@Test public void testTimerThreadLeak() throws Exception { Tomcat tomcat = getTomcatInstance(); // No file system docBase required Context ctx = tomcat.addContext("", null); if (ctx instanceof StandardContext) { ((StandardContext) ctx).setClearReferencesStopTimerThreads(true); } Tomcat.addServlet(ctx, "taskServlet", new TaskServlet()); ctx.addServletMapping("/", "taskServlet"); tomcat.start(); // This will trigger the timer & thread creation getUrl("http://localhost:" + getPort() + "/"); // Stop the context ctx.stop(); Thread[] threads = getThreads(); for (Thread thread : threads) { if (thread != null && thread.isAlive() && TaskServlet.TIMER_THREAD_NAME.equals(thread.getName())) { thread.join(5000); if (thread.isAlive()) { fail("Timer thread still running"); } } } }
private static void addServlets(JBossWebMetaData jbwebMD, StandardContext context) { for (JBossServletMetaData smd : jbwebMD.getServlets()) { final String sc = smd.getServletClass(); if (sc.equals(WSFServlet.class.getName())) { final String servletName = smd.getServletName(); List<ParamValueMetaData> params = smd.getInitParam(); List<String> urlPatterns = null; for (ServletMappingMetaData smmd : jbwebMD.getServletMappings()) { if (smmd.getServletName().equals(servletName)) { urlPatterns = smmd.getUrlPatterns(); break; } } WSFServlet wsfs = new WSFServlet(); Wrapper wsfsWrapper = context.createWrapper(); wsfsWrapper.setName(servletName); wsfsWrapper.setServlet(wsfs); wsfsWrapper.setServletClass(WSFServlet.class.getName()); for (ParamValueMetaData param : params) { wsfsWrapper.addInitParameter(param.getParamName(), param.getParamValue()); } context.addChild(wsfsWrapper); for (String urlPattern : urlPatterns) { context.addServletMapping(urlPattern, servletName); } } } }
/** * Acknowledge the occurrence of the specified event. * * @param event LifecycleEvent that has occurred */ @Override public void lifecycleEvent(LifecycleEvent event) { if (event.getType().equals(Lifecycle.BEFORE_START_EVENT)) { if (event.getLifecycle() instanceof StandardContext) { StandardContext context = (StandardContext) event.getLifecycle(); if (appNames.get(context.getName()) != null) { showStatus("Starting " + appNames.get(context.getName())); } } } }
public static void setupContainer(String warName, String jvmRoute, Manager mgr) { Engine engine = new MockEngine(); engine.setName(JVM_ROUTE_CACHE_NAME); engine.setJvmRoute(jvmRoute); Host host = new MockHost(); host.setName("localhost"); engine.addChild(host); StandardContext context = new StandardContext(); context.setName(warName); context.setDomain(jvmRoute); host.addChild(context); context.setManager(mgr); }
private static StandardContext startWebApp(Host host, WSEndpointDeploymentUnit unit) throws Exception { StandardContext context = new StandardContext(); try { JBossWebMetaData jbwebMD = unit.getAttachment(WSAttachmentKeys.JBOSSWEB_METADATA_KEY); context.setPath(jbwebMD.getContextRoot()); context.addLifecycleListener(new ContextConfig()); ServerConfigService config = (ServerConfigService) unit.getServiceRegistry().getService(WSServices.CONFIG_SERVICE).getService(); File docBase = new File(config.getValue().getServerTempDir(), jbwebMD.getContextRoot()); if (!docBase.exists()) { docBase.mkdirs(); } context.setDocBase(docBase.getPath()); final Loader loader = new WebCtxLoader(unit.getAttachment(WSAttachmentKeys.CLASSLOADER_KEY)); loader.setContainer(host); context.setLoader(loader); context.setInstanceManager(new LocalInstanceManager()); addServlets(jbwebMD, context); host.addChild(context); context.create(); } catch (Exception e) { throw MESSAGES.createContextPhaseFailed(e); } try { context.start(); } catch (LifecycleException e) { throw MESSAGES.startContextPhaseFailed(e); } return context; }
private static void stopWebApp(StandardContext context) throws Exception { try { Container container = context.getParent(); container.removeChild(context); context.stop(); } catch (LifecycleException e) { throw MESSAGES.stopContextPhaseFailed(e); } try { context.destroy(); } catch (Exception e) { throw MESSAGES.destroyContextPhaseFailed(e); } }
@Override public void stop(StopContext stopContext) { registration.unregister(); try { context.stop(); } catch (LifecycleException e) { WEB_LOGGER.stopContextFailed(e); } try { context.destroy(); } catch (Exception e) { WEB_LOGGER.destroyContextFailed(e); } }
/** Un-initialization. */ @Override public void destroy() throws Exception { log.debug("TomcatVHostLoader un-init"); Container[] children = host.findChildren(); for (Container c : children) { if (c instanceof StandardContext) { try { ((StandardContext) c).stop(); host.removeChild(c); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Could not stop context: {}", c.getName(), e); } } } // remove system prop String propertyPrefix = name; if (domain != null) { propertyPrefix += '_' + domain.replace('.', '_'); } System.clearProperty(propertyPrefix + ".webapp.root"); // stop the host try { ((StandardHost) host).stop(); } catch (LifecycleException e) { log.error("Could not stop host: {}", host.getName(), e); } // remove host engine.removeChild(host); // unregister jmx unregisterJMX(); }
private void doTestOverrideDefaultServletWithSCI(String servletName) throws Exception { Tomcat tomcat = getTomcatInstance(); File appDir = new File("test/webapp"); StandardContext ctxt = (StandardContext) tomcat.addContext(null, "/test", appDir.getAbsolutePath()); ctxt.setDefaultWebXml(new File("conf/web.xml").getAbsolutePath()); ctxt.addLifecycleListener(new ContextConfig()); ctxt.addServletContainerInitializer(new CustomDefaultServletSCI(servletName), null); tomcat.start(); assertPageContains("/test", "OK - Custom default Servlet"); }
@Override public synchronized void stop() throws Exception { if (_serverContext != null) { // Destroy the web context unless if it is default if (!_serverContext.getPath().equals("/")) { try { Container container = _serverContext.getParent(); container.removeChild(_serverContext); _serverContext.stop(); _serverContext.destroy(); _log.info("Destroyed HTTP context " + _serverContext.getPath()); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Unable to destroy web context", e); } } } }
public void init() { if (initialized) return; initialized = true; StandardContext ctx = (StandardContext) this.getContainer(); distributable = ctx.getDistributable(); if (org.apache.tomcat.util.Constants.ENABLE_MODELER) { if (oname == null) { try { Engine eng = (Engine) ctx.getParent().getParent(); domain = ctx.getEngineName(); StandardHost hst = (StandardHost) ctx.getParent(); String path = ctx.getPath(); if (path.equals("")) { path = "/"; } oname = new ObjectName(domain + ":type=Manager,path=" + path + ",host=" + hst.getName()); Registry.getRegistry(null, null).registerComponent(this, oname, null); } catch (Exception e) { CatalinaLogger.SESSION_LOGGER.failedSessionManagerJmxRegistration(oname, e); } } } if (CatalinaLogger.SESSION_LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) CatalinaLogger.SESSION_LOGGER.debug("Registering " + oname); }
public void init() { if (initialized) return; initialized = true; log = Logger.getLogger(ManagerBase.class); StandardContext ctx = (StandardContext) this.getContainer(); distributable = ctx.getDistributable(); if (org.apache.tomcat.util.Constants.ENABLE_MODELER) { if (oname == null) { try { Engine eng = (Engine) ctx.getParent().getParent(); domain = ctx.getEngineName(); StandardHost hst = (StandardHost) ctx.getParent(); String path = ctx.getPath(); if (path.equals("")) { path = "/"; } oname = new ObjectName(domain + ":type=Manager,path=" + path + ",host=" + hst.getName()); Registry.getRegistry(null, null).registerComponent(this, oname, null); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error registering ", e); } } } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Registering " + oname); }
/** lookup doesn't always throw the same exception. */ @Test public void testLookupException() throws Exception { Tomcat tomcat = getTomcatInstance(); // Must have a real docBase - just use temp StandardContext ctx = (StandardContext) tomcat.addContext("", System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir")); ctx.setCacheTTL(500); tomcat.start(); try { ctx.getResources().lookup("/WEB-INF/web.xml"); fail(); } catch (final NameNotFoundException e) { // as expected } Thread.sleep(600); // see ProxyDirContext.cacheTTL try { ctx.getResources().lookup("/WEB-INF/web.xml"); fail(); } catch (final NameNotFoundException e) { // as expected } }
@Test public void testTimerThreadLeak() throws Exception { Tomcat tomcat = getTomcatInstance(); // No file system docBase required Context ctx = tomcat.addContext("", null); if (ctx instanceof StandardContext) { ((StandardContext) ctx).setClearReferencesStopThreads(true); } ExecutorServlet executorServlet = new ExecutorServlet(); Tomcat.addServlet(ctx, "taskServlet", executorServlet); ctx.addServletMapping("/", "taskServlet"); tomcat.start(); // This will trigger the timer & thread creation getUrl("http://localhost:" + getPort() + "/"); // Stop the context ctx.stop(); // Should be shutdown once the stop() method above exists Assert.assertTrue(executorServlet.tpe.isShutdown()); // The time taken to shutdown the executor can vary between systems. Try // to avoid false test failures due to timing issues. Give the executor // upto 10 seconds to close down. int count = 0; while (count < 100 && !executorServlet.tpe.isTerminated()) { count++; Thread.sleep(100); } // If the executor has not terminated, there is a thread/memory leak Assert.assertTrue(executorServlet.tpe.isTerminated()); }
@Override public void start(StartContext startContext) throws StartException { ServerEnvironment env = injectedServerEnvironment.getValue(); Host virtualHost = injectedVirtualHost.getValue().getHost(); BundleContext syscontext = injectedSystemContext.getValue(); WebServer webServer = injectedWebServer.getValue(); File storageDir = new File( env.getServerTempDir() + File.separator + CONTEXT_NAME + File.separator + "httpservice-root"); context.setDocBase(storageDir.getPath()); storageDir.mkdirs(); context.setPath(CONTEXT_NAME); context.addLifecycleListener(new ContextConfig()); Loader loader = new WebCtxLoader(getClass().getClassLoader()); loader.setContainer(virtualHost); context.setLoader(loader); context.setInstanceManager(new LocalInstanceManager()); context.addMimeMapping("html", "text/html"); context.addMimeMapping("jpg", "image/jpeg"); context.addMimeMapping("png", "image/png"); context.addMimeMapping("gif", "image/gif"); context.addMimeMapping("css", "text/css"); context.addMimeMapping("js", "text/javascript"); virtualHost.addChild(context); WEB_LOGGER.registerWebapp(context.getName()); try { context.create(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new StartException(WebMessages.MESSAGES.createContextFailed(), ex); } try { context.start(); } catch (LifecycleException ex) { throw new StartException(WebMessages.MESSAGES.startContextFailed(), ex); } Hashtable<String, Object> props = new Hashtable<String, Object>(); props.put(Constants.SERVICE_RANKING, Integer.MIN_VALUE); props.put("provider", getClass().getPackage().getName()); ServiceFactory serviceFactory = new HttpServiceFactory(webServer, virtualHost, context); registration = syscontext.registerService(HttpService.class.getName(), serviceFactory, props); }
/** * Initialization. * * @throws ServletException */ @SuppressWarnings("cast") @Override public void start() throws ServletException { log.info("Loading tomcat virtual host"); if (webappFolder != null) { // check for match with base webapp root if (webappFolder.equals(webappRoot)) { log.error("Web application root cannot be the same as base"); return; } } ClassLoader classloader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); // ensure we have a host if (host == null) { host = createHost(); } host.setParentClassLoader(classloader); String propertyPrefix = name; if (domain != null) { propertyPrefix += '_' + domain.replace('.', '_'); } log.debug("Generating name (for props) {}", propertyPrefix); System.setProperty(propertyPrefix + ".webapp.root", webappRoot); log.info("Virtual host root: {}", webappRoot); log.info("Virtual host context id: {}", defaultApplicationContextId); // Root applications directory File appDirBase = new File(webappRoot); // Subdirs of root apps dir File[] dirs = appDirBase.listFiles(new TomcatLoader.DirectoryFilter()); // Search for additional context files for (File dir : dirs) { String dirName = '/' + dir.getName(); // check to see if the directory is already mapped if (null == host.findChild(dirName)) { String webappContextDir = FileUtil.formatPath(appDirBase.getAbsolutePath(), dirName); Context ctx = null; if ("/root".equals(dirName) || "/root".equalsIgnoreCase(dirName)) { log.debug("Adding ROOT context"); ctx = addContext("/", webappContextDir); } else { log.debug("Adding context from directory scan: {}", dirName); ctx = addContext(dirName, webappContextDir); } log.debug("Context: {}", ctx); webappContextDir = null; } } appDirBase = null; dirs = null; // Dump context list if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { for (Container cont : host.findChildren()) { log.debug("Context child name: {}", cont.getName()); } } engine.addChild(host); // Start server try { log.info("Starting Tomcat virtual host"); // may not have to do this step for every host LoaderBase.setApplicationLoader( new TomcatApplicationLoader(embedded, host, applicationContext)); for (Container cont : host.findChildren()) { if (cont instanceof StandardContext) { StandardContext ctx = (StandardContext) cont; ServletContext servletContext = ctx.getServletContext(); log.debug("Context initialized: {}", servletContext.getContextPath()); // set the hosts id servletContext.setAttribute("red5.host.id", getHostId()); String prefix = servletContext.getRealPath("/"); log.debug("Path: {}", prefix); try { Loader cldr = ctx.getLoader(); log.debug("Loader type: {}", cldr.getClass().getName()); ClassLoader webClassLoader = cldr.getClassLoader(); log.debug("Webapp classloader: {}", webClassLoader); // create a spring web application context XmlWebApplicationContext appctx = new XmlWebApplicationContext(); appctx.setClassLoader(webClassLoader); appctx.setConfigLocations(new String[] {"/WEB-INF/red5-*.xml"}); // check for red5 context bean if (applicationContext.containsBean(defaultApplicationContextId)) { appctx.setParent( (ApplicationContext) applicationContext.getBean(defaultApplicationContextId)); } else { log.warn( "{} bean was not found in context: {}", defaultApplicationContextId, applicationContext.getDisplayName()); // lookup context loader and attempt to get what we need from it if (applicationContext.containsBean("context.loader")) { ContextLoader contextLoader = (ContextLoader) applicationContext.getBean("context.loader"); appctx.setParent(contextLoader.getContext(defaultApplicationContextId)); } else { log.debug("Context loader was not found, trying JMX"); MBeanServer mbs = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer(); // get the ContextLoader from jmx ContextLoaderMXBean proxy = null; ObjectName oName = null; try { oName = new ObjectName("org.red5.server:name=contextLoader,type=ContextLoader"); if (mbs.isRegistered(oName)) { proxy = JMX.newMXBeanProxy(mbs, oName, ContextLoaderMXBean.class, true); log.debug("Context loader was found"); proxy.setParentContext(defaultApplicationContextId, appctx.getId()); } else { log.warn("Context loader was not found"); } } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Exception looking up ContextLoader", e); } } } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { if (appctx.getParent() != null) { log.debug("Parent application context: {}", appctx.getParent().getDisplayName()); } } // appctx.setServletContext(servletContext); // set the root webapp ctx attr on the each servlet context so spring can find it later servletContext.setAttribute( WebApplicationContext.ROOT_WEB_APPLICATION_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE, appctx); appctx.refresh(); } catch (Throwable t) { log.error("Error setting up context: {}", servletContext.getContextPath(), t); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { t.printStackTrace(); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error loading Tomcat virtual host", e); } }
/** * initialize & configure the correct persistence strategy including manager, store, uuid * generator * * @param ctx * @param smBean */ public void initializePersistenceStrategy(Context ctx, SessionManager smBean) { super.initializePersistenceStrategy(ctx, smBean); _logger.finest("IN HaOndemandModifiedattributeStrategyBuilder"); String persistenceType = "ha"; String persistenceFrequency = "on-demand"; String persistenceScope = "modified-attribute"; Object[] params = {ctx.getPath(), persistenceType, persistenceFrequency, persistenceScope}; _logger.log(Level.INFO, "webcontainer.haPersistence", params); HAWebEventPersistentManager mgr = new HAWebEventPersistentManager(); mgr.setMaxActiveSessions(maxSessions); // mgr.setCheckInterval(reapInterval); //FIXME: put this back mgr.setMaxIdleBackup(0); // FIXME: Make configurable HAAttributeStore store = new HAAttributeStore(); // store.setCheckInterval(storeReapInterval); //FIXME: put this back mgr.setStore(store); // in the future can set other implementations // of UuidGenerator in server.xml // even if not set it defaults to UuidGeneratorImpl ServerConfigLookup lookup = new ServerConfigLookup(); UuidGenerator generator = lookup.getUuidGeneratorFromConfig(); mgr.setUuidGenerator(generator); _logger.finest("UUID_GENERATOR = " + generator); // for intra-vm session locking _logger.finest("sctx.restrictedSetPipeline(new SessionLockingStandardPipeline(sctx))"); StandardContext sctx = (StandardContext) ctx; sctx.restrictedSetPipeline(new SessionLockingStandardPipeline(sctx)); // special code for Java Server Faces if (sctx.findParameter(JSF_HA_ENABLED) == null) { sctx.addParameter(JSF_HA_ENABLED, "true"); } // START OF 6364900 mgr.setSessionLocker(new PESessionLocker(ctx)); // END OF 6364900 ctx.setManager(mgr); // this must be after ctx.setManager(mgr); if (!sctx.isSessionTimeoutOveridden()) { mgr.setMaxInactiveInterval(sessionMaxInactiveInterval); } // add SessionFactory mgr.setSessionFactory(new ModifiedAttributeSessionFactory()); // add HAStorePool ServerConfigReader configReader = new ServerConfigReader(); int haStorePoolSize = configReader.getHAStorePoolSizeFromConfig(); int haStorePoolUpperSize = configReader.getHAStorePoolUpperSizeFromConfig(); int haStorePoolPollTime = configReader.getHAStorePoolPollTimeFromConfig(); /* HAAttributeStoreFactory haStoreFactory = new HAAttributeStoreFactory(); _logger.finest("haStoreFactory : "+haStoreFactory.getClass()); HAStorePool storePool = new HAStorePool(haStorePoolSize, haStorePoolUpperSize, haStorePoolPollTime, haStoreFactory); mgr.setHAStorePool(storePool); */ StoreFactory haStoreFactory = new HAAttributeStoreFactory(); _logger.finest("haStoreFactory : " + haStoreFactory.getClass()); StorePool storePool = new StorePool(haStorePoolSize, haStorePoolUpperSize, haStorePoolPollTime, haStoreFactory); mgr.setStorePool(storePool); // add container listener for hooking sync calls ctx.addContainerListener(new HASyncContainerListener(mgr)); }
protected void initInternal() { StandardContext standardContext = (StandardContext) context; standardContext.addLifecycleListener(this); }
static StandardContext configure(Tomcat tomcat, Props props) { try { StandardContext context = (StandardContext) tomcat.addWebapp(getContextPath(props), webappPath(props)); context.setClearReferencesHttpClientKeepAliveThread(false); context.setClearReferencesStatic(false); context.setClearReferencesStopThreads(false); context.setClearReferencesStopTimerThreads(false); context.setClearReferencesStopTimerThreads(false); context.setAntiResourceLocking(false); context.setReloadable(false); context.setUseHttpOnly(true); context.setTldValidation(false); context.setXmlValidation(false); context.setXmlNamespaceAware(false); context.setUseNaming(false); context.setDelegate(true); context.setJarScanner(new NullJarScanner()); configureRails(props, context); for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : props.rawProperties().entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey().toString(); context.addParameter(key, entry.getValue().toString()); } return context; } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Fail to configure webapp", e); } }
@Override public synchronized void start() throws Exception { Host host = ServerUtil.getDefaultHost().getHost(); _serverContext = (StandardContext) host.findChild("/" + _contextName); if (_serverContext == null) { _serverContext = new StandardContext(); _serverContext.setPath("/" + _contextName); File docBase = new File(SERVER_TEMP_DIR, _contextName); if (!docBase.exists()) { if (!docBase.mkdirs()) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create temp directory " + docBase.getPath()); } } _serverContext.setDocBase(docBase.getPath()); _serverContext.addLifecycleListener(new ContextConfig()); final Loader loader = new WebCtxLoader(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()); loader.setContainer(host); _serverContext.setLoader(loader); _serverContext.setInstanceManager(new LocalInstanceManager()); Wrapper wrapper = _serverContext.createWrapper(); wrapper.setName(SERVLET_NAME); wrapper.setServletClass(SwitchYardRemotingServlet.class.getName()); wrapper.setLoadOnStartup(1); _serverContext.addChild(wrapper); _serverContext.addServletMapping("/*", SERVLET_NAME); host.addChild(_serverContext); _serverContext.create(); _serverContext.start(); SwitchYardRemotingServlet remotingServlet = (SwitchYardRemotingServlet) wrapper.getServlet(); remotingServlet.setEndpointPublisher(this); _log.info("Published Remote Service Endpoint " + _serverContext.getPath()); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Context " + _contextName + " already exists!"); } }
/** * Return the child Container that should be used to process this Request, based upon its * characteristics. If no such child Container can be identified, return <code>null</code> * instead. * * @param request Request being processed * @param update Update the Request to reflect the mapping selection? * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the relative portion of the path cannot be URL decoded */ public Container map(Request request, boolean update) { int debug = context.getDebug(); // Has this request already been mapped? if (update && (request.getWrapper() != null)) return (request.getWrapper()); // Identify the context-relative URI to be mapped String contextPath = ((HttpServletRequest) request.getRequest()).getContextPath(); String requestURI = ((HttpRequest) request).getDecodedRequestURI(); String relativeURI = requestURI.substring(contextPath.length()); // Apply the standard request URI mapping rules from the specification Wrapper wrapper = null; String servletPath = relativeURI; String pathInfo = null; String name = null; // Rule 1 -- Exact Match if (wrapper == null) { name = context.findServletMapping(requestURI); if (name == null) { if (!(relativeURI.equals("/"))) name = context.findServletMapping(relativeURI); } if (name != null) wrapper = (Wrapper) context.findChild(name); if (wrapper != null) { servletPath = relativeURI; pathInfo = null; } } // Rule 2 -- Prefix Match if (wrapper == null) { servletPath = relativeURI; while (true) { name = context.findServletMapping(servletPath + "/*"); if (name != null) wrapper = (Wrapper) context.findChild(name); if (wrapper != null) { pathInfo = relativeURI.substring(servletPath.length()); if (pathInfo.length() == 0) pathInfo = null; break; } int slash = servletPath.lastIndexOf('/'); if (slash < 0) break; servletPath = servletPath.substring(0, slash); } } // Rule 3 -- Extension Match if (wrapper == null) { int slash = relativeURI.lastIndexOf('/'); if (slash >= 0) { String last = relativeURI.substring(slash); int period = last.lastIndexOf('.'); if (period >= 0) { String pattern = "*" + last.substring(period); name = context.findServletMapping(pattern); if (name != null) wrapper = (Wrapper) context.findChild(name); if (wrapper != null) { servletPath = relativeURI; pathInfo = null; } } } } // Rule 4 -- Default Match if (wrapper == null) { name = context.findServletMapping("/"); if (name != null) wrapper = (Wrapper) context.findChild(name); if (wrapper != null) { servletPath = relativeURI; pathInfo = null; } } // Update the Request (if requested) and return this Wrapper if ((debug >= 1) && (wrapper != null)) if (update) { request.setWrapper(wrapper); ((HttpRequest) request).setServletPath(servletPath); ((HttpRequest) request).setPathInfo(pathInfo); } return (wrapper); }
protected void processDeployment( final String hostName, final WarMetaData warMetaData, final DeploymentUnitContext context) throws DeploymentUnitProcessingException { final VirtualFile deploymentRoot = VirtualFileAttachment.getVirtualFileAttachment(context); final Module module = context.getAttachment(ModuleDeploymentProcessor.MODULE_ATTACHMENT_KEY); if (module == null) { throw new DeploymentUnitProcessingException( "failed to resolve module for deployment " + deploymentRoot); } final ClassLoader classLoader = module.getClassLoader(); final JBossWebMetaData metaData = warMetaData.getMergedJBossWebMetaData(); // Create the context final StandardContext webContext = new StandardContext(); final ContextConfig config = new JBossContextConfig(context); // Set the deployment root try { webContext.setDocBase(deploymentRoot.getPhysicalFile().getAbsolutePath()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new DeploymentUnitProcessingException(e); } webContext.addLifecycleListener(config); // Set the path name final String deploymentName = context.getName(); String pathName = null; if (metaData.getContextRoot() == null) { pathName = deploymentRoot.getName(); if (pathName.equals("ROOT.war")) { pathName = ""; } else { pathName = "/" + pathName.substring(0, pathName.length() - 4); } } else { pathName = metaData.getContextRoot(); if ("/".equals(pathName)) { pathName = ""; } } webContext.setPath(pathName); webContext.setIgnoreAnnotations(true); // Add a dummy realm for now Realm realm = new MemoryRealm(); webContext.setRealm(realm); // final Loader loader = new WebCtxLoader(classLoader); final InstanceManager manager = new WebInjectionContainer(classLoader); webContext.setInstanceManager(manager); webContext.setLoader(loader); // Set the session cookies flag according to metadata switch (metaData.getSessionCookies()) { case JBossWebMetaData.SESSION_COOKIES_ENABLED: webContext.setCookies(true); break; case JBossWebMetaData.SESSION_COOKIES_DISABLED: webContext.setCookies(false); break; } String metaDataSecurityDomain = metaData.getSecurityDomain(); if (metaDataSecurityDomain != null) { metaDataSecurityDomain = metaDataSecurityDomain.trim(); } // Add the context service final BatchBuilder builder = context.getBatchBuilder(); builder .addService( WebSubsystemElement.JBOSS_WEB.append(deploymentName), new WebDeploymentService(webContext)) .addDependency( WebSubsystemElement.JBOSS_WEB_HOST.append(hostName), Host.class, new WebContextInjector(webContext)) .setInitialMode(Mode.ACTIVE); }
protected void processDeployment( final String hostName, final WarMetaData warMetaData, final DeploymentUnit deploymentUnit, final ServiceTarget serviceTarget) throws DeploymentUnitProcessingException { final VirtualFile deploymentRoot = deploymentUnit.getAttachment(Attachments.DEPLOYMENT_ROOT).getRoot(); final Module module = deploymentUnit.getAttachment(Attachments.MODULE); if (module == null) { throw new DeploymentUnitProcessingException(MESSAGES.failedToResolveModule(deploymentRoot)); } final ClassLoader classLoader = module.getClassLoader(); final JBossWebMetaData metaData = warMetaData.getMergedJBossWebMetaData(); final List<SetupAction> setupActions = deploymentUnit.getAttachmentList(org.jboss.as.ee.component.Attachments.WEB_SETUP_ACTIONS); // Create the context final StandardContext webContext = new StandardContext(); final JBossContextConfig config = new JBossContextConfig(deploymentUnit); // Add SecurityAssociationValve right at the beginning webContext.addValve(new SecurityContextAssociationValve(deploymentUnit)); // Set the deployment root try { webContext.setDocBase(deploymentRoot.getPhysicalFile().getAbsolutePath()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new DeploymentUnitProcessingException(e); } webContext.addLifecycleListener(config); final String pathName = pathNameOfDeployment(deploymentUnit, metaData); webContext.setPath(pathName); webContext.setIgnoreAnnotations(true); webContext.setCrossContext(!metaData.isDisableCrossContext()); final WebInjectionContainer injectionContainer = new WebInjectionContainer(module.getClassLoader()); // see AS7-2077 // basically we want to ignore components that have failed for whatever reason // if they are important they will be picked up when the web deployment actually starts final Map<String, ComponentInstantiator> components = deploymentUnit.getAttachment(WebAttachments.WEB_COMPONENT_INSTANTIATORS); if (components != null) { final Set<ServiceName> failed = deploymentUnit.getAttachment(org.jboss.as.ee.component.Attachments.FAILED_COMPONENTS); for (Map.Entry<String, ComponentInstantiator> entry : components.entrySet()) { boolean skip = false; for (final ServiceName serviceName : entry.getValue().getServiceNames()) { if (failed.contains(serviceName)) { skip = true; break; } } if (!skip) { injectionContainer.addInstantiator(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } } final Loader loader = new WebCtxLoader(classLoader); webContext.setLoader(loader); // Valves List<ValveMetaData> valves = metaData.getValves(); if (valves == null) { metaData.setValves(valves = new ArrayList<ValveMetaData>()); } for (ValveMetaData valve : valves) { Valve valveInstance = (Valve) getInstance(module, valve.getModule(), valve.getValveClass(), valve.getParams()); webContext.getPipeline().addValve(valveInstance); } // Container listeners List<ContainerListenerMetaData> listeners = metaData.getContainerListeners(); if (listeners != null) { for (ContainerListenerMetaData listener : listeners) { switch (listener.getListenerType()) { case CONTAINER: ContainerListener containerListener = (ContainerListener) getInstance( module, listener.getModule(), listener.getListenerClass(), listener.getParams()); webContext.addContainerListener(containerListener); break; case LIFECYCLE: LifecycleListener lifecycleListener = (LifecycleListener) getInstance( module, listener.getModule(), listener.getListenerClass(), listener.getParams()); if (webContext instanceof Lifecycle) { ((Lifecycle) webContext).addLifecycleListener(lifecycleListener); } break; case SERVLET_INSTANCE: webContext.addInstanceListener(listener.getListenerClass()); break; case SERVLET_CONTAINER: webContext.addWrapperListener(listener.getListenerClass()); break; case SERVLET_LIFECYCLE: webContext.addWrapperLifecycle(listener.getListenerClass()); break; } } } // Set the session cookies flag according to metadata switch (metaData.getSessionCookies()) { case JBossWebMetaData.SESSION_COOKIES_ENABLED: webContext.setCookies(true); break; case JBossWebMetaData.SESSION_COOKIES_DISABLED: webContext.setCookies(false); break; } String metaDataSecurityDomain = metaData.getSecurityDomain(); if (metaDataSecurityDomain != null) { metaDataSecurityDomain = metaDataSecurityDomain.trim(); } String securityDomain = metaDataSecurityDomain == null ? SecurityConstants.DEFAULT_APPLICATION_POLICY : SecurityUtil.unprefixSecurityDomain(metaDataSecurityDomain); // Setup an deployer configured ServletContext attributes final List<ServletContextAttribute> attributes = deploymentUnit.getAttachment(ServletContextAttribute.ATTACHMENT_KEY); try { final ServiceName deploymentServiceName = WebSubsystemServices.deploymentServiceName(hostName, pathName); final ServiceName realmServiceName = deploymentServiceName.append("realm"); final JBossWebRealmService realmService = new JBossWebRealmService(deploymentUnit); ServiceBuilder<?> builder = serviceTarget.addService(realmServiceName, realmService); builder .addDependency( DependencyType.REQUIRED, SecurityDomainService.SERVICE_NAME.append(securityDomain), SecurityDomainContext.class, realmService.getSecurityDomainContextInjector()) .setInitialMode(Mode.ACTIVE) .install(); final WebDeploymentService webDeploymentService = new WebDeploymentService(webContext, injectionContainer, setupActions, attributes); builder = serviceTarget .addService(deploymentServiceName, webDeploymentService) .addDependency( WebSubsystemServices.JBOSS_WEB_HOST.append(hostName), VirtualHost.class, new WebContextInjector(webContext)) .addDependencies(injectionContainer.getServiceNames()) .addDependency(realmServiceName, Realm.class, webDeploymentService.getRealm()) .addDependencies(deploymentUnit.getAttachmentList(Attachments.WEB_DEPENDENCIES)) .addDependency(JndiNamingDependencyProcessor.serviceName(deploymentUnit)); // add any dependencies required by the setup action for (final SetupAction action : setupActions) { builder.addDependencies(action.dependencies()); } if (metaData.getDistributable() != null) { DistributedCacheManagerFactoryService factoryService = new DistributedCacheManagerFactoryService(); DistributedCacheManagerFactory factory = factoryService.getValue(); if (factory != null) { ServiceName factoryServiceName = deploymentServiceName.append("session"); builder.addDependency( DependencyType.OPTIONAL, factoryServiceName, DistributedCacheManagerFactory.class, config.getDistributedCacheManagerFactoryInjector()); ServiceBuilder<DistributedCacheManagerFactory> factoryBuilder = serviceTarget.addService(factoryServiceName, factoryService); boolean enabled = factory.addDependencies(serviceTarget, factoryBuilder, metaData); factoryBuilder .setInitialMode( enabled ? ServiceController.Mode.ON_DEMAND : ServiceController.Mode.NEVER) .install(); } } builder.install(); // adding JACC service AbstractSecurityDeployer<?> deployer = new WarSecurityDeployer(); JaccService<?> service = deployer.deploy(deploymentUnit); if (service != null) { ((WarJaccService) service).setContext(webContext); final ServiceName jaccServiceName = JaccService.SERVICE_NAME.append(deploymentUnit.getName()); builder = serviceTarget.addService(jaccServiceName, service); if (deploymentUnit.getParent() != null) { // add dependency to parent policy final DeploymentUnit parentDU = deploymentUnit.getParent(); builder.addDependency( JaccService.SERVICE_NAME.append(parentDU.getName()), PolicyConfiguration.class, service.getParentPolicyInjector()); } // add dependency to web deployment service builder.addDependency(deploymentServiceName); builder.setInitialMode(Mode.ACTIVE).install(); } } catch (ServiceRegistryException e) { throw new DeploymentUnitProcessingException(MESSAGES.failedToAddWebDeployment(), e); } // Process the web related mgmt information final ModelNode node = deploymentUnit.getDeploymentSubsystemModel("web"); node.get("context-root").set("".equals(pathName) ? "/" : pathName); node.get("virtual-host").set(hostName); processManagement(deploymentUnit, metaData); }