeParentPaths) { ArrayList<ParentFolder> list = new ArrayList<GenerateWebCatalogCommand.ParentFolder>(); String[] parentFolderPaths = StringUtils.split(relativeParentPaths, File.separator); parentFolderPaths = ArrayUtils.add(parentFolderPaths, 0, "Home"); for (int i = 0; i < parentFolderPaths.length - 1; i++) { list.add( new ParentFolder( parentFolderPaths[i], StringUtils.repeat("../", parentFolderPaths.length - i - 1))); } list.add(new ParentFolder(parentFolderPaths[parentFolderPaths.length - 1], ".")); return list; }
/** * returns a BCD byte array that specifies the length of the supplied value for a variable-width * field to the output stream * * @param vsize size of the variable width specifier (1, 2 or 3) * @param value the value to be stored in the field * @return field size as a byte array */ private byte[] getVarLengthSpecifier(final int vsize, final String value) { int length = value.length(); if (length % 2 != 0) { // is odd length++; } byte[] vspecifier = BCD.valueOf(length); if (vsize > 2 && vspecifier.length < 2) { // LLLVAR: needs filler to make 2-byte length specifier vspecifier = ArrayUtils.add(vspecifier, 0, (byte) 0); } return vspecifier; }
public static Question[] filterSupport(Question[] qs, boolean wiki, boolean nil, boolean payed) { int cnil = 0, cpayed = 0, cwiki = 0; BaseComparator comp = new ContainsComparator(); Question[] res = {}; for (int i = 0; i < qs.length; i++) { if (qs[i].getSupport().compareTo("NIL") == 0 || qs[i].getSupport().length() == 0) { cnil++; if (nil) res = ArrayUtils.add(res, qs[i]); // Utils.println("NIL:"+qs[i].getSupport()); } else if ([i].getSupport(), "html")) { cwiki++; if (wiki) res = ArrayUtils.add(res, qs[i]); } else { cpayed++; if (payed) res = ArrayUtils.add(res, qs[i]); } } // System.out.format("{wiki: %d, payed: %d, nil: %d}", cwiki, cpayed, cnil); return res; }
public static Question[] filterQType( Question[] qs, boolean factoid, boolean definition, boolean list) { int cfactoid = 0, cdefinition = 0, clist = 0; BaseComparator comp = new ContainsComparator(); Question[] res = {}; for (int i = 0; i < qs.length; i++) { if (qs[i].getQType().compareTo("FACTOID") == 0) { cfactoid++; if (factoid) res = ArrayUtils.add(res, qs[i]); // Utils.println("NIL:"+qs[i].getSupport()); } else if (qs[i].getQType().compareTo("LIST") == 0) { clist++; if (list) res = ArrayUtils.add(res, qs[i]); } else { cdefinition++; if (definition) res = ArrayUtils.add(res, qs[i]); } } // System.out.format("{list: %d, def: %d, fact: %d}", clist, cdefinition, cfactoid); return res; }
public QueryParams addParam(String name, String value) { String[] oldValues = params.get(name); String[] values; if (ArrayUtils.isNotEmpty(oldValues)) { values = ArrayUtils.add(oldValues, value); } else { values = new String[1]; values[0] = value; } params.put(name, values); return this; }
public static void main(String[] args) { // StringUtils print(StringUtils.abbreviate("javajava", 10)); print(StringUtils.repeat("java", 20)); print(StringUtils.leftPad("java", 10)); print(StringUtils.left("long-long-long-java-string", 10)); // ArrayUtils // Add element to an array int[] ids = new int[] {1, 3, 5, 7}; print(Arrays.toString(ArrayUtils.add(ids, 9))); // StringUtils // Get a string by joining all elements print(StringUtils.join("a", "b", "c")); }
public static void loadConfig() { dir = KFA.fileCopy(, "config.yml", false); kf = new ConfigFile(dir + File.separator + "config.yml"); long oldver = kf.getLong("version", 0L); if (oldver < 7L) { dir = KFA.fileCopy(, "config.yml", true); kf = new ConfigFile(dir + File.separator + "config.yml"); verchange = true; } else if (oldver == 7L) { kf.set("forcelangcopy", "+"); kf.set("version", "8"); verchange = false; } if (kf.getBoolean("forcelangcopy")) { KFA.lf.insert(new LangFile(KFA.getFileStream(, "lang.lng"))); kf.set("forcelangcopy", "-"); } kf.repair_missing = true; opperms = kf.getBoolean("permissions.op", true); dfcheck = kf.getBoolean("permissions.disableflagcheck", true); silktouch = kf.getBoolean("creatorblock.silktouch", true); ProtectionCore.movecheckrate = (int)kf.getLong("movecheckrate", 10L); try { String[] tool = (kf.get("tools.wand", "271") + ":0").split("\\:"); wandtool = KFA.srv.createItemStack(Integer.valueOf(tool[0]).intValue(), 1, Integer.valueOf(tool[1]).intValue()); tool = (kf.get("", "268") + ":0").split("\\:"); infotool = KFA.srv.createItemStack(Integer.valueOf(tool[0]).intValue(), 1, Integer.valueOf(tool[1]).intValue()); } catch (Throwable e) { System.out.println("[ProtectionCore] Error in configuration, the tools aren't defined properly"); e.printStackTrace(); } limits = new int[0]; for (String s : kf.get("regionlimits").split("\\ ")) { try { limits = ArrayUtils.add(limits, Integer.valueOf(s).intValue()); } catch (Throwable e) { System.out.println("[ProtectionCore] Error the limit \"" + s + "\" is not number!"); } }; }
@Transactional public void deleteInBatch(Iterable<M> entities) { Iterator iter = entities.iterator(); if ((entities == null) || (!iter.hasNext())) { return; } Serializable[] ids = null; while (iter.hasNext()) { try { ids = (Serializable[]) (Serializable[]) ArrayUtils.add(ids, BeanUtils.getProperty(, this.idName)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } delete(ids); }
@Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent arg0) { int loops = errListModel.getSize(); int skipped = 0; for (int j = 0; j <= loops; j++) { errorsList.setSelectedIndex(0 + skipped); if (correctionsListModel.getSize() > 0) { correctionsList.setSelectedIndex(0); // String correction = correctionsList.getSelectedValue(); String correction = correctionsListModel.getElementAt(0); // String error = errorsList.getSelectedValue(); String error = errListModel.getElementAt(0); char[] inputAsChars = text.getText().toCharArray(); int errIndex = getErrorIndex(error, inputAsChars); for (int i = 0; i < error.length(); i++) { inputAsChars = ArrayUtils.remove(inputAsChars, errIndex); } for (int i = 0; i < correction.length(); i++) { inputAsChars = ArrayUtils.add( inputAsChars, errIndex, correction.charAt(correction.length() - i - 1)); } // correctionsListModel.clear(); errListModel.clear(); correctionsListModel.clear(); text.setText(new String(inputAsChars)); correctionsList.setSelectedIndex(0); } else { skipped++; } errorsList.setSelectedIndex(0); } }
@Test public void testHas1Pin() { InputStream is = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/json_test/user_profile_json.txt"); Profile profile = JsonParser.parseProfile(is); DashBoard dash = profile.dashBoards[0]; dash.isActive = true; Button button = dash.getWidgetByType(Button.class); assertEquals(1,; assertEquals(PinType.DIGITAL, button.pinType); assertEquals("1", button.value); dash.update("dw 1 0".replaceAll(" ", StringUtils.BODY_SEPARATOR_STRING)); assertEquals("0", button.value); dash.update("aw 1 1".replaceAll(" ", StringUtils.BODY_SEPARATOR_STRING)); assertEquals("0", button.value); dash.update("dw 1 1".replaceAll(" ", StringUtils.BODY_SEPARATOR_STRING)); assertEquals("1", button.value); RGB rgb = new RGB(); rgb.pins = new Pin[3]; rgb.pins[0] = new Pin(); rgb.pins[0].pin = 0; rgb.pins[0].pinType = PinType.VIRTUAL; rgb.pins[1] = new Pin(); rgb.pins[1].pin = 1; rgb.pins[1].pinType = PinType.VIRTUAL; rgb.pins[2] = new Pin(); rgb.pins[2].pin = 2; rgb.pins[2].pinType = PinType.VIRTUAL; dash.widgets = ArrayUtils.add(dash.widgets, rgb); dash.update("vw 0 100".replaceAll(" ", StringUtils.BODY_SEPARATOR_STRING)); dash.update("vw 1 101".replaceAll(" ", StringUtils.BODY_SEPARATOR_STRING)); dash.update("vw 2 102".replaceAll(" ", StringUtils.BODY_SEPARATOR_STRING)); for (int i = 0; i < rgb.pins.length; i++) { assertEquals("10" + i, rgb.pins[i].value); } rgb = new RGB(); rgb.pins = new Pin[3]; rgb.pins[0] = new Pin(); rgb.pins[0].pin = 4; rgb.pins[0].pinType = PinType.VIRTUAL; rgb.pins[1] = new Pin(); rgb.pins[1].pin = 4; rgb.pins[1].pinType = PinType.VIRTUAL; rgb.pins[2] = new Pin(); rgb.pins[2].pin = 4; rgb.pins[2].pinType = PinType.VIRTUAL; dash.widgets = ArrayUtils.add(dash.widgets, rgb); dash.update("vw 4 100 101 102".replaceAll(" ", StringUtils.BODY_SEPARATOR_STRING)); assertEquals( "100 101 102".replaceAll(" ", StringUtils.BODY_SEPARATOR_STRING), rgb.pins[0].value); }
public static void registerKeyBinding(KeyBinding key) { Minecraft.getMinecraft().gameSettings.keyBindings = ArrayUtils.add(Minecraft.getMinecraft().gameSettings.keyBindings, key); }
/** * 處理確定加選學生選課內容之方法 * * @param mapping org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping object * @param form org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm object * @param request javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest object * @param response javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse object * @return org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward object * @exception java.lang.Exception */ public ActionForward add( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { CourseManager cm = (CourseManager) getBean(COURSE_MANAGER_BEAN_NAME); HttpSession session = request.getSession(false); DynaActionForm aForm = (DynaActionForm) form; Seld seld = processSeldByForm(aForm); session.setAttribute("seldInfoForOnline", seld); Dtime dtime = cm.findDtimeBy(seld.getDtimeOid()); ActionMessages messages = validateInputForUpdate(aForm, Toolket.getBundle(request)); if (!messages.isEmpty()) { saveErrors(request, messages); return mapping.findForward(IConstants.ACTION_MAIN_NAME); } else { try { // 會以紙本作業完成加選,無需考慮衝堂問題 // 選課人數上線於前端JavaScript判斷 // 跨選設定不允許須阻擋並顯示訊息 // 會顯示衝堂訊息 MemberManager mm = (MemberManager) getBean(MEMBER_MANAGER_BEAN_NAME); ScoreManager sm = (ScoreManager) getBean(IConstants.SCORE_MANAGER_BEAN_NAME); Student student = mm.findStudentByNo(seld.getStudentNo()); ScoreHist scoreHist = new ScoreHist(student.getStudentNo()); List<ScoreHist> scoreHistList = sm.findScoreHistBy(scoreHist); String[] cscodeHist = new String[0]; Float[] scoreList = new Float[0]; float passScore = Toolket.getPassScoreByDepartClass(student.getDepartClass()); for (ScoreHist hist : scoreHistList) { cscodeHist = (String[]) ArrayUtils.add(cscodeHist, hist.getCscode().toUpperCase()); // 抵免要給分數,不然就會被當做無修課記錄而被加選成功 if ("6".equals(hist.getEvgrType())) scoreList = (Float[]) ArrayUtils.add( scoreList, hist.getScore() != null ? hist.getScore() : passScore); else scoreList = (Float[]) ArrayUtils.add(scoreList, hist.getScore()); } int ind = 0, startIndex = 0; boolean isHist = false; do { ind = ArrayUtils.indexOf(cscodeHist, seld.getCscode().toUpperCase(), startIndex); startIndex = ind + 1; // 判斷是否選過且及格 isHist = ind != StringUtils.INDEX_NOT_FOUND && scoreList[ind] != null && scoreList[ind] >= passScore; } while (!isHist && ind != StringUtils.INDEX_NOT_FOUND); // 特殊班級(跨校生等)無條件加選 String[] specialDepartClass = {"1152A", "1220", "122A", "122B", "2220"}; String[] addGrade = {"42", "52"}; // 2技學生年級要+2 int stuGrade = ArrayUtils.contains(specialDepartClass, student.getDepartClass()) ? 9 : Integer.parseInt(StringUtils.substring(student.getDepartClass(), 4, 5)); stuGrade = ArrayUtils.contains(addGrade, StringUtils.substring(student.getDepartClass(), 1, 3)) ? stuGrade + 2 : stuGrade; int dtimeGrade = Integer.parseInt(StringUtils.substring(dtime.getDepartClass(), 4, 5)); if (isHist) { messages.add( ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("Course.errorN1", "歷年資料查詢到已修過該科目,請確認,謝謝!!")); saveErrors(request, messages); } else if (stuGrade >= dtimeGrade) { // 判斷學生年級與課程所開班級年級 cm.txAddSelectedSeld(seld, student, "1", true); String idno = getUserCredential(request.getSession(false)).getMember().getIdno(); cm.txSaveAdcdHistory(seld.getDtimeOid(), student.getStudentNo().toUpperCase(), idno, "A"); if (ind != StringUtils.INDEX_NOT_FOUND) messages.add( ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("Course.errorN1", "該科目於歷年資料有查詢到,但該科目未及格,所以加選成功。")); else messages.add( ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("Message.CreateSuccessful")); saveMessages(request, messages); } else { messages.add( ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage( "Course.messageN1", "注意:學生低修高年級課程,加選作業尚未完成!<br/>" + " 按下[再次確定]鍵後課程才會加入學生選課資料中。")); saveErrors(request, messages); setContentPage(request.getSession(false), "course/OnlineAddHigherCourse.jsp"); return mapping.findForward(IConstants.ACTION_MAIN_NAME); } Toolket.resetCheckboxCookie(response, SELD_LIST_NAME); return list(mapping, form, request, response); } catch (SeldException se) { ActionMessages errors = new ActionMessages(); errors.add( ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("Course.errorN1", se.getMessage())); saveErrors(request, errors); if (se.getMessage().indexOf("衝堂") != StringUtils.INDEX_NOT_FOUND) { // 目前會拒絕衝堂課程進行加選 dtime = cm.findDtimeBy(seld.getDtimeOid()); Csno csno = cm.findCourseInfoByCscode(dtime.getCscode()); request.setAttribute("csnoInfo", csno); request.setAttribute("classInfo", Toolket.getClassFullName(dtime.getDepartClass())); setContentPage(request.getSession(false), "course/ConflictList.jsp"); return list(mapping, form, request, response); } else return list(mapping, form, request, response); } } }
public String[] getResourceKeys() { return ArrayUtils.add(super.getResourceKeys(), EVENT_RESOURCE_KEY); }