@Override public void visitField(Field obj) { if (!isInnerClass && obj.isPrivate() && !obj.isSynthetic()) { String sig = obj.getSignature(); if (sig.startsWith(Values.SIG_QUALIFIED_CLASS_PREFIX)) { String type = SignatureUtils.stripSignature(sig); if (doesObjectNeedToBeWatched(type)) { fieldSpecialObjects.put(obj.getName(), obj.getSignature()); } } } }
/** * overrides the visitor to report on classes without toStrings that have fields * * @param classContext the context object of the currently parsed class */ @Override public void visitClassContext(ClassContext classContext) { JavaClass cls = classContext.getJavaClass(); if (cls.getPackageName().isEmpty()) { bugReporter.reportBug( new BugInstance(this, BugType.IMC_IMMATURE_CLASS_NO_PACKAGE.name(), LOW_PRIORITY) .addClass(cls)); } if ((!cls.isAbstract()) && (!cls.isEnum()) && !cls.getClassName().contains("$") && !isTestClass(cls)) { try { boolean clsHasRuntimeAnnotation = classHasRuntimeVisibleAnnotation(cls); HEStatus heStatus = HEStatus.UNKNOWN; checkIDEGeneratedParmNames(cls); for (Field f : cls.getFields()) { if (!f.isStatic() && !f.isSynthetic()) { boolean fieldHasRuntimeAnnotation = fieldHasRuntimeVisibleAnnotation(f); if (!fieldHasRuntimeAnnotation) { /* only report one of these, so as not to flood the report */ if (!hasMethodInHierarchy(cls, "toString", "()Ljava/lang/String;")) { bugReporter.reportBug( new BugInstance( this, BugType.IMC_IMMATURE_CLASS_NO_TOSTRING.name(), LOW_PRIORITY) .addClass(cls)); return; } if (heStatus != HEStatus.NOT_NEEDED) { String fieldSig = f.getSignature(); if (fieldSig.startsWith("L")) { if (!fieldSig.startsWith("Ljava")) { JavaClass fieldClass = Repository.lookupClass(fieldSig.substring(1, fieldSig.length() - 1)); if (!hasMethodInHierarchy(fieldClass, "equals", "(Ljava/lang/Object)Z")) { heStatus = HEStatus.NOT_NEEDED; } } else if (!fieldSig.startsWith("Ljava/lang/") && !fieldSig.startsWith("Ljava/util/")) { heStatus = HEStatus.NOT_NEEDED; } } else if (!fieldSig.startsWith("[")) { heStatus = HEStatus.NEEDED; } } } else { heStatus = HEStatus.NOT_NEEDED; } } } if (!clsHasRuntimeAnnotation && (heStatus == HEStatus.NEEDED)) { if (!hasMethodInHierarchy(cls, "equals", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z")) { bugReporter.reportBug( new BugInstance(this, BugType.IMC_IMMATURE_CLASS_NO_EQUALS.name(), LOW_PRIORITY) .addClass(cls)); } else if (!hasMethodInHierarchy(cls, "hashCode", "()I")) { bugReporter.reportBug( new BugInstance(this, BugType.IMC_IMMATURE_CLASS_NO_HASHCODE.name(), LOW_PRIORITY) .addClass(cls)); } } } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { bugReporter.reportMissingClass(cnfe); } } }