protected void createParent(int start, int level, ArrayList<String> queue) { for (int i = start; i <= level; i++) { int size = (int) Math.pow(2, i); for (int j = 1; j <= size; j += 2) { String parent = queue.remove(0); graph.addEdge(edgeFactory.create(), parent, "V" + i + j); queue.add("V" + i + j); graph.addEdge(edgeFactory.create(), parent, "V" + i + (j + 1)); queue.add("V" + i + (j + 1)); } } }
/** Creates a list of size {@code length}, which elements are created by a factory */ public static <T> List<T> fromFactory(int size, Factory<T> factory) { List<T> list = new ArrayList<T>(size); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { list.add(factory.create()); } return list; }
protected void createLeaf(int level, ArrayList<String> queue) { mlc.concor(level, 50); int sig; for (int i = 0; i < Matrix[0].length; i++) { sig = mlc.signature(i); if (sig == -1) { System.err.println("illegal label " + i); continue; } sig = sig >> (mlc.maxEff - level); graph.addEdge(edgeFactory.create(), queue.get(sig), mlc.label(i)); } }
/** @see edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.generators.GraphGenerator#create() */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Graph<V, E> create() { int vertex_count = row_count * col_count; Graph<V, E> graph = graph_factory.create(); v_array = new ArrayList<V>(vertex_count); for (int i = 0; i < vertex_count; i++) { V v = vertex_factory.create(); graph.addVertex(v); v_array.add(i, v); } int start = is_toroidal ? 0 : 1; int end_row = is_toroidal ? row_count : row_count - 1; int end_col = is_toroidal ? col_count : col_count - 1; // fill in edges // down for (int i = 0; i < end_row; i++) for (int j = 0; j < col_count; j++) graph.addEdge(edge_factory.create(), getVertex(i, j), getVertex(i + 1, j)); // right for (int i = 0; i < row_count; i++) for (int j = 0; j < end_col; j++) graph.addEdge(edge_factory.create(), getVertex(i, j), getVertex(i, j + 1)); // if the graph is directed, fill in the edges going the other direction... if (graph.getDefaultEdgeType() == EdgeType.DIRECTED) { // up for (int i = start; i < row_count; i++) for (int j = 0; j < col_count; j++) graph.addEdge(edge_factory.create(), getVertex(i, j), getVertex(i - 1, j)); // left for (int i = 0; i < row_count; i++) for (int j = start; j < col_count; j++) graph.addEdge(edge_factory.create(), getVertex(i, j), getVertex(i, j - 1)); } return graph; }
private void addTree( DirectedOrderedSparseMultigraph<String, String> treeGraph, Tree node, String parentName) { Iterator<Edge> e = node.childIterator(); double edgeWeightSum = 0.0d; while (e.hasNext()) { Edge edge =; Tree child = edge.getChild(); edgeWeightSum += child.getSubtreeFrequencySum(); } e = node.childIterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { Edge edge =; Tree child = edge.getChild(); SplitCondition condition = edge.getCondition(); String childName = vertexFactory.create(); String edgeName = edgeFactory.create(); vertexMap.put(childName, child); edgeMap.put(edgeName, condition); edgeStrengthMap.put(edgeName, child.getSubtreeFrequencySum() / edgeWeightSum); treeGraph.addEdge(edgeName, parentName, childName); addTree(treeGraph, child, childName); } }
private void addRuleNodes(boolean[] filter) { Iterator<String> e = edgeList.iterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { graph.removeEdge(; } Iterator<String> n = nodeList.iterator(); while (n.hasNext()) { graph.removeVertex(; } edgeList.clear(); nodeList.clear(); toolTipInfos.clear(); asPremise.clear(); asConclusion.clear(); int ruleIndex = 1; for (int r = 0; r < rules.getNumberOfRules(); r++) { if (filter[r]) { AssociationRule rule = rules.getRule(r); // define conjunction node String conjunctionNode = "Rule " + ruleIndex + " (" + Tools.formatNumber(rule.getTotalSupport()) + " / " + Tools.formatNumber(rule.getConfidence()) + ")"; toolTipInfos.put( conjunctionNode, "<html><b>Rule " + ruleIndex + "</b><br>" + SwingTools.addLinebreaks( rule.toPremiseString() + " --> " + rule.toConclusionString()) + "<br><b>Support:</b> " + rule.getTotalSupport() + "<br><b>Confidence:</b> " + rule.getConfidence() + "<br><b>Lift:</b> " + rule.getLift() + "<br><b>Gain:</b> " + rule.getGain() + "<br><b>Conviction:</b> " + rule.getConviction() + "<br><b>Laplace:</b> " + rule.getLaplace() + "<br><b>Ps:</b> " + rule.getPs() + "</html>"); nodeList.add(conjunctionNode); // add premise nodes Iterator<Item> p = rule.getPremiseItems(); while (p.hasNext()) { Item premiseItem =; String edgeId = edgeFactory.create(); edgeList.add(edgeId); nodeList.add(premiseItem.toString()); graph.addEdge(edgeId, premiseItem.toString(), conjunctionNode); List<String> premiseList = asPremise.get(premiseItem.toString()); if (premiseList == null) { premiseList = new LinkedList<String>(); asPremise.put(premiseItem.toString(), premiseList); } premiseList.add("Rule " + ruleIndex); } // add conclusion nodes Iterator<Item> c = rule.getConclusionItems(); while (c.hasNext()) { Item conclusionItem =; String edgeId = edgeFactory.create(); edgeList.add(edgeId); nodeList.add(conclusionItem.toString()); graph.addEdge(edgeId, conjunctionNode, conclusionItem.toString()); List<String> conclusionList = asConclusion.get(conclusionItem.toString()); if (conclusionList == null) { conclusionList = new LinkedList<String>(); asConclusion.put(conclusionItem.toString(), conclusionList); } conclusionList.add("Rule " + ruleIndex); } } ruleIndex++; } }
private void addEdges() { // remove old edges if available Iterator<String> e = edgeLabelMap.keySet().iterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { graph.removeEdge(; } edgeLabelMap.clear(); boolean isDistance = measure.isDistance(); Attribute id = exampleSet.getAttributes().getId(); List<SortableEdge> sortableEdges = new LinkedList<SortableEdge>(); for (int i = 0; i < exampleSet.size(); i++) { Example example = exampleSet.getExample(i); for (int j = i + 1; j < exampleSet.size(); j++) { Example comExample = exampleSet.getExample(j); if (isDistance) sortableEdges.add( new SortableEdge( example.getValueAsString(id), comExample.getValueAsString(id), null, measure.calculateDistance(example, comExample), SortableEdge.DIRECTION_INCREASE)); else sortableEdges.add( new SortableEdge( example.getValueAsString(id), comExample.getValueAsString(id), null, measure.calculateSimilarity(example, comExample), SortableEdge.DIRECTION_DECREASE)); } } Collections.sort(sortableEdges); int numberOfEdges = distanceSlider.getValue(); int counter = 0; double minStrength = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; double maxStrength = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; Map<String, Double> strengthMap = new HashMap<String, Double>(); for (SortableEdge sortableEdge : sortableEdges) { if (counter > numberOfEdges) break; String idString = edgeFactory.create(); graph.addEdge( idString, sortableEdge.getFirstVertex(), sortableEdge.getSecondVertex(), EdgeType.UNDIRECTED); edgeLabelMap.put(idString, Tools.formatIntegerIfPossible(sortableEdge.getEdgeValue())); double strength = sortableEdge.getEdgeValue(); minStrength = Math.min(minStrength, strength); maxStrength = Math.max(maxStrength, strength); strengthMap.put(idString, strength); counter++; } for (Entry<String, Double> entry : strengthMap.entrySet()) { edgeStrengthMap.put( entry.getKey(), (entry.getValue() - minStrength) / (maxStrength - minStrength)); } }
public ObservableGraph create() { ObservableGraph g = gf.create(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { g.addVertex(vf.create()); } // get k withing reasonable limits k = Math.min(k, n / 2); Random r = new Random(); // create the initial ring lattice Object[] v = g.getVertices().toArray(); for (int i = 0; i < v.length; i++) { // for each vertex // connect to 2k adjacent vertices for (int j = 1; j <= k; j++) { int left = Math.abs((i + n - j) % n); // index of the left neighbour of i, j units away from it int right = Math.abs((i + j) % n); // same for the right if (!g.isNeighbor(v[i], v[left])) { // make an ordinary left connection g.addEdge(ef.create(), v[i], v[left]); } if (!g.isNeighbor(v[i], v[right])) { // same for the right connection g.addEdge(ef.create(), v[i], v[right]); } } } // rewire HashMap<Object, Pair> edgesCopy = new HashMap<Object, Pair>(); // edges against their endpoints for (Object e : g.getEdges()) { // copy old vertices from the graph edgesCopy.put(e, g.getEndpoints(e)); // g.removeEdge(e); } for (Object e : edgesCopy.keySet()) { // change the SECOND endpoint of an edge probabilistically if (r.nextDouble() < p) { // rewire the left connection Object first = g.getEndpoints(e).getFirst(); // Object second = g.getEndpoints(e).getSecond(); if (g.outDegree(first) < n - 1) { // only rewire if the graph is not already complete int pos = r.nextInt(n); while (g.getNeighbors(first).contains(v[pos]) // if that connection already exists || v[pos].equals(first) // or is a loop || edgesCopy.containsValue( new Pair(first, v[pos])) // or is parallel to another newly rewired connection || edgesCopy.containsValue(new Pair(v[pos], first))) { pos = r.nextInt(n); // make sure we really rewire this edge and this is not a loop } edgesCopy.put(e, new Pair(first, v[pos])); // update the graph Object[] edges = g.getEdges().toArray(); for (int i = 0; i < edges.length; i++) { // remove old edges from the graph g.removeEdge(edges[i]); } for (Object edge : edgesCopy.keySet()) { // add new edges to the graph g.addEdge(edge, edgesCopy.get(edge)); } } } } return g; }