コード例 #1
  protected Map<String, ColumnFamily> readColumnFamily(
      List<ReadCommand> commands, ConsistencyLevel consistency)
      throws InvalidRequestException, UnavailableException, TimedOutException {
    // TODO - Support multiple column families per row, right now row only contains 1 column family
    Map<String, ColumnFamily> columnFamilyKeyMap = new HashMap<String, ColumnFamily>();

    if (consistency == ConsistencyLevel.ZERO)
      throw newInvalidRequestException(
          "Consistency level zero may not be applied to read operations");

    if (consistency == ConsistencyLevel.ALL)
      throw newInvalidRequestException(
          "Consistency level all is not yet supported on read operations");

    List<Row> rows;
    try {
      rows = StorageProxy.readProtocol(commands, thriftConsistencyLevel(consistency));
    } catch (TimeoutException e) {
      throw new TimedOutException();
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);
    // FIXME: This suckage brought to you by StorageService and StorageProxy
    // which throw Thrift exceptions directly.
    catch (org.apache.cassandra.thrift.UnavailableException e) {
      throw new UnavailableException();

    for (Row row : rows) {
      columnFamilyKeyMap.put(row.key, row.cf);

    return columnFamilyKeyMap;