コード例 #1
 protected void loadStringTransformerFromXML(XMLConfiguration xml) throws IOException {
   setCaseSensitive(xml.getBoolean("[@caseSensitive]", false));
   setInclusive(xml.getBoolean("[@inclusive]", false));
   List<HierarchicalConfiguration> nodes = xml.configurationsAt("stripBetween");
   for (HierarchicalConfiguration node : nodes) {
     addStripEndpoints(node.getString("start", null), node.getString("end", null));
コード例 #2
ファイル: GenreXmlTools.java プロジェクト: deblockt/yamj-v3
  public void init() {
    String genreFileName = PropertyTools.getProperty("yamj3.genre.fileName");
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(genreFileName)) {
      LOG.trace("No valid genre file name configured");
    if (!StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(genreFileName, "xml")) {
      LOG.warn("Invalid genre file name specified: {}", genreFileName);

    File xmlFile;
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(FilenameUtils.getPrefix(genreFileName))) {
      // relative path given
      String path = System.getProperty("yamj3.home");
      if (StringUtils.isEmpty(path)) {
        path = ".";
      xmlFile = new File(FilenameUtils.concat(path, genreFileName));
    } else {
      // absolute path given
      xmlFile = new File(genreFileName);

    if (!xmlFile.exists() || !xmlFile.isFile()) {
      LOG.warn("Genres file does not exist: {}", xmlFile.getPath());
    if (!xmlFile.canRead()) {
      LOG.warn("Genres file not readble: {}", xmlFile.getPath());

    LOG.debug("Initialize genres from file: {}", xmlFile.getPath());

    try {
      XMLConfiguration c = new XMLConfiguration(xmlFile);

      List<HierarchicalConfiguration> genres = c.configurationsAt("genre");
      for (HierarchicalConfiguration genre : genres) {
        String masterGenre = genre.getString("[@name]");
        List<Object> subGenres = genre.getList("subgenre");
        for (Object subGenre : subGenres) {
          LOG.debug("New genre added to map: {} -> {}", subGenre, masterGenre);
          GENRES_MAP.put(((String) subGenre).toLowerCase(), masterGenre);

      try {
      } catch (Exception ex) {
        LOG.warn("Failed update genres xml in database", ex);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      LOG.error("Failed parsing genre input file: " + xmlFile.getPath(), ex);
コード例 #3
ファイル: g.java プロジェクト: jiaozhujun/c3f
 public static boolean loadConfig(String configFilePath) {
   String tmp = System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase();
   if (tmp.startsWith("windows")) {
     g.os = g.OS_WINDOWS;
   } else if (tmp.startsWith("linux")) {
     g.os = g.OS_LINUX;
   } else {
     g.os = g.OS_OTHER;
   tmp = System.getProperty("sun.arch.data.model");
   if (tmp.equals("64")) {
     g.arch = g.ARCH_64;
   } else {
     g.arch = g.ARCH_32;
   try {
     if (configFilePath == null) {
       config = new XMLConfiguration(configPath + "config.xml");
     } else {
       config = new XMLConfiguration(configFilePath);
     dbConfig = config.getString("db", "").toLowerCase();
     siteUrl = config.getString("serverInfo.siteUrl");
     siteName = config.getString("serverInfo.siteName");
     uploadTemp = rootPath + config.getString("serverInfo.uploadTemp");
     uploadSizeMax = config.getLong("serverInfo.uploadSizeMax", 0);
     sessionExpiredTime = config.getInt("serverInfo.sessionExpiredTime", 0);
     sessionIdName = config.getString("serverInfo.sessionIdName", "ycsid");
     String _s = g.getConfig().getString("startup");
     if ("".equals(_s)) {
       startup = null;
     } else {
       _s = _s.replaceAll("\\s", "");
       startup = _s.split(";");
     _s = null;
     // 加载全局参数
     List<HierarchicalConfiguration> fields = config.configurationsAt("globalVars.var");
     if (fields != null && fields.size() > 0) {
       vars = new String[fields.size()][2];
       HierarchicalConfiguration sub;
       for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) {
         sub = fields.get(i);
         vars[i][0] = sub.getString("[@name]");
         vars[i][1] = sub.getString("[@value]");
       sub = null;
     return true;
   } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
     return false;
コード例 #4
ファイル: XsltTransformMap.java プロジェクト: opf-attic/ref
  public static Hashtable getMap(String config) throws FitsConfigurationException {
    Hashtable mappings = new Hashtable();
    XMLConfiguration conf = null;
    try {
      conf = new XMLConfiguration(config);
    } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
      throw new FitsConfigurationException("Error reading " + config + "fits.xml", e);

    List fields = conf.configurationsAt("map");
    for (Iterator it = fields.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
      HierarchicalConfiguration sub = (HierarchicalConfiguration) it.next();
      // sub contains now all data about a single field
      String format = sub.getString("[@format]");
      String transform = sub.getString("[@transform]");
      mappings.put(format, transform);
    return mappings;
コード例 #5
  public static DefaultEngineConfig create() {
    DefaultEngineConfig conf = new DefaultEngineConfig();
    String path = Utils.getConfigDir() + Constants.HDATA_XML;

    try {
      XMLConfiguration config = new XMLConfiguration(path);

      List<HierarchicalConfiguration> properties = config.configurationsAt(".property");
      for (HierarchicalConfiguration hc : properties) {
        String name = hc.getString("name");
        String value = hc.getString("value");
        conf.setProperty(name, value);
    } catch (ConfigurationException e) {

    return conf;
コード例 #6
 public void loadFromXML(Reader in) throws IOException {
   try {
     XMLConfiguration xml = ConfigurationUtil.newXMLConfiguration(in);
     defaultDelay = xml.getLong("[@default]", defaultDelay);
     ignoreRobotsCrawlDelay = xml.getBoolean("[@ignoreRobotsCrawlDelay]", ignoreRobotsCrawlDelay);
     scope = xml.getString("[@scope]", SCOPE_CRAWLER);
     List<HierarchicalConfiguration> nodes = xml.configurationsAt("schedule");
     for (HierarchicalConfiguration node : nodes) {
           new DelaySchedule(
               node.getString("[@dayOfWeek]", null),
               node.getString("[@dayOfMonth]", null),
               node.getString("[@time]", null),
               node.getLong("", DEFAULT_DELAY)));
   } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
     throw new IOException("Cannot load XML.", e);
コード例 #7
ファイル: JaxwsModule.java プロジェクト: stoicflame/enunciate
  public void call(EnunciateContext context) {
    jaxwsContext =
        new EnunciateJaxwsContext(this.jaxbModule.getJaxbContext(), isUseSourceParameterNames());
    boolean aggressiveWebMethodExcludePolicy = isAggressiveWebMethodExcludePolicy();

    Map<String, String> eiPaths = new HashMap<String, String>();
    File sunJaxwsXmlFile = getSunJaxwsXmlFile();
    if (sunJaxwsXmlFile != null) {
      XMLConfiguration config;
      try {
        config = new XMLConfiguration(sunJaxwsXmlFile);
      } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
        throw new EnunciateException(e);

      List<HierarchicalConfiguration> endpoints = config.configurationsAt("endpoint");
      for (HierarchicalConfiguration endpoint : endpoints) {
        String impl = endpoint.getString("[@implementation]", null);
        String urlPattern = endpoint.getString("[@url-pattern]", null);
        if (impl != null && urlPattern != null) {
          eiPaths.put(impl, urlPattern);

    DataTypeDetectionStrategy detectionStrategy = getDataTypeDetectionStrategy();
    if (detectionStrategy != DataTypeDetectionStrategy.passive) {
      Set<? extends Element> elements =
          detectionStrategy == DataTypeDetectionStrategy.local
              ? context.getLocalApiElements()
              : context.getApiElements();
      for (Element declaration : elements) {
        if (declaration instanceof TypeElement) {
          TypeElement element = (TypeElement) declaration;

          XmlRegistry registryMetadata = declaration.getAnnotation(XmlRegistry.class);
          if (registryMetadata != null) {
            this.jaxbModule.addPotentialJaxbElement(element, new LinkedList<Element>());

          if (isEndpointInterface(element)) {
            EndpointInterface ei =
                new EndpointInterface(
                    element, elements, aggressiveWebMethodExcludePolicy, jaxwsContext);
            for (EndpointImplementation implementation : ei.getEndpointImplementations()) {
              String urlPattern = eiPaths.get(implementation.getQualifiedName().toString());
              if (urlPattern != null) {
                if (!urlPattern.startsWith("/")) {
                  urlPattern = "/" + urlPattern;

                if (urlPattern.endsWith("/*")) {
                  urlPattern =
                      urlPattern.substring(0, urlPattern.length() - 2) + ei.getServiceName();


    if (jaxwsContext.getEndpointInterfaces().size() > 0) {
      if (!this.apiRegistry.getSyntaxes().contains(jaxwsContext.getJaxbContext())) {
コード例 #8
  public void processQueries(String instanceName, String xmlFile) {

    XMLConfiguration config = null;
    /** clear'em out */
    if (collectionQueries.get(instanceName) != null) {
    if (relationshipQueries.get(instanceName) != null) {

    if (jdbcDriver != null) {
      jdbcDriver = null;

    if (validationQuery != null) {
      validationQuery = null;

    if (url != null) {
      url = null;

    try {
       * use strange ethiopic unicode character so that it never delimits the properties
       * <p>This is a workaround becuase config.setDelimiterParsingDisabled(true) doesn't disable
       * parsing
      config = new XMLConfiguration(xmlFile);
      Map<String, String> instanceCollectionQueryMap = new TreeMap<String, String>();
      Map<String, String> instanceRelationshipQueryMap = new TreeMap<String, String>();
      Map<String, String> instanceAttributeQueryMap = new TreeMap<String, String>();

      List<HierarchicalConfiguration> params = config.configurationsAt("configuration");
      for (HierarchicalConfiguration param : params) {
        this.jdbcDriver = param.getString("driver");
        this.validationQuery = param.getString("validationquery");
        this.url = param.getString("url");
        this.cycleTimeOffset = param.getInt("cycletimeoffset");
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
          log.debug("jdbcDriver:" + param.getString("driver"));
          log.debug("validationQuery:" + param.getString("validationquery"));
          log.debug("url:" + param.getString("url"));
          log.debug("cycleTimeOffset:" + param.getInt("cycletimeoffset"));

      List<HierarchicalConfiguration> queries = config.configurationsAt("queries.query");
      for (HierarchicalConfiguration sub : queries) {
        String name = sub.getString("name");
        String type = sub.getString("type");
        String sql = sub.getString("sql");

        if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("collection")) {
          instanceCollectionQueryMap.put(name, sql);
        } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("relationship")) {
          instanceRelationshipQueryMap.put(name, sql);
        } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("attribute")) {
          instanceAttributeQueryMap.put(name, sql);

      collectionQueries.put(instanceName, instanceCollectionQueryMap);
      relationshipQueries.put(instanceName, instanceRelationshipQueryMap);
      attributeQueries.put(instanceName, instanceAttributeQueryMap);

    } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
コード例 #9
ファイル: VrpXMLReader.java プロジェクト: heerad/jsprit
  private void readVehiclesAndTheirTypes(XMLConfiguration vrpProblem) {

    // read vehicle-types
    Map<String, VehicleType> types = new HashMap<String, VehicleType>();
    List<HierarchicalConfiguration> typeConfigs = vrpProblem.configurationsAt("vehicleTypes.type");
    for (HierarchicalConfiguration typeConfig : typeConfigs) {
      String typeId = typeConfig.getString("id");
      if (typeId == null) throw new IllegalStateException("typeId is missing.");

      String capacityString = typeConfig.getString("capacity");
      boolean capacityDimensionsExist = typeConfig.containsKey("capacity-dimensions.dimension(0)");
      if (capacityString == null && !capacityDimensionsExist) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("capacity of type is not set. use 'capacity-dimensions'");
      if (capacityString != null && capacityDimensionsExist) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
            "either use capacity or capacity-dimension, not both. prefer the use of 'capacity-dimensions' over 'capacity'.");

      VehicleTypeImpl.Builder typeBuilder;
      if (capacityString != null) {
        typeBuilder =
                .addCapacityDimension(0, Integer.parseInt(capacityString));
      } else {
        typeBuilder = VehicleTypeImpl.Builder.newInstance(typeId);
        List<HierarchicalConfiguration> dimensionConfigs =
        for (HierarchicalConfiguration dimension : dimensionConfigs) {
          Integer index = dimension.getInt("[@index]");
          Integer value = dimension.getInt("");
          typeBuilder.addCapacityDimension(index, value);
      Double fix = typeConfig.getDouble("costs.fixed");
      Double timeC = typeConfig.getDouble("costs.time");
      Double distC = typeConfig.getDouble("costs.distance");

      if (fix != null) typeBuilder.setFixedCost(fix);
      if (timeC != null) typeBuilder.setCostPerTime(timeC);
      if (distC != null) typeBuilder.setCostPerDistance(distC);
      VehicleType type = typeBuilder.build();
      String id = type.getTypeId();
      String penalty = typeConfig.getString("[@type]");
      if (penalty != null) {
        if (penalty.equals("penalty")) {
          String penaltyFactor = typeConfig.getString("[@penaltyFactor]");
          if (penaltyFactor != null) {
            type = new PenaltyVehicleType(type, Double.parseDouble(penaltyFactor));
          } else type = new PenaltyVehicleType(type);
          id = id + "_penalty";

      types.put(id, type);

    // read vehicles
    List<HierarchicalConfiguration> vehicleConfigs =
    boolean doNotWarnAgain = false;
    for (HierarchicalConfiguration vehicleConfig : vehicleConfigs) {
      String vehicleId = vehicleConfig.getString("id");
      if (vehicleId == null) throw new IllegalStateException("vehicleId is missing.");
      Builder builder = VehicleImpl.Builder.newInstance(vehicleId);
      String typeId = vehicleConfig.getString("typeId");
      if (typeId == null) throw new IllegalStateException("typeId is missing.");
      String vType = vehicleConfig.getString("[@type]");
      if (vType != null) {
        if (vType.equals("penalty")) {
          typeId += "_penalty";
      VehicleType type = types.get(typeId);
      if (type == null)
        throw new IllegalStateException("vehicleType with typeId " + typeId + " is missing.");
      String locationId = vehicleConfig.getString("location.id");
      if (locationId == null) {
        locationId = vehicleConfig.getString("startLocation.id");
      if (locationId == null) throw new IllegalStateException("location.id is missing.");
      String coordX = vehicleConfig.getString("location.coord[@x]");
      String coordY = vehicleConfig.getString("location.coord[@y]");
      if (coordX == null || coordY == null) {
        coordX = vehicleConfig.getString("startLocation.coord[@x]");
        coordY = vehicleConfig.getString("startLocation.coord[@y]");
      if (coordX == null || coordY == null) {
        if (!doNotWarnAgain) {
          logger.warn("location.coord is missing. will not warn you again.");
          doNotWarnAgain = true;
      } else {
        Coordinate coordinate =
            Coordinate.newInstance(Double.parseDouble(coordX), Double.parseDouble(coordY));

      String endLocationId = vehicleConfig.getString("endLocation.id");
      if (endLocationId != null) builder.setEndLocationId(endLocationId);
      String endCoordX = vehicleConfig.getString("endLocation.coord[@x]");
      String endCoordY = vehicleConfig.getString("endLocation.coord[@y]");
      if (endCoordX == null || endCoordY == null) {
        if (!doNotWarnAgain) {
          logger.warn("endLocation.coord is missing. will not warn you again.");
          doNotWarnAgain = true;
      } else {
        Coordinate coordinate =
            Coordinate.newInstance(Double.parseDouble(endCoordX), Double.parseDouble(endCoordY));

      String start = vehicleConfig.getString("timeSchedule.start");
      String end = vehicleConfig.getString("timeSchedule.end");
      if (start != null) builder.setEarliestStart(Double.parseDouble(start));
      if (end != null) builder.setLatestArrival(Double.parseDouble(end));
      String returnToDepot = vehicleConfig.getString("returnToDepot");
      if (returnToDepot != null) {
      VehicleImpl vehicle = builder.build();
      vehicleMap.put(vehicleId, vehicle);
コード例 #10
ファイル: VrpXMLReader.java プロジェクト: heerad/jsprit
  private void readServices(XMLConfiguration vrpProblem) {
    List<HierarchicalConfiguration> serviceConfigs =
    for (HierarchicalConfiguration serviceConfig : serviceConfigs) {
      String id = serviceConfig.getString("[@id]");
      if (id == null) throw new IllegalStateException("service[@id] is missing.");
      String type = serviceConfig.getString("[@type]");
      if (type == null) type = "service";

      String capacityString = serviceConfig.getString("capacity-demand");
      boolean capacityDimensionsExist =
      if (capacityString == null && !capacityDimensionsExist) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
            "capacity of service is not set. use 'capacity-dimensions'");
      if (capacityString != null && capacityDimensionsExist) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
            "either use capacity or capacity-dimension, not both. prefer the use of 'capacity-dimensions' over 'capacity'.");

      Service.Builder builder;
      if (capacityString != null) {
        builder = serviceBuilderFactory.createBuilder(type, id, Integer.parseInt(capacityString));
      } else {
        builder = serviceBuilderFactory.createBuilder(type, id, null);
        List<HierarchicalConfiguration> dimensionConfigs =
        for (HierarchicalConfiguration dimension : dimensionConfigs) {
          Integer index = dimension.getInt("[@index]");
          Integer value = dimension.getInt("");
          builder.addSizeDimension(index, value);
      String serviceLocationId = serviceConfig.getString("locationId");
      if (serviceLocationId != null) builder.setLocationId(serviceLocationId);
      Coordinate serviceCoord = getCoord(serviceConfig, "");
      if (serviceCoord != null) {
        if (serviceLocationId != null) {
          //					vrpBuilder.addLocation(serviceLocationId,serviceCoord);
        } else {
          //					vrpBuilder.addLocation(serviceCoord.toString(),serviceCoord);
      if (serviceConfig.containsKey("duration")) {
      List<HierarchicalConfiguration> deliveryTWConfigs =
      if (!deliveryTWConfigs.isEmpty()) {
        for (HierarchicalConfiguration twConfig : deliveryTWConfigs) {
              TimeWindow.newInstance(twConfig.getDouble("start"), twConfig.getDouble("end")));
      Service service = builder.build();
      serviceMap.put(service.getId(), service);
      //			vrpBuilder.addJob(service);

コード例 #11
ファイル: VrpXMLReader.java プロジェクト: heerad/jsprit
  private void readShipments(XMLConfiguration config) {
    List<HierarchicalConfiguration> shipmentConfigs = config.configurationsAt("shipments.shipment");
    for (HierarchicalConfiguration shipmentConfig : shipmentConfigs) {
      String id = shipmentConfig.getString("[@id]");
      if (id == null) throw new IllegalStateException("shipment[@id] is missing.");

      String capacityString = shipmentConfig.getString("capacity-demand");
      boolean capacityDimensionsExist =
      if (capacityString == null && !capacityDimensionsExist) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
            "capacity of shipment is not set. use 'capacity-dimensions'");
      if (capacityString != null && capacityDimensionsExist) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
            "either use capacity or capacity-dimension, not both. prefer the use of 'capacity-dimensions' over 'capacity'.");

      Shipment.Builder builder;
      if (capacityString != null) {
        builder =
            Shipment.Builder.newInstance(id).addSizeDimension(0, Integer.parseInt(capacityString));
      } else {
        builder = Shipment.Builder.newInstance(id);
        List<HierarchicalConfiguration> dimensionConfigs =
        for (HierarchicalConfiguration dimension : dimensionConfigs) {
          Integer index = dimension.getInt("[@index]");
          Integer value = dimension.getInt("");
          builder.addSizeDimension(index, value);

      // pickup-locationId
      String pickupLocationId = shipmentConfig.getString("pickup.locationId");
      if (pickupLocationId != null) {

      // pickup-coord
      Coordinate pickupCoord = getCoord(shipmentConfig, "pickup.");
      if (pickupCoord != null) {
        if (pickupLocationId != null) {
          //					vrpBuilder.addLocation(pickupLocationId,pickupCoord);
        } else {
          //					vrpBuilder.addLocation(pickupCoord.toString(),pickupCoord);
      // pickup-serviceTime
      String pickupServiceTime = shipmentConfig.getString("pickup.duration");
      if (pickupServiceTime != null)

      // pickup-tw
      String pickupTWStart = shipmentConfig.getString("pickup.timeWindows.timeWindow(0).start");
      String pickupTWEnd = shipmentConfig.getString("pickup.timeWindows.timeWindow(0).end");
      if (pickupTWStart != null && pickupTWEnd != null) {
        TimeWindow pickupTW =
                Double.parseDouble(pickupTWStart), Double.parseDouble(pickupTWEnd));

      // delivery-locationId
      String deliveryLocationId = shipmentConfig.getString("delivery.locationId");
      if (deliveryLocationId != null) {

      // delivery-coord
      Coordinate deliveryCoord = getCoord(shipmentConfig, "delivery.");
      if (deliveryCoord != null) {
        if (deliveryLocationId != null) {
          //					vrpBuilder.addLocation(deliveryLocationId,deliveryCoord);
        } else {
          //					vrpBuilder.addLocation(deliveryCoord.toString(),deliveryCoord);
      // delivery-serviceTime
      String deliveryServiceTime = shipmentConfig.getString("delivery.duration");
      if (deliveryServiceTime != null)

      // delivery-tw
      String delTWStart = shipmentConfig.getString("delivery.timeWindows.timeWindow(0).start");
      String delTWEnd = shipmentConfig.getString("delivery.timeWindows.timeWindow(0).end");
      if (delTWStart != null && delTWEnd != null) {
        TimeWindow delTW =
            TimeWindow.newInstance(Double.parseDouble(delTWStart), Double.parseDouble(delTWEnd));

      Shipment shipment = builder.build();
      //			vrpBuilder.addJob(shipment);
      shipmentMap.put(shipment.getId(), shipment);
コード例 #12
ファイル: VrpXMLReader.java プロジェクト: heerad/jsprit
  private void readSolutions(XMLConfiguration vrpProblem) {
    if (solutions == null) return;
    List<HierarchicalConfiguration> solutionConfigs =
    for (HierarchicalConfiguration solutionConfig : solutionConfigs) {
      String totalCost = solutionConfig.getString("cost");
      double cost = -1;
      if (totalCost != null) cost = Double.parseDouble(totalCost);
      List<HierarchicalConfiguration> routeConfigs =
      List<VehicleRoute> routes = new ArrayList<VehicleRoute>();
      for (HierarchicalConfiguration routeConfig : routeConfigs) {
        // ! here, driverId is set to noDriver, no matter whats in driverId.
        Driver driver = DriverImpl.noDriver();
        String vehicleId = routeConfig.getString("vehicleId");
        Vehicle vehicle = getVehicle(vehicleId);
        if (vehicle == null) throw new IllegalStateException("vehicle is missing.");
        String start = routeConfig.getString("start");
        if (start == null) throw new IllegalStateException("route start-time is missing.");
        double departureTime = Double.parseDouble(start);

        String end = routeConfig.getString("end");
        if (end == null) throw new IllegalStateException("route end-time is missing.");

        VehicleRoute.Builder routeBuilder = VehicleRoute.Builder.newInstance(vehicle, driver);
        List<HierarchicalConfiguration> actConfigs = routeConfig.configurationsAt("act");
        for (HierarchicalConfiguration actConfig : actConfigs) {
          String type = actConfig.getString("[@type]");
          if (type == null) throw new IllegalStateException("act[@type] is missing.");
          double arrTime = 0.;
          double endTime = 0.;
          String arrTimeS = actConfig.getString("arrTime");
          if (arrTimeS != null) arrTime = Double.parseDouble(arrTimeS);
          String endTimeS = actConfig.getString("endTime");
          if (endTimeS != null) endTime = Double.parseDouble(endTimeS);

          String serviceId = actConfig.getString("serviceId");
          if (serviceId != null) {
            Service service = getService(serviceId);
            routeBuilder.addService(service, arrTime, endTime);
          } else {
            String shipmentId = actConfig.getString("shipmentId");
            if (shipmentId == null)
              throw new IllegalStateException("either serviceId or shipmentId is missing");
            Shipment shipment = getShipment(shipmentId);
            if (shipment == null)
              throw new IllegalStateException(
                  "shipment with id " + shipmentId + " does not exist.");
            if (type.equals("pickupShipment")) {
              routeBuilder.addPickup(shipment, arrTime, endTime);
            } else if (type.equals("deliverShipment")) {
              routeBuilder.addDelivery(shipment, arrTime, endTime);
            } else
              throw new IllegalStateException(
                  "type "
                      + type
                      + " is not supported. Use 'pickupShipment' or 'deliverShipment' here");
      VehicleRoutingProblemSolution solution = new VehicleRoutingProblemSolution(routes, cost);
コード例 #13
ファイル: VrpXMLReader.java プロジェクト: heerad/jsprit
  private void readInitialRoutes(XMLConfiguration xmlConfig) {
    List<HierarchicalConfiguration> initialRouteConfigs =
    for (HierarchicalConfiguration routeConfig : initialRouteConfigs) {
      Driver driver = DriverImpl.noDriver();
      String vehicleId = routeConfig.getString("vehicleId");
      Vehicle vehicle = getVehicle(vehicleId);
      if (vehicle == null) throw new IllegalStateException("vehicle is missing.");
      String start = routeConfig.getString("start");
      if (start == null) throw new IllegalStateException("route start-time is missing.");
      double departureTime = Double.parseDouble(start);

      VehicleRoute.Builder routeBuilder = VehicleRoute.Builder.newInstance(vehicle, driver);

      List<HierarchicalConfiguration> actConfigs = routeConfig.configurationsAt("act");
      for (HierarchicalConfiguration actConfig : actConfigs) {
        String type = actConfig.getString("[@type]");
        if (type == null) throw new IllegalStateException("act[@type] is missing.");
        double arrTime = 0.;
        double endTime = 0.;
        String arrTimeS = actConfig.getString("arrTime");
        if (arrTimeS != null) arrTime = Double.parseDouble(arrTimeS);
        String endTimeS = actConfig.getString("endTime");
        if (endTimeS != null) endTime = Double.parseDouble(endTimeS);

        String serviceId = actConfig.getString("serviceId");
        if (serviceId != null) {
          Service service = getService(serviceId);
          if (service == null)
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                "service to serviceId "
                    + serviceId
                    + " is missing (reference in one of your initial routes). make sure you define the service you refer to here in <services> </services>.");
          // !!!since job is part of initial route, it does not belong to jobs in problem, i.e.
          // variable jobs that can be assigned/scheduled
          routeBuilder.addService(service, arrTime, endTime);
        } else {
          String shipmentId = actConfig.getString("shipmentId");
          if (shipmentId == null)
            throw new IllegalStateException("either serviceId or shipmentId is missing");
          Shipment shipment = getShipment(shipmentId);
          if (shipment == null)
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                "shipment to shipmentId "
                    + shipmentId
                    + " is missing (reference in one of your initial routes). make sure you define the shipment you refer to here in <shipments> </shipments>.");
          if (type.equals("pickupShipment")) {
            routeBuilder.addPickup(shipment, arrTime, endTime);
          } else if (type.equals("deliverShipment")) {
            routeBuilder.addDelivery(shipment, arrTime, endTime);
          } else
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                "type "
                    + type
                    + " is not supported. Use 'pickupShipment' or 'deliverShipment' here");
      VehicleRoute route = routeBuilder.build();