コード例 #1
   * Waits until it is safe to stop or the the specified end time has been reached. A delay of
   * <code>waitIntervalMillis</code> milliseconds is used between each subsequent check. If the
   * state "safeToStop" is reached before the specified <code>endTime</code>, the return value is
   * true.
   * @param waitIntervalMillis the pause time (delay) in milliseconds between subsequent checks
   * @param endTime the time until which the checks need to finish successfully
   * @return true, if a safe state is reached before the specified <code>endTime</code>, otherwise
   *     false (forceful stop required)
  public boolean waitUntilSafeToStop(long waitIntervalMillis, long endTime) {

    boolean safeToStop = false;
    boolean forcefulStop = false;
    Axis2TransportHelper transportHelper = new Axis2TransportHelper(configurationContext);

    // wait until it is safe to shutdown (listeners and tasks are idle, no callbacks)
    while (!safeToStop && !forcefulStop) {

      int pendingListenerThreads = transportHelper.getPendingListenerThreadCount();
      if (pendingListenerThreads > 0) {
            new StringBuilder("Waiting for: ")
                .append(" listener threads to complete")
      int pendingSenderThreads = transportHelper.getPendingSenderThreadCount();
      if (pendingSenderThreads > 0) {
            new StringBuilder("Waiting for: ")
                .append(" listener threads to complete")
      int activeConnections = transportHelper.getActiveConnectionsCount();
      if (activeConnections > 0) {
        log.info("Waiting for: " + activeConnections + " active connections to be closed..");
      int pendingTransportThreads = pendingListenerThreads + pendingSenderThreads;

      int pendingCallbacks = serverContextInformation.getCallbackCount();
      if (pendingCallbacks > 0) {
        log.info("Waiting for: " + pendingCallbacks + " callbacks/replies..");

      int runningTasks = 0;
      SynapseTaskManager synapseTaskManager = synapseEnvironment.getTaskManager();
      if (synapseTaskManager.isInitialized()) {
        runningTasks = synapseTaskManager.getTaskScheduler().getRunningTaskCount();
        if (runningTasks > 0) {
          log.info("Waiting for : " + runningTasks + " tasks to complete..");

      // it is safe to stop if all used listener threads, callbacks and tasks are zero
      safeToStop = ((pendingTransportThreads + pendingCallbacks + runningTasks) == 0);

      if (safeToStop) {
        log.info("All transport threads and tasks are idle and no pending callbacks..");
      } else {
        if (System.currentTimeMillis() < endTime) {
              new StringBuilder("Waiting for a maximum of another ")
                  .append((endTime - System.currentTimeMillis()) / 1000)
                  .append(" seconds until transport threads and tasks become idle, ")
                  .append("active connections to get closed,")
                  .append(" and callbacks to be completed..")
          try {
          } catch (InterruptedException ignore) {
            // nothing to do here
        } else {
          // maximum time to wait is over, do a forceful stop
          forcefulStop = true;

    return !forcefulStop;