コード例 #1
  protected void deleteEdge(AtlasEdge edge, boolean updateReverseAttribute, boolean force)
      throws AtlasException {
    // update reverse attribute
    if (updateReverseAttribute) {
      AttributeInfo attributeInfo = getAttributeForEdge(edge.getLabel());
      if (attributeInfo.reverseAttributeName != null) {
            edge.getInVertex(), edge.getOutVertex(), attributeInfo.reverseAttributeName);

    deleteEdge(edge, force);
コード例 #2
  protected void deleteVertex(AtlasVertex instanceVertex, boolean force) throws AtlasException {
    // Update external references(incoming edges) to this vertex
        "Setting the external references to {} to null(removing edges)", string(instanceVertex));
    Iterator<AtlasEdge> edges = instanceVertex.getEdges(AtlasEdgeDirection.IN).iterator();

    while (edges.hasNext()) {
      AtlasEdge edge = edges.next();
      Id.EntityState edgeState = GraphHelper.getState(edge);
      if (edgeState == Id.EntityState.ACTIVE) {
        // Delete only the active edge references
        AttributeInfo attribute = getAttributeForEdge(edge.getLabel());
        // TODO use delete edge instead??
        deleteEdgeBetweenVertices(edge.getOutVertex(), edge.getInVertex(), attribute.name);
    _deleteVertex(instanceVertex, force);
コード例 #3
   * Force delete is used to remove struct/trait in case of entity updates
   * @param edge
   * @param typeCategory
   * @param isComposite
   * @param forceDeleteStructTrait
   * @return returns true if the edge reference is hard deleted
   * @throws AtlasException
  public boolean deleteEdgeReference(
      AtlasEdge edge,
      DataTypes.TypeCategory typeCategory,
      boolean isComposite,
      boolean forceDeleteStructTrait)
      throws AtlasException {
    LOG.debug("Deleting {}", string(edge));
    boolean forceDelete =
        (typeCategory == DataTypes.TypeCategory.STRUCT
                || typeCategory == DataTypes.TypeCategory.TRAIT)
            ? forceDeleteStructTrait
            : false;
    if (typeCategory == DataTypes.TypeCategory.STRUCT
        || typeCategory == DataTypes.TypeCategory.TRAIT
        || (typeCategory == DataTypes.TypeCategory.CLASS && isComposite)) {
      // If the vertex is of type struct/trait, delete the edge and then the reference vertex as the
      // vertex is not shared by any other entities.
      // If the vertex is of type class, and its composite attribute, this reference vertex'
      // lifecycle is controlled
      // through this delete, hence delete the edge and the reference vertex.
      AtlasVertex vertexForDelete = edge.getInVertex();

      // If deleting the edge and then the in vertex, reverse attribute shouldn't be updated
      deleteEdge(edge, false, forceDelete);
      deleteTypeVertex(vertexForDelete, typeCategory, forceDelete);
    } else {
      // If the vertex is of type class, and its not a composite attributes, the reference
      // AtlasVertex' lifecycle is not controlled
      // through this delete. Hence just remove the reference edge. Leave the reference AtlasVertex
      // as is

      // If deleting just the edge, reverse attribute should be updated for any references
      // For example, for the department type system, if the person's manager edge is deleted,
      // subordinates of manager should be updated
      deleteEdge(edge, true, false);
    return !softDelete || forceDelete;
コード例 #4
   * Deletes the edge between outvertex and inVertex. The edge is for attribute attributeName of
   * outVertex
   * @param outVertex
   * @param inVertex
   * @param attributeName
   * @throws AtlasException
  protected void deleteEdgeBetweenVertices(
      AtlasVertex outVertex, AtlasVertex inVertex, String attributeName) throws AtlasException {
        "Removing edge from {} to {} with attribute name {}",
    String typeName = GraphHelper.getTypeName(outVertex);
    String outId = GraphHelper.getIdFromVertex(outVertex);
    Id.EntityState state = GraphHelper.getState(outVertex);
    if ((outId != null && RequestContext.get().isDeletedEntity(outId))
        || state == Id.EntityState.DELETED) {
      // If the reference vertex is marked for deletion, skip updating the reference

    IDataType type = typeSystem.getDataType(IDataType.class, typeName);
    AttributeInfo attributeInfo = getFieldMapping(type).fields.get(attributeName);
    String propertyName = GraphHelper.getQualifiedFieldName(type, attributeName);
    String edgeLabel = EDGE_LABEL_PREFIX + propertyName;
    AtlasEdge edge = null;

    switch (attributeInfo.dataType().getTypeCategory()) {
      case CLASS:
        // If its class attribute, its the only edge between two vertices
        if (attributeInfo.multiplicity.nullAllowed()) {
          edge = graphHelper.getEdgeForLabel(outVertex, edgeLabel);
          if (shouldUpdateReverseAttribute) {
            GraphHelper.setProperty(outVertex, propertyName, null);
        } else {
          // Cannot unset a required attribute.
          throw new NullRequiredAttributeException(
              "Cannot unset required attribute "
                  + GraphHelper.getQualifiedFieldName(type, attributeName)
                  + " on "
                  + GraphHelper.getVertexDetails(outVertex)
                  + " edge = "
                  + edgeLabel);

      case ARRAY:
        // If its array attribute, find the right edge between the two vertices and update array
        // property
        List<String> elements = GraphHelper.getListProperty(outVertex, propertyName);
        if (elements != null) {
          elements =
              new ArrayList<>(
                  elements); // Make a copy, else list.remove reflects on titan.getProperty()
          for (String elementEdgeId : elements) {
            AtlasEdge elementEdge =
                graphHelper.getEdgeByEdgeId(outVertex, edgeLabel, elementEdgeId);
            if (elementEdge == null) {

            AtlasVertex elementVertex = elementEdge.getInVertex();
            if (elementVertex.equals(inVertex)) {
              edge = elementEdge;

              // TODO element.size includes deleted items as well. should exclude
              if (!attributeInfo.multiplicity.nullAllowed()
                  && elements.size() <= attributeInfo.multiplicity.lower) {
                // Deleting this edge would violate the attribute's lower bound.
                throw new NullRequiredAttributeException(
                    "Cannot remove array element from required attribute "
                        + GraphHelper.getQualifiedFieldName(type, attributeName)
                        + " on "
                        + GraphHelper.getVertexDetails(outVertex)
                        + " "
                        + GraphHelper.getEdgeDetails(elementEdge));

              if (shouldUpdateReverseAttribute) {
                // if composite attribute, remove the reference as well. else, just remove the edge
                // for example, when table is deleted, process still references the table
                // but when column is deleted, table will not reference the deleted column
                    "Removing edge {} from the array attribute {}",
                GraphHelper.setProperty(outVertex, propertyName, elements);

      case MAP:
        // If its map attribute, find the right edge between two vertices and update map property
        List<String> keys = GraphHelper.getListProperty(outVertex, propertyName);
        if (keys != null) {
          keys =
              new ArrayList<>(
                  keys); // Make a copy, else list.remove reflects on titan.getProperty()
          for (String key : keys) {
            String keyPropertyName = GraphHelper.getQualifiedNameForMapKey(propertyName, key);
            String mapEdgeId =
                GraphHelper.getSingleValuedProperty(outVertex, keyPropertyName, String.class);
            AtlasEdge mapEdge = graphHelper.getEdgeByEdgeId(outVertex, keyPropertyName, mapEdgeId);
            if (mapEdge != null) {
              AtlasVertex mapVertex = mapEdge.getInVertex();
              if (mapVertex.getId().toString().equals(inVertex.getId().toString())) {
                // TODO keys.size includes deleted items as well. should exclude
                if (attributeInfo.multiplicity.nullAllowed()
                    || keys.size() > attributeInfo.multiplicity.lower) {
                  edge = mapEdge;
                } else {
                  // Deleting this entry would violate the attribute's lower bound.
                  throw new NullRequiredAttributeException(
                      "Cannot remove map entry "
                          + keyPropertyName
                          + " from required attribute "
                          + GraphHelper.getQualifiedFieldName(type, attributeName)
                          + " on "
                          + GraphHelper.getVertexDetails(outVertex)
                          + " "
                          + GraphHelper.getEdgeDetails(mapEdge));

                if (shouldUpdateReverseAttribute) {
                  // remove this key
                      "Removing edge {}, key {} from the map attribute {}",
                  GraphHelper.setProperty(outVertex, propertyName, keys);
                  GraphHelper.setProperty(outVertex, keyPropertyName, null);

      case STRUCT:
      case TRAIT:

        throw new IllegalStateException(
            "There can't be an edge from "
                + GraphHelper.getVertexDetails(outVertex)
                + " to "
                + GraphHelper.getVertexDetails(inVertex)
                + " with attribute name "
                + attributeName
                + " which is not class/array/map attribute");

    if (edge != null) {
      deleteEdge(edge, false);
      RequestContext requestContext = RequestContext.get();