コード例 #1
  protected Person addSorPersonAndLink(
      final ReconciliationCriteria reconciliationCriteria, final Person person)
      throws SorPersonAlreadyExistsException {
    final SorPerson sorPerson = reconciliationCriteria.getSorPerson();
    final SorPerson registrySorPerson =
        this.findByPersonIdAndSorIdentifier(person.getId(), sorPerson.getSourceSor());

    if (registrySorPerson != null) {
      // throw new IllegalStateException("Oops! An error occurred. A person already exists from this
      // SoR linked to this ID!");
      throw new SorPersonAlreadyExistsException(registrySorPerson);

    if (!StringUtils.hasText(sorPerson.getSorId())) {

    // Iterate over any sorRoles setting sorid and source id
    for (final SorRole sorRole : sorPerson.getRoles()) {
      setRoleIdAndSource(sorRole, sorPerson.getSourceSor());

    final SorPerson savedSorPerson = this.personRepository.saveSorPerson(sorPerson);

    // Create calculated roles.
    for (final SorRole newSorRole : savedSorPerson.getRoles()) {
      // let sor role elector decide if this new role can be converted to calculated one
      sorRoleElector.addSorRole(newSorRole, person);

    // loop through all identifiers to see if addition of this new sor person will have a new
    // identifier created at calculated level
    for (final IdentifierAssigner ia : this.identifierAssigners) {
      ia.addIdentifierTo(sorPerson, person);
    Person p = recalculatePersonBiodemInfo(person, savedSorPerson, RecalculationType.UPDATE, false);
    return this.personRepository.savePerson(p);