private static <T> Maybe<T> tryValidateBean( T object, RegisteredType type, final RegisteredTypeLoadingContext context) { if (object == null) return Maybe.absentNull("object is null"); if (type != null) { if (type.getKind() != RegisteredTypeKind.BEAN) return Maybe.absent("Validating a bean when type is " + type.getKind() + " " + type); if (!isSubtypeOf(object.getClass(), type)) return Maybe.absent(object + " does not have all the java supertypes of " + type); } if (context != null) { if (context.getExpectedKind() != null && context.getExpectedKind() != RegisteredTypeKind.BEAN) return Maybe.absent( "Validating a bean when constraint expected " + context.getExpectedKind()); if (context.getExpectedJavaSuperType() != null && !context.getExpectedJavaSuperType().isInstance(object)) return Maybe.absent( object + " is not of the expected java supertype " + context.getExpectedJavaSuperType()); } return Maybe.of(object); }
/** * Returns a wrapped map, if the object is YAML which parses as a map; otherwise returns absent * capable of throwing an error with more details */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static Maybe<Map<?, ?>> getAsYamlMap(Object planData) { if (!(planData instanceof String)) return Maybe.absent("not a string"); Iterable<Object> result; try { result = Yamls.parseAll((String) planData); } catch (Exception e) { Exceptions.propagateIfFatal(e); return Maybe.absent(e); } Iterator<Object> ri = result.iterator(); if (!ri.hasNext()) return Maybe.absent("YAML has no elements in it"); Object r1 =; if (ri.hasNext()) return Maybe.absent("YAML has multiple elements in it"); if (r1 instanceof Map) return (Maybe<Map<?, ?>>) (Maybe<?>) Maybe.of(r1); return Maybe.absent("YAML does not contain a map"); }
private WaitInTaskForAttributeReady( Entity source, AttributeSensor<T> sensor, Predicate<? super T> ready, List<AttributeAndSensorCondition<?>> abortConditions, String blockingDetails) { this.source = source; this.sensor = sensor; this.ready = ready; this.abortSensorConditions = abortConditions; this.blockingDetails = blockingDetails; this.timeout = Duration.PRACTICALLY_FOREVER; this.onTimeout = Maybe.absent(); this.ignoreUnmanaged = DEFAULT_IGNORE_UNMANAGED; this.onUnmanaged = Maybe.absent(); this.postProcess = null; }
/** * Validates that the given type matches the context (if supplied); if not satisfied. returns an * {@link Absent} if failed with details of the error, with {@link Absent#isNull()} true if the * object is null. */ public static Maybe<RegisteredType> tryValidate( RegisteredType item, final RegisteredTypeLoadingContext constraint) { // kept as a Maybe in case someone wants a wrapper around item validity; // unclear what the contract should be, as this can return Maybe.Present(null) // which is suprising, but it is more natural to callers otherwise they'll likely do a separate // null check on the item // (often handling null different to errors) so the Maybe.get() is redundant as they have an // object for the input anyway. if (item == null || constraint == null) return Maybe.ofDisallowingNull(item); if (constraint.getExpectedKind() != null && !constraint.getExpectedKind().equals(item.getKind())) return Maybe.absent(item + " is not the expected kind " + constraint.getExpectedKind()); if (constraint.getExpectedJavaSuperType() != null) { if (!isSubtypeOf(item, constraint.getExpectedJavaSuperType())) { return Maybe.absent( item + " is not for the expected type " + constraint.getExpectedJavaSuperType()); } } return Maybe.of(item); }
private static <T> Maybe<T> tryValidateSpec( T object, RegisteredType rType, final RegisteredTypeLoadingContext constraint) { if (object == null) return Maybe.absentNull("object is null"); if (!(object instanceof AbstractBrooklynObjectSpec)) { Maybe.absent("Found " + object + " when expecting a spec"); } Class<?> targetType = ((AbstractBrooklynObjectSpec<?, ?>) object).getType(); if (targetType == null) { Maybe.absent("Spec " + object + " does not have a target type"); } if (rType != null) { if (rType.getKind() != RegisteredTypeKind.SPEC) Maybe.absent("Validating a spec when type is " + rType.getKind() + " " + rType); if (!isSubtypeOf(targetType, rType)) Maybe.absent(object + " does not have all the java supertypes of " + rType); } if (constraint != null) { if (constraint.getExpectedJavaSuperType() != null) { if (!constraint.getExpectedJavaSuperType().isAssignableFrom(targetType)) { Maybe.absent( object + " does not target the expected java supertype " + constraint.getExpectedJavaSuperType()); } if (constraint.getExpectedJavaSuperType().isAssignableFrom(BrooklynObjectInternal.class)) { // don't check spec type; any spec is acceptable } else { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Class<? extends AbstractBrooklynObjectSpec<?, ?>> specType = RegisteredTypeLoadingContexts.lookupSpecTypeForTarget( (Class<? extends BrooklynObject>) constraint.getExpectedJavaSuperType()); if (specType == null) { // means a problem in our classification of spec types! Maybe.absent( object + " is returned as spec for unexpected java supertype " + constraint.getExpectedJavaSuperType()); } if (!specType.isAssignableFrom(object.getClass())) { Maybe.absent( object + " is not a spec of the expected java supertype " + constraint.getExpectedJavaSuperType()); } } } } return Maybe.of(object); }
public Builder<T, V> onUnmanagedThrow() { onUnmanaged = Maybe.<V>absent(); return this; }
public Builder<T, V> onTimeoutThrow() { onTimeout = Maybe.<V>absent(); return this; }
@Override @Deprecated public Maybe<Object> getConfigRaw(ConfigKey<?> key, boolean includeInherited) { Maybe<Object> result = delegate.getConfigRaw(key, includeInherited); return (result.isPresent()) ? Maybe.of(transform(key, result.get())) : Maybe.absent(); }