@IPSJexlMethod( description = "Returns a Map of Feed parameters from a Jquery formatted feed. For example a post of url: 'http://rss.news.yahoo.com/rss/yahoonewsroom', targetFolder: '//Sites/EnterpriseInvestments/News'", params = {@IPSJexlParam(name = "params", description = "The feed parameters")}) public Map<String, String> getFeedParameters(String params) throws IllegalArgumentException, FeedException, IOException { log.debug(params); URLCodec decode = new URLCodec(); HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); String[] opts = params.split("&"); String[] param; for (String s : opts) { param = s.split("="); try { map.put(decode.decode(param[0].trim()), decode.decode(param[1].trim())); } catch (DecoderException e) { log.debug(params); // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } return map; }
@Override public String createSearchString(File file) { String fileBaseName; if (file.isFile()) fileBaseName = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(Movie.getUnstackedMovieName(file)); else fileBaseName = file.getName(); String[] splitBySpace = fileBaseName.split(" "); if (splitBySpace.length > 1) { // check if last word in filename contains a year like (2012) or [2012] // we want to remove this from our search because it freaks out the search on excalibur films // and gives no results if (splitBySpace[splitBySpace.length - 1].matches("[\\(\\[]\\d{4}[\\)\\]]")) { fileBaseName = fileBaseName.replaceFirst("[\\(\\[]\\d{4}[\\)\\]]", "").trim(); } } URLCodec codec = new URLCodec(); try { fileBaseName = codec.encode(fileBaseName); } catch (EncoderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } fileBaseName = "http://www.excaliburfilms.com/search/adultSearch.htm?searchString=" + fileBaseName + "&Case=ExcalMovies&Search=AdultDVDMovies&SearchFor=Title.x"; return fileBaseName; }
protected String buildStatsUrl(StatsParameters searchParameters, String baseUrl, Locale locale) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { URLCodec encoder = new URLCodec(); StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder(); String languageUrlFragment = extractLanguageFragment(searchParameters.getLanguage()); url.append(baseUrl); url.append("/").append(languageUrlFragment); url.append("?wt=").append(encoder.encode("json", "UTF-8")); url.append("&locale=").append(encoder.encode(locale.toString(), "UTF-8")); url.append(buildSortParameters(searchParameters, encoder)); url.append("&stats=true"); url.append("&rows=0"); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(searchParameters.getFilterQuery())) { url.append("?fq=").append(encoder.encode(searchParameters.getFilterQuery(), "UTF-8")); } for (Entry<String, String> entry : searchParameters.getStatsParameters().entrySet()) { url.append("&stats.") .append(entry.getKey()) .append("=") .append(encoder.encode(entry.getValue(), "UTF-8")); } return url.toString(); }
public static String encodeURL(String str) { URLCodec codec = new URLCodec(); try { return codec.encode(str).replaceAll("\\+", "%20"); } catch (EncoderException ee) { return str; } }
private StringBuffer buildSortParameters(BasicSearchParameters searchParameters, URLCodec encoder) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { StringBuffer sortBuffer = new StringBuffer(); for (SortDefinition sortDefinition : searchParameters.getSortDefinitions()) { if (sortBuffer.length() == 0) { sortBuffer.append("&sort="); } else { sortBuffer.append(encoder.encode(", ", "UTF-8")); } // MNT-8557 fix, manually replace ' ' with '%20' // The sort can be different, see MNT-13742 switch (sortDefinition.getSortType()) { case DOCUMENT: sortBuffer .append(encoder.encode("_docid_", "UTF-8")) .append(encoder.encode(" ", "UTF-8")); break; case SCORE: sortBuffer.append(encoder.encode("score", "UTF-8")).append(encoder.encode(" ", "UTF-8")); break; case FIELD: default: sortBuffer .append(encoder.encode(sortDefinition.getField().replaceAll(" ", "%20"), "UTF-8")) .append(encoder.encode(" ", "UTF-8")); break; } if (sortDefinition.isAscending()) { sortBuffer.append(encoder.encode("asc", "UTF-8")); } else { sortBuffer.append(encoder.encode("desc", "UTF-8")); } } return sortBuffer; }
protected static String _encode(String s) { try { return codec.encode(s, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { return s; // should not happen } }
public static String encodeURI(String url, String env) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { BitSet urlsafe = new BitSet(); // alpha characters for (int i = 'a'; i <= 'z'; i++) { urlsafe.set(i); } for (int i = 'A'; i <= 'Z'; i++) { urlsafe.set(i); } // numeric characters for (int i = '0'; i <= '9'; i++) { urlsafe.set(i); } // special chars urlsafe.set('-'); urlsafe.set('_'); urlsafe.set('.'); urlsafe.set('*'); // blank to be replaced with + urlsafe.set(' '); urlsafe.set(':'); urlsafe.set('/'); urlsafe.set('='); urlsafe.set('#'); urlsafe.set('?'); urlsafe.set('&'); urlsafe.set('%'); return new String(URLCodec.encodeUrl(urlsafe, url.getBytes(env))); }
/** * Decode a name for {@link ODocument} fields to its original string representation. * * @param name the name to decode * @return the decoded text * @throws DecoderException if decoding the string fails */ public static String decodeName(String name) throws DecoderException { if (name == null) { return null; } return new String( URLCodec.decodeUrl(name.replace('_', '%').getBytes(Charsets.US_ASCII)), Charsets.UTF_8); }
/** * Encode text to a string that is a valid name for {@link ODocument} fields. * * @param text the text to encode * @return the encoded name */ public static String encodeName(String text) { if (text == null) { return null; } return new String(URLCodec.encodeUrl(ONAME, text.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8)), Charsets.US_ASCII) .replace('%', '_'); }
/** * @throws RuntimeException Thrown if URL encoding is unsuccessful. This only happens in the case * of a UnsupportedEncodingException which should never occur in reality. */ public static String encodeURL(String url) { try { return urlCodec.encode(url); } catch (EncoderException exp) { // NLogger.error( URLCodecUtils.class, exp, exp ); throw new RuntimeException(exp.toString() + ": " + exp.getMessage()); } }
public String getCodedText(String text) { try { return new String(URLCodec.encodeUrl(null, text.getBytes("ASCII")), "ASCII"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) { logger.error("This should never happen", uee); } return null; }
/** * Escapes and encodes the specified string. Based on HttpClient 3.1's <tt>URIUtil.encode()</tt> * method. * * @param unescaped the string to encode * @param allowed allowed characters that shouldn't be escaped * @param charset the charset to use * @return the escaped string */ private static String encode(final String unescaped, final BitSet allowed, final String charset) { try { final byte[] bytes = unescaped.getBytes(charset); final byte[] bytes2 = URLCodec.encodeUrl(allowed, bytes); return new String(bytes2, "US-ASCII"); } catch (final UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // Should never happen. throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
protected String encode(String reference) { synchronized (urlCodec) { try { return urlCodec.encode(reference); } catch (EncoderException e) { log.error("encode() caught exception", e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }
/** * Unescapes and decodes the specified string. * * @param escaped the string to be unescaped and decoded * @return the unescaped and decoded string */ public static String decode(final String escaped) { try { final byte[] bytes = escaped.getBytes("US-ASCII"); final byte[] bytes2 = URLCodec.decodeUrl(bytes); return new String(bytes2, "UTF-8"); } catch (final UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // Should never happen. throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (final DecoderException e) { // Should never happen. throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
/** * Get a cache file to be used for the given parameters. This function will not create the file on * disk * * @param genomeName the genome name * @param strain1 the 1st strain * @param strain2 the 2nd strain * @param chromosomeNumber the chromosome number * @param minimumExtentInSnps minimum extent in snps * @param minimumExtentInBasePairs minimum extent in base pairs * @return the file */ private File getCacheFile( String genomeName, String strain1, String strain2, int chromosomeNumber, int minimumExtentInSnps, long minimumExtentInBasePairs) { final String lesserStrain; final String greaterStrain; if (strain1.compareTo(strain2) >= 0) { lesserStrain = strain2; greaterStrain = strain1; } else { lesserStrain = strain1; greaterStrain = strain2; } String cacheHashString = genomeName + CONCATINATION_STRING + lesserStrain + CONCATINATION_STRING + greaterStrain + CONCATINATION_STRING + chromosomeNumber + CONCATINATION_STRING + minimumExtentInSnps + CONCATINATION_STRING + minimumExtentInBasePairs; try { cacheHashString = URL_CODEC.encode(cacheHashString); } catch (EncoderException ex) { LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "File encoding failed... continuing", ex); } File directory = new File(System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir")); return new File(directory, cacheHashString); }
public ResultSet executeQuery(final SearchParameters searchParameters, String language) { if (repositoryState.isBootstrapping()) { throw new AlfrescoRuntimeException( "SOLR queries can not be executed while the repository is bootstrapping"); } try { StoreRef store = extractStoreRef(searchParameters); SolrStoreMappingWrapper mapping = extractMapping(store); Locale locale = extractLocale(searchParameters); URLCodec encoder = new URLCodec(); StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder(); Pair<HttpClient, String> httpClientAndBaseUrl = mapping.getHttpClientAndBaseUrl(); HttpClient httpClient = httpClientAndBaseUrl.getFirst(); url.append(httpClientAndBaseUrl.getSecond()); String languageUrlFragment = extractLanguageFragment(language); url.append("/").append(languageUrlFragment); // Send the query in JSON only // url.append("?q="); // url.append(encoder.encode(searchParameters.getQuery(), "UTF-8")); url.append("?wt=").append(encoder.encode("json", "UTF-8")); url.append("&fl=").append(encoder.encode("DBID,score", "UTF-8")); if ((searchParameters.getStores().size() > 1) || (mapping.isSharded())) { boolean requiresSeparator = false; url.append("&shards="); for (StoreRef storeRef : searchParameters.getStores()) { SolrStoreMappingWrapper storeMapping = extractMapping(storeRef); if (requiresSeparator) { url.append(','); } else { requiresSeparator = true; } url.append(storeMapping.getShards()); } } // Emulate old limiting behaviour and metadata final LimitBy limitBy; int maxResults = -1; if (searchParameters.getMaxItems() >= 0) { maxResults = searchParameters.getMaxItems(); limitBy = LimitBy.FINAL_SIZE; } else if (searchParameters.getLimitBy() == LimitBy.FINAL_SIZE && searchParameters.getLimit() >= 0) { maxResults = searchParameters.getLimit(); limitBy = LimitBy.FINAL_SIZE; } else { maxResults = searchParameters.getMaxPermissionChecks(); if (maxResults < 0) { maxResults = maximumResultsFromUnlimitedQuery; } limitBy = LimitBy.NUMBER_OF_PERMISSION_EVALUATIONS; } url.append("&rows=").append(String.valueOf(maxResults)); url.append("&df=").append(encoder.encode(searchParameters.getDefaultFieldName(), "UTF-8")); url.append("&start=").append(encoder.encode("" + searchParameters.getSkipCount(), "UTF-8")); url.append("&locale="); url.append(encoder.encode(locale.toString(), "UTF-8")); url.append("&") .append(SearchParameters.ALTERNATIVE_DICTIONARY) .append("=") .append(alternativeDictionary); for (String paramName : searchParameters.getExtraParameters().keySet()) { url.append("&") .append(paramName) .append("=") .append(searchParameters.getExtraParameters().get(paramName)); } StringBuffer sortBuffer = buildSortParameters(searchParameters, encoder); url.append(sortBuffer); if (searchParameters.getPermissionEvaluation() != PermissionEvaluationMode.NONE) { url.append("&fq=").append(encoder.encode("{!afts}AUTHORITY_FILTER_FROM_JSON", "UTF-8")); } if (searchParameters.getExcludeTenantFilter() == false) { url.append("&fq=").append(encoder.encode("{!afts}TENANT_FILTER_FROM_JSON", "UTF-8")); } if (searchParameters.getFieldFacets().size() > 0) { url.append("&facet=").append(encoder.encode("true", "UTF-8")); for (FieldFacet facet : searchParameters.getFieldFacets()) { url.append("&facet.field=").append(encoder.encode(facet.getField(), "UTF-8")); if (facet.getEnumMethodCacheMinDF() != 0) { url.append("&") .append( encoder.encode("f." + facet.getField() + ".facet.enum.cache.minDf", "UTF-8")) .append("=") .append(encoder.encode("" + facet.getEnumMethodCacheMinDF(), "UTF-8")); } url.append("&") .append(encoder.encode("f." + facet.getField() + ".facet.limit", "UTF-8")) .append("=") .append(encoder.encode("" + facet.getLimit(), "UTF-8")); if (facet.getMethod() != null) { url.append("&") .append(encoder.encode("f." + facet.getField() + ".facet.method", "UTF-8")) .append("=") .append( encoder.encode( facet.getMethod() == FieldFacetMethod.ENUM ? "enum" : "fc", "UTF-8")); } if (facet.getMinCount() != 0) { url.append("&") .append(encoder.encode("f." + facet.getField() + ".facet.mincount", "UTF-8")) .append("=") .append(encoder.encode("" + facet.getMinCount(), "UTF-8")); } if (facet.getOffset() != 0) { url.append("&") .append(encoder.encode("f." + facet.getField() + ".facet.offset", "UTF-8")) .append("=") .append(encoder.encode("" + facet.getOffset(), "UTF-8")); } if (facet.getPrefix() != null) { url.append("&") .append(encoder.encode("f." + facet.getField() + ".facet.prefix", "UTF-8")) .append("=") .append(encoder.encode("" + facet.getPrefix(), "UTF-8")); } if (facet.getSort() != null) { url.append("&") .append(encoder.encode("f." + facet.getField() + ".facet.sort", "UTF-8")) .append("=") .append( encoder.encode( facet.getSort() == FieldFacetSort.COUNT ? "count" : "index", "UTF-8")); } } for (String facetQuery : searchParameters.getFacetQueries()) { url.append("&facet.query=").append(encoder.encode("{!afts}" + facetQuery, "UTF-8")); } } // end of field facets final String searchTerm = searchParameters.getSearchTerm(); String spellCheckQueryStr = null; if (searchTerm != null && searchParameters.isSpellCheck()) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("&spellcheck.q=").append(encoder.encode(searchTerm, "UTF-8")); builder.append("&spellcheck=").append(encoder.encode("true", "UTF-8")); spellCheckQueryStr = builder.toString(); url.append(spellCheckQueryStr); } JSONObject body = new JSONObject(); body.put("query", searchParameters.getQuery()); // Authorities go over as is - and tenant mangling and query building takes place on the SOLR // side Set<String> allAuthorisations = permissionService.getAuthorisations(); boolean includeGroups = includeGroupsForRoleAdmin ? true : !allAuthorisations.contains(PermissionService.ADMINISTRATOR_AUTHORITY); JSONArray authorities = new JSONArray(); for (String authority : allAuthorisations) { if (includeGroups) { authorities.put(authority); } else { if (AuthorityType.getAuthorityType(authority) != AuthorityType.GROUP) { authorities.put(authority); } } } body.put("authorities", authorities); body.put("anyDenyDenies", anyDenyDenies); JSONArray tenants = new JSONArray(); tenants.put(tenantService.getCurrentUserDomain()); body.put("tenants", tenants); JSONArray locales = new JSONArray(); for (Locale currentLocale : searchParameters.getLocales()) { locales.put(DefaultTypeConverter.INSTANCE.convert(String.class, currentLocale)); } if (locales.length() == 0) { locales.put(I18NUtil.getLocale()); } body.put("locales", locales); JSONArray templates = new JSONArray(); for (String templateName : searchParameters.getQueryTemplates().keySet()) { JSONObject template = new JSONObject(); template.put("name", templateName); template.put("template", searchParameters.getQueryTemplates().get(templateName)); templates.put(template); } body.put("templates", templates); JSONArray allAttributes = new JSONArray(); for (String attribute : searchParameters.getAllAttributes()) { allAttributes.put(attribute); } body.put("allAttributes", allAttributes); body.put("defaultFTSOperator", searchParameters.getDefaultFTSOperator()); body.put("defaultFTSFieldOperator", searchParameters.getDefaultFTSFieldOperator()); body.put("queryConsistency", searchParameters.getQueryConsistency()); if (searchParameters.getMlAnalaysisMode() != null) { body.put("mlAnalaysisMode", searchParameters.getMlAnalaysisMode().toString()); } body.put("defaultNamespace", searchParameters.getNamespace()); JSONArray textAttributes = new JSONArray(); for (String attribute : searchParameters.getTextAttributes()) { textAttributes.put(attribute); } body.put("textAttributes", textAttributes); final int maximumResults = maxResults; // just needed for the final parameter return (ResultSet) postSolrQuery( httpClient, url.toString(), body, new SolrJsonProcessor<SolrJSONResultSet>() { @Override public SolrJSONResultSet getResult(JSONObject json) { return new SolrJSONResultSet( json, searchParameters, nodeService, nodeDAO, limitBy, maximumResults); } }, spellCheckQueryStr); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new LuceneQueryParserException("", e); } catch (HttpException e) { throw new LuceneQueryParserException("", e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new LuceneQueryParserException("", e); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new LuceneQueryParserException("", e); } }
/** * This method adds file or folder to tags list. 'target' param can be either 'file' or 'folder' * depending on what do you want to add, 'target_id' is the id of a file or folder to be added, * 'tags' array of tags where target will be added. * * <p>On successful a result, you will receive 'addtotag_ok'. If the result wasn't successful, * status field can be: addtotag_error. * * @param addToTagRequest request * @return response * @throws IOException IO exception * @throws BoxException box exception */ public AddToTagResponse addToTag(AddToTagRequest addToTagRequest) throws IOException, BoxException { AddToTagResponse baseBoxResponse = BoxResponseFactory.createAddToTagResponse(); String apiKey = addToTagRequest.getApiKey(); String authToken = addToTagRequest.getAuthToken(); String target = addToTagRequest.getTarget(); String targetId = addToTagRequest.getTargetId(); String[] tags = addToTagRequest.getTags(); if (BoxConstant.CONFIG_API_REQUEST_FORMAT_REST.equals(apiRequestFormat)) { URLCodec codec = new URLCodec(); if (tags != null) { for (int i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) { String tag = tags[i]; tag = codec.encode(tag, "ISO-8859-1"); tags[i] = tag; } } StringBuffer urlBuff = super.getRestUrl(BoxConstant.ACTION_NAME_ADD_TO_TAG); urlBuff.append(BoxConstant.AND_SIGN_STRING); urlBuff.append(BoxConstant.PARAM_NAME_API_KEY); urlBuff.append(BoxConstant.EQUALS_SIGN_STRING); urlBuff.append(apiKey); urlBuff.append(BoxConstant.AND_SIGN_STRING); urlBuff.append(BoxConstant.PARAM_NAME_AUTH_TOKEN); urlBuff.append(BoxConstant.EQUALS_SIGN_STRING); urlBuff.append(authToken); if (tags == null) { urlBuff.append(BoxConstant.AND_SIGN_STRING); urlBuff.append(BoxConstant.PARAM_NAME_PARAMS_TAGS); urlBuff.append(BoxConstant.EQUALS_SIGN_STRING); } else { for (int i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) { String tag = tags[i]; urlBuff.append(BoxConstant.AND_SIGN_STRING); urlBuff.append(BoxConstant.PARAM_NAME_PARAMS_TAGS); urlBuff.append(BoxConstant.EQUALS_SIGN_STRING); urlBuff.append(tag); } } urlBuff.append(BoxConstant.AND_SIGN_STRING); urlBuff.append(BoxConstant.PARAM_NAME_TARGET); urlBuff.append(BoxConstant.EQUALS_SIGN_STRING); urlBuff.append(target); urlBuff.append(BoxConstant.AND_SIGN_STRING); urlBuff.append(BoxConstant.PARAM_NAME_TARGET_ID); urlBuff.append(BoxConstant.EQUALS_SIGN_STRING); urlBuff.append(targetId); try { Document doc = httpManager.doGet(urlBuff.toString()); Element responseElm = doc.getRootElement(); Element statusElm = responseElm.element(BoxConstant.PARAM_NAME_STATUS); String status = statusElm.getText(); baseBoxResponse.setStatus(status); // if (BoxConstant.STATUS_ADD_TO_TAG_OK.equals(status)) { // } } catch (DocumentException e) { BoxException be = new BoxException("failed to parse to a document.", e); be.setStatus(baseBoxResponse.getStatus()); throw be; } } else if (BoxConstant.CONFIG_API_REQUEST_FORMAT_XML.equals(apiRequestFormat)) { Document document = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); Element requestElm = DocumentHelper.createElement(BoxConstant.PARAM_NAME_REQUEST); document.add(requestElm); Element actionElm = DocumentHelper.createElement(BoxConstant.PARAM_NAME_ACTION); Element apiKeyElm = DocumentHelper.createElement(BoxConstant.PARAM_NAME_API_KEY); Element authTokenElm = DocumentHelper.createElement(BoxConstant.PARAM_NAME_AUTH_TOKEN); Element tagsElm = DocumentHelper.createElement(BoxConstant.PARAM_NAME_TAGS); Element targetElm = DocumentHelper.createElement(BoxConstant.PARAM_NAME_TARGET); Element targetIdElm = DocumentHelper.createElement(BoxConstant.PARAM_NAME_TARGET_ID); requestElm.add(actionElm); requestElm.add(apiKeyElm); requestElm.add(authTokenElm); requestElm.add(tagsElm); requestElm.add(targetElm); requestElm.add(targetIdElm); // actionElm.setText(BoxConstant.ACTION_NAME_ADD_TO_TAG); apiKeyElm.setText(apiKey); authTokenElm.setText(authToken); targetElm.setText(target); targetIdElm.setText(targetId); if (tags != null) { for (int i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) { String tag = tags[i]; Element tagElm = DocumentHelper.createElement(BoxConstant.PARAM_NAME_ITEM); tagElm.setText(tag); tagsElm.add(tagElm); } } String result = httpManager.doPostXML(xmlApiUrl, document.asXML()); try { Document doc = DocumentHelper.parseText(result); Element responseElm = doc.getRootElement(); Element statusElm = responseElm.element(BoxConstant.PARAM_NAME_STATUS); String status = statusElm.getText(); baseBoxResponse.setStatus(status); // if (BoxConstant.STATUS_ADD_TO_MY_BOX_OK.equals(status)) { // } } catch (DocumentException e) { BoxException be = new BoxException("failed to parse to a document.", e); be.setStatus(baseBoxResponse.getStatus()); throw be; } } else if (BoxConstant.CONFIG_API_REQUEST_FORMAT_SOAP.equals(apiRequestFormat)) { } else { } return baseBoxResponse; }