private Map<String, Integer> loadFixedClasses(String file) { FileReader input; try { Map<Integer, List<String>> fixedClaszzes = new HashMap<Integer, List<String>>(); Map<String, Integer> invertedFixedClasses = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); File f = new File(file); if (!f.exists()) { System.out.println("Extra classes file doesn't exist: " + fixedClassesFile); return invertedFixedClasses; } input = new FileReader(f); BufferedReader bufRead = new BufferedReader(input); String line; while ((line = bufRead.readLine()) != null) { String parts[] = line.split(","); int clazz = Integer.parseInt(parts[0]); List<String> symbols = new ArrayList<String>(); symbols.addAll(Arrays.asList(parts).subList(1, parts.length)); fixedClaszzes.put(clazz, symbols); } for (Map.Entry<Integer, List<String>> e : fixedClaszzes.entrySet()) { for (String s : e.getValue()) { invertedFixedClasses.put(s, e.getKey()); } } return invertedFixedClasses; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
public void changeClassLabels() { System.out.println("Reading cluster file: " + cluserInputFile); Clusters clusters = loadClusters(cluserInputFile); if (clusters == null) { System.out.println("Not clusters found to change"); return; } Map<Integer, String> classToSector = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> e : sectorToClazz.entrySet()) { classToSector.put(e.getValue(), e.getKey()); } for (Cluster c : clusters.getCluster()) { // find the cluster label // this is the label String key = classToSector.get(c.getKey()); if (key != null) { System.out.println("Setting label: " + key + " to cluster: " + c.getKey()); c.setLabel(key); } } try { System.out.println("Writing cluster file: " + clusterOutputFile); saveClusters(clusterOutputFile, clusters); } catch (FileNotFoundException | JAXBException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to write clusters", e); } }
private static Map<String, String> createAuthorizationAttributeMap( String snaaName, Properties props) { Map<String, String> attributes = new HashMap<String, String>(); List<String> keys = new LinkedList<String>(); // getting keys from properties for (Object o : props.keySet()) { if (((String) o).startsWith(snaaName + authorizationAtt) && ((String) o).endsWith(authorizationKeyAtt)) { keys.add((String) o); } } for (String k : keys) { String key = props.getProperty(k); // getting plain key-number from properties String plainKeyProperty = k.replaceAll(snaaName + authorizationAtt + ".", ""); plainKeyProperty = plainKeyProperty.replaceAll(authorizationKeyAtt, ""); String keyPrefix = snaaName + authorizationAtt + "." + plainKeyProperty; // building value-property-string String value = props.getProperty(keyPrefix + authorizationValAtt); // finally put key and values attributes.put(key, value); } return attributes; }
public String createCombinedTerm(String[] termArray) { String term1Combined = ""; for (String aTermArray : termArray) { if (filterGrayList.containsKey(aTermArray.toLowerCase())) { String filterTerms = filterGrayList.get(aTermArray.toLowerCase()); String[] splitFilterTerms = filterTerms.split(","); term1Combined = term1Combined + "(+\"" + aTermArray + "\" -("; for (String splitFilterTerm : splitFilterTerms) { term1Combined = term1Combined + "\"" + splitFilterTerm + "\" "; } term1Combined = term1Combined + ")) "; } else if (keepGrayList.containsKey(aTermArray.toLowerCase())) { String keepTerms = keepGrayList.get(aTermArray.toLowerCase()); String[] splitKeepTerms = keepTerms.split(","); term1Combined = term1Combined + "(+\"" + aTermArray + "\" +("; for (String splitKeepTerm : splitKeepTerms) { term1Combined = term1Combined + "\"" + splitKeepTerm + "\" "; } term1Combined = term1Combined + ")) "; } else { term1Combined = term1Combined + "\"" + aTermArray + "\" "; } } return term1Combined; }
private void init() { permNoToSymbol = Utils.loadMapping(originalStockFile); Map<String, Integer> symbolToPerm = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for (Map.Entry<Integer, String> entry : permNoToSymbol.entrySet()) { symbolToPerm.put(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey()); } }
public static CompilerConfiguration generateCompilerConfigurationFromOptions(CommandLine cli) throws IOException { // // Setup the configuration data CompilerConfiguration configuration = new CompilerConfiguration(); if (cli.hasOption("classpath")) { configuration.setClasspath(cli.getOptionValue("classpath")); } if (cli.hasOption('d')) { configuration.setTargetDirectory(cli.getOptionValue('d')); } if (cli.hasOption("encoding")) { configuration.setSourceEncoding(cli.getOptionValue("encoding")); } if (cli.hasOption("basescript")) { configuration.setScriptBaseClass(cli.getOptionValue("basescript")); } // joint compilation parameters if (cli.hasOption('j')) { Map<String, Object> compilerOptions = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String[] opts = cli.getOptionValues("J"); compilerOptions.put("namedValues", opts); opts = cli.getOptionValues("F"); compilerOptions.put("flags", opts); configuration.setJointCompilationOptions(compilerOptions); } if (cli.hasOption("indy")) { configuration.getOptimizationOptions().put("int", false); configuration.getOptimizationOptions().put("indy", true); } if (cli.hasOption("configscript")) { String path = cli.getOptionValue("configscript"); File groovyConfigurator = new File(path); Binding binding = new Binding(); binding.setVariable("configuration", configuration); CompilerConfiguration configuratorConfig = new CompilerConfiguration(); ImportCustomizer customizer = new ImportCustomizer(); customizer.addStaticStars( "org.codehaus.groovy.control.customizers.builder.CompilerCustomizationBuilder"); configuratorConfig.addCompilationCustomizers(customizer); GroovyShell shell = new GroovyShell(binding, configuratorConfig); shell.evaluate(groovyConfigurator); } return configuration; }
private Map<String, Integer> convertSectorsToClazz(Map<String, List<String>> sectors) { List<String> sectorNames = new ArrayList<String>(sectors.keySet()); Collections.sort(sectorNames); Map<String, Integer> sectorsToClazz = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < sectorNames.size(); i++) { sectorsToClazz.put(sectorNames.get(i), i + 1); System.out.println(sectorNames.get(i) + ": " + (i + 1)); } return sectorsToClazz; }
public void handleStreamEvent(StreamEvent event) { if (event.eventType == StreamEvent.Type.STREAM_PREPARED) { SessionInfo session = ((StreamEvent.SessionPreparedEvent) event).session; sessionsByHost.put(session.peer, session); } else if (event.eventType == StreamEvent.Type.FILE_PROGRESS) { ProgressInfo progressInfo = ((StreamEvent.ProgressEvent) event).progress; // update progress Set<ProgressInfo> progresses = progressByHost.get(progressInfo.peer); if (progresses == null) { progresses = Sets.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<ProgressInfo, Boolean>()); progressByHost.put(progressInfo.peer, progresses); } if (progresses.contains(progressInfo)) progresses.remove(progressInfo); progresses.add(progressInfo); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("\rprogress: "); long totalProgress = 0; long totalSize = 0; for (Map.Entry<InetAddress, Set<ProgressInfo>> entry : progressByHost.entrySet()) { SessionInfo session = sessionsByHost.get(entry.getKey()); long size = session.getTotalSizeToSend(); long current = 0; int completed = 0; for (ProgressInfo progress : entry.getValue()) { if (progress.currentBytes == progress.totalBytes) completed++; current += progress.currentBytes; } totalProgress += current; totalSize += size; sb.append("[").append(entry.getKey()); sb.append(" ").append(completed).append("/").append(session.getTotalFilesToSend()); sb.append(" (").append(size == 0 ? 100L : current * 100L / size).append("%)] "); } long time = System.nanoTime(); long deltaTime = Math.max(1L, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(time - lastTime)); lastTime = time; long deltaProgress = totalProgress - lastProgress; lastProgress = totalProgress; sb.append("[total: ") .append(totalSize == 0 ? 100L : totalProgress * 100L / totalSize) .append("% - "); sb.append(mbPerSec(deltaProgress, deltaTime)).append("MB/s"); sb.append(" (avg: ") .append(mbPerSec(totalProgress, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(time - start))) .append("MB/s)]"); System.out.print(sb.toString()); } }
private boolean register(File f) { boolean rc = false; if (f.isDirectory()) { File file[] = f.listFiles(this); for (int i = 0; i < file.length; i++) { if (register(file[i])) rc = true; } } else if (dirMap.get(f) == null) { dirMap.put(f, new QEntry()); rc = true; } return rc; }
private void applyLabel(String inPointsFile, String outPointsFile, List<String> symbols) { System.out.println("Applying labels for points file: " + inPointsFile); FileReader input; BufferedWriter bufWriter = null; try { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(outPointsFile); bufWriter = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fos)); File inFile = new File(inPointsFile); if (!inFile.exists()) { System.out.println("ERROR: In file doens't exist"); return; } input = new FileReader(inPointsFile); BufferedReader bufRead = new BufferedReader(input); String inputLine; int index = 0; while ((inputLine = bufRead.readLine()) != null && index < symbols.size()) { Point p = Utils.readPoint(inputLine); String symbol = symbols.get(index); int clazz = 0; if (this.invertedFixedClases.containsKey(symbol)) { clazz = this.invertedFixedClases.get(symbol); } else { // get the corresponding symbol // get the class for this one String sector = invertedSectors.get(symbol); if (sector != null) { clazz = sectorToClazz.get(sector); } else { // System.out.println("No sector: " + symbol); } } p.setClazz(clazz); String s = p.serialize(); bufWriter.write(s); bufWriter.newLine(); index++; } System.out.println("Read lines: " + index); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to read/write file", e); } finally { if (bufWriter != null) { try { bufWriter.close(); } catch (IOException ignore) { } } } }
private static void configureTransportFactory( ITransportFactory transportFactory, LoaderOptions opts) { Map<String, String> options = new HashMap<>(); // If the supplied factory supports the same set of options as our SSL impl, set those if (transportFactory.supportedOptions().contains(SSLTransportFactory.TRUSTSTORE)) options.put(SSLTransportFactory.TRUSTSTORE, opts.encOptions.truststore); if (transportFactory.supportedOptions().contains(SSLTransportFactory.TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD)) options.put(SSLTransportFactory.TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD, opts.encOptions.truststore_password); if (transportFactory.supportedOptions().contains(SSLTransportFactory.PROTOCOL)) options.put(SSLTransportFactory.PROTOCOL, opts.encOptions.protocol); if (transportFactory.supportedOptions().contains(SSLTransportFactory.CIPHER_SUITES)) options.put( SSLTransportFactory.CIPHER_SUITES, Joiner.on(',').join(opts.encOptions.cipher_suites)); if (transportFactory.supportedOptions().contains(SSLTransportFactory.KEYSTORE) && opts.encOptions.require_client_auth) options.put(SSLTransportFactory.KEYSTORE, opts.encOptions.keystore); if (transportFactory.supportedOptions().contains(SSLTransportFactory.KEYSTORE_PASSWORD) && opts.encOptions.require_client_auth) options.put(SSLTransportFactory.KEYSTORE_PASSWORD, opts.encOptions.keystore_password); // Now check if any of the factory's supported options are set as system properties for (String optionKey : transportFactory.supportedOptions()) if (System.getProperty(optionKey) != null) options.put(optionKey, System.getProperty(optionKey)); transportFactory.setOptions(options); }
private static Cassandra.Client createThriftClient( String host, int port, String user, String passwd, ITransportFactory transportFactory) throws Exception { TTransport trans = transportFactory.openTransport(host, port); TProtocol protocol = new TBinaryProtocol(trans); Cassandra.Client client = new Cassandra.Client(protocol); if (user != null && passwd != null) { Map<String, String> credentials = new HashMap<>(); credentials.put(IAuthenticator.USERNAME_KEY, user); credentials.put(IAuthenticator.PASSWORD_KEY, passwd); AuthenticationRequest authenticationRequest = new AuthenticationRequest(credentials); client.login(authenticationRequest); } return client; }
private Map<String, List<String>> loadHistoSectors(String sectorFile) { FileReader input; Map<String, List<String>> sectors = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); try { input = new FileReader(sectorFile); BufferedReader bufRead = new BufferedReader(input); String line; int i = 1; while ((line = bufRead.readLine()) != null) { Bin sectorRecord = Utils.readBin(line); List<String> stockList = sectorRecord.symbols; String startEnd = formatter.format(sectorRecord.end); String key = intgerFormaterr.format(i) + ":" + startEnd; sectors.put(key, stockList); for (String s : stockList) { invertedSectors.put(s, key); } i++; } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to load sector file", e); } return sectors; }
private void deploy() { List startList = new ArrayList(); Iterator iter = dirMap.entrySet().iterator(); try { while (iter.hasNext() && !shutdown) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); File f = (File) entry.getKey(); QEntry qentry = (QEntry) entry.getValue(); long deployed = qentry.getDeployed(); if (deployed == 0) { if (deploy(f)) { if (qentry.isQBean()) startList.add(qentry.getInstance()); qentry.setDeployed(f.lastModified()); } else { // deploy failed, clean up. iter.remove(); } } else if (deployed != f.lastModified()) { undeploy(f); iter.remove(); loader.forceNewClassLoaderOnNextScan(); } } iter = startList.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { start((ObjectInstance); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("deploy", e); } }
/** * Construct table schema from info stored in SSTable's Stats.db * * @param desc SSTable's descriptor * @return Restored CFMetaData * @throws IOException when Stats.db cannot be read */ public static CFMetaData metadataFromSSTable(Descriptor desc) throws IOException { if (!desc.version.storeRows()) throw new IOException("pre-3.0 SSTable is not supported."); EnumSet<MetadataType> types = EnumSet.of(MetadataType.VALIDATION, MetadataType.STATS, MetadataType.HEADER); Map<MetadataType, MetadataComponent> sstableMetadata = desc.getMetadataSerializer().deserialize(desc, types); ValidationMetadata validationMetadata = (ValidationMetadata) sstableMetadata.get(MetadataType.VALIDATION); SerializationHeader.Component header = (SerializationHeader.Component) sstableMetadata.get(MetadataType.HEADER); IPartitioner partitioner = SecondaryIndexManager.isIndexColumnFamily(desc.cfname) ? new LocalPartitioner(header.getKeyType()) : FBUtilities.newPartitioner(validationMetadata.partitioner); CFMetaData.Builder builder = CFMetaData.Builder.create("keyspace", "table").withPartitioner(partitioner); header .getStaticColumns() .entrySet() .stream() .forEach( entry -> { ColumnIdentifier ident = ColumnIdentifier.getInterned(UTF8Type.instance.getString(entry.getKey()), true); builder.addStaticColumn(ident, entry.getValue()); }); header .getRegularColumns() .entrySet() .stream() .forEach( entry -> { ColumnIdentifier ident = ColumnIdentifier.getInterned(UTF8Type.instance.getString(entry.getKey()), true); builder.addRegularColumn(ident, entry.getValue()); }); builder.addPartitionKey("PartitionKey", header.getKeyType()); for (int i = 0; i < header.getClusteringTypes().size(); i++) { builder.addClusteringColumn( "clustering" + (i > 0 ? i : ""), header.getClusteringTypes().get(i)); } return; }
public String getPath() { Map<String, String> environment = new ProcessBuilder().environment(); String path = environment.get("Path"); if (path == null) { path = environment.get("PATH"); } if (path == null) { path = environment.get("path"); } if (path == null) { throw new UnexpectedLiquibaseException( "Cannot find path variable in environment. Possible variables are " + StringUtils.join(environment.keySet(), ",")); } return path; }
private Map<String, String[]> readRoles(File f) throws IOException { Map<String, String[]> map = new TreeMap<String, String[]>(); LineNumberReader lr = new LineNumberReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(f), "UTF-8")); String line = null; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); while ((line = lr.readLine()) != null) { String[] s = line.toLowerCase().split("\t"); if (s.length > 2) { logger.trace(Arrays.toString(s)); map.put(s[1], s); } } return map; }
private void undeploy() { Object[] set = dirMap.entrySet().toArray(); int l = set.length; while (l-- > 0) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) set[l]; File f = (File) entry.getKey(); undeploy(f); } }
public void process() { File inFolder = new File(vectorFolder); if (!inFolder.isDirectory()) { System.out.println("In should be a folder: " + vectorFolder); return; } boolean clusterSaved = false; this.invertedFixedClases = loadFixedClasses(fixedClassesFile); if (!histogram) { Map<String, List<String>> sectors = loadStockSectors(sectorFile); sectorToClazz = convertSectorsToClazz(sectors); if (!clusterSaved) { changeClassLabels(); clusterSaved = true; } for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : sectorToClazz.entrySet()) { System.out.println(entry.getKey() + " : " + entry.getValue()); } } for (File inFile : inFolder.listFiles()) { String fileName = inFile.getName(); String fileNameWithOutExt = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(fileName); if (histogram) { sectorToClazz.clear(); invertedSectors.clear(); Map<String, List<String>> sectors = loadHistoSectors(sectorFile + "/" + fileNameWithOutExt + ".csv"); sectorToClazz = convertSectorsToClazz(sectors); if (!clusterSaved) { changeClassLabels(); clusterSaved = true; } for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : sectorToClazz.entrySet()) { System.out.println(entry.getKey() + " : " + entry.getValue()); } } processFile(fileNameWithOutExt); } }
private void undeploy(File f) { QEntry qentry = (QEntry) dirMap.get(f); try { if (log != null) log.trace("undeploying:" + f.getCanonicalPath()); Object obj = qentry.getObject(); ObjectName name = qentry.getObjectName(); factory.destroyQBean(this, name, obj); if (log != null)"undeployed:" + f.getCanonicalPath()); } catch (Exception e) { getLog().warn("undeploy", e); } }
// load symbols for each point in file private List<String> loadSymbols(String vectorFile) { System.out.println("Loading symbols from vector file: " + vectorFile); File vf = new File(vectorFile); List<VectorPoint> vectorPoints = Utils.readVectors(vf, 0, 7000); List<String> symbols = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < vectorPoints.size(); i++) { VectorPoint v = vectorPoints.get(i); String symbol = permNoToSymbol.get(v.getKey()); symbols.add(symbol); } System.out.println("No of symbols for point: " + symbols.size()); return symbols; }
private boolean deploy(File f) { try { if (log != null)"deploy:" + f.getCanonicalPath()); QEntry qentry = (QEntry) dirMap.get(f); SAXBuilder builder = createSAXBuilder(); Document doc; if (decorator != null && !f.getName().equals(LOGGER_CONFIG)) { doc = decrypt( StringReader(decorator.decorateFile(f)))); } else { doc = decrypt(; } Element rootElement = doc.getRootElement(); String iuuid = rootElement.getAttributeValue("instance"); if (iuuid != null) { UUID uuid = UUID.fromString(iuuid); if (!uuid.equals(getInstanceId())) { deleteFile(f, iuuid); return false; } } Object obj = factory.instantiate(this, rootElement); qentry.setObject(obj); ObjectInstance instance = factory.createQBean(this, doc.getRootElement(), obj); qentry.setInstance(instance); } catch (InstanceAlreadyExistsException e) { /* * Ok, the file we tried to deploy, holds an object * that already has been deployed. * * Rename it out of the way. * */ tidyFileAway(f, DUPLICATE_EXTENSION); getLog().warn("deploy", e); return false; } catch (Exception e) { getLog().warn("deploy", e); tidyFileAway(f, ERROR_EXTENSION); // This will also save deploy error repeats... return false; } catch (Error e) { getLog().warn("deploy", e); tidyFileAway(f, ENV_EXTENSION); // This will also save deploy error repeats... return false; } return true; }
private void checkModified() { Iterator iter = dirMap.entrySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); File f = (File) entry.getKey(); QEntry qentry = (QEntry) entry.getValue(); if (qentry.isQBean() && qentry.isQPersist()) { ObjectName name = qentry.getObjectName(); if (getState(name) == QBean.STARTED && isModified(name)) { qentry.setDeployed(persist(f, name)); } } } }
private Map<Integer, String> readTraining(File f) throws IOException { Map<Integer, String> map = new TreeMap<Integer, String>(); LineNumberReader lr = new LineNumberReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(f), "UTF-8")); String line = null; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int id = -1; while ((line = lr.readLine()) != null) { String[] s = line.split("\t"); if (s.length > 0 && s[0].length() > 0 && !s[0].equals("sid")) { sb.append(line + "\n"); id = Integer.parseInt(s[0]); } else { if (sb.length() > 0) { map.put(id, sb.toString()); } sb = new StringBuilder(); } } map.put(id, sb.toString()); return map; }
@Override public void init(String keyspace) { Iterator<InetAddress> hostiter = hosts.iterator(); while (hostiter.hasNext()) { try { // Query endpoint to ranges map and schemas from thrift InetAddress host =; Cassandra.Client client = createThriftClient( host.getHostAddress(), rpcPort, this.user, this.passwd, this.transportFactory); setPartitioner(client.describe_partitioner()); Token.TokenFactory tkFactory = getPartitioner().getTokenFactory(); for (TokenRange tr : client.describe_ring(keyspace)) { Range<Token> range = new Range<>( tkFactory.fromString(tr.start_token), tkFactory.fromString(tr.end_token), getPartitioner()); for (String ep : tr.endpoints) { addRangeForEndpoint(range, InetAddress.getByName(ep)); } } String query = String.format( "SELECT * FROM %s.%s WHERE keyspace_name = '%s'", Keyspace.SYSTEM_KS, SystemKeyspace.SCHEMA_COLUMNFAMILIES_CF, keyspace); CqlResult result = client.execute_cql3_query( ByteBufferUtil.bytes(query), Compression.NONE, ConsistencyLevel.ONE); for (CqlRow row : result.rows) { CFMetaData metadata = CFMetaData.fromThriftCqlRow(row); knownCfs.put(metadata.cfName, metadata); } break; } catch (Exception e) { if (!hostiter.hasNext()) throw new RuntimeException("Could not retrieve endpoint ranges: ", e); } } }
private Map<String, List<String>> loadStockSectors(String sectorFile) { FileReader input; Map<String, List<String>> sectors = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); try { input = new FileReader(sectorFile); BufferedReader bufRead = new BufferedReader(input); String line; while ((line = bufRead.readLine()) != null) { SectorRecord sectorRecord = Utils.readSectorRecord(line); List<String> stockList = sectors.get(sectorRecord.getSector()); if (stockList == null) { stockList = new ArrayList<String>(); sectors.put(sectorRecord.getSector(), stockList); } stockList.add(sectorRecord.getSymbol()); invertedSectors.put(sectorRecord.getSymbol(), sectorRecord.getSector()); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to load sector file", e); } return sectors; }
public AnnotationMigration(File labelled, File unlabelled, File roles, File output, int start) throws IOException { pw = new PrintWriter( new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(output), "UTF-8"))); tokenier = new HardTokenizer(); Map<Integer, String> labelledMap = readTraining(labelled); Map<Integer, String> unlabelledMap = readTraining(unlabelled); roleMap = readRoles(roles); //; if (labelledMap.size() != unlabelledMap.size()) { logger.warn(labelledMap.size() + " != " + unlabelledMap.size()); } for (int i = start; i < labelledMap.size(); i++) {;"\n" + labelledMap.get(i));"\n" + unlabelledMap.get(i)); process(labelledMap.get(i), unlabelledMap.get(i));"***\n"); } /*Iterator<Integer> it = unlabelledMap.keySet().iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { int id =; if (labelledMap.get(id)==null){ logger.warn(id); logger.warn(unlabelledMap.get(id)); } }*/ pw.close(); }
@Override public CFMetaData getCFMetaData(String keyspace, String cfName) { return knownCfs.get(cfName); }
private static long getTermCount( SolrServer server, Map<String, Integer> singleCountMap, SearchTermAndList searchTermAndList, Map<String, String> filterGrayList, Map<String, String> keepGrayList) { List<String[]> searchTerms = searchTermAndList.asListArray(); Integer searchTermCountObject = searchTerms.size() != 1 ? null : singleCountMap.get(join(searchTerms.get(0), ",")); long searchTermCount = 0; if (searchTermCountObject == null) { // didn't find it in map, so need to go get count SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery(); query.setQuery("+text:(*:*)"); query.addFilterQuery("+pub_date_year:[1993 TO 2013]"); query.setParam("fl", "pmid"); for (int i = 0; i < searchTerms.size(); i++) { String term1 = ""; for (String aTermArray : searchTerms.get(i)) { if (filterGrayList.containsKey(aTermArray.toLowerCase())) { String filterTerms = filterGrayList.get(aTermArray.toLowerCase()); String[] splitFilterTerms = filterTerms.split(","); term1 = term1 + "(+\"" + aTermArray + "\" -("; for (String splitFilterTerm : splitFilterTerms) { term1 = term1 + "\"" + splitFilterTerm + "\" "; } term1 = term1 + ")) "; } else if (keepGrayList.containsKey(aTermArray.toLowerCase())) { String keepTerms = keepGrayList.get(aTermArray.toLowerCase()); String[] splitKeepTerms = keepTerms.split(","); term1 = term1 + "(+\"" + aTermArray + "\" +("; for (String splitKeepTerm : splitKeepTerms) { term1 = term1 + "\"" + splitKeepTerm + "\" "; } term1 = term1 + ")) "; } else { term1 = term1 + "\"" + aTermArray + "\" "; } } query.addFilterQuery("+text:(" + term1 + ")"); } try { QueryResponse rsp = server.query(query); searchTermCount = rsp.getResults().getNumFound(); singleCountMap.put( join(searchTerms.get(0), ","), Integer.parseInt(Long.toString(searchTermCount))); } catch (SolrServerException e) { // exit out if there is an error log.warning(e.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } } else { searchTermCount = searchTermCountObject; } return searchTermCount; }
private void process(String labelled, String unlabelled) throws IOException { if (labelled == null || unlabelled == null) { return; } List<String[]> examples = extractExamples(unlabelled); List<String> roles = extractRoles(labelled); boolean[] found = new boolean[roles.size()]; logger.debug("roles: " + roles); for (int i = 0; i < roles.size(); i++) { String[] t = roles.get(i).split("\t"); String[] translatedRole = roleMap.get(t[0]); if (translatedRole != null) { for (int k = 2; k < translatedRole.length; k++) { logger.debug(i + "\t" + roles.get(i) + "\t" + translatedRole[k]); if (translatedRole[k] != null) { Boundary boundary = matcher(translatedRole[k], examples); if (boundary != null) {"///"); logger.debug(boundary + "\t" + translatedRole[k] + ":"); logger.debug(boundary.begin + "\t" + Arrays.toString(examples.get(boundary.begin))); examples.get(boundary.begin)[5] = t[1]; examples.get(boundary.begin)[6] = t[2]; for (int j = boundary.begin + 1; j <= boundary.end; j++) { logger.debug(j + "\t" + Arrays.toString(examples.get(j))); examples.get(j)[5] = t[1]; examples.get(j)[6] = t[2].replaceAll("B-", "I-"); } found[i] = true;"\\\\\\ break at " + k + "/" + translatedRole.length); break; } } } } }"==="); boolean b = false; for (int i = 0; i < found.length; i++) { if (!found[i]) { String[] t = roles.get(i).split("\t");"# Missing " + t[0] + "\t" + t[1] + "\t" + t[2]); pw.println("# Missing " + t[0] + "\t" + t[1] + "\t" + t[2]); b = true; } } if (b) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int j = 0; j < examples.size(); j++) { if (j > 0) { sb.append(" "); } sb.append(examples.get(j)[2]); }"# " + sb.toString()); } for (int i = 0; i < examples.size(); i++) { String[] example = examples.get(i); example[0] + "\t" + example[1] + "\t" + example[2] + "\t" + example[3] + "\t" + example[4] + "\t" + example[5] + "\t" + example[6]); pw.println( example[0] + "\t" + example[1] + "\t" + example[2] + "\t" + example[3] + "\t" + example[4] + "\t" + example[5] + "\t" + example[6]); } pw.print("\n");"***"); }